blob: d2f2c164c5d13c5e2e6f89c471875270a093819f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
* Common options for authentication and TLS.
public class AuthAndTLSOptions extends OptionsBase {
name = "google_default_credentials",
oldName = "auth_enabled",
defaultValue = "false",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help =
"Whether to use 'Google Application Default Credentials' for authentication."
+ " See for details. Disabled by default."
public boolean useGoogleDefaultCredentials;
name = "google_auth_scopes",
oldName = "auth_scope",
defaultValue = "",
converter = CommaSeparatedOptionListConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help = "A comma-separated list of Google Cloud authentication scopes."
public List<String> googleAuthScopes;
name = "google_credentials",
oldName = "auth_credentials",
defaultValue = "null",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help =
"Specifies the file to get authentication credentials from. See "
+ " for details."
public String googleCredentials;
name = "tls_certificate",
defaultValue = "null",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help = "Specify a path to a TLS certificate that is trusted to sign server certificates.")
public String tlsCertificate;
name = "tls_client_certificate",
defaultValue = "null",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help =
"Specify the TLS client certificate to use; you also need to provide a client key to "
+ "enable client authentication.")
public String tlsClientCertificate;
name = "tls_client_key",
defaultValue = "null",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help =
"Specify the TLS client key to use; you also need to provide a client certificate to "
+ "enable client authentication.")
public String tlsClientKey;
name = "tls_authority_override",
defaultValue = "null",
metadataTags = {OptionMetadataTag.HIDDEN},
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNDOCUMENTED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help =
"TESTING ONLY! Can be used with a self-signed certificate to consider the specified "
+ "value a valid TLS authority."
public String tlsAuthorityOverride;
name = "grpc_keepalive_time",
defaultValue = "null",
converter = DurationConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help =
"Configures keep-alive pings for outgoing gRPC connections. If this is set, then Bazel"
+ " sends pings after this much time of no read operations on the connection, but"
+ " only if there is at least one pending gRPC call. Times are treated as second"
+ " granularity; it is an error to set a value less than one second. By default,"
+ " keep-alive pings are disabled. You should coordinate with the service owner"
+ " before enabling this setting. For example to set a value of 30 seconds to this"
+ " flag, it should be done as this --grpc_keepalive_time=30s")
public Duration grpcKeepaliveTime;
name = "grpc_keepalive_timeout",
defaultValue = "20s",
converter = DurationConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help =
"Configures a keep-alive timeout for outgoing gRPC connections. If keep-alive pings are "
+ "enabled with --grpc_keepalive_time, then Bazel times out a connection if it does "
+ "not receive a ping reply after this much time. Times are treated as second "
+ "granularity; it is an error to set a value less than one second. If keep-alive "
+ "pings are disabled, then this setting is ignored.")
public Duration grpcKeepaliveTimeout;
name = "credential_helper",
oldName = "experimental_credential_helper",
defaultValue = "null",
allowMultiple = true,
converter = CredentialHelperOptionConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help =
"Configures a credential helper conforming to the <a"
+ " href=\"\">Credential Helper"
+ " Specification</a> to use for retrieving authorization credentials for repository"
+ " fetching, remote caching and execution, and the build event service.\n\n"
+ "Credentials supplied by a helper take precedence over credentials supplied by"
+ " `--google_default_credentials`, `--google_credentials`, a `.netrc` file, or the"
+ " auth parameter to `` and"
+ " `repository_ctx.download_and_extract()`.\n\n"
+ "May be specified multiple times to set up multiple helpers.\n\n"
+ "See for"
+ " instructions.")
public List<CredentialHelperOption> credentialHelpers;
name = "credential_helper_timeout",
oldName = "experimental_credential_helper_timeout",
defaultValue = "10s",
converter = DurationConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help =
"Configures the timeout for a credential helper.\n\n"
+ "Credential helpers failing to respond within this timeout will fail the"
+ " invocation.")
public Duration credentialHelperTimeout;
name = "credential_helper_cache_duration",
oldName = "experimental_credential_helper_cache_duration",
defaultValue = "30m",
converter = DurationConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help =
"The default duration for which credentials supplied by a credential helper are cached if"
+ " the helper does not provide when the credentials expire.")
public Duration credentialHelperCacheTimeout;
* One of the values of the `--credential_helper` flag.
* @param scope Returns the scope of the credential helper (if any).
* <p>The scope is a valid ASCII domain name with an optional leading '.*' wildcard.
* @param path Returns the (unparsed) path of the credential helper.
public record CredentialHelperOption(Optional<String> scope, String path) {
public CredentialHelperOption {
requireNonNull(scope, "scope");
requireNonNull(path, "path");
/** A {@link Converter} for the `--credential_helper` flag. */
public static final class CredentialHelperOptionConverter
extends Converter.Contextless<CredentialHelperOption> {
public static final CredentialHelperOptionConverter INSTANCE =
new CredentialHelperOptionConverter();
public String getTypeDescription() {
return "Path to a credential helper. It may be absolute, relative to the PATH environment"
+ " variable, or %workspace%-relative. The path be optionally prefixed by a scope "
+ " followed by an '='. The scope is a domain name, optionally with a single leading '*'"
+ " wildcard component. A helper applies to URIs matching its scope, with more specific"
+ " scopes preferred. If a helper has no scope, it applies to every URI.";
public CredentialHelperOption convert(String input) throws OptionsParsingException {
int pos = input.indexOf('=');
if (pos >= 0) {
String scope = parseScope(input.substring(0, pos));
String path = parsePath(input.substring(pos + 1));
return new CredentialHelperOption(Optional.of(scope), path);
// `input` does not specify a scope.
return new CredentialHelperOption(Optional.empty(), parsePath(input));
private String parseScope(String scope) throws OptionsParsingException {
if (scope.isEmpty()) {
throw new OptionsParsingException("Credential helper scope must not be empty");
String wildcard = "";
String domainName = scope;
if (scope.startsWith("*.") && scope.length() > 2) {
wildcard = "*.";
domainName = scope.substring(2);
try {
// Check that the domain name is either ASCII and conforming to RFC 1122 and RFC 1123,
// or non-ASCII and conforming to RFC 3490. In the latter case, convert it to Punycode.
// See
return wildcard + IDN.toASCII(domainName, IDN.USE_STD3_ASCII_RULES);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new OptionsParsingException(
"Credential helper scope '"
+ scope
+ "' must be a valid domain name with an optional leading '*.' wildcard",
private String parsePath(String path) throws OptionsParsingException {
if (path.isEmpty()) {
throw new OptionsParsingException("Credential helper path must not be empty");
return path;