blob: 9f51c51493db6ebb0c49de26a39373454a68d9d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* A library of the fixed Starlark environment for various contexts.
* <p>This is the source of truth for what symbols are available in what Starlark contexts (BUILD,
* .bzl, etc.), before considering how symbols may be added by registering them on the rule class
* provider, or how symbols may be substituted by builtins injection. In other words, this is the
* starting point for defining the minimum Starlark environments that Bazel supports for BUILD
* files, .bzl files, etc. See {@link BazelStarlarkEnvironment} for the final determination of the
* environment after accounting for registered symbols and builtins injection.
* <p>This is split between an interface in the lib/packages/ directory and an implementation in the
* lib/analysis/starlark/ directory, in order to avoid new dependency edges from lib/packages/ to
* lib/analysis/.
public interface StarlarkGlobals {
* Returns a simple environment containing a few general utility modules, {@code depset}, and
* {@code select()}.
* <p>In general, if you need a Bazel-y Starlark environment and don't know what to choose, prefer
* to use this one for uniformity with as many other contexts as possible.
ImmutableMap<String, Object> getUtilToplevels();
* Similar to {@link #getUtilToplevels} but without {@code select()} and with {@code struct}. Used
* for cquery.
// TODO(bazel-team): Consider whether we should replace usage of this with getUtilTopLevels(), at
// the cost of the cquery dialect changing slightly, for the sake of uniformity and fewer
// kinds of environments.
ImmutableMap<String, Object> getUtilToplevelsForCquery();
* Returns the fixed top-levels for BUILD files that also happen to be fields of {@code native}.
* This does not include any native rules.
ImmutableMap<String, Object> getFixedBuildFileToplevelsSharedWithNative();
/** Returns the fixed top-levels for BUILD files that are *not* also fields of {@code native}. */
ImmutableMap<String, Object> getFixedBuildFileToplevelsNotInNative();
/** Returns the fixed top-levels for .bzl files, excluding the {@code native} object. */
ImmutableMap<String, Object> getFixedBzlToplevels();
/** Returns the top-levels for .scl files. */
ImmutableMap<String, Object> getSclToplevels();
/** Returns the top-levels for MODULE.bazel files and their imports. */
ImmutableMap<String, Object> getModuleToplevels();
/** Returns the top-levels for REPO.bazel files. */
ImmutableMap<String, Object> getRepoToplevels();