blob: 612d92fa8b6382e2a9f8d7fc544b2d3acb3766f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
/** Utilites related to C++ support. */
name = "cc_common",
doc = "Utilities for C++ compilation, linking, and command line generation.")
public interface CcModuleApi<
StarlarkActionFactoryT extends StarlarkActionFactoryApi,
FileT extends FileApi,
CcToolchainProviderT extends CcToolchainProviderApi<?>,
FeatureConfigurationT extends FeatureConfigurationApi,
CompilationContextT extends CcCompilationContextApi<FileT>,
LinkerInputT extends LinkerInputApi<LibraryToLinkT, FileT>,
LinkingContextT extends CcLinkingContextApi<?>,
LibraryToLinkT extends LibraryToLinkApi<FileT>,
CcToolchainVariablesT extends CcToolchainVariablesApi,
ConstraintValueT extends ConstraintValueInfoApi,
StarlarkRuleContextT extends StarlarkRuleContextApi<ConstraintValueT>,
CcToolchainConfigInfoT extends CcToolchainConfigInfoApi,
CompilationOutputsT extends CcCompilationOutputsApi<FileT>>
extends StarlarkValue {
name = "CcToolchainInfo",
doc =
"The key used to retrieve the provider that contains information about the C++ "
+ "toolchain being used",
structField = true)
ProviderApi getCcToolchainProvider();
name = "do_not_use_tools_cpp_compiler_present",
doc =
"Do not use this field, its only puprose is to help with migration from "
+ "config_setting.values{'compiler') to "
+ "config_settings.flag_values{'@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:compiler'}",
structField = true)
default void compilerFlagExists() {}
name = "configure_features",
doc = "Creates a feature_configuration instance. Requires the cpp configuration fragment.",
parameters = {
name = "ctx",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
type = StarlarkRuleContextApi.class,
doc = "The rule context."),
name = "cc_toolchain",
doc = "cc_toolchain for which we configure features.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = CcToolchainProviderApi.class),
name = "requested_features",
doc = "List of features to be enabled.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = Sequence.class),
name = "unsupported_features",
doc = "List of features that are unsupported by the current rule.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = Sequence.class),
FeatureConfigurationT configureFeatures(
Object ruleContextOrNone,
CcToolchainProviderT toolchain,
Sequence<?> requestedFeatures, // <String> expected
Sequence<?> unsupportedFeatures) // <String> expected
throws EvalException;
name = "get_tool_for_action",
doc = "Returns tool path for given action.",
parameters = {
name = "feature_configuration",
doc = "Feature configuration to be queried.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = FeatureConfigurationApi.class),
name = "action_name",
doc =
"Name of the action. Has to be one of the names in "
+ "@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/cc:action_names.bzl "
+ "("
+ "action_names.bzl)",
named = true,
positional = false),
String getToolForAction(FeatureConfigurationT featureConfiguration, String actionName);
name = "get_execution_requirements",
doc = "Returns execution requirements for given action.",
parameters = {
name = "feature_configuration",
doc = "Feature configuration to be queried.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = FeatureConfigurationApi.class),
name = "action_name",
doc =
"Name of the action. Has to be one of the names in "
+ "@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/cc:action_names.bzl "
+ "("
+ "action_names.bzl)",
named = true,
positional = false),
Sequence<String> getExecutionRequirements(
FeatureConfigurationT featureConfiguration, String actionName);
name = "is_enabled",
doc = "Returns True if given feature is enabled in the feature configuration.",
parameters = {
name = "feature_configuration",
doc = "Feature configuration to be queried.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = FeatureConfigurationApi.class),
name = "feature_name",
doc = "Name of the feature.",
named = true,
positional = false),
boolean isEnabled(FeatureConfigurationT featureConfiguration, String featureName);
name = "action_is_enabled",
doc = "Returns True if given action_config is enabled in the feature configuration.",
parameters = {
name = "feature_configuration",
doc = "Feature configuration to be queried.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = FeatureConfigurationApi.class),
name = "action_name",
doc = "Name of the action_config.",
named = true,
positional = false),
boolean actionIsEnabled(FeatureConfigurationT featureConfiguration, String actionName);
name = "get_memory_inefficient_command_line",
doc =
"Returns flattened command line flags for given action, using given variables for "
+ "expansion. Flattens nested sets and ideally should not be used, or at least "
+ "should not outlive analysis. Work on memory efficient function returning Args is "
+ "ongoing.",
parameters = {
name = "feature_configuration",
doc = "Feature configuration to be queried.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = FeatureConfigurationApi.class),
name = "action_name",
doc =
"Name of the action. Has to be one of the names in "
+ "@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/cc:action_names.bzl "
+ "("
+ "action_names.bzl)",
named = true,
positional = false),
name = "variables",
doc = "Build variables to be used for template expansions.",
named = true,
positional = false,
type = CcToolchainVariablesApi.class),
Sequence<String> getCommandLine(
FeatureConfigurationT featureConfiguration,
String actionName,
CcToolchainVariablesT variables)
throws EvalException;
name = "get_environment_variables",
doc = "Returns environment variables to be set for given action.",
parameters = {
name = "feature_configuration",
doc = "Feature configuration to be queried.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = FeatureConfigurationApi.class),
name = "action_name",
doc =
"Name of the action. Has to be one of the names in "
+ "@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/cc:action_names.bzl "
+ "("
+ "action_names.bzl)",
named = true,
positional = false),
name = "variables",
doc = "Build variables to be used for template expansion.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = CcToolchainVariablesApi.class),
Dict<String, String> getEnvironmentVariable(
FeatureConfigurationT featureConfiguration,
String actionName,
CcToolchainVariablesT variables)
throws EvalException;
name = "create_compile_variables",
doc = "Returns variables used for compilation actions.",
parameters = {
name = "cc_toolchain",
doc = "cc_toolchain for which we are creating build variables.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = CcToolchainProviderApi.class),
name = "feature_configuration",
doc = "Feature configuration to be queried.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = FeatureConfigurationApi.class),
name = "source_file",
doc =
"Optional source file for the compilation. Please prefer passing source_file here "
+ "over appending it to the end of the command line generated from "
+ "cc_common.get_memory_inefficient_command_line, as then it's in the power of "
+ "the toolchain author to properly specify and position compiler flags.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true),
name = "output_file",
doc =
"Optional output file of the compilation. Please prefer passing output_file here "
+ "over appending it to the end of the command line generated from "
+ "cc_common.get_memory_inefficient_command_line, as then it's in the power of "
+ "the toolchain author to properly specify and position compiler flags.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true),
name = "user_compile_flags",
doc = "List of additional compilation flags (copts).",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class),
@ParamType(type = Sequence.class),
name = "include_directories",
doc = "Depset of include directories.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = NoneType.class), @ParamType(type = Depset.class)}),
name = "quote_include_directories",
doc = "Depset of quote include directories.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = NoneType.class), @ParamType(type = Depset.class)}),
name = "system_include_directories",
doc = "Depset of system include directories.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = NoneType.class), @ParamType(type = Depset.class)}),
name = "framework_include_directories",
doc = "Depset of framework include directories.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = NoneType.class), @ParamType(type = Depset.class)}),
name = "preprocessor_defines",
doc = "Depset of preprocessor defines.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = NoneType.class), @ParamType(type = Depset.class)}),
name = "use_pic",
doc = "When true the compilation will generate position independent code.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "False"),
// TODO(b/65151735): Remove once we migrate crosstools to features
name = "add_legacy_cxx_options",
doc = "Unused.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "False")
CcToolchainVariablesT getCompileBuildVariables(
CcToolchainProviderT ccToolchainProvider,
FeatureConfigurationT featureConfiguration,
Object sourceFile,
Object outputFile,
Object userCompileFlags,
Object includeDirs,
Object quoteIncludeDirs,
Object systemIncludeDirs,
Object frameworkIncludeDirs,
Object defines,
boolean usePic,
boolean addLegacyCxxOptions)
throws EvalException;
name = "create_link_variables",
doc = "Returns link variables used for linking actions.",
parameters = {
name = "cc_toolchain",
doc = "cc_toolchain for which we are creating build variables.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = CcToolchainProviderApi.class),
name = "feature_configuration",
doc = "Feature configuration to be queried.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = FeatureConfigurationApi.class),
name = "library_search_directories",
doc = "Depset of directories where linker will look for libraries at link time.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = NoneType.class), @ParamType(type = Depset.class)}),
name = "runtime_library_search_directories",
doc = "Depset of directories where loader will look for libraries at runtime.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = NoneType.class), @ParamType(type = Depset.class)}),
name = "user_link_flags",
doc = "List of additional link flags (linkopts).",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = NoneType.class), @ParamType(type = Sequence.class)}),
name = "output_file",
doc = "Optional output file path.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true),
name = "param_file",
doc = "Optional param file path.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true),
name = "def_file",
doc = "Optional .def file path.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true),
// TODO(b/65151735): Remove once we migrate crosstools to features
name = "is_using_linker",
doc =
"True when using linker, False when archiver. Caller is responsible for keeping "
+ "this in sync with action name used (is_using_linker = True for linking "
+ "executable or dynamic library, is_using_linker = False for archiving static "
+ "library).",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "True"),
// TODO(b/65151735): Remove once we migrate crosstools to features
name = "is_linking_dynamic_library",
doc =
"True when creating dynamic library, False when executable or static library. "
+ "Caller is responsible for keeping this in sync with action name used. "
+ ""
+ "This field will be removed once b/65151735 is fixed.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "False"),
name = "must_keep_debug",
doc =
"When set to True, bazel will expose 'strip_debug_symbols' variable, which is "
+ "usually used to use the linker to strip debug symbols from the output file.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "True"),
name = "use_test_only_flags",
doc = "When set to true, 'is_cc_test' variable will be set.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "False"),
// TODO(b/65151735): Remove once we migrate crosstools to features
name = "is_static_linking_mode",
doc = "Unused.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "True"),
CcToolchainVariablesT getLinkBuildVariables(
CcToolchainProviderT ccToolchainProvider,
FeatureConfigurationT featureConfiguration,
Object librarySearchDirectories,
Object runtimeLibrarySearchDirectories,
Object userLinkFlags,
Object outputFile,
Object paramFile,
Object defFile,
boolean isUsingLinkerNotArchiver,
boolean isCreatingSharedLibrary,
boolean mustKeepDebug,
boolean useTestOnlyFlags,
boolean isStaticLinkingMode)
throws EvalException;
@StarlarkMethod(name = "empty_variables", documented = false)
CcToolchainVariablesT getVariables();
name = "create_library_to_link",
doc = "Creates <code>LibraryToLink</code>",
useStarlarkThread = true,
parameters = {
name = "actions",
type = StarlarkActionFactoryApi.class,
positional = false,
named = true,
doc = "<code>actions</code> object."),
name = "feature_configuration",
doc = "<code>feature_configuration</code> to be queried.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = FeatureConfigurationApi.class),
name = "cc_toolchain",
doc = "<code>CcToolchainInfo</code> provider to be used.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = CcToolchainProviderApi.class),
name = "static_library",
doc = "<code>File</code> of static library to be linked.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
type = FileApi.class),
name = "pic_static_library",
doc = "<code>File</code> of pic static library to be linked.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
type = FileApi.class),
name = "dynamic_library",
doc =
"<code>File</code> of dynamic library to be linked. Always used for runtime "
+ "and used for linking if <code>interface_library</code> is not passed.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
type = FileApi.class),
name = "interface_library",
doc = "<code>File</code> of interface library to be linked.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
type = FileApi.class),
name = "alwayslink",
doc = "Whether to link the static library/objects in the --whole_archive block.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "False"),
name = "dynamic_library_symlink_path",
doc =
"Override the default path of the dynamic library link in the solib directory. "
+ "Empty string to use the default.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = String.class,
defaultValue = "''"),
name = "interface_library_symlink_path",
doc =
"Override the default path of the interface library link in the solib directory. "
+ "Empty string to use the default.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = String.class,
defaultValue = "''"),
LibraryToLinkT createLibraryLinkerInput(
Object actions,
Object featureConfiguration,
Object ccToolchainProvider,
Object staticLibrary,
Object picStaticLibrary,
Object dynamicLibrary,
Object interfaceLibrary,
boolean alwayslink,
String dynamicLibraryPath,
String interfaceLibraryPath,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException;
name = "create_linker_input",
doc = "Creates a <code>LinkingContext</code>.",
useStarlarkThread = true,
parameters = {
name = "owner",
doc = "List of <code>LibraryToLink</code>.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = Label.class),
name = "libraries",
doc = "List of <code>LibraryToLink</code>.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = NoneType.class), @ParamType(type = Depset.class)}),
name = "user_link_flags",
doc = "List of user link flags passed as strings.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = NoneType.class), @ParamType(type = Depset.class)}),
name = "additional_inputs",
doc = "For additional inputs to the linking action, e.g.: linking scripts.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = NoneType.class), @ParamType(type = Depset.class)}),
LinkerInputT createLinkerInput(
Label owner,
Object librariesToLinkObject,
Object userLinkFlagsObject,
Object nonCodeInputs,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException;
name = "check_experimental_cc_shared_library",
doc = "DO NOT USE. This is to guard use of cc_shared_library.",
useStarlarkThread = true,
documented = false)
void checkExperimentalCcSharedLibrary(StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException;
name = "create_linking_context",
doc = "Creates a <code>LinkingContext</code>.",
useStarlarkThread = true,
parameters = {
name = "linker_inputs",
doc = "Depset of <code>LinkerInput</code>.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = NoneType.class), @ParamType(type = Depset.class)}),
name = "libraries_to_link",
doc = "List of <code>LibraryToLink</code>.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
valueWhenDisabled = "None",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = NoneType.class), @ParamType(type = Sequence.class)}),
name = "user_link_flags",
doc = "List of user link flags passed as strings.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
valueWhenDisabled = "None",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = NoneType.class), @ParamType(type = Sequence.class)}),
name = "additional_inputs",
doc = "For additional inputs to the linking action, e.g.: linking scripts.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
valueWhenDisabled = "None",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = NoneType.class), @ParamType(type = Sequence.class)}),
LinkingContextT createCcLinkingInfo(
Object linkerInputs,
Object librariesToLinkObject,
Object userLinkFlagsObject,
Object nonCodeInputs, // <FileT> expected
StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException;
name = "merge_cc_infos",
doc = "Merges multiple <code>CcInfo</code>s into one.",
parameters = {
name = "direct_cc_infos",
doc =
"List of <code>CcInfo</code>s to be merged, whose headers will be exported by "
+ "the direct fields in the returned provider.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = Sequence.class),
name = "cc_infos",
doc =
"List of <code>CcInfo</code>s to be merged, whose headers will not be exported "
+ "by the direct fields in the returned provider.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = Sequence.class)
CcInfoApi<FileT> mergeCcInfos(
Sequence<?> directCcInfos, // <CcInfoApi> expected
Sequence<?> ccInfos) // <CcInfoApi> expected
throws EvalException;
name = "create_compilation_context",
doc = "Creates a <code>CompilationContext</code>.",
parameters = {
name = "headers",
doc = "Set of headers needed to compile this target",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "unbound",
type = Object.class),
name = "system_includes",
doc =
"Set of search paths for header files referenced by angle brackets, i.e. "
+ "#include &lt;foo/bar/header.h&gt;. They can be either relative to the exec "
+ "root or absolute. Usually passed with -isystem",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "unbound",
type = Object.class),
name = "includes",
doc =
"Set of search paths for header files referenced both by angle bracket and quotes."
+ "Usually passed with -I",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "unbound",
type = Object.class),
name = "quote_includes",
doc =
"Set of search paths for header files referenced by quotes, i.e. "
+ "#include \"foo/bar/header.h\". They can be either relative to the exec "
+ "root or absolute. Usually passed with -iquote",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "unbound",
type = Object.class),
name = "framework_includes",
doc = "Set of framework search paths for header files (Apple platform only)",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "unbound",
type = Object.class),
name = "defines",
doc =
"Set of defines needed to compile this target. Each define is a string. Propagated"
+ " transitively to dependents.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "unbound",
type = Object.class),
name = "local_defines",
doc =
"Set of defines needed to compile this target. Each define is a string. Not"
+ " propagated transitively to dependents.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "unbound",
type = Object.class),
CompilationContextT createCcCompilationContext(
Object headers,
Object systemIncludes,
Object includes,
Object quoteIncludes,
Object frameworkIncludes,
Object defines,
Object localDefines)
throws EvalException;
// TODO(b/65151735): Remove when cc_flags is entirely set from features.
// This should only be called from the cc_flags_supplier rule.
name = "legacy_cc_flags_make_variable_do_not_use",
documented = false,
parameters = {
name = "cc_toolchain",
doc = "C++ toolchain provider to be used.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = CcToolchainProviderApi.class)
String legacyCcFlagsMakeVariable(CcToolchainProviderT ccToolchain);
name = "is_cc_toolchain_resolution_enabled_do_not_use",
documented = false,
parameters = {
name = "ctx",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = StarlarkRuleContextApi.class,
doc = "The rule context."),
doc = "Returns true if the --incompatible_enable_cc_toolchain_resolution flag is enabled.")
boolean isCcToolchainResolutionEnabled(StarlarkRuleContextT ruleContext);
name = "create_cc_toolchain_config_info",
doc = "Creates a <code>CcToolchainConfigInfo</code> provider",
parameters = {
name = "ctx",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = StarlarkRuleContextApi.class,
doc = "The rule context."),
name = "features",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = Sequence.class,
doc =
"A list of <a href=\""
+ "cc_toolchain_config_lib.bzl#L336\">features</a>."),
name = "action_configs",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = Sequence.class,
doc =
"A list of <a href=\""
+ "cc_toolchain_config_lib.bzl#L461\">action_configs</a>."),
name = "artifact_name_patterns",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = Sequence.class,
doc =
"A list of <a href=\""
+ "cc_toolchain_config_lib.bzl#L516\">artifact_name_patterns</a>."),
name = "cxx_builtin_include_directories",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = Sequence.class,
doc =
"<p>Built-in include directories for C++ compilation. These should be the exact "
+ "paths used by the compiler, and are generally relative to the exec root.</p>"
+ "<p>The paths used by the compiler can be determined by 'gcc -E -xc++ - -v'."
+ "</p><p>We currently use the C++ paths also for C compilation, which is safe "
+ "as long as there are no name clashes between C++ and C header files.</p>"
+ "<p>Relative paths are resolved relative to the configuration file directory."
+ "</p><p>If the compiler has --sysroot support, then these paths should use "
+ "%sysroot% rather than the include path, and specify the sysroot attribute "
+ "in order to give blaze the information necessary to make the correct "
+ "replacements.</p>"),
name = "toolchain_identifier",
positional = false,
type = String.class,
named = true,
doc =
"<p>The unique identifier of the toolchain within the crosstool release. It must "
+ "be possible to use this as a directory name in a path.</p>"
+ "<p>It has to match the following regex: [a-zA-Z_][\\.\\- \\w]*</p>"),
name = "host_system_name",
positional = false,
type = String.class,
named = true,
doc = "The system name which is required by the toolchain to run."),
name = "target_system_name",
positional = false,
type = String.class,
named = true,
doc = "The GNU System Name."),
name = "target_cpu",
positional = false,
type = String.class,
named = true,
doc = "The target architecture string."),
name = "target_libc",
positional = false,
type = String.class,
named = true,
doc = "The libc version string (e.g. \"glibc-2.2.2\")."),
name = "compiler",
positional = false,
type = String.class,
named = true,
doc = "The compiler version string (e.g. \"gcc-4.1.1\")."),
name = "abi_version",
positional = false,
type = String.class,
named = true,
doc = "The abi in use, which is a gcc version. E.g.: \"gcc-3.4\""),
name = "abi_libc_version",
positional = false,
type = String.class,
named = true,
doc = "The glibc version used by the abi we're using."),
name = "tool_paths",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = Sequence.class,
doc =
"A list of <a href=\""
+ "cc_toolchain_config_lib.bzl#L400\">tool_paths</a>."),
name = "make_variables",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = Sequence.class,
doc =
"A list of <a href=\""
+ "cc_toolchain_config_lib.bzl#L86\">make_variables</a>."),
name = "builtin_sysroot",
positional = false,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = String.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)},
named = true,
doc =
"The built-in sysroot. If this attribute is not present, Bazel does not "
+ "allow using a different sysroot, i.e. through the --grte_top option."),
name = "cc_target_os",
positional = false,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = String.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)},
named = true,
doc = "Internal purpose only, do not use."),
CcToolchainConfigInfoT ccToolchainConfigInfoFromStarlark(
StarlarkRuleContextT starlarkRuleContext,
Sequence<?> features, // <StructApi> expected
Sequence<?> actionConfigs, // <StructApi> expected
Sequence<?> artifactNamePatterns, // <StructApi> expected
Sequence<?> cxxBuiltInIncludeDirectories, // <String> expected
String toolchainIdentifier,
String hostSystemName,
String targetSystemName,
String targetCpu,
String targetLibc,
String compiler,
String abiVersion,
String abiLibcVersion,
Sequence<?> toolPaths, // <StructApi> expected
Sequence<?> makeVariables, // <StructApi> expected
Object builtinSysroot,
Object ccTargetOs)
throws EvalException;
name = "create_linking_context_from_compilation_outputs",
doc =
"Should be used for creating library rules that can propagate information downstream in"
+ " order to be linked later by a top level rule that does transitive linking to"
+ " create an executable or dynamic library. Returns tuple of "
+ "(<code>CcLinkingContext</code>, <code>CcLinkingOutputs</code>).",
useStarlarkThread = true,
parameters = {
name = "actions",
type = StarlarkActionFactoryApi.class,
positional = false,
named = true,
doc = "<code>actions</code> object."),
name = "feature_configuration",
doc = "<code>feature_configuration</code> to be queried.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = FeatureConfigurationApi.class),
name = "cc_toolchain",
doc = "<code>CcToolchainInfo</code> provider to be used.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = CcToolchainProviderApi.class),
name = "compilation_outputs",
doc = "Compilation outputs containing object files to link.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = CcCompilationOutputsApi.class),
name = "user_link_flags",
doc = "Additional list of linking options.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = Sequence.class),
name = "linking_contexts",
doc =
"Libraries from dependencies. These libraries will be linked into the output "
+ "artifact of the link() call, be it a binary or a library.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = Sequence.class),
name = "name",
doc =
"This is used for naming the output artifacts of actions created by this "
+ "method.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = String.class),
name = "language",
doc = "Only C++ supported for now. Do not use this parameter.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "'c++'",
type = String.class),
name = "alwayslink",
doc = "Whether this library should always be linked.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "False",
type = Boolean.class),
name = "additional_inputs",
doc = "For additional inputs to the linking action, e.g.: linking scripts.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = Sequence.class),
name = "disallow_static_libraries",
doc = "Whether static libraries should be created.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "False",
type = Boolean.class),
name = "disallow_dynamic_library",
doc = "Whether a dynamic library should be created.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "False",
type = Boolean.class),
name = "grep_includes",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = FileApi.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)}),
Tuple<Object> createLinkingContextFromCompilationOutputs(
StarlarkActionFactoryT starlarkActionFactoryApi,
FeatureConfigurationT starlarkFeatureConfiguration,
CcToolchainProviderT starlarkCcToolchainProvider,
CompilationOutputsT compilationOutputs,
Sequence<?> userLinkFlags, // <String> expected
Sequence<?> linkingContexts, // <LinkingContextT> expected
String name,
String language,
boolean alwayslink,
Sequence<?> additionalInputs, // <FileT> expected
boolean disallowStaticLibraries,
boolean disallowDynamicLibraries,
Object grepIncludes,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws InterruptedException, EvalException;