blob: e193efc14f2742987e6c705b4632d9c2075612c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
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/** Skylark API for the repository_rule's context. */
name = "repository_ctx",
category = SkylarkModuleCategory.BUILTIN,
doc =
"The context of the repository rule containing"
+ " helper functions and information about attributes. You get a repository_ctx object"
+ " as an argument to the <code>implementation</code> function when you create a"
+ " repository rule."
public interface SkylarkRepositoryContextApi<RepositoryFunctionExceptionT extends Throwable> {
name = "name",
structField = true,
doc = "The name of the external repository created by this rule."
public String getName();
name = "attr",
structField = true,
doc =
"A struct to access the values of the attributes. The values are provided by "
+ "the user (if not, a default value is used)."
public StructApi getAttr();
name = "path",
doc =
"Returns a path from a string, label or path. If the path is relative, it will resolve "
+ "relative to the repository directory. If the path is a label, it will resolve to "
+ "the path of the corresponding file. Note that remote repositories are executed "
+ "during the analysis phase and thus cannot depends on a target result (the "
+ "label should point to a non-generated file). If path is a path, it will return "
+ "that path as is.",
parameters = {
name = "path",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = String.class),
@ParamType(type = Label.class),
@ParamType(type = RepositoryPathApi.class)
doc = "string, label or path from which to create a path from"
public RepositoryPathApi<?> path(Object path) throws EvalException, InterruptedException;
name = "symlink",
doc = "Create a symlink on the filesystem.",
useLocation = true,
parameters = {
name = "from",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = String.class),
@ParamType(type = Label.class),
@ParamType(type = RepositoryPathApi.class)
doc = "path to which the created symlink should point to."),
name = "to",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = String.class),
@ParamType(type = Label.class),
@ParamType(type = RepositoryPathApi.class)
doc = "path of the symlink to create, relative to the repository directory."),
public void symlink(Object from, Object to, Location location)
throws RepositoryFunctionExceptionT, EvalException, InterruptedException;
name = "file",
doc = "Generate a file in the repository directory with the provided content.",
useLocation = true,
parameters = {
name = "path",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = String.class),
@ParamType(type = Label.class),
@ParamType(type = RepositoryPathApi.class)
doc = "path of the file to create, relative to the repository directory."),
name = "content",
type = String.class,
named = true,
defaultValue = "''",
doc = "the content of the file to create, empty by default."),
name = "executable",
named = true,
type = Boolean.class,
defaultValue = "True",
doc = "set the executable flag on the created file, true by default."),
public void createFile(Object path, String content, Boolean executable, Location location)
throws RepositoryFunctionExceptionT, EvalException, InterruptedException;
name = "template",
doc =
"Generate a new file using a <code>template</code>. Every occurrence in "
+ "<code>template</code> of a key of <code>substitutions</code> will be replaced by "
+ "the corresponding value. The result is written in <code>path</code>. An optional"
+ "<code>executable</code> argument (default to true) can be set to turn on or off"
+ "the executable bit.",
useLocation = true,
parameters = {
name = "path",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = String.class),
@ParamType(type = Label.class),
@ParamType(type = RepositoryPathApi.class)
doc = "path of the file to create, relative to the repository directory."),
name = "template",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = String.class),
@ParamType(type = Label.class),
@ParamType(type = RepositoryPathApi.class)
doc = "path to the template file."),
name = "substitutions",
type = SkylarkDict.class,
defaultValue = "{}",
named = true,
doc = "substitutions to make when expanding the template."),
name = "executable",
type = Boolean.class,
defaultValue = "True",
named = true,
doc = "set the executable flag on the created file, true by default."),
public void createFileFromTemplate(
Object path,
Object template,
SkylarkDict<String, String> substitutions,
Boolean executable,
Location location)
throws RepositoryFunctionExceptionT, EvalException, InterruptedException;
name = "os",
structField = true,
doc = "A struct to access information from the system.",
useLocation = true)
public SkylarkOSApi getOS(Location location);
name = "execute",
doc =
"Executes the command given by the list of arguments. The execution time of the command"
+ " is limited by <code>timeout</code> (in seconds, default 600 seconds). This method"
+ " returns an <code>exec_result</code> structure containing the output of the"
+ " command. The <code>environment</code> map can be used to override some"
+ " environment variables to be passed to the process.",
useLocation = true,
parameters = {
name = "arguments",
type = SkylarkList.class,
doc =
"List of arguments, the first element should be the path to the program to "
+ "execute."),
name = "timeout",
type = Integer.class,
named = true,
defaultValue = "600",
doc = "maximum duration of the command in seconds (default is 600 seconds)."),
name = "environment",
type = SkylarkDict.class,
defaultValue = "{}",
named = true,
doc = "force some environment variables to be set to be passed to the process."),
name = "quiet",
type = Boolean.class,
defaultValue = "True",
named = true,
doc = "If stdout and stderr should be printed to the terminal."),
public SkylarkExecutionResultApi execute(
SkylarkList<Object> arguments,
Integer timeout,
SkylarkDict<String, String> environment,
boolean quiet,
Location location)
throws EvalException, RepositoryFunctionExceptionT;
name = "which",
doc =
"Returns the path of the corresponding program or None "
+ "if there is no such program in the path.",
allowReturnNones = true,
useLocation = true,
parameters = {
name = "program",
type = String.class,
named = false,
doc = "Program to find in the path."),
public RepositoryPathApi<?> which(String program, Location location) throws EvalException;
name = "download",
doc = "Download a file to the output path for the provided url.",
useLocation = true,
parameters = {
name = "url",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = String.class),
@ParamType(type = Iterable.class, generic1 = String.class),
named = true,
doc = "List of mirror URLs referencing the same file."),
name = "output",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = String.class),
@ParamType(type = Label.class),
@ParamType(type = RepositoryPathApi.class)
defaultValue = "''",
named = true,
doc = "path to the output file, relative to the repository directory."),
name = "sha256",
type = String.class,
defaultValue = "''",
named = true,
doc =
"the expected SHA-256 hash of the file downloaded."
+ " This must match the SHA-256 hash of the file downloaded. It is a security"
+ " risk to omit the SHA-256 as remote files can change. At best omitting this"
+ " field will make your build non-hermetic. It is optional to make"
+ " development easier but should be set before shipping."),
name = "executable",
type = Boolean.class,
defaultValue = "False",
named = true,
doc = "set the executable flag on the created file, false by default."),
public void download(
Object url, Object output, String sha256, Boolean executable, Location location)
throws RepositoryFunctionExceptionT, EvalException, InterruptedException;
name = "download_and_extract",
doc = "Download a file to the output path for the provided url, and extract it.",
useLocation = true,
parameters = {
name = "url",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = String.class),
@ParamType(type = Iterable.class, generic1 = String.class),
named = true,
doc = "List of mirror URLs referencing the same file."),
name = "output",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = String.class),
@ParamType(type = Label.class),
@ParamType(type = RepositoryPathApi.class)
defaultValue = "''",
named = true,
doc =
"path to the directory where the archive will be unpacked,"
+ " relative to the repository directory."),
name = "sha256",
type = String.class,
defaultValue = "''",
named = true,
doc =
"the expected SHA-256 hash of the file downloaded."
+ " This must match the SHA-256 hash of the file downloaded. It is a security"
+ " risk to omit the SHA-256 as remote files can change. At best omitting this"
+ " field will make your build non-hermetic. It is optional to make"
+ " development easier but should be set before shipping."
+ " If provided, the repository cache will first be checked for a file with the"
+ " given hash; a download will only be attempted, if the file was not found"
+ " in the cache. After a successful download, the file will be added to the"
+ " cache."),
name = "type",
type = String.class,
defaultValue = "''",
named = true,
doc =
"the archive type of the downloaded file."
+ " By default, the archive type is determined from the file extension of the"
+ " URL. If the file has no extension, you can explicitly specify either"
+ " \"zip\", \"jar\", \"war\", \"tar.gz\", \"tgz\", \"tar.bz2\", or \"tar.xz\""
+ " here."),
name = "stripPrefix",
type = String.class,
defaultValue = "''",
named = true,
doc =
"a directory prefix to strip from the extracted files."
+ "\nMany archives contain a top-level directory that contains all files in the"
+ " archive. Instead of needing to specify this prefix over and over in the"
+ " <code>build_file</code>, this field can be used to strip it from extracted"
+ " files."),
public void downloadAndExtract(
Object url, Object output, String sha256, String type, String stripPrefix, Location location)
throws RepositoryFunctionExceptionT, InterruptedException, EvalException;