blob: bd43adbf02b159089d52c6fb2717ba75e240ba44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
* Evaluation tests with Skylark Environment.
public class SkylarkEvaluationTest extends EvaluationTest {
public final void setup() throws Exception {
* Creates an instance of {@code SkylarkTest} in order to run the tests from the base class in a
* Skylark context
protected ModalTestCase newTest(String... skylarkOptions) {
return new SkylarkTest(skylarkOptions);
static class Bad {
Bad () {
@SkylarkSignature(name = "foobar", returnType = String.class, documented = false)
static BuiltinFunction foobar = new BuiltinFunction("foobar") {
public String invoke() throws EvalException {
return "foobar";
@SkylarkModule(name = "Mock", doc = "")
static class Mock {
@SkylarkCallable(doc = "")
public static Integer valueOf(String str) {
return Integer.valueOf(str);
@SkylarkCallable(doc = "")
public Boolean isEmpty(String str) {
return str.isEmpty();
public void value() {}
@SkylarkCallable(doc = "")
public Bad returnBad() {
return new Bad();
@SkylarkCallable(name = "struct_field", doc = "", structField = true)
public String structField() {
return "a";
@SkylarkCallable(name = "struct_field_callable", doc = "", structField = true)
public BuiltinFunction structFieldCallable() {
return foobar;
@SkylarkCallable(name = "function", doc = "", structField = false)
public String function() {
return "a";
@SkylarkCallable(name = "nullfunc_failing", doc = "", allowReturnNones = false)
public SkylarkValue nullfuncFailing(String p1, Integer p2) {
return null;
@SkylarkCallable(name = "nullfunc_working", doc = "", allowReturnNones = true)
public SkylarkValue nullfuncWorking() {
return null;
@SkylarkCallable(name = "voidfunc", doc = "")
public void voidfunc() {}
@SkylarkCallable(name = "string_list", doc = "")
public ImmutableList<String> stringList() {
return ImmutableList.<String>of("a", "b");
@SkylarkCallable(name = "string", doc = "")
public String string() {
return "a";
name = "with_params",
doc = "",
mandatoryPositionals = 1,
parameters = {
@Param(name = "pos2", defaultValue = "False", type = Boolean.class),
name = "posOrNamed",
defaultValue = "False",
type = Boolean.class,
positional = true,
named = true
@Param(name = "named", type = Boolean.class, positional = false, named = true),
name = "optionalNamed",
type = Boolean.class,
defaultValue = "False",
positional = false,
named = true
name = "nonNoneable",
type = Object.class,
defaultValue = "\"a\"",
positional = false,
named = true
name = "noneable",
type = Integer.class,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
positional = false,
named = true
public String withParams(
Integer pos1,
boolean pos2,
boolean posOrNamed,
boolean named,
boolean optionalNamed,
Object nonNoneable,
Object noneable) {
return "with_params("
+ pos1
+ ", "
+ pos2
+ ", "
+ posOrNamed
+ ", "
+ named
+ ", "
+ optionalNamed
+ ", "
+ nonNoneable.toString()
+ ")";
public String toString() {
return "<mock>";
@SkylarkModule(name = "MockInterface", doc = "")
static interface MockInterface {
@SkylarkCallable(doc = "")
public Boolean isEmptyInterface(String str);
static final class MockSubClass extends Mock implements MockInterface {
public Boolean isEmpty(String str) {
return str.isEmpty();
public Boolean isEmptyInterface(String str) {
return str.isEmpty();
@SkylarkCallable(doc = "")
public Boolean isEmptyClassNotAnnotated(String str) {
return str.isEmpty();
@SkylarkModule(name = "MockClassObject", doc = "", documented = false)
static final class MockClassObject implements ClassObject {
public Object getValue(String name) {
switch (name) {
case "field": return "a";
case "nset": return NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder().build();
default: return null;
public ImmutableCollection<String> getKeys() {
return ImmutableList.of("field", "nset");
public String errorMessage(String name) {
return null;
@SkylarkModule(name = "MockMultipleMethodClass", doc = "")
static final class MockMultipleMethodClass {
@SkylarkCallable(doc = "")
public void method(Object o) {}
@SkylarkCallable(doc = "")
public void method(String i) {}
public void testSimpleIf() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" a = 0",
" x = 0",
" if x: a = 5",
" return a",
"a = foo()").testLookup("a", 0);
public void testIfPass() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" a = 1",
" x = True",
" if x: pass",
" return a",
"a = foo()").testLookup("a", 1);
public void testNestedIf() throws Exception {
executeNestedIf(0, 0, 0);
executeNestedIf(1, 0, 3);
executeNestedIf(1, 1, 5);
private void executeNestedIf(int x, int y, int expected) throws Exception {
String fun = String.format("foo%s%s", x, y);
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def " + fun + "():",
" x = " + x,
" y = " + y,
" a = 0",
" b = 0",
" if x:",
" if y:",
" a = 2",
" b = 3",
" return a + b",
"x = " + fun + "()").testLookup("x", expected);
public void testIfElse() throws Exception {
executeIfElse("foo", "something", 2);
executeIfElse("bar", "", 3);
private void executeIfElse(String fun, String y, int expected) throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def " + fun + "():",
" y = '" + y + "'",
" x = 5",
" if x:",
" if y: a = 2",
" else: a = 3",
" return a",
"z = " + fun + "()").testLookup("z", expected);
public void testIfElifElse_IfExecutes() throws Exception {
execIfElifElse(1, 0, 1);
public void testIfElifElse_ElifExecutes() throws Exception {
execIfElifElse(0, 1, 2);
public void testIfElifElse_ElseExecutes() throws Exception {
execIfElifElse(0, 0, 3);
private void execIfElifElse(int x, int y, int v) throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" x = " + x + "",
" y = " + y + "",
" if x:",
" return 1",
" elif y:",
" return 2",
" else:",
" return 3",
"v = foo()").testLookup("v", v);
public void testForOnList() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" s = ''",
" for i in ['hello', ' ', 'world']:",
" s = s + i",
" return s",
"s = foo()").testLookup("s", "hello world");
public void testForOnString() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" s = []",
" for i in 'abc':",
" s = s + [i]",
" return s",
"s = foo()").testExactOrder("s", "a", "b", "c");
public void testForAssignmentList() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" d = ['a', 'b', 'c']",
" s = ''",
" for i in d:",
" s = s + i",
" d = ['d', 'e', 'f']", // check that we use the old list
" return s",
"s = foo()").testLookup("s", "abc");
public void testForAssignmentDict() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def func():",
" d = {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2, 'c' : 3}",
" s = ''",
" for i in d:",
" s = s + i",
" d = {'d' : 1, 'e' : 2, 'f' : 3}",
" return s",
"s = func()").testLookup("s", "abc");
public void testForUpdateList() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" xs = [1, 2, 3]",
" for x in xs:",
" if x == 1:",
" xs.append(10)"
).testIfErrorContains("trying to mutate a locked object", "foo()");
public void testForUpdateDict() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}",
" for k in d:",
" d[k] *= 2"
).testIfErrorContains("trying to mutate a locked object", "foo()");
public void testForUnlockedAfterBreak() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" xs = [1, 2]",
" for x in xs:",
" break",
" xs.append(3)",
" return xs"
).testEval("foo()", "[1, 2, 3]");
public void testForNestedOnSameListStillLocked() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" xs = [1, 2]",
" ys = []",
" for x1 in xs:",
" for x2 in xs:",
" ys.append(x1 * x2)",
" xs.append(4)",
" return ys"
).testIfErrorContains("trying to mutate a locked object", "foo()");
public void testForNestedOnSameListErrorMessage() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" xs = [1, 2]",
" ys = []",
" for x1 in xs:",
" for x2 in xs:",
" ys.append(x1 * x2)",
" xs.append(4)",
" return ys"
// No file name in message, due to how test is set up.
).testIfErrorContains("Object locked at the following location(s): :4:3, :5:5", "foo()");
public void testForNestedOnSameListUnlockedAtEnd() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" xs = [1, 2]",
" ys = []",
" for x1 in xs:",
" for x2 in xs:",
" ys.append(x1 * x2)",
" xs.append(4)",
" return ys"
).testEval("foo()", "[1, 2, 2, 4]");
public void testForNestedWithListCompGood() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" xs = [1, 2]",
" ys = []",
" for x in xs:",
" zs = [None for x in xs for y in (ys.append(x) or ys)]",
" return ys"
).testEval("foo()", "[1, 2, 1, 2]");
public void testForNestedWithListCompBad() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" xs = [1, 2, 3]",
" ys = []",
" for x in xs:",
" zs = [None for x in xs for y in (xs.append(x) or ys)]",
" return ys"
).testIfErrorContains("trying to mutate a locked object", "foo()");
public void testForDeepUpdate() throws Exception {
// Check that indirectly reachable values can still be manipulated as normal.
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" xs = [['a'], ['b'], ['c']]",
" ys = []",
" for x in xs:",
" for y in x:",
" ys.append(y)",
" xs[2].append(x[0])",
" return ys",
"ys = foo()").testLookup("ys", MutableList.of(null, "a", "b", "c", "a", "b"));
public void testForNotIterable() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
"type 'int' is not iterable",
"def func():",
" for i in mock.value_of('1'): a = i",
public void testForOnDictionary() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" d = {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}",
" s = ''",
" for i in d: s = s + d[i]",
" return s",
"s = foo()").testLookup("s", "abc");
public void testBadDictKey() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().testIfErrorContains(
"unhashable type: 'list'",
"{ [1, 2]: [3, 4] }");
public void testForLoopReuseVariable() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" s = ''",
" for i in ['a', 'b']:",
" for i in ['c', 'd']: s = s + i",
" return s",
"s = foo()").testLookup("s", "cdcd");
public void testForLoopMultipleVariables() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" s = ''",
" for [i, j] in [[1, 2], [3, 4]]:",
" s = s + str(i) + str(j) + '.'",
" return s",
"s = foo()").testLookup("s", "12.34.");
public void testForLoopBreak() throws Exception {
simpleFlowTest("break", 1);
public void testForLoopContinue() throws Exception {
simpleFlowTest("continue", 10);
private void simpleFlowTest(String statement, int expected) throws Exception {
eval("def foo():",
" s = 0",
" hit = 0",
" for i in range(0, 10):",
" s = s + 1",
" " + statement + "",
" hit = 1",
" return [s, hit]",
"x = foo()");
assertThat((Iterable<Object>) lookup("x")).containsExactly(expected, 0).inOrder();
public void testForLoopBreakFromDeeperBlock() throws Exception {
flowFromDeeperBlock("break", 1);
flowFromNestedBlocks("break", 29);
public void testForLoopContinueFromDeeperBlock() throws Exception {
flowFromDeeperBlock("continue", 5);
flowFromNestedBlocks("continue", 39);
private void flowFromDeeperBlock(String statement, int expected) throws Exception {
eval("def foo():",
" s = 0",
" for i in range(0, 10):",
" if i % 2 != 0:",
" " + statement + "",
" s = s + 1",
" return s",
"x = foo()");
private void flowFromNestedBlocks(String statement, int expected) throws Exception {
eval("def foo2():",
" s = 0",
" for i in range(1, 41):",
" if i % 2 == 0:",
" if i % 3 == 0:",
" if i % 5 == 0:",
" " + statement + "",
" s = s + 1",
" return s",
"y = foo2()");
public void testNestedForLoopsMultipleBreaks() throws Exception {
nestedLoopsTest("break", 2, 6, 6);
public void testNestedForLoopsMultipleContinues() throws Exception {
nestedLoopsTest("continue", 4, 20, 20);
private void nestedLoopsTest(String statement, Integer outerExpected, int firstExpected,
int secondExpected) throws Exception {
eval("def foo():",
" outer = 0",
" first = 0",
" second = 0",
" for i in range(0, 5):",
" for j in range(0, 5):",
" if j == 2:",
" " + statement + "",
" first = first + 1",
" for k in range(0, 5):",
" if k == 2:",
" " + statement + "",
" second = second + 1",
" if i == 2:",
" " + statement + "",
" outer = outer + 1",
" return [outer, first, second]",
"x = foo()");
assertThat((Iterable<Object>) lookup("x"))
.containsExactly(outerExpected, firstExpected, secondExpected).inOrder();
public void testForLoopBreakError() throws Exception {
public void testForLoopContinueError() throws Exception {
private void flowStatementInsideFunction(String statement) throws Exception {
checkEvalErrorContains(statement + " statement must be inside a for loop",
"def foo():",
" " + statement,
"x = foo()");
private void flowStatementAfterLoop(String statement) throws Exception {
checkEvalErrorContains(statement + " statement must be inside a for loop",
"def foo2():",
" for i in range(0, 3):",
" pass",
" " + statement,
"y = foo2()");
public void testNoneAssignment() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.setUp("def foo(x=None):", " x = 1", " x = None", " return 2", "s = foo()")
.testLookup("s", 2);
public void testReassignment() throws Exception {
eval("def foo(x=None):",
" x = 1",
" x = [1, 2]",
" x = 'str'",
" return x",
"s = foo()");
public void testJavaCalls() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
.setUp("b = mock.is_empty('a')")
.testLookup("b", Boolean.FALSE);
public void testJavaCallsOnSubClass() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new MockSubClass())
.setUp("b = mock.is_empty('a')")
.testLookup("b", Boolean.FALSE);
public void testJavaCallsOnInterface() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new MockSubClass())
.setUp("b = mock.is_empty_interface('a')")
.testLookup("b", Boolean.FALSE);
public void testJavaCallsNotSkylarkCallable() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
.testIfExactError("type 'Mock' has no method value()", "mock.value()");
public void testNoOperatorIndex() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
.testIfExactError("type 'Mock' has no operator [](int)", "mock[2]");
public void testJavaCallsNoMethod() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
.testIfExactError("type 'Mock' has no method bad()", "mock.bad()");
public void testJavaCallsNoMethodErrorMsg() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
"type 'int' has no method bad(string, string, string)", "s = 3.bad('a', 'b', 'c')");
public void testJavaCallsMultipleMethod() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new MockMultipleMethodClass())
"type 'MockMultipleMethodClass' has multiple matches for function method(string)",
"s = mock.method('string')");
public void testJavaCallWithKwargs() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
"type 'Mock' has no method isEmpty(string str)", "mock.isEmpty(str='abc')");
public void testJavaCallWithPositionalAndKwargs() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
.setUp("b = mock.with_params(1, True, named=True)")
.testLookup("b", "with_params(1, true, false, true, false, a)");
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
"parameter 'named' has no default value, in method with_params(int, bool) of 'Mock'",
"mock.with_params(1, True)");
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
"parameter 'named' has no default value, in method with_params(int, bool, bool) "
+ "of 'Mock'",
"mock.with_params(1, True, True)");
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
.setUp("b = mock.with_params(1, True, True, named=True)")
.testLookup("b", "with_params(1, true, true, true, false, a)");
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
.setUp("b = mock.with_params(1, True, named=True, posOrNamed=True)")
.testLookup("b", "with_params(1, true, true, true, false, a)");
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
.setUp("b = mock.with_params(1, True, named=True, posOrNamed=True, optionalNamed=True)")
.testLookup("b", "with_params(1, true, true, true, true, a)");
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
"unexpected keyword 'n', in method with_params(int, bool, bool named, "
+ "bool posOrNamed, int n) of 'Mock'",
"mock.with_params(1, True, named=True, posOrNamed=True, n=2)");
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
"parameter 'nonNoneable' cannot be None, in method with_params(int, bool, bool, "
+ "bool named, bool optionalNamed, NoneType nonNoneable) of 'Mock'",
"mock.with_params(1, True, True, named=True, optionalNamed=False, nonNoneable=None)");
public void testNoJavaCallsWithoutSkylark() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError("type 'int' has no method to_string()", "s = 3.to_string()");
public void testNoJavaCallsIfClassNotAnnotated() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new MockSubClass())
"type 'Mock' has no method is_empty_class_not_annotated(string)",
"b = mock.is_empty_class_not_annotated('a')");
public void testStructAccess() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
.setUp("v = mock.struct_field")
.testLookup("v", "a");
public void testStructAccessAsFuncallNonCallable() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
.testIfExactError("'string' object is not callable", "v = mock.struct_field()");
public void testStructAccessAsFuncall() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
.setUp("v = mock.struct_field_callable()")
.testLookup("v", "foobar");
public void testStructAccessOfMethod() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
.testIfExactError("object of type 'Mock' has no field 'function'", "v = mock.function");
public void testStructAccessTypo() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new MockClassObject())
"object of type 'MockClassObject' has no field 'fild' (did you mean 'field'?)",
public void testJavaFunctionReturnsMutableObject() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
"method 'return_bad' returns an object of invalid type Bad", "mock.return_bad()");
public void testJavaFunctionReturnsNullFails() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
"method invocation returned None,"
+ " please file a bug report: nullfunc_failing(\"abc\", 1)",
"mock.nullfunc_failing('abc', 1)");
public void testClassObjectAccess() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new MockClassObject())
.setUp("v = mock.field")
.testLookup("v", "a");
public void testInSet() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.testStatement("'b' in depset(['a', 'b'])", Boolean.TRUE)
.testStatement("'c' in depset(['a', 'b'])", Boolean.FALSE)
.testStatement("1 in depset(['a', 'b'])", Boolean.FALSE);
public void testUnionSet() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.testStatement("str(depset([1, 3]) | depset([1, 2]))", "depset([1, 2, 3])")
.testStatement("str(depset([1, 2]) | [1, 3])", "depset([1, 2, 3])")
.testIfExactError("unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'int' and 'int'", "2 | 4");
public void testSetIsNotIterable() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest("--incompatible_depset_is_not_iterable=true")
.testIfErrorContains("not iterable", "list(depset(['a', 'b']))")
.testIfErrorContains("not iterable", "max(depset([1, 2, 3]))")
.testIfErrorContains("not iterable", "1 in depset([1, 2, 3])")
.testIfErrorContains("not iterable", "sorted(depset(['a', 'b']))")
.testIfErrorContains("not iterable", "tuple(depset(['a', 'b']))")
.testIfErrorContains("not iterable", "[x for x in depset()]")
.testIfErrorContains("not iterable", "len(depset(['a']))");
public void testSetIsIterable() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest("--incompatible_depset_is_not_iterable=false")
.testStatement("str(list(depset(['a', 'b'])))", "[\"a\", \"b\"]")
.testStatement("max(depset([1, 2, 3]))", 3)
.testStatement("1 in depset([1, 2, 3])", true)
.testStatement("str(sorted(depset(['b', 'a'])))", "[\"a\", \"b\"]")
.testStatement("str(tuple(depset(['a', 'b'])))", "(\"a\", \"b\")")
.testStatement("str([x for x in depset()])", "[]")
.testStatement("len(depset(['a']))", 1);
public void testClassObjectCannotAccessNestedSet() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new MockClassObject())
.testIfErrorContains("internal error: type 'NestedSet' is not allowed", "v = mock.nset");
public void testJavaFunctionReturnsNone() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
.setUp("v = mock.nullfunc_working()")
.testLookup("v", Runtime.NONE);
public void testVoidJavaFunctionReturnsNone() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
.setUp("v = mock.voidfunc()")
.testLookup("v", Runtime.NONE);
public void testAugmentedAssignment() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def f1(x):",
" x += 1",
" return x",
"foo = f1(41)").testLookup("foo", 42);
public void testAugmentedAssignmentHasNoSideEffects() throws Exception {
// Check object position.
new SkylarkTest().setUp(
"counter = [0]",
"value = [1, 2]",
"def f():",
" counter[0] = counter[0] + 1",
" return value",
"f()[1] += 1") // `f()` should be called only once here
.testLookup("counter", MutableList.of(env, 1));
// Check key position.
new SkylarkTest().setUp(
"counter = [0]",
"value = [1, 2]",
"def f():",
" counter[0] = counter[0] + 1",
" return 1",
"value[f()] += 1") // `f()` should be called only once here
.testLookup("counter", MutableList.of(env, 1));
public void testInvalidAugmentedAssignment_ListLiteral() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().testIfErrorContains(
"cannot perform augmented assignment on a list or tuple expression",
"def f(a, b):",
" [a, b] += []",
"f(1, 2)");
public void testInvalidAugmentedAssignment_NotAnLValue() throws Exception {
"cannot assign to 'x + 1'", "x + 1 += 2");
public void testAssignmentEvaluationOrder() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp(
"ordinary = []",
"augmented = []",
"value = [1, 2]",
"def f(record):",
" record.append('f')",
" return value",
"def g(record):",
" record.append('g')",
" return value",
"f(ordinary)[0] = g(ordinary)[1]",
"f(augmented)[0] += g(augmented)[1]")
.testLookup("ordinary", MutableList.of(env, "g", "f")) // This order is consistent
.testLookup("augmented", MutableList.of(env, "f", "g")); // with Python
public void testStaticDirectJavaCall() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().update("Mock", Mock.class).setUp("val = Mock.value_of('8')")
.testLookup("val", 8);
public void testStaticDirectJavaCallMethodIsNonStatic() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("Mock", Mock.class)
.testIfExactError("method 'is_empty' is not static", "val = Mock.is_empty('a')");
public void testDictComprehensions_IterationOrder() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo():",
" d = {x : x for x in ['c', 'a', 'b']}",
" s = ''",
" for a in d:",
" s += a",
" return s",
"s = foo()").testLookup("s", "cab");
public void testDotExpressionOnNonStructObject() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.testIfExactError("object of type 'string' has no field 'field'", "x = 'a'.field");
public void testPlusEqualsOnListCopying() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest("--incompatible_list_plus_equals_inplace=false")
"def func():",
" l1 = [1, 2]",
" l2 = l1",
" l2 += [3, 4]",
" return l1, l2",
"lists = str(func())")
.testLookup("lists", "([1, 2], [1, 2, 3, 4])");
public void testPlusEqualsOnListMutating() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest("--incompatible_list_plus_equals_inplace=true")
"def func():",
" l1 = [1, 2]",
" l2 = l1",
" l2 += [3, 4]",
" return l1, l2",
"lists = str(func())")
.testLookup("lists", "([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4])");
// The same but with += after an IndexExpression
new SkylarkTest("--incompatible_list_plus_equals_inplace=true")
"def func():",
" l = [1, 2]",
" d = {0: l}",
" d[0] += [3, 4]",
" return l, d[0]",
"lists = str(func())")
.testLookup("lists", "([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4])");
public void testPlusEqualsOnTuple() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest("--incompatible_list_plus_equals_inplace=false")
"def func():",
" t1 = (1, 2)",
" t2 = t1",
" t2 += (3, 4)",
" return t1, t2",
"tuples = func()")
.testLookup("tuples", SkylarkList.Tuple.of(
SkylarkList.Tuple.of(1, 2),
SkylarkList.Tuple.of(1, 2, 3, 4)
// This behavior should remain the same regardless of the
// --incompatible_list_plus_equals_inplace flag
new SkylarkTest("--incompatible_list_plus_equals_inplace=true")
"def func():",
" t1 = (1, 2)",
" t2 = t1",
" t2 += (3, 4)",
" return t1, t2",
"tuples = func()")
.testLookup("tuples", SkylarkList.Tuple.of(
SkylarkList.Tuple.of(1, 2),
SkylarkList.Tuple.of(1, 2, 3, 4)
public void testPlusEqualsOnDict() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def func():",
" d = {'a' : 1}",
" d += {'b' : 2}",
" return d",
"d = func()")
.testLookup("d", ImmutableMap.of("a", 1, "b", 2));
public void testPlusOnDictDeprecated() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest("--incompatible_disallow_dict_plus=true")
"The `+` operator for dicts is deprecated and no longer supported.", "{1: 2} + {3: 4}");
new SkylarkTest("--incompatible_disallow_dict_plus=true")
"The `+` operator for dicts is deprecated and no longer supported.",
"def func():",
" d = {1: 2}",
" d += {3: 4}",
public void testDictAssignmentAsLValue() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def func():",
" d = {'a' : 1}",
" d['b'] = 2",
" return d",
"d = func()").testLookup("d", ImmutableMap.of("a", 1, "b", 2));
public void testNestedDictAssignmentAsLValue() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def func():",
" d = {'a' : 1}",
" e = {'d': d}",
" e['d']['b'] = 2",
" return e",
"e = func()").testLookup("e", ImmutableMap.of("d", ImmutableMap.of("a", 1, "b", 2)));
public void testListAssignmentAsLValue() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def func():",
" a = [1, 2]",
" a[1] = 3",
" a[-2] = 4",
" return a",
"a = str(func())").testLookup("a", "[4, 3]");
public void testNestedListAssignmentAsLValue() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def func():",
" d = [1, 2]",
" e = [3, d]",
" e[1][1] = 4",
" return e",
"e = str(func())").testLookup("e", "[3, [1, 4]]");
public void testDictTupleAssignmentAsLValue() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def func():",
" d = {'a' : 1}",
" d['b'], d['c'] = 2, 3",
" return d",
"d = func()").testLookup("d", ImmutableMap.of("a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3));
public void testDictItemPlusEqual() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def func():",
" d = {'a' : 2}",
" d['a'] += 3",
" return d",
"d = func()").testLookup("d", ImmutableMap.of("a", 5));
public void testDictAssignmentAsLValueSideEffects() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def func(d):",
" d['b'] = 2",
"d = {'a' : 1}",
"func(d)").testLookup("d", SkylarkDict.of(null, "a", 1, "b", 2));
public void testAssignmentToListInDictSideEffect() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp(
"l = [1, 2]",
"d = {0: l}",
"d[0].append(3)").testLookup("l", MutableList.of(null, 1, 2, 3));
public void testUserFunctionKeywordArgs() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo(a, b, c):",
" return a + b + c", "s = foo(1, c=2, b=3)")
.testLookup("s", 6);
public void testFunctionCallOrdering() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def func(): return foo() * 2",
"def foo(): return 2",
"x = func()")
.testLookup("x", 4);
public void testFunctionCallBadOrdering() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().testIfErrorContains("name 'foo' is not defined",
"def func(): return foo() * 2",
"x = func()",
"def foo(): return 2");
public void testTypo() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
"name 'my_variable' is not defined (did you mean 'myVariable'?)",
"myVariable = 2",
"x = my_variable + 1");
public void testNoneTrueFalseInSkylark() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("a = None",
"b = True",
"c = False")
.testLookup("a", Runtime.NONE)
.testLookup("b", Boolean.TRUE)
.testLookup("c", Boolean.FALSE);
public void testHasattrMethods() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
.setUp("a = hasattr(mock, 'struct_field')", "b = hasattr(mock, 'function')",
"c = hasattr(mock, 'is_empty')", "d = hasattr('str', 'replace')",
"e = hasattr(mock, 'other')\n")
.testLookup("a", Boolean.TRUE)
.testLookup("b", Boolean.TRUE)
.testLookup("c", Boolean.TRUE)
.testLookup("d", Boolean.TRUE)
.testLookup("e", Boolean.FALSE);
public void testListAnTupleConcatenationDoesNotWorkInSkylark() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError("unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'list' and 'tuple'",
"[1, 2] + (3, 4)");
public void testCannotCreateMixedListInSkylark() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().testExactOrder("['a', 'b', 1, 2]", "a", "b", 1, 2);
public void testCannotConcatListInSkylarkWithDifferentGenericTypes() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().testExactOrder("[1, 2] + ['a', 'b']", 1, 2, "a", "b");
public void testConcatEmptyListWithNonEmptyWorks() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().testExactOrder("[] + ['a', 'b']", "a", "b");
public void testFormatStringWithTuple() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("v = '%s%s' % ('a', 1)").testLookup("v", "a1");
public void testSingletonTuple() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().testExactOrder("(1,)", 1);
public void testDirFindsClassObjectFields() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().update("mock", new MockClassObject())
.testExactOrder("dir(mock)", "field", "nset");
public void testDirFindsJavaObjectStructFieldsAndMethods() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("mock", new Mock())
public void testPrint() throws Exception {
// TODO(fwe): cannot be handled by current testing suite
eval("print('a', 'b')");
assertContainsDebug("a b");
eval("print('a', 'b', sep='x')");
public void testPrintBadKwargs() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().testIfExactError(
"unexpected keywords 'end', 'other' in call to print(*args, sep: string = \" \")",
"print(end='x', other='y')");
public void testSkylarkTypes() {
// Override tests in EvaluationTest incompatible with Skylark
public void testConcatLists() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().testExactOrder("[1,2] + [3,4]", 1, 2, 3, 4).testExactOrder("(1,2)", 1, 2)
.testExactOrder("(1,2) + (3,4)", 1, 2, 3, 4);
// TODO(fwe): cannot be handled by current testing suite
// list
Object x = eval("[1,2] + [3,4]");
assertThat((Iterable<Object>) x).containsExactly(1, 2, 3, 4).inOrder();
// tuple
x = eval("(1,2)");
assertThat((Iterable<Object>) x).containsExactly(1, 2).inOrder();
assertThat(((SkylarkList) x).isTuple()).isTrue();
x = eval("(1,2) + (3,4)");
assertThat((Iterable<Object>) x).containsExactly(1, 2, 3, 4).inOrder();
assertThat(((SkylarkList) x).isTuple()).isTrue();
public void testListConcatenation() throws Exception {}
public void testListComprehensionsMultipleVariablesFail() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
"assignment length mismatch: left-hand side has length 3, but right-hand side "
+ "evaluates to value of length 2",
"def foo (): return [x + y for x, y, z in [(1, 2), (3, 4)]]",
new SkylarkTest()
"type 'int' is not a collection",
"def bar (): return [x + y for x, y in (1, 2)]",
new SkylarkTest()
"assignment length mismatch: left-hand side has length 3, but right-hand side "
+ "evaluates to value of length 2",
"[x + y for x, y, z in [(1, 2), (3, 4)]]");
// can't reuse the same local variable twice(!)
new SkylarkTest()
"Variable x is read only", "[x + y for x, y in (1, 2)]", "[x + y for x, y in (1, 2)]");
new SkylarkTest()
.testIfErrorContains("type 'int' is not a collection", "[x2 + y2 for x2, y2 in (1, 2)]");
new SkylarkTest()
// returns [2] in Python, it's an error in Skylark
.testIfErrorContains("must have at least one item", "[2 for [] in [()]]");
public void testNotCallInt() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("sum = 123456").testLookup("sum", 123456)
.testIfExactError("'int' object is not callable", "sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)")
.testStatement("sum", 123456);
public void testConditionalExpressionAtToplevel() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("x = 1 if 2 else 3").testLookup("x", 1);
public void testConditionalExpressionInFunction() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().setUp("def foo(a, b, c): return a+b if c else a-b\n").testStatement(
"foo(23, 5, 0)", 18);
@SkylarkModule(name = "SkylarkClassObjectWithSkylarkCallables", doc = "")
static final class SkylarkClassObjectWithSkylarkCallables extends Info {
private static final NativeProvider<SkylarkClassObjectWithSkylarkCallables> CONSTRUCTOR =
new NativeProvider<SkylarkClassObjectWithSkylarkCallables>(
SkylarkClassObjectWithSkylarkCallables.class, "struct_with_skylark_callables") {};
SkylarkClassObjectWithSkylarkCallables() {
new BuiltinFunction("values_only_method", FunctionSignature.of()) {
public String invoke() {
return "fromValues";
new BuiltinFunction("collision_method", FunctionSignature.of()) {
public String invoke() {
return "fromValues";
@SkylarkCallable(name = "callable_only_field", doc = "", structField = true)
public String getCallableOnlyField() {
return "fromSkylarkCallable";
@SkylarkCallable(name = "callable_only_method", doc = "", structField = false)
public String getCallableOnlyMethod() {
return "fromSkylarkCallable";
@SkylarkCallable(name = "collision_field", doc = "", structField = true)
public String getCollisionField() {
return "fromSkylarkCallable";
@SkylarkCallable(name = "collision_method", doc = "", structField = false)
public String getCollisionMethod() {
return "fromSkylarkCallable";
public void testStructFieldDefinedOnlyInValues() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("val", new SkylarkClassObjectWithSkylarkCallables())
.setUp("v = val.values_only_field")
.testLookup("v", "fromValues");
public void testStructMethodDefinedOnlyInValues() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("val", new SkylarkClassObjectWithSkylarkCallables())
.setUp("v = val.values_only_method()")
.testLookup("v", "fromValues");
public void testStructFieldDefinedOnlyInSkylarkCallable() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("val", new SkylarkClassObjectWithSkylarkCallables())
.setUp("v = val.callable_only_field")
.testLookup("v", "fromSkylarkCallable");
public void testStructMethodDefinedOnlyInSkylarkCallable() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("val", new SkylarkClassObjectWithSkylarkCallables())
.setUp("v = val.callable_only_method()")
.testLookup("v", "fromSkylarkCallable");
public void testStructFieldDefinedInValuesAndSkylarkCallable() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("val", new SkylarkClassObjectWithSkylarkCallables())
.setUp("v = val.collision_field")
.testLookup("v", "fromValues");
public void testStructMethodDefinedInValuesAndSkylarkCallable() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("val", new SkylarkClassObjectWithSkylarkCallables())
.setUp("v = val.collision_method()")
.testLookup("v", "fromValues");
public void testStructFieldNotDefined() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("val", new SkylarkClassObjectWithSkylarkCallables())
// TODO(bazel-team): This should probably list callable_only_field/method as well.
"'struct_with_skylark_callables' object has no attribute 'nonexistent_field'\n"
+ "Available attributes: collision_field, collision_method, values_only_field, "
+ "values_only_method",
"v = val.nonexistent_field");
public void testStructMethodNotDefined() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("val", new SkylarkClassObjectWithSkylarkCallables())
// TODO(bazel-team): This should probably match the error above better.
"struct has no method 'nonexistent_method'", "v = val.nonexistent_method()");
public void testListComprehensionsDoNotLeakVariables() throws Exception {
env =
"name 'a' is not defined",
"def foo():",
" a = 10",
" b = [a for a in range(3)]",
" return a",
"x = foo()");
public void testListComprehensionsShadowGlobalVariable() throws Exception {
env =
eval("a = 18", "def foo():", " b = [a for a in range(3)]", " return a", "x = foo()");
public void testListComprehensionsLeakVariables() throws Exception {
env =
eval("def foo():", " a = 10", " b = [a for a in range(3)]", " return a", "x = foo()");
public void testLoadStatementWithAbsolutePath() throws Exception {
env = newEnvironmentWithSkylarkOptions("--incompatible_load_argument_is_label");
"First argument of 'load' must be a label and start with either '//' or ':'",
"load('/tmp/foo', 'arg')");
public void testLoadStatementWithRelativePath() throws Exception {
env = newEnvironmentWithSkylarkOptions("--incompatible_load_argument_is_label");
"First argument of 'load' must be a label and start with either '//' or ':'",
"load('foo', 'arg')");