blob: c02d2c98146f596a5b79fa3f70aacd2286ebd222 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;
* A state machine representing the synchronous or asynchronous execution of an action. This is
* shared between all instances of the same shared action and must therefore be thread-safe. Note
* that only one caller will receive events and output for this action.
final class ActionExecutionState {
/** The owner of this object. Only the owner is allowed to continue work on the state machine. */
private final ActionLookupData actionLookupData;
// Both state and completionFuture may only be read or set when holding the lock for this. The
// state machine for these looks like this:
// !state.isDone,completionFuture=null -----> !state.isDone,completionFuture=<value>
// | |
// | | completionFuture.set()
// v v
// state.isDone,completionFuture=null
// No other states are legal. In particular, state.isDone,completionFuture=<value> is not a legal
// state.
private ActionStepOrResult state;
* A future to represent action completion of the primary action (randomly picked from the set of
* shared actions). This is initially {@code null}, and is only set to a non-null value if this
* turns out to be a shared action, and the primary action is not finished yet (i.e., {@code
* !state.isDone}. It is non-null while the primary action is being executed, at which point the
* thread completing the primary action completes the future, and also sets this field to null.
* <p>The reason for this roundabout approach is to avoid memory allocation if this is not a
* shared action, and to release the memory once the action is done.
private SettableFuture<Void> completionFuture;
ActionExecutionState(ActionLookupData actionLookupData, ActionStepOrResult state) {
this.actionLookupData = Preconditions.checkNotNull(actionLookupData);
this.state = Preconditions.checkNotNull(state);
public ActionExecutionValue getResultOrDependOnFuture(
SkyFunction.Environment env,
ActionLookupData actionLookupData,
Action action,
ActionCompletedReceiver actionCompletedReceiver)
throws ActionExecutionException, InterruptedException {
if (this.actionLookupData.equals(actionLookupData)) {
// This continuation is owned by the Skyframe node executed by the current thread, so we use
// it to run the state machine.
return runStateMachine(env);
// This is a shared action, and the executed action is owned by another Skyframe node. If the
// other node is done, we simply return the done value. Otherwise we register a dependency on
// the completionFuture and return null.
ActionExecutionValue result;
synchronized (this) {
if (!state.isDone()) {
if (completionFuture == null) {
completionFuture = SettableFuture.create();
// No other thread can access completionFuture until we exit the synchronized block.
Preconditions.checkState(!completionFuture.isDone(), state);
Preconditions.checkState(env.valuesMissing(), state);
return null;
result = state.get();
return result.transformForSharedAction(action.getOutputs());
private ActionExecutionValue runStateMachine(SkyFunction.Environment env)
throws ActionExecutionException, InterruptedException {
ActionStepOrResult original;
synchronized (this) {
original = state;
ActionStepOrResult current = original;
// We do the work _outside_ a synchronized block to avoid blocking threads working on shared
// actions that only want to register with the completionFuture.
try {
while (!current.isDone()) {
// Run the state machine for one step; isDone returned false, so this is safe.
current =;
// This method guarantees that it either blocks until the action is completed and returns
// a non-null value, or it registers a dependency with Skyframe and returns null; it must
// not return null without registering a dependency, i.e., if {@code !env.valuesMissing()}.
if (env.valuesMissing()) {
return null;
} finally {
synchronized (this) {
Preconditions.checkState(state == original, "Another thread modified state");
state = current;
if (current.isDone() && completionFuture != null) {
completionFuture = null;
// We're done, return the value to the caller (or throw an exception).
return current.get();
* A state machine where instances of this interface either represent an intermediate state that
* requires more work to be done (possibly waiting for a ListenableFuture to complete) or the
* final result of the executed action (either an ActionExecutionValue or an Exception).
* <p>This design allows us to store the current state of the in-progress action execution using a
* single object reference.
* <p>Do not implement this interface directly! In order to implement an action step, subclass
* {@link ActionStep}, and implement {@link #run}. In order to represent a result, use {@link
* #of}.
interface ActionStepOrResult {
static ActionStepOrResult of(ActionExecutionValue value) {
return new Finished(value);
static ActionStepOrResult of(ActionExecutionException exception) {
return new Exceptional(exception);
static ActionStepOrResult of(InterruptedException exception) {
return new Exceptional(exception);
* Returns true if and only if the underlying action is complete, i.e., it is legal to call
* {@link #get}. The return value of a single object must not change over time. Instead, call
* {@link ActionStepOrResult#of} to return a final result (or exception).
boolean isDone();
* Returns the next state of the state machine after performing some work towards the end goal
* of executing the action. This must only be called if {@link #isDone} returns false, and must
* only be called by one thread at a time for the same instance.
ActionStepOrResult run(SkyFunction.Environment env);
* Returns the final value of the action or an exception to indicate that the action failed (or
* the process was interrupted). This must only be called if {@link #isDone} returns true.
ActionExecutionValue get() throws ActionExecutionException, InterruptedException;
* Abstract implementation of {@link ActionStepOrResult} that declares final implementations for
* {@link #isDone} (to return false) and {@link #get} (tho throw {@link IllegalStateException}).
* <p>The framework prevents concurrent calls to {@link #run}, so implementations can keep state
* without having to lock. Note that there may be multiple calls to {@link #run} from different
* threads, as long as they do not overlap in time.
abstract static class ActionStep implements ActionStepOrResult {
public final boolean isDone() {
return false;
public final ActionExecutionValue get() {
throw new IllegalStateException();
* Represents a finished action with a specific value. We specifically avoid anonymous inner
* classes to not accidentally retain a reference to the ActionRunner.
private static final class Finished implements ActionStepOrResult {
private final ActionExecutionValue value;
Finished(ActionExecutionValue value) {
this.value = value;
public boolean isDone() {
return true;
public ActionStepOrResult run(SkyFunction.Environment env) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
public ActionExecutionValue get() {
return value;
* Represents a finished action with an exception. We specifically avoid anonymous inner classes
* to not accidentally retain a reference to the ActionRunner.
private static final class Exceptional implements ActionStepOrResult {
private final Exception e;
Exceptional(ActionExecutionException e) {
this.e = e;
Exceptional(InterruptedException e) {
this.e = e;
public boolean isDone() {
return true;
public ActionStepOrResult run(SkyFunction.Environment env) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
public ActionExecutionValue get() throws ActionExecutionException, InterruptedException {
if (e instanceof InterruptedException) {
throw (InterruptedException) e;
throw (ActionExecutionException) e;