blob: a6bc5c15071b67e55bec9ed58821c20045383a73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;
/** Tracks state for the UI. */
class UiStateTracker {
private static final long SHOW_TIME_THRESHOLD_SECONDS = 3;
private static final String ELLIPSIS = "...";
private static final String FETCH_PREFIX = " Fetching ";
private static final String AND_MORE = " ...";
private static final String NO_STATUS = "-----";
private static final int STATUS_LENGTH = 5;
private static final int NANOS_PER_SECOND = 1000000000;
private static final String URL_PROTOCOL_SEP = "://";
private int sampleSize = 3;
private String status;
protected String additionalMessage;
protected final Clock clock;
// Desired maximal width of the progress bar, if positive.
// Non-positive values indicate not to aim for a particular width.
protected final int targetWidth;
* Tracker of strategy names to unique IDs and viceversa.
* <p>The IDs generated by this class can be used to index bitmaps.
* <p>TODO(jmmv): Would be nice if the strategies themselves contained their IDs (initialized at
* construction time) and we passed around those IDs instead of strings.
static final class StrategyIds {
/** Fallback name in case we exhaust our space for IDs. */
static final String FALLBACK_NAME = "unknown";
/** Counter of unique strategies seen so far. */
private final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);
/** Mapping of strategy names to their unique IDs. */
private final Map<String, Integer> strategyIds = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** Mapping of strategy unique IDs to their names. */
private final Map<Integer, String> strategyNames = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
final Integer fallbackId;
/** Constructs a new collection of strategy IDs. */
StrategyIds() {
fallbackId = getId(FALLBACK_NAME);
/** Computes the ID of a strategy given its name. */
public Integer getId(String strategy) {
Integer id =
(key) -> {
int value = counter.getAndIncrement();
if (value >= Integer.SIZE) {
return fallbackId;
} else {
return 1 << value;
strategyNames.putIfAbsent(id, strategy);
return id;
/** Flattens a bitmap of strategy IDs into a human-friendly string. */
String formatNames(int bitmap) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
int mask = 0x1;
while (bitmap != 0) {
int id = bitmap & mask;
if (id != 0) {
String name = checkNotNull(strategyNames.get(id), "Unknown strategy with id %s", id);
bitmap &= ~mask;
if (bitmap != 0) {
builder.append(", ");
mask <<= 1;
return builder.toString();
private static final StrategyIds strategyIds = new StrategyIds();
* Tracks all details for an action that we have heard about.
* <p>We cannot make assumptions on the order in which action state events come in, so this class
* takes care of always "advancing" the state of an action.
protected static final class ActionState {
* The action this state belongs to.
* <p>We assume that all events related to the same action refer to the same {@link
* ActionExecutionMetadata} object.
final ActionExecutionMetadata action;
/** Timestamp of the last state change. */
long nanoStartTime;
* Whether this action is in the scanning state or not.
* <p>If true, implies that {@link #schedulingStrategiesBitmap} and {@link
* #runningStrategiesBitmap} are both zero. The opposite is not necessarily true: if false, the
* bitmaps can be zero as well to represent that the action is still in the preparation stage.
boolean scanning;
* Bitmap of strategies that are checking the cache of this action.
* <p>If non-zero, implies that {@link #scanning} is false.
int cachingStrategiesBitmap = 0;
* Bitmap of strategies that are scheduling this action.
* <p>If non-zero, implies that {@link #scanning} is false.
int schedulingStrategiesBitmap = 0;
* Bitmap of strategies that are running this action.
* <p>If non-zero, implies that {@link #scanning} is false.
int runningStrategiesBitmap = 0;
private static class ProgressState {
final String id;
ActionProgressEvent latestEvent;
private ProgressState(String id) { = id;
private final LinkedHashMap<String, ProgressState> runningProgresses = new LinkedHashMap<>();
/** Starts tracking the state of an action. */
ActionState(ActionExecutionMetadata action, long nanoStartTime) {
this.action = action;
this.nanoStartTime = nanoStartTime;
/** Computes the weight of this action for the global active actions counter. */
synchronized int countActions() {
int activeStrategies =
Integer.bitCount(schedulingStrategiesBitmap) + Integer.bitCount(runningStrategiesBitmap);
return activeStrategies > 0 ? activeStrategies : 1;
* Marks the action as scanning.
* <p>Because we may receive events out of order, this does nothing if the action is already
* scheduled or running.
synchronized void setScanning(long nanoChangeTime) {
if (cachingStrategiesBitmap == 0
&& schedulingStrategiesBitmap == 0
&& runningStrategiesBitmap == 0) {
scanning = true;
nanoStartTime = nanoChangeTime;
* Marks the action as no longer scanning.
* <p>Because we may receive events out of order, this does nothing if the action is already
* scheduled or running.
synchronized void setStopScanning(long nanoChangeTime) {
if (cachingStrategiesBitmap == 0
&& schedulingStrategiesBitmap == 0
&& runningStrategiesBitmap == 0) {
scanning = false;
nanoStartTime = nanoChangeTime;
* Marks the action as caching with the given strategy.
* <p>Because we may receive events out of order, this does nothing if the action is already
* scheduled or running with this strategy.
synchronized void setCaching(String strategy, long nanoChangeTime) {
int id = strategyIds.getId(strategy);
if ((schedulingStrategiesBitmap & id) == 0 && (runningStrategiesBitmap & id) == 0) {
scanning = false;
cachingStrategiesBitmap |= id;
nanoStartTime = nanoChangeTime;
* Marks the action as scheduling with the given strategy.
* <p>Because we may receive events out of order, this does nothing if the action is already
* running with this strategy.
synchronized void setScheduling(String strategy, long nanoChangeTime) {
int id = strategyIds.getId(strategy);
if ((runningStrategiesBitmap & id) == 0) {
scanning = false;
cachingStrategiesBitmap &= ~id;
schedulingStrategiesBitmap |= id;
nanoStartTime = nanoChangeTime;
* Marks the action as running with the given strategy.
* <p>Because "running" is a terminal state, this forcibly updates the state to running
* regardless of any other events (which may come out of order).
synchronized void setRunning(String strategy, long nanoChangeTime) {
scanning = false;
int id = strategyIds.getId(strategy);
cachingStrategiesBitmap &= ~id;
schedulingStrategiesBitmap &= ~id;
runningStrategiesBitmap |= id;
nanoStartTime = nanoChangeTime;
/** Handles the progress event for the action. */
synchronized void onProgressEvent(ActionProgressEvent event) {
String id = event.progressId();
if (event.finished()) {
// a progress is finished, clean it up
ProgressState state = runningProgresses.computeIfAbsent(id, key -> new ProgressState(key));
state.latestEvent = event;
synchronized Optional<ProgressState> firstProgress() {
if (runningProgresses.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
return Optional.of(runningProgresses.entrySet().iterator().next().getValue());
/** Generates a human-readable description of this action's state. */
synchronized String describe() {
if (runningStrategiesBitmap != 0) {
return "Running";
} else if (schedulingStrategiesBitmap != 0) {
return "Scheduling";
} else if (cachingStrategiesBitmap != 0) {
return "Caching";
} else if (scanning) {
return "Scanning";
} else {
return "Preparing";
protected final Map<Artifact, ActionState> activeActions;
private final AtomicInteger activeActionUploads = new AtomicInteger(0);
private final AtomicInteger activeActionDownloads = new AtomicInteger(0);
// running downloads are identified by the original URL they were trying to access.
private final Deque<String> runningDownloads;
private final Map<String, Long> downloadNanoStartTimes;
private final Map<String, FetchProgress> downloads;
* For each test, the list of actions (as identified by the primary output artifact) currently
* running for that test (identified by its label), in the order they got started. A key is
* present in the map if and only if that was discovered as a test.
private final Map<Label, Set<Artifact>> testActions;
protected final AtomicInteger actionsCompleted;
protected int totalTests;
protected int completedTests;
private TestSummary mostRecentTest;
protected int failedTests;
protected boolean ok;
private boolean buildComplete;
@Nullable protected ExecutionProgressReceiver executionProgressReceiver;
@Nullable protected PackageProgressReceiver packageProgressReceiver;
@Nullable protected ConfiguredTargetProgressReceiver configuredTargetProgressReceiver;
// Set of build event protocol transports that need yet to be closed.
private final Set<BuildEventTransport> bepOpenTransports = new HashSet<>();
// The point in time when closing of BEP transports was started.
protected Instant buildCompleteAt;
UiStateTracker(Clock clock, int targetWidth) {
this.activeActions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
this.actionsCompleted = new AtomicInteger();
this.testActions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
this.runningDownloads = new ArrayDeque<>();
this.downloads = new TreeMap<>();
this.downloadNanoStartTimes = new TreeMap<>();
this.ok = true;
this.clock = clock;
this.targetWidth = targetWidth;
UiStateTracker(Clock clock) {
this(clock, 0);
/** Set the progress bar sample size. */
void setProgressSampleSize(int sampleSize) {
this.sampleSize = Math.max(1, sampleSize);
void buildStarted() {
status = "Loading";
additionalMessage = "";
void loadingStarted(LoadingPhaseStartedEvent event) {
status = null;
packageProgressReceiver = event.getPackageProgressReceiver();
void configurationStarted(ConfigurationPhaseStartedEvent event) {
configuredTargetProgressReceiver = event.getConfiguredTargetProgressReceiver();
void loadingComplete(LoadingPhaseCompleteEvent event) {
int count = event.getLabels().size();
status = "Analyzing";
if (count == 1) {
additionalMessage = "target " + Iterables.getOnlyElement(event.getLabels());
} else {
additionalMessage = count + " targets";
* Make the state tracker aware of the fact that the analysis has finished. Return a summary of
* the work done in the analysis phase.
synchronized String analysisComplete() {
String workDone = "Analyzed " + additionalMessage;
if (packageProgressReceiver != null) {
Pair<String, String> progress = packageProgressReceiver.progressState();
workDone += " (" + progress.getFirst();
if (configuredTargetProgressReceiver != null) {
workDone += ", " + configuredTargetProgressReceiver.getProgressString();
workDone += ")";
workDone += ".";
status = null;
packageProgressReceiver = null;
configuredTargetProgressReceiver = null;
return workDone;
synchronized void progressReceiverAvailable(ExecutionProgressReceiverAvailableEvent event) {
executionProgressReceiver = event.getExecutionProgressReceiver();
void buildComplete(BuildCompleteEvent event) {
buildComplete = true;
buildCompleteAt = Instant.ofEpochMilli(clock.currentTimeMillis());
if (event.getResult().getSuccess()) {
status = "INFO";
int actionsCompleted = this.actionsCompleted.get();
if (failedTests == 0) {
additionalMessage =
"Build completed successfully, "
+ actionsCompleted
+ pluralize(" total action", actionsCompleted);
} else {
additionalMessage =
"Build completed, "
+ failedTests
+ pluralize(" test", failedTests)
+ " FAILED, "
+ actionsCompleted
+ pluralize(" total action", actionsCompleted);
} else {
ok = false;
status = "FAILED";
additionalMessage = "Build did NOT complete successfully";
protected static String pluralize(String noun, int count) {
return String.format("%s%s", noun, count == 1 ? "" : "s");
protected boolean buildCompleted() {
return buildComplete;
synchronized void downloadProgress(FetchProgress event) {
String url = event.getResourceIdentifier();
if (event.isFinished()) {
// a download is finished, clean it up
} else if (runningDownloads.contains(url)) {
// a new progress update on an already known, still running download
downloads.put(url, event);
} else {
// Start of a new download
long nanoTime = clock.nanoTime();
downloads.put(url, event);
downloadNanoStartTimes.put(url, nanoTime);
private ActionState getActionState(
ActionExecutionMetadata action, Artifact actionId, long nanoTimeNow) {
return activeActions.computeIfAbsent(actionId, (key) -> new ActionState(action, nanoTimeNow));
private ActionState getActionStateIfPresent(Artifact actionId) {
return activeActions.get(actionId);
void actionStarted(ActionStartedEvent event) {
Action action = event.getAction();
Artifact actionId = action.getPrimaryOutput();
getActionState(action, actionId, event.getNanoTimeStart());
if (action.getOwner() != null) {
Label owner = action.getOwner().getLabel();
if (owner != null) {
Set<Artifact> testActionsForOwner = testActions.get(owner);
if (testActionsForOwner != null) {
void scanningAction(ScanningActionEvent event) {
ActionExecutionMetadata action = event.getActionMetadata();
Artifact actionId = event.getActionMetadata().getPrimaryOutput();
long now = clock.nanoTime();
getActionState(action, actionId, now).setScanning(now);
void stopScanningAction(StoppedScanningActionEvent event) {
Action action = event.getAction();
Artifact actionId = action.getPrimaryOutput();
long now = clock.nanoTime();
getActionState(action, actionId, now).setStopScanning(now);
void cachingAction(CachingActionEvent event) {
ActionExecutionMetadata action = event.action();
Artifact actionId = action.getPrimaryOutput();
long now = clock.nanoTime();
getActionState(action, actionId, now).setCaching(event.strategy(), now);
void schedulingAction(SchedulingActionEvent event) {
ActionExecutionMetadata action = event.getActionMetadata();
Artifact actionId = event.getActionMetadata().getPrimaryOutput();
long now = clock.nanoTime();
getActionState(action, actionId, now).setScheduling(event.getStrategy(), now);
void runningAction(RunningActionEvent event) {
ActionExecutionMetadata action = event.getActionMetadata();
Artifact actionId = event.getActionMetadata().getPrimaryOutput();
long now = clock.nanoTime();
getActionState(action, actionId, now).setRunning(event.getStrategy(), now);
void actionProgress(ActionProgressEvent event) {
Artifact actionId = event.action().getPrimaryOutput();
ActionState actionState = getActionStateIfPresent(actionId);
if (actionState != null) {
void actionCompletion(ActionScanningCompletedEvent event) {
Action action = event.getAction();
Artifact actionId = action.getPrimaryOutput();
checkNotNull(activeActions.remove(actionId), "%s not active after %s", actionId, event);
// As callers to the experimental state tracker assume we will fully report the new state once
// informed of an action completion, we need to make sure the progress receiver is aware of the
// completion, even though it might be called later on the event bus.
if (executionProgressReceiver != null) {
void actionCompletion(ActionCompletionEvent event) {
Action action = event.getAction();
Artifact actionId = action.getPrimaryOutput();
checkNotNull(activeActions.remove(actionId), "%s not active after %s", actionId, event);
if (action.getOwner() != null) {
Label owner = action.getOwner().getLabel();
if (owner != null) {
Set<Artifact> testActionsForOwner = testActions.get(owner);
if (testActionsForOwner != null) {
// As callers to the experimental state tracker assume we will fully report the new state once
// informed of an action completion, we need to make sure the progress receiver is aware of the
// completion, even though it might be called later on the event bus.
if (executionProgressReceiver != null) {
void actionUploadStarted(ActionUploadStartedEvent event) {
void actionUploadFinished(ActionUploadFinishedEvent event) {
/** From a string, take a suffix of at most the given length. */
static String suffix(String s, int len) {
if (len <= 0) {
return "";
int startPos = s.length() - len;
if (startPos <= 0) {
return s;
return s.substring(startPos);
* If possible come up with a human-readable description of the label that fits within the given
* width; a non-positive width indicates not no restriction at all.
private static String shortenedLabelString(Label label, int width) {
if (width <= 0) {
return label.toString();
String name = label.toString();
if (name.length() <= width) {
return name;
name = suffix(name, width - ELLIPSIS.length());
int slashPos = name.indexOf('/');
if (slashPos >= 0) {
return ELLIPSIS + name.substring(slashPos);
int colonPos = name.indexOf(':');
if (slashPos >= 0) {
return ELLIPSIS + name.substring(colonPos);
// no reasonable place found to shorten; as last resort, just truncate
if (3 * ELLIPSIS.length() <= width) {
return ELLIPSIS + suffix(label.toString(), width - ELLIPSIS.length());
return label.toString();
private static String shortenedString(String s, int maxWidth) {
if (maxWidth <= 3 * ELLIPSIS.length() || s.length() <= maxWidth) {
return s;
return s.substring(0, maxWidth - ELLIPSIS.length()) + ELLIPSIS;
// Describe a group of actions running for the same test.
private String describeTestGroup(
Label owner, long nanoTime, int desiredWidth, Set<Artifact> allActions) {
String prefix = "Testing ";
String labelSep = " [";
String postfix = " (" + allActions.size() + " actions)]";
// Leave enough room for at least 3 samples of run times, each 4 characters
// (a digit, 's', comma, and space).
int labelWidth = desiredWidth - prefix.length() - labelSep.length() - postfix.length() - 12;
StringBuilder message =
new StringBuilder(prefix).append(shortenedLabelString(owner, labelWidth)).append(labelSep);
// Compute the remaining width for the sample times, but if the desired width is too small
// anyway, then show at least one sample.
int remainingWidth = desiredWidth - message.length() - postfix.length();
if (remainingWidth < 0) {
remainingWidth = "[1s], ".length() + 1;
String sep = "";
boolean allReported = true;
for (Artifact actionId : allActions) {
ActionState actionState = activeActions.get(actionId);
if (actionState == null) {
// This action must have completed while we were constructing this output. Skip it.
long nanoRuntime = nanoTime - actionState.nanoStartTime;
long runtimeSeconds = nanoRuntime / NANOS_PER_SECOND;
String text =
actionState.runningStrategiesBitmap == 0
? sep + "[" + runtimeSeconds + "s]"
: sep + runtimeSeconds + "s";
if (remainingWidth < text.length()) {
allReported = false;
remainingWidth -= text.length();
sep = ", ";
return message.append(allReported ? "]" : postfix).toString();
private String describeActionProgress(ActionState action, int desiredWidth) {
Optional<ActionState.ProgressState> stateOpt = action.firstProgress();
if (!stateOpt.isPresent()) {
return "";
ActionState.ProgressState state = stateOpt.get();
ActionProgressEvent event = state.latestEvent;
String message = event.progress();
if (message.isEmpty()) {
message =;
message = "; " + message;
if (desiredWidth <= 0 || message.length() <= desiredWidth) {
return message;
message = message.substring(0, desiredWidth - ELLIPSIS.length()) + ELLIPSIS;
return message;
// Describe an action by a string of the desired length; if describing that action includes
// describing other actions, add those to the to set of actions to skip in further samples of
// actions.
protected String describeAction(
ActionState actionState, long nanoTime, int desiredWidth, Set<Artifact> toSkip) {
ActionExecutionMetadata action = actionState.action;
if (action.getOwner() != null) {
Label owner = action.getOwner().getLabel();
if (owner != null) {
Set<Artifact> allRelatedActions = testActions.get(owner);
if (allRelatedActions != null && allRelatedActions.size() > 1) {
if (toSkip != null) {
return describeTestGroup(owner, nanoTime, desiredWidth, allRelatedActions);
String postfix = "";
String prefix = "";
long nanoRuntime = nanoTime - actionState.nanoStartTime;
long runtimeSeconds = nanoRuntime / NANOS_PER_SECOND;
String strategy = null;
if (actionState.runningStrategiesBitmap != 0) {
strategy = strategyIds.formatNames(actionState.runningStrategiesBitmap);
} else if (actionState.cachingStrategiesBitmap != 0) {
strategy = strategyIds.formatNames(actionState.cachingStrategiesBitmap);
} else {
String status = actionState.describe();
if (status == null) {
status = NO_STATUS;
if (status.length() > STATUS_LENGTH) {
status = status.substring(0, STATUS_LENGTH);
prefix = prefix + "[" + status + "] ";
// To keep the UI appearance more stable, always show the elapsed
// time if we also show a strategy (otherwise the strategy will jump in
// the progress bar).
if (strategy != null || runtimeSeconds > SHOW_TIME_THRESHOLD_SECONDS) {
postfix = "; " + runtimeSeconds + "s";
if (strategy != null) {
postfix += " " + strategy;
String message = action.getProgressMessage();
if (message == null) {
message = action.prettyPrint();
String progress = describeActionProgress(actionState, 0);
if (desiredWidth <= 0
|| (prefix.length() + message.length() + progress.length() + postfix.length())
<= desiredWidth) {
return prefix + message + progress + postfix;
// We have to shorten the progress to fit into the line.
int remainingWidthForProgress =
desiredWidth - prefix.length() - message.length() - postfix.length();
int minWidthForProgress = 7; // "; " + at least two character + "..."
if (remainingWidthForProgress >= minWidthForProgress) {
progress = describeActionProgress(actionState, remainingWidthForProgress);
return prefix + message + progress + postfix;
// We have to skip the progress to fit into the line.
if (prefix.length() + message.length() + postfix.length() <= desiredWidth) {
return prefix + message + postfix;
// We have to shorten the message to fit into the line.
if (action.getOwner() != null) {
if (action.getOwner().getLabel() != null) {
// First attempt is to shorten the package path string in the messge, if it occurs there
String pathString = action.getOwner().getLabel().getPackageFragment().toString();
int pathIndex = message.indexOf(pathString);
if (pathIndex >= 0) {
String start = message.substring(0, pathIndex);
String end = message.substring(pathIndex + pathString.length());
int pathTargetLength =
desiredWidth - start.length() - end.length() - postfix.length() - prefix.length();
// This attempt of shortening is reasonable if what is left from the label
// is significantly longer (twice as long) as the ellipsis symbols introduced.
if (pathTargetLength >= 3 * ELLIPSIS.length()) {
String shortPath = suffix(pathString, pathTargetLength - ELLIPSIS.length());
int slashPos = shortPath.indexOf('/');
if (slashPos >= 0) {
return prefix + start + ELLIPSIS + shortPath.substring(slashPos) + end + postfix;
// Second attempt: just take a shortened version of the label.
String shortLabel =
action.getOwner().getLabel(), desiredWidth - postfix.length() - prefix.length());
if (prefix.length() + shortLabel.length() + postfix.length() <= desiredWidth) {
return prefix + shortLabel + postfix;
if (3 * ELLIPSIS.length() + postfix.length() + prefix.length() <= desiredWidth) {
message =
+ suffix(
message, desiredWidth - ELLIPSIS.length() - postfix.length() - prefix.length());
return prefix + message + postfix;
protected ActionState getOldestAction() {
long minStart = Long.MAX_VALUE;
ActionState result = null;
for (ActionState action : activeActions.values()) {
if (action.nanoStartTime < minStart) {
minStart = action.nanoStartTime;
result = action;
return result;
protected String countActions() {
// TODO(djasper): Iterating over the actions here is slow, but it's only done once per refresh
// and thus might be faster than trying to update these values in the critical path.
// Re-investigate if this ever turns up in a profile.
int actionsCount = 0;
int executingActionsCount = 0;
for (ActionState actionState : activeActions.values()) {
actionsCount += actionState.countActions();
executingActionsCount += Integer.bitCount(actionState.runningStrategiesBitmap);
if (actionsCount == 1) {
return " 1 action running";
} else if (actionsCount == executingActionsCount) {
return actionsCount + " actions running";
} else {
return actionsCount + " actions, " + executingActionsCount + " running";
protected void printActionState(AnsiTerminalWriter terminalWriter) throws IOException {
private void sampleOldestActions(AnsiTerminalWriter terminalWriter) throws IOException {
// This method can only be called if 'activeActions.size()' was observed to be larger than 1 at
// some point in the past. But the 'activeActions' map can grow and shrink concurrent with this
// code here so we need to be very careful lest we fall victim to a check-then-act race.
int racyActiveActionsCount = activeActions.size();
PriorityQueue<Map.Entry<Artifact, ActionState>> priorityHeap =
new PriorityQueue<>(
// The 'initialCapacity' parameter must be positive.
/*initialCapacity=*/ Math.max(racyActiveActionsCount, 1),
(Map.Entry<Artifact, ActionState> entry) ->
entry.getValue().runningStrategiesBitmap == 0)
.thenComparingLong(entry -> entry.getValue().nanoStartTime)
.thenComparingInt(entry -> entry.getValue().hashCode()));
// From this point on, we no longer consume 'activeActions'. So now it's sound to look at how
// many entries were added to 'priorityHeap' and act appropriately based on that count.
int actualObservedActiveActionsCount = priorityHeap.size();
int count = 0;
int totalCount = 0;
long nanoTime = clock.nanoTime();
Set<Artifact> toSkip = new HashSet<>();
while (!priorityHeap.isEmpty()) {
Map.Entry<Artifact, ActionState> entry = priorityHeap.poll();
if (toSkip.contains(entry.getKey())) {
if (count > sampleSize) {
int width =
- 4
- ((count >= sampleSize && count < actualObservedActiveActionsCount)
? AND_MORE.length()
: 0);
.append(" " + describeAction(entry.getValue(), nanoTime, width, toSkip));
if (totalCount < actualObservedActiveActionsCount) {
synchronized void testFilteringComplete(TestFilteringCompleteEvent event) {
if (event.getTestTargets() != null) {
totalTests = event.getTestTargets().size();
for (ConfiguredTarget target : event.getTestTargets()) {
if (target.getLabel() != null) {
testActions.put(target.getLabel(), Sets.newConcurrentHashSet());
public synchronized void testSummary(TestSummary summary) {
mostRecentTest = summary;
if ((summary.getStatus() != BlazeTestStatus.PASSED)
&& (summary.getStatus() != BlazeTestStatus.FLAKY)) {
synchronized void buildEventTransportsAnnounced(AnnounceBuildEventTransportsEvent event) {
synchronized void buildEventTransportClosed(BuildEventTransportClosedEvent event) {
synchronized boolean hasActivities() {
return !(buildCompleted()
&& bepOpenTransports.isEmpty()
&& activeActionUploads.get() == 0
&& activeActionDownloads.get() == 0);
* * Predicate indicating whether the contents of the progress bar can change, if the only thing
* that happens is that time passes; this is the case, e.g., if the progress bar shows time
* information relative to the current time.
boolean progressBarTimeDependent() {
if (packageProgressReceiver != null) {
return true;
if (runningDownloads.size() >= 1) {
return true;
if (buildCompleted() && hasActivities()) {
return true;
if (status != null) {
return false;
return !activeActions.isEmpty();
* Maybe add a note about the last test that passed. Return true, if the note was added (and hence
* a line break is appropriate if more data is to come. If a null value is provided for the
* terminal writer, only return whether a note would be added.
* <p>The width parameter gives advice on to which length the description of the test should the
* shortened to, if possible.
protected boolean maybeShowRecentTest(
AnsiTerminalWriter terminalWriter, boolean shortVersion, int width) throws IOException {
final String prefix = "; last test: ";
if (!shortVersion && mostRecentTest != null) {
if (terminalWriter != null) {
if (mostRecentTest.getStatus() == BlazeTestStatus.PASSED) {
} else {
shortenedLabelString(mostRecentTest.getLabel(), width - prefix.length()));
return true;
} else {
return false;
private static String shortenUrl(String url, int width) {
if (url.length() < width) {
return url;
// Try to shorten to the form prot://host/.../rest/path/filename
int protocolIndex = url.indexOf(URL_PROTOCOL_SEP);
if (protocolIndex > 0) {
String prefix = url.substring(0, protocolIndex + URL_PROTOCOL_SEP.length() + 1);
url = url.substring(protocolIndex + URL_PROTOCOL_SEP.length() + 1);
int hostIndex = url.indexOf('/');
if (hostIndex > 0) {
prefix = prefix + url.substring(0, hostIndex + 1);
url = url.substring(hostIndex + 1);
int targetLength = width - prefix.length();
// accept this form of shortening, if what is left from the filename is
// significantly longer (twice as long) as the ellipsis symbol introduced
if (targetLength > 3 * ELLIPSIS.length()) {
String shortPath = suffix(url, targetLength - ELLIPSIS.length());
int slashPos = shortPath.indexOf('/');
if (slashPos >= 0) {
return prefix + ELLIPSIS + shortPath.substring(slashPos);
} else {
return prefix + ELLIPSIS + shortPath;
// Last resort: just take a suffix
if (width <= ELLIPSIS.length()) {
// No chance to shorten anyway
return "";
return ELLIPSIS + suffix(url, width - ELLIPSIS.length());
private void reportOnOneDownload(
String url, long nanoTime, int width, AnsiTerminalWriter terminalWriter) throws IOException {
String postfix = "";
FetchProgress download = downloads.get(url);
long nanoDownloadTime = nanoTime - downloadNanoStartTimes.get(url);
long downloadSeconds = nanoDownloadTime / NANOS_PER_SECOND;
String progress = download.getProgress();
if (!progress.isEmpty()) {
postfix = postfix + " " + progress;
if (downloadSeconds > SHOW_TIME_THRESHOLD_SECONDS) {
postfix = postfix + " " + downloadSeconds + "s";
if (!postfix.isEmpty()) {
postfix = ";" + postfix;
url = shortenUrl(url, Math.max(width - postfix.length(), 3 * ELLIPSIS.length()));
terminalWriter.append(url + postfix);
protected void reportOnDownloads(AnsiTerminalWriter terminalWriter) throws IOException {
int count = 0;
long nanoTime = clock.nanoTime();
int downloadCount = runningDownloads.size();
String suffix = AND_MORE + " (" + downloadCount + " fetches)";
for (String url : runningDownloads) {
if (count >= sampleSize) {
- FETCH_PREFIX.length()
- ((count >= sampleSize && count < downloadCount) ? suffix.length() : 0),
if (count < downloadCount) {
* Display any action uploads/downloads that are still active after the build. Most likely,
* because upload/download takes longer than the build itself.
protected void maybeReportActiveUploadsOrDownloads(PositionAwareAnsiTerminalWriter terminalWriter)
throws IOException {
int uploads = activeActionUploads.get();
int downloads = activeActionDownloads.get();
if (!buildCompleted() || (uploads == 0 && downloads == 0)) {
Duration waitTime =
Duration.between(buildCompleteAt, Instant.ofEpochMilli(clock.currentTimeMillis()));
if (waitTime.getSeconds() == 0) {
// Special case for when bazel was interrupted, in which case we don't want to have a message.
String suffix = "";
if (waitTime.compareTo(Duration.ofSeconds(SHOW_TIME_THRESHOLD_SECONDS)) > 0) {
suffix = "; " + waitTime.getSeconds() + "s";
String message = "Waiting for remote cache: ";
if (uploads != 0) {
if (uploads == 1) {
message += "1 upload";
} else {
message += uploads + " uploads";
if (downloads != 0) {
if (uploads != 0) {
message += ", ";
if (downloads == 1) {
message += "1 download";
} else {
message += downloads + " downloads";
* Display any BEP transports that are still open after the build. Most likely, because uploading
* build events takes longer than the build itself.
protected void maybeReportBepTransports(PositionAwareAnsiTerminalWriter terminalWriter)
throws IOException {
if (!buildCompleted() || bepOpenTransports.isEmpty()) {
Duration waitTime =
Duration.between(buildCompleteAt, Instant.ofEpochMilli(clock.currentTimeMillis()));
if (waitTime.getSeconds() == 0) {
// Special case for when bazel was interrupted, in which case we don't want to have
// a BEP upload message.
int count = bepOpenTransports.size();
// Can just use targetWidth, because we always write to a new line
int maxWidth = targetWidth;
String waitMessage = "Waiting for build events upload: ";
String name = bepOpenTransports.iterator().next().name();
String line = waitMessage + name + " " + waitTime.getSeconds() + "s";
if (count == 1 && line.length() <= maxWidth) {
} else if (count == 1) {
waitMessage = "Waiting for: ";
String waitSecs = " " + waitTime.getSeconds() + "s";
int maxNameWidth = maxWidth - waitMessage.length() - waitSecs.length();
terminalWriter.newline().append(waitMessage + shortenedString(name, maxNameWidth) + waitSecs);
} else {
terminalWriter.newline().append(waitMessage + waitTime.getSeconds() + "s");
for (BuildEventTransport transport : bepOpenTransports) {
name = " " +;
terminalWriter.newline().append(shortenedString(name, maxWidth));
/** Write the progress of the execution phase to the terminal writer. */
protected void writeExecutionProgress(
PositionAwareAnsiTerminalWriter terminalWriter, boolean shortVersion) throws IOException {
int actionsCount = activeActions.size();
if (executionProgressReceiver != null) {
if (completedTests > 0) {
terminalWriter.normal().append(" " + completedTests + " / " + totalTests + " tests");
if (failedTests > 0) {
terminalWriter.append(", ").failStatus().append(failedTests + " failed").normal();
// Get the oldest action. Note that actions might have finished in the meantime and thus there
// might not be one.
ActionState oldestAction = getOldestAction();
if (actionsCount == 0 || oldestAction == null) {
// TODO(b/239693084): Improve the message here.
terminalWriter.normal().append(" checking cached actions");
maybeShowRecentTest(terminalWriter, shortVersion, targetWidth - terminalWriter.getPosition());
} else if (actionsCount == 1) {
if (maybeShowRecentTest(null, shortVersion, targetWidth - terminalWriter.getPosition())) {
// As we will break lines anyway, also show the number of running actions, to keep
// things stay roughly in the same place (also compensating for the missing plural-s
// in the word action).
terminalWriter.normal().append(" 1 action");
terminalWriter, shortVersion, targetWidth - terminalWriter.getPosition());
String statusMessage =
describeAction(oldestAction, clock.nanoTime(), targetWidth - 4, /*toSkip=*/ null);
terminalWriter.normal().newline().append(" " + statusMessage);
} else {
String statusMessage =
targetWidth - terminalWriter.getPosition() - 1,
/*toSkip=*/ null);
terminalWriter.normal().append(" " + statusMessage);
} else {
if (shortVersion) {
String statusMessage =
targetWidth - terminalWriter.getPosition(),
/*toSkip=*/ null);
statusMessage += " ... (" + countActions() + ")";
terminalWriter.normal().append(" " + statusMessage);
} else {
String statusMessage = countActions();
terminalWriter.normal().append(" " + statusMessage);
terminalWriter, shortVersion, targetWidth - terminalWriter.getPosition());
* Main method that writes the progress of the build.
* @param rawTerminalWriter used to write to the terminal.
* @param shortVersion whether to write a short version of the output.
* @param timestamp null if the UiOptions specifies not to show timestamps.
* @throws IOException when attempting to write to the terminal writer.
synchronized void writeProgressBar(
AnsiTerminalWriter rawTerminalWriter, boolean shortVersion, @Nullable String timestamp)
throws IOException {
PositionAwareAnsiTerminalWriter terminalWriter =
new PositionAwareAnsiTerminalWriter(rawTerminalWriter);
if (timestamp != null) {
if (status != null) {
if (ok) {
} else {
terminalWriter.append(status + ":").normal().append(" " + additionalMessage);
if (packageProgressReceiver != null) {
Pair<String, String> progress = packageProgressReceiver.progressState();
terminalWriter.append(" (" + progress.getFirst());
if (configuredTargetProgressReceiver != null) {
terminalWriter.append(", " + configuredTargetProgressReceiver.getProgressString());
if (!progress.getSecond().isEmpty() && !shortVersion) {
terminalWriter.newline().append(" " + progress.getSecond());
if (!shortVersion) {
if (packageProgressReceiver != null) {
Pair<String, String> progress = packageProgressReceiver.progressState();
terminalWriter.okStatus().append("Loading:").normal().append(" " + progress.getFirst());
if (!progress.getSecond().isEmpty()) {
terminalWriter.newline().append(" " + progress.getSecond());
if (!shortVersion) {
writeExecutionProgress(terminalWriter, shortVersion);
if (!shortVersion) {
void writeProgressBar(AnsiTerminalWriter terminalWriter, boolean shortVersion)
throws IOException {
writeProgressBar(terminalWriter, shortVersion, null);
void writeProgressBar(AnsiTerminalWriter terminalWriter) throws IOException {
writeProgressBar(terminalWriter, false);