blob: dfbb26471712d4855bef17e3f47e3908451637e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Represents a collection of context information which may affect a build (for example: the target
* platform for compilation, or whether or not debug tables are required). In fact, all
* "environmental" information (e.g. from the tool's command-line, as opposed to the BUILD file)
* that can affect the output of any build tool should be explicitly represented in the {@code
* BuildConfigurationValue} instance.
* <p>A single build may require building tools to run on a variety of platforms: when compiling a
* server application for production, we must build the build tools (like compilers) to run on the
* execution platform, but cross-compile the application for the production environment.
* <p>There is always at least one {@code BuildConfigurationValue} instance in any build: the one
* representing the target platform. Additional instances may be created, in a cross-compilation
* build, for example.
* <p>Instances of {@code BuildConfigurationValue} are canonical:
* <pre>{@code c1.equals(c2) <=> c1==c2.}</pre>
public class BuildConfigurationValue
implements BuildConfigurationApi, SkyValue, BuildConfigurationInfo {
private static final Interner<ImmutableSortedMap<Class<? extends Fragment>, Fragment>>
fragmentsInterner = BlazeInterners.newWeakInterner();
/** Global state necessary to build a BuildConfiguration. */
public interface GlobalStateProvider {
/** Computes the default shell environment for actions from the command line options. */
ActionEnvironment getActionEnvironment(BuildOptions options);
FragmentRegistry getFragmentRegistry();
ImmutableSet<String> getReservedActionMnemonics();
private final OutputDirectories outputDirectories;
private final ImmutableSortedMap<Class<? extends Fragment>, Fragment> fragments;
private final ImmutableMap<String, Class<? extends Fragment>> starlarkVisibleFragments;
private final RepositoryName mainRepositoryName;
private final ImmutableSet<String> reservedActionMnemonics;
private final CommandLineLimits commandLineLimits;
* The global "make variables" such as "$(TARGET_CPU)"; these get applied to all rules analyzed in
* this configuration.
private final ImmutableMap<String, String> globalMakeEnv;
private final ActionEnvironment actionEnv;
private final ActionEnvironment testEnv;
private final BuildOptions buildOptions;
private final CoreOptions options;
* If non-empty, this is appended to output directories as ST-[transitionDirectoryNameFragment].
* The value is a hash of BuildOptions that have been affected by a Starlark transition.
* <p>See b/203470434 or #14023 for more information and planned behavior changes.
private final String transitionDirectoryNameFragment;
private final ImmutableMap<String, String> commandLineBuildVariables;
/** Data for introspecting the options used by this configuration. */
private final BuildOptionDetails buildOptionDetails;
private final Supplier<BuildConfigurationEvent> buildEventSupplier;
private final boolean siblingRepositoryLayout;
private final FeatureSet defaultFeatures;
* Validates the options for this BuildConfigurationValue. Issues warnings for the use of
* deprecated options, and warnings or errors for any option settings that conflict.
public void reportInvalidOptions(EventHandler reporter) {
for (Fragment fragment : fragments.values()) {
fragment.reportInvalidOptions(reporter, this.buildOptions);
* Compute the test environment, which, at configuration level, is a pair consisting of the
* statically set environment variables with their values and the set of environment variables to
* be inherited from the client environment.
private ActionEnvironment setupTestEnvironment() {
// We make a copy first to remove duplicate entries; last one wins.
Map<String, String> testEnv = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : options.testEnvironment) {
testEnv.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return ActionEnvironment.split(testEnv);
// Only BuildConfigurationFunction (and tests for mocking purposes) should instantiate this.
public static BuildConfigurationValue create(
BuildOptions buildOptions,
RepositoryName mainRepositoryName,
boolean siblingRepositoryLayout,
String transitionDirectoryNameFragment,
// Arguments below this are server-global.
BlazeDirectories directories,
GlobalStateProvider globalProvider,
FragmentFactory fragmentFactory)
throws InvalidConfigurationException {
FragmentClassSet fragmentClasses =
? FragmentClassSet.of(ImmutableSet.of())
: globalProvider.getFragmentRegistry().getAllFragments();
ImmutableSortedMap<Class<? extends Fragment>, Fragment> fragments =
getConfigurationFragments(buildOptions, fragmentClasses, fragmentFactory);
return new BuildConfigurationValue(
private static ImmutableSortedMap<Class<? extends Fragment>, Fragment> getConfigurationFragments(
BuildOptions buildOptions, FragmentClassSet fragmentClasses, FragmentFactory fragmentFactory)
throws InvalidConfigurationException {
ImmutableSortedMap.Builder<Class<? extends Fragment>, Fragment> fragments =
for (Class<? extends Fragment> fragmentClass : fragmentClasses) {
Fragment fragment = fragmentFactory.createFragment(buildOptions, fragmentClass);
if (fragment != null) {
fragments.put(fragmentClass, fragment);
return fragments.buildOrThrow();
// Package-visible for serialization purposes.
BuildOptions buildOptions,
RepositoryName mainRepositoryName,
boolean siblingRepositoryLayout,
String transitionDirectoryNameFragment,
// Arguments below this are either server-global and constant or completely dependent values.
BlazeDirectories directories,
ImmutableMap<Class<? extends Fragment>, Fragment> fragments,
ImmutableSet<String> reservedActionMnemonics,
ActionEnvironment actionEnvironment)
throws InvalidMnemonicException {
this.fragments =
ImmutableSortedMap.copyOf(fragments, FragmentClassSet.LEXICAL_FRAGMENT_SORTER));
this.starlarkVisibleFragments = buildIndexOfStarlarkVisibleFragments();
this.buildOptions = buildOptions;
this.options = buildOptions.get(CoreOptions.class);
PlatformOptions platformOptions = null;
if (buildOptions.contains(PlatformOptions.class)) {
platformOptions = buildOptions.get(PlatformOptions.class);
this.transitionDirectoryNameFragment = transitionDirectoryNameFragment;
this.outputDirectories =
new OutputDirectories(
this.mainRepositoryName = mainRepositoryName;
this.siblingRepositoryLayout = siblingRepositoryLayout;
// We can't use an ImmutableMap.Builder here; we need the ability to add entries with keys that
// are already in the map so that the same define can be specified on the command line twice,
// and ImmutableMap.Builder does not support that.
commandLineBuildVariables =
this.actionEnv = actionEnvironment;
this.testEnv = setupTestEnvironment();
this.buildOptionDetails =
buildOptions.getNativeOptions(), buildOptions.getStarlarkOptions());
// These should be documented in the build encyclopedia.
// TODO(configurability-team): Deprecate TARGET_CPU in favor of platforms.
globalMakeEnv =
this.reservedActionMnemonics = reservedActionMnemonics;
this.buildEventSupplier = Suppliers.memoize(this::createBuildEvent);
this.commandLineLimits = new CommandLineLimits(options.minParamFileSize);
this.defaultFeatures = FeatureSet.parse(options.defaultFeatures);
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (this == other) {
return true;
if (!(other instanceof BuildConfigurationValue)) {
return false;
// Only considering arguments that are non-dependent and non-server-global.
BuildConfigurationValue otherVal = (BuildConfigurationValue) other;
return this.buildOptions.equals(otherVal.buildOptions)
&& this.mainRepositoryName.equals(otherVal.mainRepositoryName)
&& this.siblingRepositoryLayout == otherVal.siblingRepositoryLayout
&& this.transitionDirectoryNameFragment.equals(otherVal.transitionDirectoryNameFragment);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(
buildOptions, mainRepositoryName, siblingRepositoryLayout, transitionDirectoryNameFragment);
private ImmutableMap<String, Class<? extends Fragment>> buildIndexOfStarlarkVisibleFragments() {
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Class<? extends Fragment>> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (Class<? extends Fragment> fragmentClass : fragments.keySet()) {
StarlarkBuiltin module = StarlarkAnnotations.getStarlarkBuiltin(fragmentClass);
if (module != null) {
builder.put(, fragmentClass);
return builder.buildOrThrow();
* Returns the {@link BuildConfigurationKey} for this configuration.
* <p>Note that this method does not apply a platform mapping. It is assumed that this
* configuration was created with a platform mapping and thus its key does not need to be mapped
* again.
public BuildConfigurationKey getKey() {
return BuildConfigurationKey.withoutPlatformMapping(buildOptions);
/** Retrieves the {@link BuildOptionDetails} containing data on this configuration's options. */
public BuildOptionDetails getBuildOptionDetails() {
return buildOptionDetails;
/** Returns the output directory for this build configuration. */
public ArtifactRoot getOutputDirectory(RepositoryName repositoryName) {
return outputDirectories.getOutputDirectory(repositoryName);
/** @deprecated Use {@link #getBinDirectory} instead. */
public ArtifactRoot getBinDir() {
return outputDirectories.getBinDirectory(RepositoryName.MAIN);
* Returns the bin directory for this build configuration.
* <p>TODO(kchodorow): This (and the other get*Directory functions) won't work with external
* repositories without changes to how ArtifactFactory resolves derived roots. This is not an
* issue right now because it only effects Blaze's include scanning (internal) and Bazel's
* repositories (external) but will need to be fixed.
* @deprecated Use {@code RuleContext#getBinDirectory} instead whenever possible.
public ArtifactRoot getBinDirectory(RepositoryName repositoryName) {
return outputDirectories.getBinDirectory(repositoryName);
* Returns a relative path to the bin directory at execution time.
* @deprecated Use {@code RuleContext#getBinFragment} instead whenever possible.
public PathFragment getBinFragment(RepositoryName repositoryName) {
return outputDirectories.getBinDirectory(repositoryName).getExecPath();
* Returns the build-info directory for this build configuration, where language-specific
* generated build-info artifacts are located.
* @deprecated Use {@code RuleContext#getBuildInfoDirectory} instead whenever possible.
public ArtifactRoot getBuildInfoDirectory(RepositoryName repositoryName) {
return outputDirectories.getBuildInfoDirectory(repositoryName);
/** @deprecated Use {@link #getGenfilesDirectory} instead. */
public ArtifactRoot getGenfilesDir() {
return outputDirectories.getGenfilesDirectory(RepositoryName.MAIN);
* Returns the genfiles directory for this build configuration.
* @deprecated Use {@code RuleContext#getGenfilesDirectory} instead whenever possible.
public ArtifactRoot getGenfilesDirectory(RepositoryName repositoryName) {
return outputDirectories.getGenfilesDirectory(repositoryName);
public boolean hasSeparateGenfilesDirectory() {
return !outputDirectories.mergeGenfilesDirectory();
public boolean hasSeparateGenfilesDirectoryForStarlark(StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
return hasSeparateGenfilesDirectory();
* Returns the directory where coverage-related artifacts and metadata files should be stored.
* This includes for example uninstrumented class files needed for Jacoco's coverage reporting
* tools.
* @deprecated Use {@code RuleContext#getCoverageMetadataDirectory} instead whenever possible.
public ArtifactRoot getCoverageMetadataDirectory(RepositoryName repositoryName) {
return outputDirectories.getCoverageMetadataDirectory(repositoryName);
* Returns the testlogs directory for this build configuration.
* @deprecated Use {@code RuleContext#getTestLogsDirectory} instead whenever possible.
public ArtifactRoot getTestLogsDirectory(RepositoryName repositoryName) {
return outputDirectories.getTestLogsDirectory(repositoryName);
* Returns a relative path to the genfiles directory at execution time.
* @deprecated Use {@code RuleContext#getGenfilesFragment} instead whenever possible.
public PathFragment getGenfilesFragment(RepositoryName repositoryName) {
return outputDirectories.getGenfilesFragment(repositoryName);
* Returns the path separator for the host platform. This is basically the same as {@link
*}, except that that returns the value for this JVM, which may or may
* not match the host platform. You should only use this when invoking tools that are known to use
* the native path separator, i.e., the path separator for the machine that they run on.
public String getHostPathSeparator() {
return outputDirectories.getHostPathSeparator();
* Returns the internal directory (used for middlemen) for this build configuration.
* @deprecated Use {@code RuleContext#getMiddlemanDirectory} instead whenever possible.
public ArtifactRoot getMiddlemanDirectory(RepositoryName repositoryName) {
return outputDirectories.getMiddlemanDirectory(repositoryName);
public boolean isStrictFilesets() {
return options.strictFilesets;
public boolean isStrictFilesetOutput() {
return options.strictFilesetOutput;
public String getMainRepositoryName() {
return mainRepositoryName.getName();
public String getMnemonic() {
return outputDirectories.getMnemonic();
/** Returns whether to use automatic exec groups. */
public boolean useAutoExecGroups() {
return options.useAutoExecGroups;
* Returns the name of the base output directory under which actions in this configuration write
* their outputs.
* <p>This is the same as {@link #getMnemonic}.
public String getOutputDirectoryName() {
return outputDirectories.getOutputDirName();
public String getTransitionDirectoryNameFragment() {
return transitionDirectoryNameFragment;
public String toString() {
return checksum();
public ActionEnvironment getActionEnvironment() {
return actionEnv;
public boolean isSiblingRepositoryLayout() {
return siblingRepositoryLayout;
public boolean isSiblingRepositoryLayoutForStarlark(StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException {
return isSiblingRepositoryLayout();
private static void checkPrivateAccess(StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException {
RepositoryName repository =
if (!"@_builtins".equals(repository.getNameWithAt())) {
throw Starlark.errorf("private API only for use in builtins");
* Return the "fixed" part of the actions' environment variables.
* <p>An action's full set of environment variables consist of a "fixed" part and of a "variable"
* part. The "fixed" variables are independent of the Bazel client's own environment, and are
* returned by this function. The "variable" ones are inherited from the Bazel client's own
* environment, and are returned by {@link #getVariableShellEnvironment}.
* <p>Since values of the "fixed" variables are already known at analysis phase, it is returned
* here as a map.
public ImmutableMap<String, String> getLocalShellEnvironment() {
return actionEnv.getFixedEnv();
* Return the "variable" part of the actions' environment variables.
* <p>An action's full set of environment variables consist of a "fixed" part and of a "variable"
* part. The "fixed" variables are independent of the Bazel client's own environment, and are
* returned by {@link #getLocalShellEnvironment}. The "variable" ones are inherited from the Bazel
* client's own environment, and are returned by this function.
* <p>The values of the "variable" variables are tracked in Skyframe via the {@link
*} skyfunction.
* This method only returns the names of those variables to be inherited, if set in the client's
* environment. (Variables where the name is not returned in this set should not be taken from the
* client environment.)
@Deprecated // Use getActionEnvironment instead.
public Iterable<String> getVariableShellEnvironment() {
return actionEnv.getInheritedEnv();
* Returns a regex-based instrumentation filter instance that used to match label names to
* identify targets to be instrumented in the coverage mode.
public RegexFilter getInstrumentationFilter() {
return options.instrumentationFilter;
* Returns a boolean of whether to include targets created by *_test rules in the set of targets
* matched by --instrumentation_filter. If this is false, all test targets are excluded from
* instrumentation.
public boolean shouldInstrumentTestTargets() {
return options.instrumentTestTargets;
* Returns a new, unordered mapping of names to values of "Make" variables defined by this
* configuration.
* <p>This does *not* include package-defined overrides (e.g. vardef) and so should not be used by
* the build logic. This is used only for the 'info' command.
* <p>Command-line definitions of make environments override variables defined by {@code
* Fragment.addGlobalMakeVariables()}.
public Map<String, String> getMakeEnvironment() {
Map<String, String> makeEnvironment = new HashMap<>();
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(makeEnvironment);
* Returns a new, unordered mapping of names that are set through the command lines. (Fragments,
* in particular the Google C++ support, can set variables through the command line.)
public ImmutableMap<String, String> getCommandLineBuildVariables() {
return commandLineBuildVariables;
/** Returns the global defaults for this configuration for the Make environment. */
public ImmutableMap<String, String> getGlobalMakeEnvironment() {
return globalMakeEnv;
* Returns the default value for the specified "Make" variable for this configuration. Returns
* null if no value was found.
public String getMakeVariableDefault(String var) {
return globalMakeEnv.get(var);
/** Returns a configuration fragment instances of the given class. */
public <T extends Fragment> T getFragment(Class<T> clazz) {
return clazz.cast(fragments.get(clazz));
/** Returns true if the requested configuration fragment is present. */
public <T extends Fragment> boolean hasFragment(Class<T> clazz) {
return getFragment(clazz) != null;
/** Returns true if all requested configuration fragment are present (this may be slow). */
public boolean hasAllFragments(Set<Class<?>> fragmentClasses) {
for (Class<?> fragmentClass : fragmentClasses) {
if (!hasFragment(fragmentClass.asSubclass(Fragment.class))) {
return false;
return true;
public BlazeDirectories getDirectories() {
return outputDirectories.getDirectories();
/** Returns true if non-functional build stamps are enabled. */
public boolean stampBinaries() {
return options.stampBinaries;
public boolean stampBinariesForStarlark(StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException {
return stampBinaries();
/** Returns true if extended sanity checks should be enabled. */
public boolean extendedSanityChecks() {
return options.extendedSanityChecks;
/** Returns true if we are building runfiles manifests for this configuration. */
public boolean buildRunfilesManifests() {
return options.buildRunfilesManifests;
/** Returns true if we are building runfile links for this configuration. */
public boolean buildRunfileLinks() {
return options.buildRunfilesManifests && options.buildRunfiles;
/** Returns if we are building external runfiles symlinks using the old-style structure. */
public boolean legacyExternalRunfiles() {
return options.legacyExternalRunfiles;
* Returns true if Runfiles should merge in FilesToBuild from deps when collecting data runfiles.
public boolean alwaysIncludeFilesToBuildInData() {
return options.alwaysIncludeFilesToBuildInData;
* Returns user-specified test environment variables and their values, as set by the --test_env
* options.
public ImmutableMap<String, String> getTestEnv() {
return testEnv.getFixedEnv();
* Returns user-specified test environment variables and their values, as set by the {@code
* --test_env} options. It is incomplete in that it is not a superset of the {@link
* #getActionEnvironment}, but both have to be applied, with this one being applied after the
* other, such that {@code --test_env} settings can override {@code --action_env} settings.
// TODO(ulfjack): Just return the merged action and test action environment here?
public ActionEnvironment getTestActionEnvironment() {
return testEnv;
public CommandLineLimits getCommandLineLimits() {
return commandLineLimits;
public boolean isCodeCoverageEnabled() {
return options.collectCodeCoverage;
public RunUnder getRunUnder() {
return options.runUnder;
/** Returns true if this is an execution configuration. */
public boolean isExecConfiguration() {
return options.isExec;
public boolean isToolConfiguration() {
return isExecConfiguration();
public boolean isToolConfigurationForStarlark(StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException {
return isToolConfiguration();
public boolean checkVisibility() {
return options.checkVisibility;
public boolean checkTestonlyForOutputFiles() {
return options.checkTestonlyForOutputFiles;
public boolean checkLicenses() {
return options.checkLicenses;
public boolean enforceConstraints() {
return options.enforceConstraints;
public boolean allowAnalysisFailures() {
return options.allowAnalysisFailures;
public boolean evaluatingForAnalysisTest() {
return options.evaluatingForAnalysisTest;
public int analysisTestingDepsLimit() {
return options.analysisTestingDepsLimit;
public List<Label> getActionListeners() {
return options.actionListeners;
* <b>>Experimental feature:</b> if true, qualifying outputs use path prefixes based on their
* content instead of the traditional <code>blaze-out/$CPU-$COMPILATION_MODE</code>.
* <p>This promises both more intrinsic correctness (outputs with different contents can't write
* to the same path) and efficiency (outputs with the <i>same</i> contents share the same path and
* therefore permit better action caching). But it's highly experimental and should not be relied
* on in any serious way any time soon.
* <p>See <a href="">#6526</a> for details.
public boolean useContentBasedOutputPaths() {
return options.outputPathsMode == CoreOptions.OutputPathsMode.CONTENT;
public boolean allowUnresolvedSymlinks() {
return options.allowUnresolvedSymlinks;
/** Returns compilation mode. */
public CompilationMode getCompilationMode() {
return options.compilationMode;
public String checksum() {
return buildOptions.checksum();
* Returns a user-friendly short configuration identifier.
* <p>See {@link BuildOptions#shortId()} for details.
public String shortId() {
return buildOptions.shortId();
/** Returns a copy of the build configuration options for this configuration. */
public BuildOptions cloneOptions() {
return buildOptions.clone();
* Returns the actual options reference used by this configuration.
* <p><b>Be very careful using this method.</b> Options classes are mutable - no caller should
* ever call this method if there's any change the reference might be written to. This method only
* exists because {@link #cloneOptions} can be expensive when applied to every edge in a
* dependency graph.
* <p>Do not use this method without careful review with other Bazel developers.
public BuildOptions getOptions() {
return buildOptions;
public String getCpu() {
return options.cpu;
public String getHostCpu() {
return options.hostCpu;
// TODO(buchgr): Revisit naming and functionality of this flag. See #9248 for details.
public static boolean runfilesEnabled(CoreOptions options) {
switch (options.enableRunfiles) {
case YES:
return true;
case NO:
return false;
return OS.getCurrent() != OS.WINDOWS;
public boolean runfilesEnabled() {
return runfilesEnabled(this.options);
public boolean runfilesEnabledForStarlark(StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException {
return runfilesEnabled(this.options);
public boolean inprocessSymlinkCreation() {
return options.inprocessSymlinkCreation;
public boolean skipRunfilesManifests() {
return options.skipRunfilesManifests;
public boolean remotableSourceManifestActions() {
return options.remotableSourceManifestActions;
* Returns a modified copy of {@code executionInfo} if any {@code executionInfoModifiers} apply to
* the given {@code mnemonic}. Otherwise returns {@code executionInfo} unchanged.
public ImmutableMap<String, String> modifiedExecutionInfo(
ImmutableMap<String, String> executionInfo, String mnemonic) {
if (!options.executionInfoModifier.matches(mnemonic)) {
return executionInfo;
Map<String, String> mutableCopy = new HashMap<>(executionInfo);
modifyExecutionInfo(mutableCopy, mnemonic);
return ImmutableSortedMap.copyOf(mutableCopy);
/** Applies {@code executionInfoModifiers} to the given {@code executionInfo}. */
public void modifyExecutionInfo(Map<String, String> executionInfo, String mnemonic) {
options.executionInfoModifier.apply(mnemonic, executionInfo);
/** Returns the list of default features used for all packages. */
public FeatureSet getDefaultFeatures() {
return defaultFeatures;
* Returns the "top-level" environment space, i.e. the set of environments all top-level targets
* must be compatible with. An empty value implies no restrictions.
public List<Label> getTargetEnvironments() {
return options.targetEnvironments;
* Returns the {@link Label} of the {@code environment_group} target that will be used to find the
* target environment during auto-population.
public Label getAutoCpuEnvironmentGroup() {
return options.autoCpuEnvironmentGroup;
public Class<? extends Fragment> getStarlarkFragmentByName(String name) {
return starlarkVisibleFragments.get(name);
public ImmutableCollection<String> getStarlarkFragmentNames() {
return starlarkVisibleFragments.keySet();
public BuildEventId getEventId() {
return BuildEventIdUtil.configurationId(checksum());
public BuildConfigurationEvent toBuildEvent() {
return buildEventSupplier.get();
private BuildConfigurationEvent createBuildEvent() {
BuildEventId eventId = getEventId();
BuildEventStreamProtos.BuildEvent.Builder builder =
return new BuildConfigurationEvent(eventId,;
public ImmutableSet<String> getReservedActionMnemonics() {
return reservedActionMnemonics;