blob: 608d926d08a10c004834319a3d73f67173ce998b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Starlark implementation of cc_toolchain rule."""
load(":common/cc/cc_helper.bzl", "cc_helper")
load(":common/cc/cc_toolchain_provider_helper.bzl", "get_cc_toolchain_provider")
load(":common/cc/fdo/fdo_context.bzl", "create_fdo_context")
load(":common/cc/semantics.bzl", "semantics")
cc_internal = _builtins.internal.cc_internal
ToolchainInfo = _builtins.toplevel.platform_common.ToolchainInfo
TemplateVariableInfo = _builtins.toplevel.platform_common.TemplateVariableInfo
PackageSpecificationInfo = _builtins.toplevel.PackageSpecificationInfo
CcToolchainConfigInfo = _builtins.toplevel.CcToolchainConfigInfo
def _files(ctx, attr_name):
attr = getattr(ctx.attr, attr_name, None)
if attr != None and DefaultInfo in attr:
return attr[DefaultInfo].files
return depset()
def _provider(attr, provider):
if attr != None and provider in attr:
return attr[provider]
return None
def _latebound_libc(ctx, attr_name, implicit_attr_name):
if getattr(ctx.attr, implicit_attr_name, None) == None:
return attr_name
return implicit_attr_name
def _full_inputs_for_link(ctx, linker_files, libc):
return depset(
[ctx.file._interface_library_builder, ctx.file._link_dynamic_library_tool],
transitive = [linker_files, libc],
def _label(ctx, attr_name):
if getattr(ctx.attr, attr_name, None) != None:
return getattr(ctx.attr, attr_name).label
return None
def _package_specification_provider(ctx, allowlist_name):
possible_attr_names = ["_whitelist_" + allowlist_name, "_allowlist_" + allowlist_name]
for attr_name in possible_attr_names:
if hasattr(ctx.attr, attr_name):
package_specification_provider = getattr(ctx.attr, attr_name)[PackageSpecificationInfo]
if package_specification_provider != None:
return package_specification_provider
fail("Allowlist argument for " + allowlist_name + " not found")
def _single_file(ctx, attr_name):
files = getattr(ctx.files, attr_name, [])
if len(files) > 1:
fail( + " expected a single artifact", attr = attr_name)
if len(files) == 1:
return files[0]
return None
def _attributes(ctx):
grep_includes = None
if not semantics.is_bazel:
grep_includes = _single_file(ctx, "_grep_includes")
latebound_libc = _latebound_libc(ctx, "libc_top", "_libc_top")
latebound_target_libc = _latebound_libc(ctx, "libc_top", "_target_libc_top")
all_files = _files(ctx, "all_files")
return struct(
supports_param_files = ctx.attr.supports_param_files,
runtime_solib_dir_base = "_solib__" + cc_internal.escape_label(label = ctx.label),
cc_toolchain_config_info = _provider(ctx.attr.toolchain_config, CcToolchainConfigInfo),
licenses_provider = cc_internal.licenses(ctx = ctx),
static_runtime_lib = ctx.attr.static_runtime_lib,
dynamic_runtime_lib = ctx.attr.dynamic_runtime_lib,
supports_header_parsing = ctx.attr.supports_header_parsing,
all_files = all_files,
compiler_files = _files(ctx, "compiler_files"),
strip_files = _files(ctx, "strip_files"),
objcopy_files = _files(ctx, "objcopy_files"),
link_dynamic_library_tool = ctx.file._link_dynamic_library_tool,
grep_includes = grep_includes,
module_map = ctx.attr.module_map,
as_files = _files(ctx, "as_files"),
ar_files = _files(ctx, "ar_files"),
dwp_files = _files(ctx, "dwp_files"),
module_map_artifact = _single_file(ctx, "module_map"),
all_files_including_libc = depset(transitive = [_files(ctx, "all_files"), _files(ctx, latebound_libc)]),
zipper = ctx.file._zipper,
linker_files = _full_inputs_for_link(
_files(ctx, "linker_files"),
_files(ctx, latebound_libc),
cc_toolchain_label = ctx.label,
coverage_files = _files(ctx, "coverage_files") or all_files,
compiler_files_without_includes = _files(ctx, "compiler_files_without_includes"),
libc = _files(ctx, latebound_libc),
target_libc = _files(ctx, latebound_target_libc),
libc_top_label = _label(ctx, latebound_libc),
target_libc_top_label = _label(ctx, latebound_target_libc),
if_so_builder = ctx.file._interface_library_builder,
allowlist_for_layering_check = _package_specification_provider(ctx, "disabling_parse_headers_and_layering_check_allowed"),
build_info_files = _provider(ctx.attr._build_info_translator, OutputGroupInfo),
def _cc_toolchain_impl(ctx):
attributes = _attributes(ctx)
providers = []
if attributes.licenses_provider != None:
cc_toolchain = get_cc_toolchain_provider(ctx, attributes)
if cc_toolchain == None:
fail("This should never happen")
template_variable_info = TemplateVariableInfo(
cc_toolchain._additional_make_variables | cc_helper.get_toolchain_global_make_variables(cc_toolchain),
toolchain = ToolchainInfo(
cc = cc_toolchain,
# Add a clear signal that this is a CcToolchainProvider, since just "cc" is
# generic enough to possibly be re-used.
cc_provider_in_toolchain = True,
providers.append(DefaultInfo(files = cc_toolchain._all_files_including_libc))
return providers
cc_toolchain = rule(
implementation = _cc_toolchain_impl,
fragments = ["cpp"],
doc = """
<p>Represents a C++ toolchain.</p>
This rule is responsible for:
Collecting all artifacts needed for C++ actions to run. This is done by
attributes such as <code>all_files</code>, <code>compiler_files</code>,
<code>linker_files</code>, or other attributes ending with <code>_files</code>). These are
most commonly filegroups globbing all required files.
Generating correct command lines for C++ actions. This is done using
<code>CcToolchainConfigInfo</code> provider (details below).
Use <code>toolchain_config</code> attribute to configure the C++ toolchain.
See also this
<a href="">
</a> for elaborate C++ toolchain configuration and toolchain selection documentation.
Use <code>tags = ["manual"]</code> in order to prevent toolchains from being built and configured
unnecessarily when invoking <code>bazel build //...</code>
subrules = [create_fdo_context],
attrs = {
# buildifier: disable=attr-license
"licenses": attr.license() if hasattr(attr, "license") else attr.string_list(),
# buildifier: disable=attr-license
"output_licenses": attr.license() if hasattr(attr, "license") else attr.string_list(),
"toolchain_identifier": attr.string(
default = "",
doc = """
The identifier used to match this cc_toolchain with the corresponding
Until issue <a href="">#5380</a> is fixed
this is the recommended way of associating <code>cc_toolchain</code> with
<code>CROSSTOOL.toolchain</code>. It will be replaced by the <code>toolchain_config</code>
attribute (<a href="">#5380</a>).</p>""",
"all_files": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
mandatory = True,
doc = """
Collection of all cc_toolchain artifacts. These artifacts will be added as inputs to all
rules_cc related actions (with the exception of actions that are using more precise sets of
artifacts from attributes below). Bazel assumes that <code>all_files</code> is a superset
of all other artifact-providing attributes (e.g. linkstamp compilation needs both compile
and link files, so it takes <code>all_files</code>).
This is what <code>cc_toolchain.files</code> contains, and this is used by all Starlark
rules using C++ toolchain.</p>""",
"compiler_files": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
mandatory = True,
doc = """
Collection of all cc_toolchain artifacts required for compile actions.""",
"compiler_files_without_includes": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
doc = """
Collection of all cc_toolchain artifacts required for compile actions in case when
input discovery is supported (currently Google-only).""",
"strip_files": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
mandatory = True,
doc = """
Collection of all cc_toolchain artifacts required for strip actions.""",
"objcopy_files": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
mandatory = True,
doc = """
Collection of all cc_toolchain artifacts required for objcopy actions.""",
"as_files": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
doc = """
Collection of all cc_toolchain artifacts required for assembly actions.""",
"ar_files": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
doc = """
Collection of all cc_toolchain artifacts required for archiving actions.""",
"linker_files": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
mandatory = True,
doc = """
Collection of all cc_toolchain artifacts required for linking actions.""",
"dwp_files": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
mandatory = True,
doc = """
Collection of all cc_toolchain artifacts required for dwp actions.""",
"coverage_files": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
doc = """
Collection of all cc_toolchain artifacts required for coverage actions. If not specified,
all_files are used.""",
"libc_top": attr.label(
# TODO(b/78578234): Make this the default and remove the late-bound versions.
allow_files = False,
doc = """
A collection of artifacts for libc passed as inputs to compile/linking actions.""",
"static_runtime_lib": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
doc = """
Static library artifact for the C++ runtime library (e.g. libstdc++.a).
<p>This will be used when 'static_link_cpp_runtimes' feature is enabled, and we're linking
dependencies statically.</p>""",
"dynamic_runtime_lib": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
doc = """
Dynamic library artifact for the C++ runtime library (e.g.
<p>This will be used when 'static_link_cpp_runtimes' feature is enabled, and we're linking
dependencies dynamically.</p>""",
"module_map": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
doc = """
Module map artifact to be used for modular builds.""",
"supports_param_files": attr.bool(
default = True,
doc = """
Set to True when cc_toolchain supports using param files for linking actions.""",
"supports_header_parsing": attr.bool(
default = False,
doc = """
Set to True when cc_toolchain supports header parsing actions.""",
"exec_transition_for_inputs": attr.bool(
default = False, # No-op.
doc = "Deprecated. No-op.",
"toolchain_config": attr.label(
allow_files = False,
mandatory = True,
providers = [CcToolchainConfigInfo],
doc = """
The label of the rule providing <code>cc_toolchain_config_info</code>.""",
"_libc_top": attr.label(
default = configuration_field(fragment = "cpp", name = "libc_top"),
"_grep_includes": semantics.get_grep_includes(),
"_interface_library_builder": attr.label(
default = "@" + semantics.get_repo() + "//tools/cpp:interface_library_builder",
allow_single_file = True,
cfg = "exec",
"_link_dynamic_library_tool": attr.label(
default = "@" + semantics.get_repo() + "//tools/cpp:link_dynamic_library",
allow_single_file = True,
cfg = "exec",
"_cc_toolchain_type": attr.label(default = "@" + semantics.get_repo() + "//tools/cpp:toolchain_type"),
"_zipper": attr.label(
default = configuration_field(fragment = "cpp", name = "zipper"),
allow_single_file = True,
cfg = "exec",
"_target_libc_top": attr.label(
default = configuration_field(fragment = "cpp", name = "target_libc_top_DO_NOT_USE_ONLY_FOR_CC_TOOLCHAIN"),
"_whitelist_disabling_parse_headers_and_layering_check_allowed": attr.label(
default = "@" + semantics.get_repo() + "//tools/build_defs/cc/whitelists/parse_headers_and_layering_check:disabling_parse_headers_and_layering_check_allowed",
providers = [PackageSpecificationInfo],
"_build_info_translator": attr.label(
default = semantics.BUILD_INFO_TRANLATOR_LABEL,
providers = [OutputGroupInfo],