blob: 69e0c1ae0b98a5018bc7e2aa40c31faa1dcc2fec [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2024 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# .bzl files in this package (tools/build_defs/repo) are evaluated
# in a Starlark environment without "@_builtins" injection, and must not refer
# to symbols associated with build/workspace .bzl files
"""Rules for making directories in the local filesystem available as repos.
### Setup
To use these rules in a module extension, load them in your .bzl file and then call them from your
extension's implementation function. For example, to use `local_repository`:
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:local.bzl", "local_repository")
def _my_extension_impl(mctx):
local_repository(name = "foo", path = "foo")
my_extension = module_extension(implementation = _my_extension_impl)
Alternatively, you can directly call these repo rules in your MODULE.bazel file with
local_repository = use_repo_rule("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:local.bzl", "local_repository")
local_repository(name = "foo", path = "foo")
# The default value for the string attr `build_file_content`. String attrs default to the empty
# string by default, but we need another default because the empty string is perfectly valid build
# file content and we need to know whether the attribute is actually set.
def _get_dir_path(rctx):
"""Turns the string attr `path` into a path object, ensuring that it's a directory."""
path = rctx.workspace_root.get_child(rctx.attr.path)
if not path.is_dir:
("The repository's path is \"%s\" (absolute: \"%s\") but it does not exist or is not " +
"a directory.") % (rctx.attr.path, path),
return path
def _local_repository_impl(rctx):
rctx.symlink(_get_dir_path(rctx), ".")
local_repository = repository_rule(
implementation = _local_repository_impl,
attrs = {
"path": attr.string(
doc =
"The path to the directory to make available as a repo. <p>The path can be " +
"either absolute, or relative to the workspace root.",
mandatory = True,
doc =
"Makes a local directory that already contains Bazel files available as a repo. This " +
"directory should contain Bazel BUILD files and a repo boundary file already. If it " +
"doesn't contain these files, consider using <a " +
"href=\"#new_local_repository\"><code>new_local_repository</code></a> instead.",
local = True,
def _new_local_repository_impl(rctx):
if (rctx.attr.build_file == None) == (rctx.attr.build_file_content == _UNSET):
fail("exactly one of `build_file` and `build_file_content` must be specified")
children = _get_dir_path(rctx).readdir()
for child in children:
rctx.symlink(child, child.basename)
# On Windows, `rctx.symlink` actually does a copy for files (for directories, it uses
# junctions which basically behave like symlinks as far as we're concerned). So we need to
# watch the symlink target as well.
if"windows") and not child.is_dir:
if rctx.attr.build_file != None:
rctx.symlink(rctx.attr.build_file, "BUILD.bazel")
if"windows"): # same reason as above
rctx.file("BUILD.bazel", rctx.attr.build_file_content)
new_local_repository = repository_rule(
implementation = _new_local_repository_impl,
attrs = {
"path": attr.string(
doc =
"The path to the directory to make available as a repo. <p>The path can be " +
"either absolute, or relative to the workspace root.",
mandatory = True,
"build_file": attr.label(
doc =
"A file to use as a BUILD file for this repo. <p>Exactly one of " +
"<code>build_file</code> and <code>build_file_content</code> must be specified. " +
"<p>The file addressed by this label does not need to be named BUILD, but can " +
"be. Something like <code></code> may work well to " +
"distinguish it from actual BUILD files.",
"build_file_content": attr.string(
doc =
"The content of the BUILD file to be created for this repo. <p>Exactly one of " +
"<code>build_file</code> and <code>build_file_content</code> must be specified.",
default = _UNSET,
doc =
"Makes a local directory that doesn't contain Bazel files available as a repo. This " +
"directory need not contain Bazel BUILD files or a repo boundary file; they will be " +
"created by this repo rule. If the directory already contains Bazel files, consider " +
"using <a href=\"#local_repository\"><code>local_repository</code></a> instead.",
local = True,