| load("/tools/build_defs/d/d", "d_repositories") |
| load("/tools/build_defs/dotnet/csharp", "csharp_repositories") |
| load("/tools/build_defs/jsonnet/jsonnet", "jsonnet_repositories") |
| load("/tools/build_defs/sass/sass", "sass_repositories") |
| load("/tools/build_rules/go/def", "go_repositories") |
| load("/tools/build_rules/rust/rust", "rust_repositories") |
| |
| csharp_repositories() |
| d_repositories() |
| go_repositories() |
| jsonnet_repositories() |
| rust_repositories() |
| sass_repositories() |
| |
| # In order to run the Android integration tests, uncomment these rules, point |
| # them to the Android NDK and the SDK, and point the bind rules under them |
| # to @repository//:files . |
| # android_sdk_repository( |
| # name = "androidsdk", |
| # path = "/path/to/sdk", |
| # # Available versions are under /path/to/sdk/build-tools/. |
| # build_tools_version = "21.1.1", |
| # # Available versions are under /path/to/sdk/platforms/. |
| # api_level = 19, |
| # ) |
| |
| # android_ndk_repository( |
| # name = "androidndk", |
| # path = "/path/to/ndk", |
| # api_level = 19, # Set this to the SDK's api_level. |
| # ) |
| |
| bind( |
| name = "android_sdk_for_testing", |
| # Uncomment and delete the //:dummy line to run integration tests. |
| # actual = "@androidsdk//:files", |
| actual = "//:dummy", |
| ) |
| |
| bind( |
| name = "android_ndk_for_testing", |
| # Uncomment and delete the //:dummy line to run integration tests. |
| # actual = "@androidndk//:files", |
| actual = "//:dummy", |
| ) |