blob: 4be5ad87ac8a8c2ccd39267c819208217ee6297c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This file's messages describe any failure(s) that occurred during Bazel's
// handling of a request. The intent is to provide more detail to a Bazel client
// than is conveyed with an exit code, to help those clients decide how to
// respond to, or classify, a failure.
syntax = "proto3";
package failure_details;
option java_package = "";
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
message FailureDetailMetadata {
uint32 exit_code = 1;
extend google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions {
FailureDetailMetadata metadata = 1078;
// The FailureDetail message type is designed such that consumers can extract a
// basic classification of a FailureDetail message even if the consumer was
// built with a stale definition. This forward compatibility is implemented via
// conventions on FailureDetail and its submessage types, as follows.
// *** FailureDetail field numbers
// Field numbers 1 through 100 (inclusive) are reserved for generally applicable
// values. Any number of these fields may be set on a FailureDetail message.
// Field numbers 101 through 10,000 (inclusive) are reserved for use inside the
// "oneof" structure. Only one of these values should be set on a FailureDetail
// message.
// Additional fields numbers are unlikely to be needed, but, for extreme future-
// proofing purposes, field numbers 10,001 through 1,000,000 (inclusive;
// excluding protobuf's reserved range 19000 through 19999) are reserved for
// additional generally applicable values.
// *** FailureDetail's "oneof" submessages
// Each field in the "oneof" structure is a submessage corresponding to a
// category of failure.
// In each of these submessage types, field number 1 is an enum whose values
// correspond to a subcategory of the failure. Generally, the enum's constant
// which maps to 0 should be interpreted as "unspecified", though this is not
// required.
// *** Recommended forward compatibility strategy
// The recommended forward compatibility strategy is to reduce a FailureDetail
// message to a pair of integers.
// The first integer corresponds to the field number of the submessage set
// inside FailureDetail's "oneof", which corresponds with the failure's
// category.
// The second integer corresponds to the value of the enum at field number 1
// within that submessage, which corresponds with the failure's subcategory.
// WARNING: This functionality is experimental and should not be relied on at
// this time.
// TODO(mschaller): remove experimental warning
message FailureDetail {
// A short human-readable message describing the failure, for debugging.
// This value is *not* intended to be used algorithmically.
string message = 1;
// Reserved for future generally applicable values. Any of these may be set.
reserved 2 to 100;
oneof category {
Interrupted interrupted = 101;
reserved 102; // For internal use
message Interrupted {
enum InterruptedCode {
// Interrupted at an unspecified time.
INTERRUPTED_UNSPECIFIED = 0 [(metadata) = { exit_code: 8 }];
// TODO(mschaller): Add subcategories that specify what was happening at the
// time of interruption.
InterruptedCode code = 1;