blob: 683e9283e159d9718def66d454c7baed59a638aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
/** Interface for a context object given to rule implementation functions. */
name = "ctx",
category = StarlarkDocumentationCategory.BUILTIN,
doc =
"A context object that is passed to the implementation function for a rule or aspect. It"
+ " provides access to the information and methods needed to analyze the current"
+ " target.<p>In particular, it lets the implementation function access the current"
+ " target's label, attributes, configuration, and the providers of its dependencies."
+ " It has methods for declaring output files and the actions that produce them."
+ "<p>Context objects essentially live for the duration of the call to the"
+ " implementation function. It is not useful to access these objects outside of their"
+ " associated function. See the <a"
+ " href='../rules.$DOC_EXT#implementation-function'>Rules page</a> for more "
+ "information.")
public interface StarlarkRuleContextApi<ConstraintValueT extends ConstraintValueInfoApi>
extends StarlarkValue {
"Does not actually create a file on the file system, just declares that some action will do"
+ " so. You must create an action that generates the file. If the file should be visible"
+ " to other rules, declare a rule output instead when possible. Doing so enables Blaze"
+ " to associate a label with the file that rules can refer to (allowing finer"
+ " dependency control) instead of referencing the whole rule.";
"A <code>struct</code> containing executable files defined in <a "
+ "href='attr.html#label'>label type attributes</a> marked as <a "
+ "href='attr.html#label.executable'><code>executable=True</code><a>. The struct "
+ "fields correspond to the attribute names. Each value in the struct is either a <a "
+ "href='File.html'><code>File</code></a> or <code>None</code>. If an optional "
+ "attribute is not specified in the rule then the corresponding struct value is "
+ "<code>None</code>. If a label type is not marked as <code>executable=True</code>, no "
+ "corresponding struct field is generated. <a "
+ "href=\""
+ "execute.bzl\">See example of use</a>.";
String FILES_DOC =
"A <code>struct</code> containing files defined in <a href='attr.html#label'>label</a>"
+ " or <a href='attr.html#label_list'>label list</a> type attributes. The struct"
+ " fields correspond to the attribute names. The struct values are <code>list</code> of"
+ " <a href='File.html'><code>File</code></a>s. It is a shortcut for:<pre"
+ " class=language-python>[f for t in ctx.attr.&lt;ATTR&gt; for f in t.files]</pre> In"
+ " other words, use <code>files</code> to access the <a"
+ " href=\"../rules.$DOC_EXT#requesting-output-files\">default outputs</a> of a"
+ " dependency. <a"
+ " href=\"\">See"
+ " example of use</a>.";
String FILE_DOC =
"A <code>struct</code> containing files defined in <a href='attr.html#label'>label type"
+ " attributes</a> marked as <a"
+ " href='attr.html#label.allow_single_file'><code>allow_single_file</code></a>. The"
+ " struct fields correspond to the attribute names. The struct value is always a <a"
+ " href='File.html'><code>File</code></a> or <code>None</code>. If an optional"
+ " attribute is not specified in the rule then the corresponding struct value is"
+ " <code>None</code>. If a label type is not marked as <code>allow_single_file</code>,"
+ " no corresponding struct field is generated. It is a shortcut for:<pre"
+ " class=language-python>list(ctx.attr.&lt;ATTR&gt;.files)[0]</pre>In other words, use"
+ " <code>file</code> to access the (singular) <a"
+ " href=\"../rules.$DOC_EXT#requesting-output-files\">default output</a> of a"
+ " dependency. <a"
+ " href=\"\">See"
+ " example of use</a>.";
String ATTR_DOC =
"A struct to access the values of the <a href='../rules.$DOC_EXT#attributes'>attributes</a>. "
+ "The values are provided by the user (if not, a default value is used). The attributes "
+ "of the struct and the types of their values correspond to the keys and values of the "
+ "<a href='globals.html#rule.attrs'><code>attrs</code> dict</a> provided to the <a "
+ "href='globals.html#rule'><code>rule</code> function</a>. <a "
+ "href=\""
+ "printer.bzl\">See example of use</a>.";
"A struct to access the values of attributes with split configurations. If the attribute is "
+ "a label list, the value of split_attr is a dict of the keys of the split (as strings) "
+ "to lists of the ConfiguredTargets in that branch of the split. If the attribute is a "
+ "label, then the value of split_attr is a dict of the keys of the split (as strings) "
+ "to single ConfiguredTargets. Attributes with split configurations still appear in the "
+ "attr struct, but their values will be single lists with all the branches of the split "
+ "merged together.";
"A pseudo-struct containing all the predeclared output files, represented by "
+ "<a href='File.html'><code>File</code></a> objects. See the "
+ "<a href='../rules.$DOC_EXT#files'>Rules page</a> for more information and examples."
+ "<p>This field does not exist on aspect contexts, since aspects do not have "
+ "predeclared outputs."
+ "<p>The fields of this object are defined as follows. It is an error if two outputs "
+ "produce the same field name or have the same label."
+ "<ul>"
+ "<li>If the rule declares an <a href='globals.html#rule.outputs'><code>outputs</code>"
+ "</a> dict, then for every entry in the dict, there is a field whose name is the key "
+ "and whose value is the corresponding <code>File</code>."
+ "<li>For every attribute of type <a href='attr.html#output'><code>attr.output</code>"
+ "</a> that the rule declares, there is a field whose name is the attribute's name. "
+ "If the target specified a label for that attribute, then the field value is the "
+ "corresponding <code>File</code>; otherwise the field value is <code>None</code>."
+ "<li>For every attribute of type <a href='attr.html#output_list'><code>attr.output_list"
+ "</code></a> that the rule declares, there is a field whose name is the attribute's "
+ "name. The field value is a list of <code>File</code> objects corresponding to the "
+ "labels given for that attribute in the target, or an empty list if the attribute was "
+ "not specified in the target."
+ "<li><b>(Deprecated)</b> If the rule is marked <a href='globals.html#rule.executable'>"
+ "<code>executable</code></a> or <a href='globals.html#rule.test'><code>test</code>"
+ "</a>, there is a field named <code>\"executable\"</code>, which is the default "
+ "executable. It is recommended that instead of using this, you pass another file "
+ "(either predeclared or not) to the <code>executable</code> arg of "
+ "<a href='DefaultInfo.html'><code>DefaultInfo</code></a>."
+ "</ul>";
name = "default_provider",
structField = true,
doc = "Deprecated. Use <a href=\"DefaultInfo.html\">DefaultInfo</a> instead.")
ProviderApi getDefaultProvider();
name = "actions",
structField = true,
doc = "Contains methods for declaring output files and the actions that produce them.")
StarlarkActionFactoryApi actions();
name = "created_actions",
doc =
"For rules with <a href=\"globals.html#rule._skylark_testable\">_skylark_testable</a>"
+ " set to <code>True</code>, this returns an <a"
+ " href=\"globals.html#Actions\">Actions</a> provider representing all actions"
+ " created so far for the current rule. For all other rules, returns"
+ " <code>None</code>. Note that the provider is not updated when subsequent actions"
+ " are created, so you will have to call this function again if you wish to inspect"
+ " them. <br/><br/>This is intended to help write tests for rule-implementation"
+ " helper functions, which may take in a <code>ctx</code> object and create actions"
+ " on it.")
StarlarkValue createdActions() throws EvalException;
@StarlarkMethod(name = "attr", structField = true, doc = ATTR_DOC)
StructApi getAttr() throws EvalException;
@StarlarkMethod(name = "split_attr", structField = true, doc = SPLIT_ATTR_DOC)
StructApi getSplitAttr() throws EvalException;
@StarlarkMethod(name = "executable", structField = true, doc = EXECUTABLE_DOC)
StructApi getExecutable() throws EvalException;
@StarlarkMethod(name = "file", structField = true, doc = FILE_DOC)
StructApi getFile() throws EvalException;
@StarlarkMethod(name = "files", structField = true, doc = FILES_DOC)
StructApi getFiles() throws EvalException;
name = "workspace_name",
structField = true,
doc = "Returns the workspace name as defined in the WORKSPACE file.")
String getWorkspaceName() throws EvalException;
name = "label",
structField = true,
doc = "The label of the target currently being analyzed.")
Label getLabel() throws EvalException;
name = "fragments",
structField = true,
doc = "Allows access to configuration fragments in target configuration.")
FragmentCollectionApi getFragments() throws EvalException;
name = "host_fragments",
structField = true,
doc = "Allows access to configuration fragments in host configuration.")
FragmentCollectionApi getHostFragments() throws EvalException;
name = "configuration",
structField = true,
doc =
"Returns the default configuration. See the <a href=\"configuration.html\">"
+ "configuration</a> type for more details.")
BuildConfigurationApi getConfiguration() throws EvalException;
name = "host_configuration",
structField = true,
doc =
"Returns the host configuration. See the <a href=\"configuration.html\">"
+ "configuration</a> type for more details.")
BuildConfigurationApi getHostConfiguration() throws EvalException;
name = "build_setting_value",
structField = true,
enableOnlyWithFlag = FlagIdentifier.EXPERIMENTAL_BUILD_SETTING_API,
doc =
"<b>Experimental. This field is experimental and subject to change at any time. Do not "
+ "depend on it.</b> <p>Returns the value of the build setting that is represented "
+ "by the current target. It is an error to access this field for rules that do not "
+ "set the <code>build_setting</code> attribute in their rule definition.")
Object getBuildSettingValue() throws EvalException;
name = "coverage_instrumented",
doc =
"Returns whether code coverage instrumentation should be generated when performing "
+ "compilation actions for this rule or, if <code>target</code> is provided, the "
+ "rule specified by that Target. (If a non-rule or a Starlark rule Target is "
+ "provided, this returns False.) Checks if the sources of the current rule "
+ "(if no Target is provided) or the sources of Target should be instrumented "
+ "based on the --instrumentation_filter and "
+ "--instrument_test_targets config settings. "
+ "This differs from <code>coverage_enabled</code> in the "
+ "<a href=\"configuration.html\">configuration</a>, which notes whether coverage "
+ "data collection is enabled for the entire run, but not whether a specific "
+ "target should be instrumented.",
parameters = {
name = "target",
type = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
named = true,
doc = "A Target specifying a rule. If not provided, defaults to the current rule.")
boolean instrumentCoverage(Object targetUnchecked) throws EvalException;
name = "features",
structField = true,
doc =
"Returns the set of features that are explicitly enabled by the user for this rule. "
+ "<a href=\""
+ "features/rule.bzl\">See example of use</a>.")
ImmutableList<String> getFeatures() throws EvalException;
name = "disabled_features",
structField = true,
doc = "Returns the set of features that are explicitly disabled by the user for this rule.")
ImmutableList<String> getDisabledFeatures() throws EvalException;
name = "bin_dir",
structField = true,
doc = "The root corresponding to bin directory.")
FileRootApi getBinDirectory() throws EvalException;
name = "genfiles_dir",
structField = true,
doc = "The root corresponding to genfiles directory.")
FileRootApi getGenfilesDirectory() throws EvalException;
@StarlarkMethod(name = "outputs", structField = true, doc = OUTPUTS_DOC)
ClassObject outputs() throws EvalException;
name = "rule",
structField = true,
doc =
"Returns rule attributes descriptor for the rule that aspect is applied to."
+ " Only available in aspect implementation functions.")
StarlarkAttributesCollectionApi rule() throws EvalException;
name = "aspect_ids",
structField = true,
doc =
"Returns a list ids for all aspects applied to the target."
+ " Only available in aspect implementation functions.")
ImmutableList<String> aspectIds() throws EvalException;
name = "var",
structField = true,
doc = "Dictionary (String to String) of configuration variables.")
Dict<String, String> var() throws EvalException;
name = "toolchains",
structField = true,
doc = "Toolchains for the default exec group of this rule.")
ToolchainContextApi toolchains() throws EvalException;
name = "target_platform_has_constraint",
doc = "Returns true if the given constraint value is part of the current target platform.",
parameters = {
name = "constraintValue",
positional = true,
named = false,
type = ConstraintValueInfoApi.class,
doc = "The constraint value to check the target platform against.")
boolean targetPlatformHasConstraint(ConstraintValueT constraintValue);
name = "exec_groups",
structField = true,
enableOnlyWithFlag = FlagIdentifier.EXPERIMENTAL_EXEC_GROUPS,
// TODO(b/151742236) update this doc when this becomes non-experimental.
doc =
"<i>experimental</i> A collection of the execution groups available for this rule,"
+ " indexed by their name. Access with <code>ctx.exec_groups[name_of_group]</code>.")
ExecGroupCollectionApi execGroups() throws EvalException;
name = "tokenize",
doc = "Splits a shell command into a list of tokens.",
// TODO(cparsons): Look into flipping this to true.
documented = false,
parameters = {
name = "option",
positional = true,
named = false,
type = String.class,
doc = "The string to split."),
Sequence<String> tokenize(String optionString) throws EvalException;
name = "expand",
doc =
"Expands all references to labels embedded within a string for all files using a mapping "
+ "from definition labels (i.e. the label in the output type attribute) to files. "
+ "Deprecated.",
// TODO(cparsons): Look into flipping this to true.
documented = false,
parameters = {
name = "expression",
positional = true,
named = false,
type = String.class,
doc = "The string expression to expand."),
name = "files",
positional = true,
named = false,
type = Sequence.class,
doc = "The list of files."),
name = "label_resolver",
positional = true,
named = false,
type = Label.class,
doc = "The label resolver."),
String expand(
@Nullable String expression,
Sequence<?> artifacts, // <FileT>
Label labelResolver)
throws EvalException;
name = "new_file",
doc =
"DEPRECATED. Use <a href=\"actions.html#declare_file\">ctx.actions.declare_file</a>. <br>"
+ "Creates a file object. There are four possible signatures to this method:<br><ul>"
+ ""
+ "<li>new_file(filename): Creates a file object with the given filename in the "
+ "current package.</li>"
+ ""
+ "<li>new_file(file_root, filename): Creates a file object with the given "
+ "filename under the given file root.</li>"
+ ""
+ "<li>new_file(sibling_file, filename): Creates a file object in the same "
+ "directory as the given sibling file.</li>"
+ ""
+ "<li>new_file(file_root, sibling_file, suffix): Creates a file object with same "
+ "base name of the sibling_file but with different given suffix, under the given "
+ "file root.</li></ul> <br>"
parameters = {
name = "var1",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = String.class),
@ParamType(type = FileRootApi.class),
@ParamType(type = FileApi.class),
doc = ""),
name = "var2",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = String.class),
@ParamType(type = FileApi.class),
defaultValue = "unbound",
doc = ""),
name = "var3",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = String.class),
defaultValue = "unbound",
doc = "")
FileApi newFile(Object var1, Object var2, Object var3) throws EvalException;
name = "check_placeholders",
documented = false,
parameters = {
name = "template",
positional = true,
named = false,
type = String.class,
doc = "The template."),
name = "allowed_placeholders",
positional = true,
named = false,
type = Sequence.class,
doc = "The allowed placeholders."),
boolean checkPlaceholders(String template, Sequence<?> allowedPlaceholders) // <String>
throws EvalException;
name = "expand_make_variables",
doc =
"<b>Deprecated.</b> Use <a href=\"ctx.html#var\">ctx.var</a> to access the variables "
+ "instead.<br>Returns a string after expanding all references to \"Make "
+ "variables\". The "
+ "variables must have the following format: <code>$(VAR_NAME)</code>. Also, "
+ "<code>$$VAR_NAME</code> expands to <code>$VAR_NAME</code>. "
+ "Examples:"
+ "<pre class=language-python>\n"
+ "ctx.expand_make_variables(\"cmd\", \"$(MY_VAR)\", {\"MY_VAR\": \"Hi\"}) "
+ "# == \"Hi\"\n"
+ "ctx.expand_make_variables(\"cmd\", \"$$PWD\", {}) # == \"$PWD\"\n"
+ "</pre>"
+ "Additional variables may come from other places, such as configurations. Note "
+ "that this function is experimental.",
parameters = {
name = "attribute_name",
positional = true,
named = false,
type = String.class,
doc = "The attribute name. Used for error reporting."),
name = "command",
positional = true,
named = false,
type = String.class,
doc =
"The expression to expand. It can contain references to " + "\"Make variables\"."),
name = "additional_substitutions",
positional = true,
named = false,
type = Dict.class,
doc = "Additional substitutions to make beyond the default make variables."),
String expandMakeVariables(
String attributeName,
String command,
final Dict<?, ?> additionalSubstitutions) // <String, String>
throws EvalException;
name = "info_file",
structField = true,
documented = false,
doc =
"Returns the file that is used to hold the non-volatile workspace status for the "
+ "current build request.")
FileApi getStableWorkspaceStatus() throws InterruptedException, EvalException;
name = "version_file",
structField = true,
documented = false,
doc =
"Returns the file that is used to hold the volatile workspace status for the "
+ "current build request.")
FileApi getVolatileWorkspaceStatus() throws InterruptedException, EvalException;
name = "build_file_path",
structField = true,
documented = true,
doc = "Returns path to the BUILD file for this rule, relative to the source root.")
String getBuildFileRelativePath() throws EvalException;
name = "action",
doc =
"DEPRECATED. Use <a href=\"actions.html#run\"></a> or"
+ " <a href=\"actions.html#run_shell\">ctx.actions.run_shell()</a>. <br>"
+ "Creates an action that runs an executable or a shell command."
+ " You must specify either <code>command</code> or <code>executable</code>.\n"
+ "Actions and genrules are very similar, but have different use cases. Actions are "
+ "used inside rules, and genrules are used inside macros. Genrules also have make "
+ "variable expansion.",
parameters = {
name = "outputs",
type = Sequence.class,
generic1 = FileApi.class,
named = true,
positional = false,
doc = "List of the output files of the action."),
name = "inputs",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = Sequence.class),
@ParamType(type = Depset.class),
generic1 = FileApi.class,
defaultValue = "[]",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc = "List of the input files of the action."),
name = "executable",
type = Object.class,
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = FileApi.class),
@ParamType(type = String.class),
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class),
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc = "The executable file to be called by the action."),
name = "tools",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = Sequence.class),
@ParamType(type = Depset.class),
generic1 = FileApi.class,
defaultValue = "unbound",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc =
"List of the any tools needed by the action. Tools are inputs with additional "
+ "runfiles that are automatically made available to the action."),
name = "arguments",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = Sequence.class),
defaultValue = "[]",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc =
"Command line arguments of the action. Must be a list of strings or actions.args() "
+ "objects."),
name = "mnemonic",
type = String.class,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc = "A one-word description of the action, e.g. CppCompile or GoLink."),
name = "command",
type = Object.class,
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = String.class),
@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = String.class),
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class),
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc =
"Shell command to execute. It is usually preferable to "
+ "use <code>executable</code> instead. "
+ "Arguments are available with <code>$1</code>, <code>$2</code>, etc."),
name = "progress_message",
type = String.class,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc =
"Progress message to show to the user during the build, "
+ "e.g. \"Compiling to create foo.o\"."),
name = "use_default_shell_env",
type = Boolean.class,
defaultValue = "False",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc = "Whether the action should use the built in shell environment or not."),
name = "env",
type = Dict.class,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc = "Sets the dictionary of environment variables."),
name = "execution_requirements",
type = Dict.class,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc =
"Information for scheduling the action. See "
+ "<a href=\"$BE_ROOT/common-definitions.html#common.tags\">tags</a> "
+ "for useful keys."),
// TODO(bazel-team): The name here isn't accurate anymore. This is technically
// experimental,
// so folks shouldn't be too attached, but consider renaming to be more accurate/opaque.
name = "input_manifests",
type = Sequence.class,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc =
"(Experimental) sets the input runfiles metadata; "
+ "they are typically generated by resolve_command.")
allowReturnNones = true,
useStarlarkThread = true)
NoneType action(
Sequence<?> outputs,
Object inputs,
Object executableUnchecked,
Object toolsUnchecked,
Object arguments,
Object mnemonicUnchecked,
Object commandUnchecked,
Object progressMessage,
Boolean useDefaultShellEnv,
Object envUnchecked,
Object executionRequirementsUnchecked,
Object inputManifestsUnchecked,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException;
name = "expand_location",
doc =
"Expands all <code>$(location ...)</code> templates in the given string by replacing "
+ "<code>$(location //x)</code> with the path of the output file of target //x. "
+ "Expansion only works for labels that point to direct dependencies of this rule or "
+ "that are explicitly listed in the optional argument <code>targets</code>. "
+ "<br/><br/>"
+ "<code>$(location ...)</code> will cause an error if the referenced target has "
+ "multiple outputs. In this case, please use <code>$(locations ...)</code> since it "
+ "produces a space-separated list of output paths. It can be safely used for a "
+ "single output file, too."
+ "<br/><br/>"
+ "This function is useful to let the user specify a command in a BUILD file (like"
+ " for <code>genrule</code>). In other cases, it is often better to manipulate"
+ " labels directly.",
parameters = {
@Param(name = "input", type = String.class, doc = "String to be expanded."),
name = "targets",
type = Sequence.class,
generic1 = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class,
defaultValue = "[]",
named = true,
doc = "List of targets for additional lookup information."),
allowReturnNones = true,
useStarlarkThread = true)
String expandLocation(String input, Sequence<?> targets, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException;
name = "file_action",
doc =
"DEPRECATED. Use <a href =\"actions.html#write\">ctx.actions.write</a> instead. <br>"
+ "Creates a file write action.",
parameters = {
@Param(name = "output", type = FileApi.class, named = true, doc = "The output file."),
name = "content",
type = String.class,
named = true,
doc = "The contents of the file."),
name = "executable",
type = Boolean.class,
defaultValue = "False",
named = true,
doc = "Whether the output file should be executable (default is False).")
allowReturnNones = true,
useStarlarkThread = true)
NoneType fileAction(FileApi output, String content, Boolean executable, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException;
name = "runfiles",
doc = "Creates a runfiles object.",
parameters = {
name = "files",
type = Sequence.class,
generic1 = FileApi.class,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
doc = "The list of files to be added to the runfiles."),
// TODO(bazel-team): If we have a memory efficient support for lazy list containing
// NestedSets we can remove this and just use files = [file] + list(set)
// Also, allow empty set for init
name = "transitive_files",
type = Depset.class,
generic1 = FileApi.class,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
named = true,
doc =
"The (transitive) set of files to be added to the runfiles. The depset should "
+ "use the <code>default</code> order (which, as the name implies, is the "
+ "default)."),
name = "collect_data",
type = Boolean.class,
defaultValue = "False",
named = true,
doc =
"<b>Use of this parameter is not recommended. See "
+ "<a href=\"../rules.html#runfiles\">runfiles guide</a></b>. "
+ "<p>Whether to collect the data "
+ "runfiles from the dependencies in srcs, data and deps attributes."),
name = "collect_default",
type = Boolean.class,
defaultValue = "False",
named = true,
doc =
"<b>Use of this parameter is not recommended. See "
+ "<a href=\"../rules.html#runfiles\">runfiles guide</a></b>. "
+ "<p>Whether to collect the default "
+ "runfiles from the dependencies in srcs, data and deps attributes."),
name = "symlinks",
type = Dict.class,
defaultValue = "{}",
named = true,
doc = "The map of symlinks to be added to the runfiles, prefixed by workspace name."),
name = "root_symlinks",
type = Dict.class,
defaultValue = "{}",
named = true,
doc = "The map of symlinks to be added to the runfiles.")
RunfilesApi runfiles(
Sequence<?> files,
Object transitiveFiles,
Boolean collectData,
Boolean collectDefault,
Dict<?, ?> symlinks,
Dict<?, ?> rootSymlinks)
throws EvalException;
name = "resolve_command",
// TODO(bazel-team): The naming here isn't entirely accurate (input_manifests is no longer
// manifests), but this is experimental/should be opaque to the end user.
doc =
"<i>(Experimental)</i> Returns a tuple <code>(inputs, command, input_manifests)</code>"
+ " of the list of resolved inputs, the argv list for the resolved command, and the"
+ " runfiles metadata required to run the command, all of them suitable for passing"
+ " as the same-named arguments of the <code>ctx.action</code> method.<br/><b>Note"
+ " for Windows users</b>: this method requires Bash (MSYS2). Consider using"
+ " <code>resolve_tools()</code> instead (if that fits your needs).",
parameters = {
name = "command",
type = String.class, // string
defaultValue = "''",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc = "Command to resolve."),
name = "attribute",
type = String.class, // string
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
named = true,
positional = false,
doc = "Name of the associated attribute for which to issue an error, or None."),
name = "expand_locations",
type = Boolean.class,
defaultValue = "False",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc =
"Shall we expand $(location) variables? See <a"
+ " href=\"#expand_location\">ctx.expand_location()</a> for more details."),
name = "make_variables",
type = Dict.class, // dict(string, string)
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc = "Make variables to expand, or None."),
name = "tools",
defaultValue = "[]",
type = Sequence.class,
generic1 = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class,
named = true,
positional = false,
doc = "List of tools (list of targets)."),
name = "label_dict",
type = Dict.class,
defaultValue = "{}",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc =
"Dictionary of resolved labels and the corresponding list of Files "
+ "(a dict of Label : list of Files)."),
name = "execution_requirements",
type = Dict.class,
defaultValue = "{}",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc =
"Information for scheduling the action to resolve this command. See "
+ "<a href=\"$BE_ROOT/common-definitions.html#common.tags\">tags</a> "
+ "for useful keys."),
useStarlarkThread = true)
Tuple<Object> resolveCommand(
String command,
Object attributeUnchecked,
Boolean expandLocations,
Object makeVariablesUnchecked,
Sequence<?> tools,
Dict<?, ?> labelDictUnchecked,
Dict<?, ?> executionRequirementsUnchecked,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException;
name = "resolve_tools",
doc =
"Returns a tuple <code>(inputs, input_manifests)</code> of the depset of resolved inputs"
+ " and the runfiles metadata required to run the tools, both of them suitable for"
+ " passing as the same-named arguments of the <code></code> method."
+ "<br/><br/>In contrast to <code>ctx.resolve_command</code>, this method does not"
+ " require that Bash be installed on the machine, so it's suitable for rules built"
+ " on Windows.",
parameters = {
name = "tools",
defaultValue = "[]",
type = Sequence.class,
generic1 = TransitiveInfoCollectionApi.class,
named = true,
positional = false,
doc = "List of tools (list of targets)."),
Tuple<Object> resolveTools(Sequence<?> tools) throws EvalException;