blob: 9f8953b166be21004dea5af0e765fb5a91c4be51 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collection;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* An Action represents a function from Artifacts to Artifacts executed as an
* atomic build step. Examples include compilation of a single C++ source
* file, or linking a single library.
public interface Action extends ActionMetadata, Describable {
* Prepares for executing this action; called by the Builder prior to
* executing the Action itself. This method should prepare the file system, so
* that the execution of the Action can write the output files. At a minimum
* any pre-existing and write protected output files should be removed or the
* permissions should be changed, so that they can be safely overwritten by
* the action.
* @throws IOException if there is an error deleting the outputs.
void prepare(Path execRoot) throws IOException;
* Executes this action; called by the Builder when all of this Action's
* inputs have been successfully created. (Behaviour is undefined if the
* prerequisites are not up to date.) This method <i>actually does the work
* of the Action, unconditionally</i>; in other words, it is invoked by the
* Builder only when dependency analysis has deemed it necessary.</p>
* <p>The framework guarantees that the output directory for each file in
* <code>getOutputs()</code> has already been created, and will check to
* ensure that each of those files is indeed created.</p>
* <p>Implementations of this method should try to honour the {@link
* java.lang.Thread#interrupted} contract: if an interrupt is delivered to
* the thread in which execution occurs, the action should detect this on a
* best-effort basis and terminate as quickly as possible by throwing an
* ActionExecutionException.
* <p>Action execution must be ThreadCompatible in order to be safely used
* with a concurrent Builder implementation such as ParallelBuilder.
* @param actionExecutionContext Services in the scope of the action, like the output and error
* streams to use for messages arising during action execution.
* @throws ActionExecutionException if execution fails for any reason.
* @throws InterruptedException
void execute(ActionExecutionContext actionExecutionContext)
throws ActionExecutionException, InterruptedException;
* Returns true iff action must be executed regardless of its current state.
* Default implementation can be overridden by some actions that might be
* executed unconditionally under certain circumstances - e.g., if caching of
* test results is not requested, this method could be used to force test
* execution even if all dependencies are up-to-date.
* <p>Note, it is <b>very</b> important not to abuse this method, since it
* completely overrides dependency checking. Any use of this method must
* be carefully reviewed and proved to be necessary.
* <p>Note that the definition of {@link #isVolatile} depends on the
* definition of this method, so be sure to consider both methods together
* when making changes.
boolean executeUnconditionally();
* Returns true if it's ever possible that {@link #executeUnconditionally}
* could evaluate to true during the lifetime of this instance, false
* otherwise.
boolean isVolatile();
* Method used to find inputs before execution for an action that
* {@link ActionMetadata#discoversInputs}. Returns null if action's inputs will be discovered
* during execution proper.
Collection<Artifact> discoverInputs(ActionExecutionContext actionExecutionContext)
throws ActionExecutionException, InterruptedException;
* Method used to resolve action inputs based on the information contained in
* the action cache. It will be called iff inputsKnown() is false for the
* given action instance and there is a related cache entry in the action
* cache.
* Method must be redefined for any action that may return
* inputsKnown() == false.
* @param artifactResolver the artifact factory that can be used to manufacture artifacts
* @param resolver object which helps to resolve some of the artifacts
* @param inputPaths List of relative (to the execution root) input paths
* @return List of Artifacts corresponding to inputPaths, or null if some dependencies were
* missing and we need to try again later.
* @throws PackageRootResolutionException on failure to determine package roots of inputPaths
Iterable<Artifact> resolveInputsFromCache(
ArtifactResolver artifactResolver, PackageRootResolver resolver,
Collection<PathFragment> inputPaths) throws PackageRootResolutionException;
* Informs the action that its inputs are {@code inputs}, and that its inputs are now known. Can
* only be called for actions that discover inputs. After this method is called,
* {@link ActionMetadata#inputsKnown} should return true.
void updateInputs(Iterable<Artifact> inputs);
* Return a best-guess estimate of the operation's resource consumption on the
* local host itself for use in scheduling.
* @param executor the application-specific value passed to the
* executor parameter of the top-level call to
* Builder.buildArtifacts().
@Nullable ResourceSet estimateResourceConsumption(Executor executor);
* @return true iff path prefix conflict (conflict where two actions generate
* two output artifacts with one of the artifact's path being the
* prefix for another) between this action and another action should
* be reported.
boolean shouldReportPathPrefixConflict(Action action);
* Returns true if the output should bypass output filtering. This is used for test actions.
boolean showsOutputUnconditionally();
* Called by {@link} at execution time to
* extract information from this action into a protocol buffer to be used by extra_action rules.
* <p>As this method is called from the ExtraAction, make sure it is ok to call this method from
* a different thread than the one this action is executed on.
ExtraActionInfo.Builder getExtraActionInfo();
* Returns the action type. Must not be {@code null}.
MiddlemanType getActionType();
* The action type.
public enum MiddlemanType {
/** A normal action. */
/** A normal middleman, which just encapsulates a list of artifacts. */
* A middleman that enforces action ordering, is not validated by the dependency checker, but
* allows errors to be propagated.
* A runfiles middleman, which is validated by the dependency checker, but is not expanded
* in blaze. Instead, the runfiles manifest is sent to remote execution client, which
* performs the expansion.
public boolean isMiddleman() {
return this != NORMAL;