blob: 9cd15c26242ed57c686f04614c83f1803d3da925 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
* A builder for nested sets.
* <p>The builder supports the standard builder interface (that is, {@code #add}, {@code #addAll}
* and {@code #addTransitive} followed by {@code build}), in addition to shortcut methods
* {@code #wrap} and {@code #of}.
public final class NestedSetBuilder<E> {
private final Order order;
private final LinkedHashSet<E> items = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private final LinkedHashSet<NestedSet<? extends E>> transitiveSets = new LinkedHashSet<>();
public NestedSetBuilder(Order order) {
this.order = order;
/** Returns whether the set to be built is empty. */
public boolean isEmpty() {
return items.isEmpty() && transitiveSets.isEmpty();
* Add an element.
* <p>Preserves ordering of added elements. Discards duplicate values.
* Throws an exception if a null value is passed in.
* <p>The collections of the direct members of the set and the nested sets are
* kept separate, so the order between multiple add/addAll calls matters,
* and the order between multiple addTransitive calls matters, but the order
* between add/addAll and addTransitive does not.
* @return the builder.
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // B is the type of the concrete subclass
public NestedSetBuilder<E> add(E element) {
return this;
* Adds a collection of elements to the set.
* <p>This is equivalent to invoking {@code add} for every item of the collection in iteration
* order.
* <p>The collections of the direct members of the set and the nested sets are kept separate, so
* the order between multiple add/addAll calls matters, and the order between multiple
* addTransitive calls matters, but the order between add/addAll and addTransitive does not.
* @return the builder.
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // B is the type of the concrete subclass
public NestedSetBuilder<E> addAll(Iterable<? extends E> elements) {
Iterables.addAll(items, elements);
return this;
* @deprecated Use {@link #addTransitive} to avoid excessive memory use.
public NestedSetBuilder<E> addAll(NestedSet<E> elements) {
// Do not delete this method, or else addAll(Iterable) calls with a NestedSet argument
// will not be flagged.
Iterable<E> it = elements;
return this;
* Adds another nested set to this set.
* <p>Preserves ordering of added nested sets. Discards duplicate values. Throws an exception if
* a null value is passed in.
* <p>The collections of the direct members of the set and the nested sets are kept separate, so
* the order between multiple add/addAll calls matters, and the order between multiple
* addTransitive calls matters, but the order between add/addAll and addTransitive does not.
* <p>An error will be thrown if the ordering of {@code subset} is incompatible with the ordering
* of this set. Either they must match or this set must be a {@code STABLE_ORDER} set.
* @return the builder.
public NestedSetBuilder<E> addTransitive(NestedSet<? extends E> subset) {
if (subset.getOrder() != order && order != Order.STABLE_ORDER
&& subset.getOrder() != Order.STABLE_ORDER) {
// Note that this check is not strictly necessary, although keeping the nested set types
// consistent helps readability and protects against bugs. The polymorphism regarding
// STABLE_ORDER is allowed in order to be able to, e.g., include an arbitrary nested set in
// the inputs of an action, or include a nested set that is indifferent to its order in
// multiple nested sets.
throw new IllegalStateException(subset.getOrder() + " != " + order);
if (!subset.isEmpty()) {
return this;
* Builds the actual nested set.
* <p>This method may be called multiple times with interleaved {@link #add}, {@link #addAll} and
* {@link #addTransitive} calls.
// Casting from LinkedHashSet<NestedSet<? extends E>> to LinkedHashSet<NestedSet<E>> by way of
// LinkedHashSet<?>.
public NestedSet<E> build() {
if (isEmpty()) {
return order.emptySet();
// This cast is safe because NestedSets are immutable -- we will never try to add an element to
// these nested sets, only to retrieve elements from them. Thus, treating them as NestedSet<E>
// is safe.
LinkedHashSet<NestedSet<E>> transitiveSetsCast =
(LinkedHashSet<NestedSet<E>>) (LinkedHashSet<?>) transitiveSets;
if (items.isEmpty() && (transitiveSetsCast.size() == 1)) {
NestedSet<E> candidate = getOnlyElement(transitiveSetsCast);
if (candidate.getOrder().equals(order)) {
return candidate;
int transitiveSize = transitiveSets.size();
int directSize = items.size();
switch (transitiveSize) {
case 0:
switch (directSize) {
case 0:
return order.emptySet();
case 1:
return order.factory.oneDirect(getOnlyElement(items));
return order.factory.onlyDirects(items.toArray());
case 1:
switch (directSize) {
case 0:
return order.factory.onlyOneTransitive(getOnlyElement(transitiveSetsCast));
case 1:
return order.factory.oneDirectOneTransitive(getOnlyElement(items),
return order.factory.manyDirectsOneTransitive(items.toArray(),
switch (directSize) {
case 0:
return order.factory.onlyManyTransitives(
transitiveSetsCast.toArray(new NestedSet[transitiveSize]));
case 1:
return order.factory.oneDirectManyTransitive(getOnlyElement(items), transitiveSetsCast
.toArray(new NestedSet[transitiveSize]));
return order.factory.manyDirectManyTransitive(items.toArray(),
transitiveSetsCast.toArray(new NestedSet[transitiveSize]));
* Creates a nested set from a given list of items.
* <p>If the list of items is an {@link ImmutableList}, reuses the list as the backing store for
* the nested set.
public static <E> NestedSet<E> wrap(Order order, Iterable<E> wrappedItems) {
ImmutableList<E> wrappedList = ImmutableList.copyOf(wrappedItems);
if (wrappedList.isEmpty()) {
return order.emptySet();
} else if (wrappedList.size() == 1) {
return order.factory.oneDirect(getOnlyElement(wrappedItems));
} else {
return order.factory.onlyDirects(wrappedList);
* Creates a nested set with the given list of items as its elements.
public static <E> NestedSet<E> create(Order order, E... elems) {
return wrap(order, ImmutableList.copyOf(elems));
* Creates an empty nested set.
public static <E> NestedSet<E> emptySet(Order order) {
return order.emptySet();
* Creates a builder for stable order nested sets.
public static <E> NestedSetBuilder<E> stableOrder() {
return new NestedSetBuilder<>(Order.STABLE_ORDER);
* Creates a builder for compile order nested sets.
public static <E> NestedSetBuilder<E> compileOrder() {
return new NestedSetBuilder<>(Order.COMPILE_ORDER);
* Creates a builder for link order nested sets.
public static <E> NestedSetBuilder<E> linkOrder() {
return new NestedSetBuilder<>(Order.LINK_ORDER);
* Creates a builder for naive link order nested sets.
public static <E> NestedSetBuilder<E> naiveLinkOrder() {
return new NestedSetBuilder<>(Order.NAIVE_LINK_ORDER);
public static <E> NestedSetBuilder<E> fromNestedSet(NestedSet<E> set) {
return new NestedSetBuilder<E>(set.getOrder()).addTransitive(set);