blob: 4a4902f9360e3905e2bb7375892f7efb0447f04c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
* A default filter for JAR files. It merges all services files in the {@code META-INF/services/}
* directory. The original {@code MANIFEST} files are skipped, as are JAR signing files. Anything
* not in the supplied path filter, an arbitrary predicate, is also skipped. To use this filter
* properly, a new {@code MANIFEST} file should be explicitly added to the combined ZIP file.
public class DefaultJarEntryFilter implements ZipEntryFilter {
/** An interface to restrict which files are copied over and which are not. */
public static interface PathFilter {
* Returns true if an entry with the given name may be copied over.
boolean allowed(String path);
/** A filter that allows any path. */
public static final PathFilter ANY_PATH = new PathFilter() {
public boolean allowed(String path) {
return true;
// ZIP timestamps have a resolution of 2 seconds, so this is the next timestamp after 1/1/1980.
// This is only Visible for testing.
static final Date DOS_EPOCH_PLUS_2_SECONDS =
new GregorianCalendar(1980, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2).getTime();
// Merge all files with a name in here:
private static final String SERVICES_DIR = "META-INF/services/";
// Merge all spring.handlers files.
private static final String SPRING_HANDLERS = "META-INF/spring.handlers";
// Merge all spring.schemas files.
private static final String SPRING_SCHEMAS = "META-INF/spring.schemas";
// Ignore all files with this name:
private static final String MANIFEST_NAME = JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME;
// Merge all protobuf extension registries.
private static final String PROTOBUF_META = "protobuf.meta";
// Merge all reference config files.
private static final String REFERENCE_CONF = "reference.conf";
protected final Date date;
protected final Date classDate;
protected PathFilter allowedPaths;
public DefaultJarEntryFilter(boolean normalize, PathFilter allowedPaths) { = normalize ? ZipCombiner.DOS_EPOCH : null;
this.classDate = normalize ? DOS_EPOCH_PLUS_2_SECONDS : null;
this.allowedPaths = allowedPaths;
public DefaultJarEntryFilter(boolean normalize) {
this(normalize, ANY_PATH);
public DefaultJarEntryFilter() {
public void accept(String filename, StrategyCallback callback) throws IOException {
if (!allowedPaths.allowed(filename)) {
} else if (filename.equals(SPRING_HANDLERS)) {
callback.customMerge(date, new ConcatenateStrategy());
} else if (filename.equals(SPRING_SCHEMAS)) {
callback.customMerge(date, new ConcatenateStrategy());
} else if (filename.equals(REFERENCE_CONF)) {
callback.customMerge(date, new ConcatenateStrategy());
} else if (filename.startsWith(SERVICES_DIR)) {
// Merge all services files.
callback.customMerge(date, new ConcatenateStrategy());
} else if (filename.equals(MANIFEST_NAME) || filename.endsWith(".SF")
|| filename.endsWith(".DSA") || filename.endsWith(".RSA")) {
// Ignore existing manifests and any .SF, .DSA or .RSA jar signing files.
// TODO(bazel-team): I think we should be stricter and only skip signing
// files from the META-INF/ directory.
} else if (filename.endsWith(".class")) {
// Copy .class files over, but 2 seconds ahead of the dos epoch. If it finds both source and
// class files on the classpath, javac prefers the source file, if the class file is not newer
// than the source file. Since we normalize the timestamps, we need to provide timestamps for
// class files that are newer than those for the corresponding source files.
} else if (filename.equals(PROTOBUF_META)) {
// Merge all protobuf meta data without inserting newlines,
// since the file is in protobuf binary format.
callback.customMerge(date, new ConcatenateStrategy(false));
} else {
// Copy all other files over.