blob: a4883bfcfa65434d5c53ef4a6b78d6ff3834ffe8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package google.bigtable.admin.v2;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "google/bigtable/admin/v2/instance.proto";
import "google/longrunning/operations.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
option go_package = ";admin";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "BigtableInstanceAdminProto";
option java_package = "";
// Service for creating, configuring, and deleting Cloud Bigtable Instances and
// Clusters. Provides access to the Instance and Cluster schemas only, not the
// tables' metadata or data stored in those tables.
service BigtableInstanceAdmin {
// Create an instance within a project.
rpc CreateInstance(CreateInstanceRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v2/{parent=projects/*}/instances" body: "*" };
// Gets information about an instance.
rpc GetInstance(GetInstanceRequest) returns (Instance) {
option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v2/{name=projects/*/instances/*}" };
// Lists information about instances in a project.
rpc ListInstances(ListInstancesRequest) returns (ListInstancesResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v2/{parent=projects/*}/instances" };
// Updates an instance within a project.
rpc UpdateInstance(Instance) returns (Instance) {
option (google.api.http) = { put: "/v2/{name=projects/*/instances/*}" body: "*" };
// Delete an instance from a project.
rpc DeleteInstance(DeleteInstanceRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (google.api.http) = { delete: "/v2/{name=projects/*/instances/*}" };
// Creates a cluster within an instance.
rpc CreateCluster(CreateClusterRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v2/{parent=projects/*/instances/*}/clusters" body: "cluster" };
// Gets information about a cluster.
rpc GetCluster(GetClusterRequest) returns (Cluster) {
option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v2/{name=projects/*/instances/*/clusters/*}" };
// Lists information about clusters in an instance.
rpc ListClusters(ListClustersRequest) returns (ListClustersResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v2/{parent=projects/*/instances/*}/clusters" };
// Updates a cluster within an instance.
rpc UpdateCluster(Cluster) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
option (google.api.http) = { put: "/v2/{name=projects/*/instances/*/clusters/*}" body: "*" };
// Deletes a cluster from an instance.
rpc DeleteCluster(DeleteClusterRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (google.api.http) = { delete: "/v2/{name=projects/*/instances/*/clusters/*}" };
// Request message for BigtableInstanceAdmin.CreateInstance.
message CreateInstanceRequest {
// The unique name of the project in which to create the new instance.
// Values are of the form `projects/<project>`.
string parent = 1;
// The ID to be used when referring to the new instance within its project,
// e.g., just `myinstance` rather than
// `projects/myproject/instances/myinstance`.
string instance_id = 2;
// The instance to create.
// Fields marked `OutputOnly` must be left blank.
Instance instance = 3;
// The clusters to be created within the instance, mapped by desired
// cluster ID, e.g., just `mycluster` rather than
// `projects/myproject/instances/myinstance/clusters/mycluster`.
// Fields marked `OutputOnly` must be left blank.
// Currently exactly one cluster must be specified.
map<string, Cluster> clusters = 4;
// Request message for BigtableInstanceAdmin.GetInstance.
message GetInstanceRequest {
// The unique name of the requested instance. Values are of the form
// `projects/<project>/instances/<instance>`.
string name = 1;
// Request message for BigtableInstanceAdmin.ListInstances.
message ListInstancesRequest {
// The unique name of the project for which a list of instances is requested.
// Values are of the form `projects/<project>`.
string parent = 1;
// The value of `next_page_token` returned by a previous call.
string page_token = 2;
// Response message for BigtableInstanceAdmin.ListInstances.
message ListInstancesResponse {
// The list of requested instances.
repeated Instance instances = 1;
// Locations from which Instance information could not be retrieved,
// due to an outage or some other transient condition.
// Instances whose Clusters are all in one of the failed locations
// may be missing from `instances`, and Instances with at least one
// Cluster in a failed location may only have partial information returned.
repeated string failed_locations = 2;
// Set if not all instances could be returned in a single response.
// Pass this value to `page_token` in another request to get the next
// page of results.
string next_page_token = 3;
// Request message for BigtableInstanceAdmin.DeleteInstance.
message DeleteInstanceRequest {
// The unique name of the instance to be deleted.
// Values are of the form `projects/<project>/instances/<instance>`.
string name = 1;
// Request message for BigtableInstanceAdmin.CreateCluster.
message CreateClusterRequest {
// The unique name of the instance in which to create the new cluster.
// Values are of the form
// `projects/<project>/instances/<instance>`.
string parent = 1;
// The ID to be used when referring to the new cluster within its instance,
// e.g., just `mycluster` rather than
// `projects/myproject/instances/myinstance/clusters/mycluster`.
string cluster_id = 2;
// The cluster to be created.
// Fields marked `OutputOnly` must be left blank.
Cluster cluster = 3;
// Request message for BigtableInstanceAdmin.GetCluster.
message GetClusterRequest {
// The unique name of the requested cluster. Values are of the form
// `projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/clusters/<cluster>`.
string name = 1;
// Request message for BigtableInstanceAdmin.ListClusters.
message ListClustersRequest {
// The unique name of the instance for which a list of clusters is requested.
// Values are of the form `projects/<project>/instances/<instance>`.
// Use `<instance> = '-'` to list Clusters for all Instances in a project,
// e.g., `projects/myproject/instances/-`.
string parent = 1;
// The value of `next_page_token` returned by a previous call.
string page_token = 2;
// Response message for BigtableInstanceAdmin.ListClusters.
message ListClustersResponse {
// The list of requested clusters.
repeated Cluster clusters = 1;
// Locations from which Cluster information could not be retrieved,
// due to an outage or some other transient condition.
// Clusters from these locations may be missing from `clusters`,
// or may only have partial information returned.
repeated string failed_locations = 2;
// Set if not all clusters could be returned in a single response.
// Pass this value to `page_token` in another request to get the next
// page of results.
string next_page_token = 3;
// Request message for BigtableInstanceAdmin.DeleteCluster.
message DeleteClusterRequest {
// The unique name of the cluster to be deleted. Values are of the form
// `projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/clusters/<cluster>`.
string name = 1;
// The metadata for the Operation returned by CreateInstance.
message CreateInstanceMetadata {
// The request that prompted the initiation of this CreateInstance operation.
CreateInstanceRequest original_request = 1;
// The time at which the original request was received.
google.protobuf.Timestamp request_time = 2;
// The time at which the operation failed or was completed successfully.
google.protobuf.Timestamp finish_time = 3;
// The metadata for the Operation returned by UpdateCluster.
message UpdateClusterMetadata {
// The request that prompted the initiation of this UpdateCluster operation.
Cluster original_request = 1;
// The time at which the original request was received.
google.protobuf.Timestamp request_time = 2;
// The time at which the operation failed or was completed successfully.
google.protobuf.Timestamp finish_time = 3;