blob: a2a925a802801fc79f88aa5bea2e49ed03cd3f2a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
import unittest
import gflags
from gflags import _helpers
FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS
class FlagsUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Flags formatting Unit Test."""
def testGetHelpWidth(self):
"""Verify that GetHelpWidth() reflects _help_width."""
default_help_width = _helpers._DEFAULT_HELP_WIDTH # Save.
self.assertEqual(80, _helpers._DEFAULT_HELP_WIDTH)
self.assertEqual(_helpers._DEFAULT_HELP_WIDTH, gflags.GetHelpWidth())
_helpers._DEFAULT_HELP_WIDTH = 10
self.assertEqual(_helpers._DEFAULT_HELP_WIDTH, gflags.GetHelpWidth())
_helpers._DEFAULT_HELP_WIDTH = default_help_width # restore
def testTextWrap(self):
"""Test that wrapping works as expected.
Also tests that it is using global gflags._help_width by default.
default_help_width = _helpers._DEFAULT_HELP_WIDTH
_helpers._DEFAULT_HELP_WIDTH = 10
# Generate a string with length 40, no spaces
text = ''
expect = []
for n in range(4):
line = str(n)
line += '123456789'
text += line
# Verify we still break
wrapped = gflags.TextWrap(text).split('\n')
self.assertEqual(4, len(wrapped))
self.assertEqual(expect, wrapped)
wrapped = gflags.TextWrap(text, 80).split('\n')
self.assertEqual(1, len(wrapped))
self.assertEqual([text], wrapped)
# Normal case, breaking at word boundaries and rewriting new lines
input_value = 'a b c d e f g h'
expect = {1: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'],
2: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'],
3: ['a b', 'c d', 'e f', 'g h'],
4: ['a b', 'c d', 'e f', 'g h'],
5: ['a b c', 'd e f', 'g h'],
6: ['a b c', 'd e f', 'g h'],
7: ['a b c d', 'e f g h'],
8: ['a b c d', 'e f g h'],
9: ['a b c d e', 'f g h'],
10: ['a b c d e', 'f g h'],
11: ['a b c d e f', 'g h'],
12: ['a b c d e f', 'g h'],
13: ['a b c d e f g', 'h'],
14: ['a b c d e f g', 'h'],
15: ['a b c d e f g h']}
for width, exp in expect.items():
self.assertEqual(exp, gflags.TextWrap(input_value, width).split('\n'))
# We turn lines with only whitespace into empty lines
# We strip from the right up to the first new line
self.assertEqual('', gflags.TextWrap(' '))
self.assertEqual('\n', gflags.TextWrap(' \n '))
self.assertEqual('\n', gflags.TextWrap('\n\n'))
self.assertEqual('\n\n', gflags.TextWrap('\n\n\n'))
self.assertEqual('\n', gflags.TextWrap('\n '))
self.assertEqual('a\n\nb', gflags.TextWrap('a\n \nb'))
self.assertEqual('a\n\n\nb', gflags.TextWrap('a\n \n \nb'))
self.assertEqual('a\nb', gflags.TextWrap(' a\nb '))
self.assertEqual('\na\nb', gflags.TextWrap('\na\nb\n'))
self.assertEqual('\na\nb\n', gflags.TextWrap(' \na\nb\n '))
self.assertEqual('\na\nb\n', gflags.TextWrap(' \na\nb\n\n'))
# Double newline.
self.assertEqual('a\n\nb', gflags.TextWrap(' a\n\n b'))
# We respect prefix
self.assertEqual(' a\n b\n c', gflags.TextWrap('a\nb\nc', 80, ' '))
self.assertEqual('a\n b\n c', gflags.TextWrap('a\nb\nc', 80, ' ', ''))
# tabs
self.assertEqual('a\n b c',
gflags.TextWrap('a\nb\tc', 80, ' ', ''))
self.assertEqual('a\n bb c',
gflags.TextWrap('a\nbb\tc', 80, ' ', ''))
self.assertEqual('a\n bbb c',
gflags.TextWrap('a\nbbb\tc', 80, ' ', ''))
self.assertEqual('a\n bbbb c',
gflags.TextWrap('a\nbbbb\tc', 80, ' ', ''))
self.assertEqual('a\n b\n c\n d',
gflags.TextWrap('a\nb\tc\td', 3, ' ', ''))
self.assertEqual('a\n b\n c\n d',
gflags.TextWrap('a\nb\tc\td', 4, ' ', ''))
self.assertEqual('a\n b\n c\n d',
gflags.TextWrap('a\nb\tc\td', 5, ' ', ''))
self.assertEqual('a\n b c\n d',
gflags.TextWrap('a\nb\tc\td', 6, ' ', ''))
self.assertEqual('a\n b c\n d',
gflags.TextWrap('a\nb\tc\td', 7, ' ', ''))
self.assertEqual('a\n b c\n d',
gflags.TextWrap('a\nb\tc\td', 8, ' ', ''))
self.assertEqual('a\n b c\n d',
gflags.TextWrap('a\nb\tc\td', 9, ' ', ''))
self.assertEqual('a\n b c d',
gflags.TextWrap('a\nb\tc\td', 10, ' ', ''))
# multiple tabs
self.assertEqual('a c',
gflags.TextWrap('a\t\tc', 80, ' ', ''))
_helpers._DEFAULT_HELP_WIDTH = default_help_width # restore
def testDocToHelp(self):
self.assertEqual('', gflags.DocToHelp(' '))
self.assertEqual('', gflags.DocToHelp(' \n '))
self.assertEqual('a\n\nb', gflags.DocToHelp('a\n \nb'))
self.assertEqual('a\n\n\nb', gflags.DocToHelp('a\n \n \nb'))
self.assertEqual('a b', gflags.DocToHelp(' a\nb '))
self.assertEqual('a b', gflags.DocToHelp('\na\nb\n'))
self.assertEqual('a\n\nb', gflags.DocToHelp('\na\n\nb\n'))
self.assertEqual('a b', gflags.DocToHelp(' \na\nb\n '))
# Different first line, one line empty - erm double new line.
self.assertEqual('a b c\n\nd', gflags.DocToHelp('a\n b\n c\n\n d'))
self.assertEqual('a b\n c d', gflags.DocToHelp('a\n b\n \tc\n d'))
self.assertEqual('a b\n c\n d',
gflags.DocToHelp('a\n b\n \tc\n \td'))
def testDocToHelp_FlagValues(self):
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# The following doc string is taken as is directly from
# The intention of this test is to verify 'live' performance
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"""Used as a registry for 'Flag' objects.
A 'FlagValues' can then scan command line arguments, passing flag
arguments through to the 'Flag' objects that it owns. It also
provides easy access to the flag values. Typically only one
'FlagValues' object is needed by an application: gflags.FLAGS
This class is heavily overloaded:
'Flag' objects are registered via __setitem__:
FLAGS['longname'] = x # register a new flag
The .value member of the registered 'Flag' objects can be accessed as
members of this 'FlagValues' object, through __getattr__. Both the
long and short name of the original 'Flag' objects can be used to
access its value:
FLAGS.longname # parsed flag value
FLAGS.x # parsed flag value (short name)
Command line arguments are scanned and passed to the registered 'Flag'
objects through the __call__ method. Unparsed arguments, including
argv[0] (e.g. the program name) are returned.
argv = FLAGS(sys.argv) # scan command line arguments
The original registered Flag objects can be retrieved through the use
doc = gflags.DocToHelp(self.testDocToHelp_FlagValues.__doc__)
# Test the general outline of the converted docs
lines = doc.splitlines()
self.assertEqual(17, len(lines))
empty_lines = [index for index in range(len(lines)) if not lines[index]]
self.assertEqual([1, 3, 5, 8, 12, 15], empty_lines)
# test that some starting prefix is kept
flags_lines = [index for index in range(len(lines))
if lines[index].startswith(' FLAGS')]
self.assertEqual([7, 10, 11], flags_lines)
# but other, especially common space has been removed
space_lines = [index for index in range(len(lines))
if lines[index] and lines[index][0].isspace()]
self.assertEqual([7, 10, 11, 14], space_lines)
# No right space was kept
rspace_lines = [index for index in range(len(lines))
if lines[index] != lines[index].rstrip()]
self.assertEqual([], rspace_lines)
# test double spaces are kept
self.assertEqual(True, lines[2].endswith('application: gflags.FLAGS'))
def testTextWrapRaisesOnExcessiveIndent(self):
"""Ensure an indent longer than line length raises."""
gflags.TextWrap, 'dummy', length=10, indent=' ' * 10)
def testTextWrapRaisesOnExcessiveFirstLine(self):
"""Ensure a first line indent longer than line length raises."""
gflags.TextWrap, 'dummy', length=80, firstline_indent=' ' * 80)
if __name__ == '__main__':