blob: 32d76946e85d4192a94b903e368c2d0c6631fb75 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package remote_logging;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/bytestream/bytestream.proto";
import "google/devtools/remoteexecution/v1test/remote_execution.proto";
import "google/longrunning/operations.proto";
import "google/rpc/status.proto";
import "google/watcher/v1/watch.proto";
option java_package = "";
// A single log entry for gRPC calls related to remote execution.
message LogEntry {
// Request metadata included in call.
google.devtools.remoteexecution.v1test.RequestMetadata metadata = 1;
// Status of the call on close.
google.rpc.Status status = 2;
// Full method name of the method called as returned from
// io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.getFullMethodName() (i.e. in format
string method_name = 3;
// Method specific details for this call.
RpcCallDetails details = 4;
// Time the call started.
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 5;
// Time the call closed.
google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 6;
// Details for a call to
// google.devtools.remoteexecution.v1test.Execution.Execute.
message ExecuteDetails {
// The google.devtools.remoteexecution.v1test.ExecuteRequest sent by the
// call.
google.devtools.remoteexecution.v1test.ExecuteRequest request = 1;
// The google.longrunning.Operation received by the Execute call.
google.longrunning.Operation response = 2;
// Details for a call to
// google.devtools.remoteexecution.v1test.ActionCache.GetActionResult.
message GetActionResultDetails {
// The google.devtools.remoteexecution.v1test.GetActionResultRequest sent by
// the call.
google.devtools.remoteexecution.v1test.GetActionResultRequest request = 1;
// The received google.devtools.remoteexecution.v1test.ActionResult.
google.devtools.remoteexecution.v1test.ActionResult response = 2;
// Details for a call to google.watcher.v1.Watch.
message WatchDetails {
// The google.watcher.v1.Request sent by the Watch call.
google.watcher.v1.Request request = 1;
// Each google.watcher.v1.ChangeBatch response received from the
// Watch call in order.
repeated google.watcher.v1.ChangeBatch responses = 2;
// Details for a call to
// google.devtools.remoteexecution.v1test.ContentAddressableStorage.FindMissingBlobs.
message FindMissingBlobsDetails {
// The google.devtools.remoteexecution.v1test.FindMissingBlobsRequest request
// sent.
google.devtools.remoteexecution.v1test.FindMissingBlobsRequest request = 1;
// The google.devtools.remoteexecution.v1test.FindMissingBlobsResponse
// received.
google.devtools.remoteexecution.v1test.FindMissingBlobsResponse response = 2;
// Details for a call to google.bytestream.Read.
message ReadDetails {
// The google.bytestream.ReadRequest sent.
google.bytestream.ReadRequest request = 1;
// The number of reads performed in this call.
int64 num_reads = 2;
// The total number of bytes read totalled over all stream responses.
int64 bytes_read = 3;
// Details for a call to google.bytestream.Write.
message WriteDetails {
// The names of resources requested to be written to in this call in the order
// they were first requested in. If the ByteStream protocol is followed
// according to specification, this should only contain have a single element,
// which is the resource name specified in the first message of the stream.
repeated string resource_names = 1;
// The number of writes performed in this call.
int64 num_writes = 2;
// The total number of bytes sent over the stream.
int64 bytes_sent = 3;
// The received google.bytestream.WriteResponse.
google.bytestream.WriteResponse response = 4;
// Contains details for specific types of calls.
message RpcCallDetails {
oneof details {
ExecuteDetails execute = 1;
GetActionResultDetails get_action_result = 2;
WatchDetails watch = 3;
FindMissingBlobsDetails find_missing_blobs = 4;
ReadDetails read = 5;
WriteDetails write = 6;