blob: 254db274fc76abffd4b33a077f53375c0ff4e36e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# pylint: disable=g-direct-third-party-import
# pylint: disable=g-bad-file-header
# Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Installs an Android application, possibly in an incremental way."""
import collections
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import posixpath
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import zipfile
from import gflags
from import futures
gflags.DEFINE_string("split_main_apk", None, "The main APK for split install")
gflags.DEFINE_multistring("split_apk", [], "Split APKs to install")
gflags.DEFINE_string("dexmanifest", None, "The .dex manifest")
gflags.DEFINE_multistring("native_lib", None, "Native libraries to install")
gflags.DEFINE_string("resource_apk", None, "The resource .apk")
gflags.DEFINE_string("apk", None, "The app .apk. If not specified, "
"do incremental deployment")
gflags.DEFINE_string("adb", None, "ADB to use")
gflags.DEFINE_string("stub_datafile", None, "The stub data file")
gflags.DEFINE_string("output_marker", None, "The output marker file")
gflags.DEFINE_multistring("extra_adb_arg", [], "Extra arguments to adb")
gflags.DEFINE_string("execroot", ".", "The exec root")
gflags.DEFINE_integer("adb_jobs", 2,
"The number of instances of adb to use in parallel to "
"update files on the device",
gflags.DEFINE_enum("start", "no", ["no", "cold", "warm", "debug"],
"Whether/how to start the app after installing it. 'cold' "
"and 'warm' will both cause the app to be started, 'warm' "
"will start it with previously saved application state, "
"'debug' will wait for the debugger before a clean start.")
gflags.DEFINE_boolean("start_app", False, "Deprecated, use 'start'.")
gflags.DEFINE_string("user_home_dir", None, "Path to the user's home directory")
gflags.DEFINE_string("flagfile", None,
"Path to a file to read additional flags from")
gflags.DEFINE_string("verbosity", None, "Logging verbosity")
FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS
DEVICE_DIRECTORY = "/data/local/tmp/incrementaldeployment"
# Some devices support ABIs other than those reported by getprop. In this case,
# if the most specific ABI is not available in the .apk, we push the more
# general ones.
"armeabi-v7a": ["armeabi"],
"arm64-v8a": ["armeabi-v7a", "armeabi"]
class AdbError(Exception):
"""An exception class signaling an error in an adb invocation."""
def __init__(self, args, returncode, stdout, stderr):
self.args = args
self.returncode = returncode
self.stdout = stdout
self.stderr = stderr
details = "\n".join([
"adb command: %s" % args,
"return code: %s" % returncode,
"stdout: %s" % stdout,
"stderr: %s" % stderr,
super(AdbError, self).__init__(details)
class DeviceNotFoundError(Exception):
"""Raised when the device could not be found."""
class MultipleDevicesError(Exception):
"""Raised when > 1 device is attached and no device serial was given."""
def CheckError(s):
return"more than one (device and emulator|device|emulator)", s)
class DeviceUnauthorizedError(Exception):
"""Raised when the local machine is not authorized to the device."""
class TimestampException(Exception):
"""Raised when there is a problem with timestamp reading/writing."""
class OldSdkException(Exception):
"""Raised when the SDK on the target device is older than the app allows."""
class EnvvarError(Exception):
"""Raised when a required environment variable is not set."""
hostpath = os.path
targetpath = posixpath
class Adb(object):
"""A class to handle interaction with adb."""
def __init__(self, adb_path, temp_dir, adb_jobs, user_home_dir,
self._adb_path = adb_path
self._temp_dir = temp_dir
self._user_home_dir = user_home_dir
self._file_counter = 1
self._executor = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=adb_jobs)
self._extra_adb_args = extra_adb_args or []
def _Exec(self, adb_args):
"""Executes the given adb command + args."""
args = [self._adb_path] + self._extra_adb_args + adb_args
# TODO(ahumesky): Because multiple instances of adb are executed in
# parallel, these debug logging lines will get interleaved.
logging.debug("Executing: %s", " ".join(args))
# adb sometimes requires the user's home directory to access things in
# $HOME/.android (e.g. keys to authorize with the device). To avoid any
# potential problems with python picking up things in the user's home
# directory, HOME is not set in the environment around python and is instead
# passed explicitly as a flag.
env = {}
if self._user_home_dir:
env["HOME"] = self._user_home_dir
# On Windows, adb requires the SystemRoot environment variable.
if Adb._IsHostOsWindows():
value = os.getenv("SYSTEMROOT")
if not value:
raise EnvvarError(("The %SYSTEMROOT% environment variable must "
"be set or Adb won't work"))
env["SYSTEMROOT"] = value
adb = subprocess.Popen(
stdout, stderr = adb.communicate()
stdout = stdout.strip()
stderr = stderr.strip()
logging.debug("adb ret: %s", adb.returncode)
logging.debug("adb out: %s", stdout)
logging.debug("adb err: %s", stderr)
# Check these first so that the more specific error gets raised instead of
# the more generic AdbError.
if "device not found" in stderr:
raise DeviceNotFoundError()
elif "device unauthorized" in stderr:
raise DeviceUnauthorizedError()
elif MultipleDevicesError.CheckError(stderr):
# The error messages are from adb's transport.c, but something adds
# "error: " to the beginning, so take it off so that we don't end up
# printing "Error: error: ..."
raise MultipleDevicesError(re.sub("^error: ", "", stderr))
elif "INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK" in stdout:
raise OldSdkException()
if adb.returncode != 0:
raise AdbError(args, adb.returncode, stdout, stderr)
return adb.returncode, stdout, stderr, args
def _ExecParallel(self, adb_args):
return self._executor.submit(self._Exec, adb_args)
def _CreateLocalFile(self):
"""Returns a path to a temporary local file in the temp directory."""
local = hostpath.join(self._temp_dir, "adbfile_%d" % self._file_counter)
self._file_counter += 1
return local
def GetInstallTime(self, package):
"""Get the installation time of a package."""
_, stdout, _, _ = self._Shell("dumpsys package %s" % package)
match ="firstInstallTime=(.*)$", stdout, re.MULTILINE)
if match:
return None
def GetAbi(self):
"""Returns the ABI the device supports."""
_, stdout, _, _ = self._Shell("getprop ro.product.cpu.abi")
return stdout
def Push(self, local, remote):
"""Invoke 'adb push' in parallel."""
return self._ExecParallel(["push", local, remote])
def PushString(self, contents, remote):
"""Push a given string to a given path on the device in parallel."""
local = self._CreateLocalFile()
with open(local, "wb") as f:
return self.Push(local, remote)
def Pull(self, remote):
"""Invoke 'adb pull'.
remote: The path to the remote file to pull.
The contents of a file or None if the file didn't exist.
local = self._CreateLocalFile()
self._Exec(["pull", remote, local])
with open(local, "rb") as f:
except (AdbError, IOError):
return None
def InstallMultiple(self, apk, pkg=None):
"""Invoke 'adb install-multiple'."""
pkg_args = ["-p", pkg] if pkg else []
ret, stdout, stderr, args = self._Exec(
["install-multiple", "-r"] + pkg_args + [apk])
if "FAILED" in stdout or "FAILED" in stderr:
raise AdbError(args, ret, stdout, stderr)
def Install(self, apk):
"""Invoke 'adb install'."""
ret, stdout, stderr, args = self._Exec(["install", "-r", apk])
# adb install could fail with a message on stdout like this:
# pkg: /data/local/tmp/Gmail_dev_sharded_incremental.apk
# and yet it will still have a return code of 0. At least for the install
# command, it will print "Success" if it succeeded, so check for that in
# standard out instead of relying on the return code.
if "FAILED" in stdout or "FAILED" in stderr:
raise AdbError(args, ret, stdout, stderr)
def Uninstall(self, pkg):
"""Invoke 'adb uninstall'."""
self._Exec(["uninstall", pkg])
# No error checking. If this fails, we assume that the app was not installed
# in the first place.
def Delete(self, remote):
"""Delete the given file (or directory) on the device."""
def DeleteMultiple(self, remote_files):
"""Delete the given files (or directories) on the device."""
files_str = " ".join(remote_files)
if files_str:
self._Shell("rm -fr %s" % files_str)
def Mkdir(self, d):
"""Invokes mkdir with the specified directory on the device."""
self._Shell("mkdir -p %s" % d)
def StopApp(self, package):
"""Force stops the app with the given package."""
self._Shell("am force-stop %s" % package)
def StopAppAndSaveState(self, package):
"""Stops the app with the given package, saving state for the next run."""
# 'am kill' will only kill processes in the background, so we must make sure
# our process is in the background first. We accomplish this by bringing up
# the app switcher.
self._Shell("input keyevent KEYCODE_APP_SWITCH")
self._Shell("am kill %s" % package)
def StartApp(self, package, start_type):
"""Starts the app with the given package."""
if start_type == "debug":
self._Shell("am set-debug-app -w --persistent %s" % package)
self._Shell("am clear-debug-app %s" % package)
self._Shell("monkey -p %s -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1" % package)
def _Shell(self, cmd):
"""Invoke 'adb shell'."""
return self._Exec(["shell", cmd])
def _IsHostOsWindows():
return == "nt"
ManifestEntry = collections.namedtuple(
"ManifestEntry", ["input_file", "zippath", "installpath", "sha256"])
def ParseManifest(contents):
"""Parses a dexmanifest file.
contents: the contents of the manifest file to be parsed.
A dict of install path -> ManifestEntry.
result = {}
for l in contents.split("\n"):
entry = ManifestEntry(*(l.strip().split(" ")))
result[entry.installpath] = entry
return result
def GetAppPackage(stub_datafile):
"""Returns the app package specified in a stub data file."""
with open(stub_datafile, "rb") as f:
return f.readlines()[1].decode("utf-8").strip()
def UploadDexes(adb, execroot, app_dir, temp_dir, dexmanifest, full_install):
"""Uploads dexes to the device so that the state.
Does the minimum amount of work necessary to make the state of the device
consistent with what was built.
adb: the Adb instance representing the device to install to
execroot: the execroot
app_dir: the directory things should be installed under on the device
temp_dir: a local temporary directory
dexmanifest: contents of the dex manifest
full_install: whether to do a full install
# Fetch the manifest on the device
dex_dir = targetpath.join(app_dir, "dex")
old_manifest = None
if not full_install:"Fetching dex manifest from device...")
old_manifest_contents = adb.Pull(targetpath.join(dex_dir, "manifest"))
if old_manifest_contents:
old_manifest = ParseManifest(old_manifest_contents)
else:"Dex manifest not found on device")
if old_manifest is None:
# If the manifest is not found, maybe a previous installation attempt
# was interrupted. Wipe the slate clean. Do this also in case we do a full
# installation.
old_manifest = {}
adb.Delete(targetpath.join(dex_dir, "*"))
new_manifest = ParseManifest(dexmanifest)
dexes_to_delete = set(old_manifest) - set(new_manifest)
# Figure out which dexes to upload: those that are present in the new manifest
# but not in the old one and those whose checksum was changed
common_dexes = set(new_manifest).intersection(old_manifest)
dexes_to_upload = set(d for d in common_dexes
if new_manifest[d].sha256 != old_manifest[d].sha256)
dexes_to_upload.update(set(new_manifest) - set(old_manifest))
if not dexes_to_delete and not dexes_to_upload:
# If we have nothing to do, don't bother removing and rewriting the manifest"Application dexes up-to-date")
# Delete the manifest so that we know how to get back to a consistent state
# if we are interrupted.
adb.Delete(targetpath.join(dex_dir, "manifest"))
# Tuple of (local, remote) files to push to the device.
files_to_push = []
# Sort dexes to be uploaded by the zip file they are in so that we only need
# to open each zip only once.
dexzips_in_upload = set(new_manifest[d].input_file for d in dexes_to_upload
if new_manifest[d].zippath != "-")
for i, dexzip_name in enumerate(dexzips_in_upload):
zip_dexes = [
d for d in dexes_to_upload if new_manifest[d].input_file == dexzip_name]
dexzip_tempdir = hostpath.join(temp_dir, "dex", str(i))
with zipfile.ZipFile(hostpath.join(execroot, dexzip_name)) as dexzip:
for dex in zip_dexes:
zippath = new_manifest[dex].zippath
dexzip.extract(zippath, dexzip_tempdir)
files_to_push.append((hostpath.join(dexzip_tempdir, zippath),
targetpath.join(dex_dir, dex)))
# Now gather all the dexes that are not within a .zip file.
dexes_to_upload = set(
d for d in dexes_to_upload if new_manifest[d].zippath == "-")
for dex in dexes_to_upload:
files_to_push.append((new_manifest[dex].input_file, targetpath.join(
dex_dir, dex)))
num_files = len(dexes_to_delete) + len(files_to_push)"Updating %d dex%s...", num_files, "es" if num_files > 1 else "")
# Delete the dexes that are not in the new manifest
adb.DeleteMultiple(targetpath.join(dex_dir, dex) for dex in dexes_to_delete)
# Upload all the files.
upload_walltime_start = time.time()
fs = [adb.Push(local, remote) for local, remote in files_to_push]
done, not_done = futures.wait(fs, return_when=futures.FIRST_EXCEPTION)
upload_walltime = time.time() - upload_walltime_start
logging.debug("Dex upload walltime: %s seconds", upload_walltime)
# If there is anything in not_done, then some adb call failed and we
# can cancel the rest.
if not_done:
for f in not_done:
# If any adb call resulted in an exception, re-raise it.
for f in done:
# If no dex upload failed, upload the manifest. If any upload failed, the
# exception should have been re-raised above.
# Call result() to raise the exception if there was one.
adb.PushString(dexmanifest, targetpath.join(dex_dir, "manifest")).result()
def Checksum(filename):
"""Compute the SHA-256 checksum of a file."""
h = hashlib.sha256()
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
while True:
data =
if not data:
return h.hexdigest()
def UploadResources(adb, resource_apk, app_dir):
"""Uploads resources to the device.
adb: The Adb instance representing the device to install to.
resource_apk: Path to the resource apk.
app_dir: The directory things should be installed under on the device.
# Compute the checksum of the new resources file
new_checksum = Checksum(resource_apk)
# Fetch the checksum of the resources file on the device, if it exists
device_checksum_file = targetpath.join(app_dir, "resources_checksum")
old_checksum = adb.Pull(device_checksum_file)
if old_checksum == new_checksum:"Application resources up-to-date")
return"Updating application resources...")
# Remove the checksum file on the device so that if the transfer is
# interrupted, we know how to get the device back to a consistent state.
adb.Push(resource_apk, targetpath.join(app_dir, "resources.ap_")).result()
# Write the new checksum to the device.
adb.PushString(new_checksum, device_checksum_file).result()
def ConvertNativeLibs(args):
"""Converts the --native_libs command line argument to an arch -> libs map."""
native_libs = {}
if args is not None:
for native_lib in args:
abi, path = native_lib.split(":")
if abi not in native_libs:
native_libs[abi] = set()
return native_libs
def FindAbi(device_abi, app_abis):
"""Selects which ABI native libs should be installed for."""
if device_abi in app_abis:
return device_abi
if device_abi in COMPATIBLE_ABIS:
for abi in COMPATIBLE_ABIS[device_abi]:
if abi in app_abis:
logging.warn("App does not have native libs for ABI '%s'. Using ABI "
"'%s'.", device_abi, abi)
return abi
logging.warn("No native libs for device ABI '%s'. App has native libs for "
"ABIs: %s", device_abi, ", ".join(app_abis))
return None
def UploadNativeLibs(adb, native_lib_args, app_dir, full_install):
"""Uploads native libraries to the device."""
native_libs = ConvertNativeLibs(native_lib_args)
libs = set()
if native_libs:
abi = FindAbi(adb.GetAbi(), native_libs.keys())
if abi:
libs = native_libs[abi]
basename_to_path = {}
install_checksums = {}
for lib in sorted(libs):
install_checksums[os.path.basename(lib)] = Checksum(lib)
basename_to_path[os.path.basename(lib)] = lib
device_manifest = None
if not full_install:
device_manifest = adb.Pull(
targetpath.join(app_dir, "native", "native_manifest"))
device_checksums = {}
if device_manifest is None:
# If we couldn't fetch the device manifest or if this is a non-incremental
# install, wipe the slate clean
adb.Delete(targetpath.join(app_dir, "native"))
# Otherwise, parse the manifest. Note that this branch is also taken if the
# manifest is empty.
for manifest_line in device_manifest.split("\n"):
if manifest_line:
name, checksum = manifest_line.split(" ")
device_checksums[name] = checksum
libs_to_delete = set(device_checksums) - set(install_checksums)
libs_to_upload = set(install_checksums) - set(device_checksums)
common_libs = set(install_checksums).intersection(set(device_checksums))
libs_to_upload.update([l for l in common_libs
if install_checksums[l] != device_checksums[l]])
libs_to_push = [(basename_to_path[lib], targetpath.join(
app_dir, "native", lib)) for lib in libs_to_upload]
if not libs_to_delete and not libs_to_push and device_manifest is not None:"Native libs up-to-date")
num_files = len(libs_to_delete) + len(libs_to_push)"Updating %d native lib%s...",
num_files, "s" if num_files != 1 else "")
adb.Delete(targetpath.join(app_dir, "native", "native_manifest"))
if libs_to_delete:
[targetpath.join(app_dir, "native", lib) for lib in libs_to_delete])
upload_walltime_start = time.time()
fs = [adb.Push(local, remote) for local, remote in libs_to_push]
done, not_done = futures.wait(fs, return_when=futures.FIRST_EXCEPTION)
upload_walltime = time.time() - upload_walltime_start
logging.debug("Native library upload walltime: %s seconds", upload_walltime)
# If there is anything in not_done, then some adb call failed and we
# can cancel the rest.
if not_done:
for f in not_done:
# If any adb call resulted in an exception, re-raise it.
for f in done:
install_manifest = [
name + " " + checksum for name, checksum in install_checksums.items()]
targetpath.join(app_dir, "native",
def VerifyInstallTimestamp(adb, app_package):
"""Verifies that the app is unchanged since the last mobile-install."""
expected_timestamp = adb.Pull(
targetpath.join(DEVICE_DIRECTORY, app_package, "install_timestamp"))
if not expected_timestamp:
raise TimestampException(
"Cannot verify last mobile install. At least one non-incremental "
"'mobile-install' must precede incremental installs")
actual_timestamp = adb.GetInstallTime(app_package)
if actual_timestamp is None:
raise TimestampException(
"Package '%s' is not installed on the device. At least one "
"non-incremental 'mobile-install' must precede incremental "
"installs." % app_package)
if actual_timestamp != expected_timestamp:
raise TimestampException("Installed app '%s' has an unexpected timestamp. "
"Did you last install the app in a way other than "
"'mobile-install'?" % app_package)
def SplitIncrementalInstall(adb, app_package, execroot, split_main_apk,
"""Does incremental installation using split packages."""
app_dir = targetpath.join(DEVICE_DIRECTORY, app_package)
device_manifest_path = targetpath.join(app_dir, "split_manifest")
device_manifest = adb.Pull(device_manifest_path)
expected_timestamp = adb.Pull(targetpath.join(app_dir, "install_timestamp"))
actual_timestamp = adb.GetInstallTime(app_package)
device_checksums = {}
if device_manifest is not None:
for manifest_line in device_manifest.split("\n"):
if manifest_line:
name, checksum = manifest_line.split(" ")
device_checksums[name] = checksum
install_checksums = {}
install_checksums["__MAIN__"] = Checksum(
hostpath.join(execroot, split_main_apk))
for apk in split_apks:
install_checksums[apk] = Checksum(hostpath.join(execroot, apk))
reinstall_main = False
if (device_manifest is None or actual_timestamp is None or
actual_timestamp != expected_timestamp or
install_checksums["__MAIN__"] != device_checksums["__MAIN__"] or
set(device_checksums.keys()) != set(install_checksums.keys())):
# The main app is not up to date or not present or something happened
# with the on-device manifest. Start from scratch. Notably, we cannot
# uninstall a split package, so if the set of packages changes, we also
# need to do a full reinstall.
reinstall_main = True
device_checksums = {}
apks_to_update = [
apk for apk in split_apks if
apk not in device_checksums or
device_checksums[apk] != install_checksums[apk]]
if not apks_to_update and not reinstall_main:
# Nothing to do
# Delete the device manifest so that if something goes wrong, we do a full
# reinstall next time
if reinstall_main:"Installing main APK...")
adb.InstallMultiple(targetpath.join(execroot, split_main_apk))
targetpath.join(app_dir, "install_timestamp")).result()"Reinstalling %s APKs...", len(apks_to_update))
for apk in apks_to_update:
adb.InstallMultiple(targetpath.join(execroot, apk), app_package)
install_manifest = [
name + " " + checksum for name, checksum in install_checksums.items()]
targetpath.join(app_dir, "split_manifest")).result()
def IncrementalInstall(adb_path,
"""Performs an incremental install.
adb_path: Path to the adb executable.
execroot: Exec root.
stub_datafile: The stub datafile containing the app's package name.
output_marker: Path to the output marker file.
adb_jobs: The number of instances of adb to use in parallel.
start_type: A string describing whether/how to start the app after
installing it. Can be 'no', 'cold', or 'warm'.
dexmanifest: Path to the .dex manifest file.
apk: Path to the .apk file. May be None to perform an incremental install.
native_libs: Native libraries to install.
resource_apk: Path to the apk containing the app's resources.
split_main_apk: the split main .apk if split installation is desired.
split_apks: the list of split .apks to be installed.
user_home_dir: Path to the user's home directory.
extra_adb_args: Extra arguments that will always be passed to adb.
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
adb = Adb(adb_path, temp_dir, adb_jobs, user_home_dir, extra_adb_args)
app_package = GetAppPackage(hostpath.join(execroot, stub_datafile))
app_dir = targetpath.join(DEVICE_DIRECTORY, app_package)
if split_main_apk:
SplitIncrementalInstall(adb, app_package, execroot, split_main_apk,
if not apk:
VerifyInstallTimestamp(adb, app_package)
with open(hostpath.join(execroot, dexmanifest), "rb") as f:
dexmanifest ="utf-8")
UploadDexes(adb, execroot, app_dir, temp_dir, dexmanifest, bool(apk))
# TODO(ahumesky): UploadDexes waits for all the dexes to be uploaded, and
# then UploadResources is called. We could instead enqueue everything
# onto the threadpool so that uploading resources happens sooner.
UploadResources(adb, hostpath.join(execroot, resource_apk), app_dir)
UploadNativeLibs(adb, native_libs, app_dir, bool(apk))
if apk:
apk_path = targetpath.join(execroot, apk)
future = adb.PushString(
targetpath.join(DEVICE_DIRECTORY, app_package, "install_timestamp"))
if start_type == "warm":
if start_type in ["cold", "warm", "debug"]:"Starting application %s", app_package)
adb.StartApp(app_package, start_type)
with open(output_marker, "wb") as _:
except DeviceNotFoundError:
sys.exit("Error: Device not found")
except DeviceUnauthorizedError:
sys.exit("Error: Device unauthorized. Please check the confirmation "
"dialog on your device.")
except MultipleDevicesError as e:
sys.exit("Error: " + str(e) + "\nTry specifying a device serial with "
"\"blaze mobile-install --adb_arg=-s --adb_arg=$ANDROID_SERIAL\"")
except OldSdkException as e:
sys.exit("Error: The device does not support the API level specified in "
"the application's manifest. Check minSdkVersion in "
except TimestampException as e:
sys.exit("Error:\n%s" % str(e))
except AdbError as e:
sys.exit("Error:\n%s" % str(e))
shutil.rmtree(temp_dir, True)
def main():
if FLAGS.verbosity == "1":
level = logging.DEBUG
fmt = "%(levelname)-5s %(asctime)s %(module)s:%(lineno)3d] %(message)s"
level = logging.INFO
fmt = "%(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=level, format=fmt)
start_type = FLAGS.start
if FLAGS.start_app and start_type == "no":
start_type = "cold"
if __name__ == "__main__":
# process any additional flags in --flagfile
if FLAGS.flagfile:
with open(FLAGS.flagfile, "rb") as flagsfile:
FLAGS(sys.argv + [line.strip() for line in flagsfile.readlines()])