blob: 4884eb532d4546ef72b5b4b0ec8366460fa08bfd [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package analysis;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "AnalysisProtos";
import "src/main/protobuf/build.proto";
// Container for the action graph properties.
message ActionGraphContainer {
repeated Artifact artifacts = 1;
repeated Action actions = 2;
repeated Target targets = 3;
repeated DepSetOfFiles dep_set_of_files = 4;
repeated Configuration configuration = 5;
repeated AspectDescriptor aspect_descriptors = 6;
repeated RuleClass rule_classes = 7;
// Represents a single artifact, whether it's a source file or a derived output
// file.
message Artifact {
// Identifier for this artifact; this is an opaque string, only valid for this
// particular dump of the analysis.
string id = 1;
// The relative path of the file within the execution root.
string exec_path = 2;
// True iff the artifact is a tree artifact, i.e. the above exec_path refers
// a directory.
bool is_tree_artifact = 3;
// Represents a single action, which is a function from Artifact(s) to
// Artifact(s).
message Action {
// The target that was responsible for the creation of the action.
string target_id = 1;
// The aspects that were responsible for the creation of the action (if any).
repeated string aspect_descriptor_ids = 2;
// Encodes all significant behavior that might affect the output. The key
// must change if the work performed by the execution of this action changes.
// Note that the key doesn't include checksums of the input files.
string action_key = 3;
// The mnemonic for this kind of action.
string mnemonic = 4;
// The configuration under which this action is executed.
string configuration_id = 5;
// The command line arguments of the action. This will be only set if
// explicitly requested.
repeated string arguments = 6;
// The list of environment variables to be set before executing the command.
repeated KeyValuePair environment_variables = 7;
// The set of input dep sets that the action depends upon. If the action does
// input discovery, the contents of this set might change during execution.
repeated string input_dep_set_ids = 8;
// The list of Artifact IDs that represent the output files that this action
// will generate.
repeated string output_ids = 9;
// True iff the action does input discovery during execution.
bool discovers_inputs = 10;
// Execution info for the action. Remote execution services may use this
// information to modify the execution environment, but actions will
// generally not be aware of it.
repeated KeyValuePair execution_info = 11;
// Represents a single target (without configuration information) that is
// associated with an action.
message Target {
// Identifier for this target; this is an opaque string, only valid for this
// particular dump of the analysis.
string id = 1;
// Label of the target, e.g. //foo:bar.
string label = 2;
// Class of the rule.
string rule_class_id = 3;
message RuleClass {
// Identifier for this rule class; this is an opaque string, only valid for
// this particular dump of the analysis.
string id = 1;
// Name of the rule class, e.g. cc_library.
string name = 2;
// Represents an invocation specific descriptor of an aspect.
message AspectDescriptor {
// Identifier for this aspect descriptor; this is an opaque string, only valid
// for the particular dump of the analysis.
string id = 1;
// The name of the corresponding aspect. For native aspects, it's the Java
// class name, for Skylark aspects it's the bzl file followed by a % sign
// followed by the name of the aspect.
string name = 2;
// The list of parameters bound to a particular invocation of that aspect on
// a target. Note that aspects can be executed multiple times on the same
// target in different order.
repeated KeyValuePair parameters = 3;
message DepSetOfFiles {
// Identifier for this named set of files; this is an opaque string, only
// valid for the particular dump of the analysis.
string id = 1;
// Other transitively included named set of files.
repeated string transitive_dep_set_ids = 2;
// The list of input artifact IDs that are immediately contained in this set.
repeated string direct_artifact_ids = 3;
message Configuration {
// Identifier for this configuration; this is an opaque string, only valid for
// the particular dump of the analysis.
string id = 1;
// The mnemonic representing the build configuration.
string mnemonic = 2;
// The platform string.
string platform_name = 3;
// The checksum representation of the configuration options;
string checksum = 4;
message KeyValuePair {
// The variable name.
string key = 1;
// The variable value.
string value = 2;
message ConfiguredTarget {
// The target. We use blaze_query.Target defined in build.proto instead of
// the Target defined in this file because blaze_query.Target is much heavier
// and will output proto results similar to what users are familiar with from
// regular blaze query.
blaze_query.Target target = 1;
// The configuration
Configuration configuration = 2;
// Container for cquery results
message CqueryResult {
// All the configuredtargets returns by cquery
repeated ConfiguredTarget results = 1;