blob: 529819f1d75c5e491be6c8c58f0365537c67ea6a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package tools.protos;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "Protos";
message Digest {
// Digest of a file's contents using the current FileSystem digest function.
string hash = 1;
// The size in bytes of the original content.
int64 size_bytes = 2;
// The digest function that was used to generate the hash.
// This is not an enum for compatibility reasons, and also because the
// purpose of these logs is to enable analysis by comparison of multiple
// builds. So, from the programmatic perspective, this is an opaque field.
string hash_function_name = 3;
message File {
// Path to the file relative to the execution root.
string path = 1;
// Digest of the file's contents.
Digest digest = 2;
// Contents of command environment.
message EnvironmentVariable {
string name = 1;
string value = 2;
// Command execution platform. This message needs to be kept in sync
// with [Platform][google.devtools.remoteexecution.v1test.Platform].
message Platform {
message Property {
string name = 1;
string value = 2;
repeated Property properties = 1;
// Details of an executed spawn.
// These will only be generated on demand, using the
// --execution_log_file=<path> flag.
// Each message contains an executed command, its full inputs and outputs.
// The purpose of these is to enable comparisons of multiple builds to diagnose
// output differences or more subtle problems such as remote caching misses.
// Only the executed Spawns will be output -- local cache hits are ignored.
message SpawnExec {
// The command that was run.
repeated string command_args = 1;
// The command environment.
repeated EnvironmentVariable environment_variables = 2;
// The command execution platform.
Platform platform = 3;
// The inputs at the time of the execution.
repeated File inputs = 4;
// All the listed outputs paths. The paths are relative to the execution root.
// Actual outputs are a subset of the listed outputs. These paths are sorted.
repeated string listed_outputs = 5;
// Was the Spawn allowed to be executed remotely.
bool remotable = 6;
// Was the Spawn result allowed to be cached.
bool cacheable = 7;
// The Spawn timeout.
int64 timeout_millis = 8;
// A user-friendly text message representing the spawn progress.
string progress_message = 9;
// An opaque string that identifies the type of the Spawn's action.
string mnemonic = 10;
// The outputs generated by the execution.
repeated File actual_outputs = 11;
// If the Spawn was actually executed, rather than a cache hit,
// this will be the name of the runner executing the spawn, e.g. remote or
// linux-sandbox. If it was a remote cache hit, the runner will be
// "remote cache hit". If it was a local cache hit, the action will not be
// inluded in the log in the first place.
// Note this is not the same as the "strategy" string -- even
// though the action strategy may be remote, a particular action may still
// fall back to local execution due to a variety of reasons. This field
// indicates what really happened for the particular Spawn+execution.
string runner = 12;
// Whether the Spawn was a remote cache hit, in which case it was not executed
// and the runner field will be empty.
bool remote_cache_hit = 13;
// A text status returned by the execution, in case there were any errors.
// Empty in case of successful execution.
string status = 14;
// This field contains the contents of SpawnResult.exitCode.
// Its semantics varies greatly depending on the status field.
// Dependable: if status is empty, exit_code is guaranteed to be zero.
int32 exit_code = 15;