blob: 7bea2ed44d0bb3944a3df8d5c65b2b29541a4de0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Caffeine;
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.CaffeineSpec;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
* Helper class to create directories for {@linkplain
* action} outputs.
public final class ActionOutputDirectoryHelper {
// Used to prevent check-then-act races in #createOutputDirectories. See the comment there for
// more detail.
private static final Striped<Lock> outputDirectoryDeletionLock = Striped.lock(64);
// Directories which are known to be created as regular directories within this invocation. This
// implies parent directories are also regular directories.
private final Map<PathFragment, DirectoryState> knownDirectories;
private enum DirectoryState {
public ActionOutputDirectoryHelper(CaffeineSpec cacheBuilderSpec) {
knownDirectories =
.<PathFragment, DirectoryState>build()
public static ActionOutputDirectoryHelper createForTesting() {
// Matches the --directory_creation_cache default.
return new ActionOutputDirectoryHelper(CaffeineSpec.parse("maximumSize=10000"));
* Creates output directories, including missing ancestor directories, for the given set of action
* outputs.
* <p>This method should only be used with an action filesystem ({@link
*}). Otherwise, please use
* call {@link #createOutputDirectories} to avoid recreating output directories shared by multiple
* actions.
* @throws CreateOutputDirectoryException if one of the output directories or one of its ancestor
* directories fails to be created
public void createActionFsOutputDirectories(
Collection<Artifact> actionOutputs, ArtifactPathResolver artifactPathResolver)
throws CreateOutputDirectoryException {
Set<Path> done = new HashSet<>(); // avoid redundant calls for the same directory.
for (Artifact outputFile : actionOutputs) {
Path outputDir;
if (outputFile.isTreeArtifact()) {
outputDir = artifactPathResolver.toPath(outputFile);
} else {
outputDir = artifactPathResolver.toPath(outputFile).getParentDirectory();
if (done.add(outputDir)) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
/* Fall through to plan B. */
Path rootPath = artifactPathResolver.convertPath(outputFile.getRoot().getRoot().asPath());
forceCreateDirectoryAndParents(outputDir, rootPath);
* Invalidates the cached creation of tree artifact directories when an action is going to be
* rewound.
* <p>We use {@link #knownDirectories} to only create an output directory once per build. With
* rewinding, actions that output tree artifacts need to recreate the directories because they are
* deleted as part of the {@link} step.
* <p>Note that this does not need to be called if using an in-memory action file system ({@link
public void invalidateTreeArtifactDirectoryCreation(Collection<Artifact> actionOutputs) {
for (Artifact output : actionOutputs) {
if (output.isTreeArtifact()) {
* Creates output directories, including missing ancestor directories, for the given set of action
* outputs.
* <p>For a non-tree output, the parent directory is created; for a tree output, the root
* directory for the tree is created.
* <p>If a path to be created already exists but is not a directory, it is recursively deleted and
* an empty directory is created in its place. If the path exists but is a non-writable directory,
* it is made writable.
* <p>Already created directories are recorded in {@link #knownDirectories} to avoid recreating
* them; calling this method a second time for the same directory is a no-op. For this reason,
* this method should not be used with an action file system ({@link
*}), as an output directory
* shared by multiple actions would only be created in the action filesystem for one of them.
* Please use {@link #createActionFsOutputDirectories} instead.
* @throws CreateOutputDirectoryException if one of the output directories or one of its ancestor
* directories fails to be created
public void createOutputDirectories(Collection<Artifact> actionOutputs)
throws CreateOutputDirectoryException {
Set<Path> done = new HashSet<>(); // avoid redundant calls for the same directory.
for (Artifact outputFile : actionOutputs) {
Path outputDir;
// Given we know that we are not using action file system, we can get safely get paths
// directly from the artifacts.
if (outputFile.isTreeArtifact()) {
outputDir = outputFile.getPath();
} else {
outputDir = outputFile.getPath().getParentDirectory();
if (done.add(outputDir)) {
createOutputDirectory(outputDir, outputFile.getRoot().getRoot().asPath());
* Creates a writable output directory, including missing ancestor directories.
* <p>If a path to be created already exists but is not a directory, it is recursively deleted and
* an empty directory is created in its place. If the path exists but is a non-writable directory,
* it is made writable.
* <p>Already created directories are recorded in {@link #knownDirectories} to avoid recreating
* them; calling this method a second time for the same directory is a no-op. For this reason,
* this method should not be used with an action file system, as an output directory shared across
* actions would only be created in the action filesystem for one of them.
* @throws CreateOutputDirectoryException if the output directory or one of its ancestor
* directories fails to be created
public void createOutputDirectory(Path outputDir, Path rootPath)
throws CreateOutputDirectoryException {
try {
createAndCheckForSymlinks(outputDir, rootPath);
} catch (IOException e) {
/* Fall through to plan B. */
forceCreateDirectoryAndParents(outputDir, rootPath);
private void forceCreateDirectoryAndParents(Path outputDir, Path rootPath)
throws CreateOutputDirectoryException {
// Possibly some direct ancestors are not directories. In that case, we traverse the
// ancestors downward, deleting any non-directories. This handles the case where a file
// becomes a directory. The traversal is done downward because otherwise we may delete
// files through a symlink in a parent directory. Since Blaze never creates such
// directories within a build, we have no idea where on disk we're actually deleting.
// Symlinks should not be followed so in order to clean up symlinks pointing to Fileset
// outputs from previous builds. See bug [incremental build of Fileset fails if
// Fileset.out was changed to be a subdirectory of the old value].
try {
Path p = rootPath;
for (String segment : outputDir.relativeTo(p).segments()) {
p = p.getRelative(segment);
// This lock ensures that the only thread that observes a filesystem transition in
// which the path p first exists and then does not is the thread that calls
// p.delete() and causes the transition.
// If it were otherwise, then some thread A could test p.exists(), see that it does,
// then test p.isDirectory(), see that p isn't a directory (because, say, thread
// B deleted it), and then call p.delete(). That could result in two different kinds
// of failures:
// 1) In the time between when thread A sees that p is not a directory and when thread
// A calls p.delete(), thread B may reach the call to createDirectoryAndParents
// and create a directory at p, which thread A then deletes. Thread B would then try
// adding outputs to the directory it thought was there, and fail.
// 2) In the time between when thread A sees that p is not a directory and when thread
// A calls p.delete(), thread B may create a directory at p, and then either create a
// subdirectory beneath it or add outputs to it. Then when thread A tries to delete p,
// it would fail.
Lock lock = outputDirectoryDeletionLock.get(p);
try {
FileStatus stat = p.statIfFound(Symlinks.NOFOLLOW);
if (stat == null) {
// Missing entry: Break out and create expected directories.
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
// If this directory used to be a tree artifact it won't be writable.
knownDirectories.put(p.asFragment(), DirectoryState.FOUND);
} else {
// p may be a file or symlink (possibly from a Fileset in a previous build).
p.delete(); // throws IOException
} finally {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new CreateOutputDirectoryException(outputDir.asFragment(), e);
* Create an output directory and ensure that no symlinks exists between the output root and the
* output file. These are all expected to be regular directories. Violations of this expectations
* can only come from state left behind by previous invocations or external filesystem mutation.
private void createAndCheckForSymlinks(Path dir, Path rootPath) throws IOException {
PathFragment root = rootPath.asFragment();
// If the output root has not been created yet, do so now.
if (!knownDirectories.containsKey(root)) {
FileStatus stat = rootPath.statNullable(Symlinks.NOFOLLOW);
if (stat == null) {
knownDirectories.put(root, DirectoryState.CREATED);
} else {
knownDirectories.put(root, DirectoryState.FOUND);
// Walk up until the first known directory is found (must be root or below).
List<Path> checkDirs = new ArrayList<>();
while (!dir.equals(rootPath) && !knownDirectories.containsKey(dir.asFragment())) {
dir = dir.getParentDirectory();
// Check in reverse order (parent directory first):
// - If symlink -> Exception.
// - If non-existent -> Create directory and all children.
boolean parentCreated = knownDirectories.get(dir.asFragment()) == DirectoryState.CREATED;
for (Path path : Lists.reverse(checkDirs)) {
if (parentCreated) {
// If we have created this directory's parent, we know that it doesn't exist or else we
// would know about it already. Even if a parallel thread has created it in the meantime,
// createDirectory() will return normally and we can assume that a regular directory exists
// afterwards.
knownDirectories.put(path.asFragment(), DirectoryState.CREATED);
boolean createdNew = path.createWritableDirectory();
path.asFragment(), createdNew ? DirectoryState.CREATED : DirectoryState.FOUND);
/** An exception that occurred while attempting to create an output directory. */
public static final class CreateOutputDirectoryException extends IOException {
private final PathFragment directoryPath;
private CreateOutputDirectoryException(PathFragment directoryPath, IOException cause) {
super(cause.getMessage(), cause);
this.directoryPath = directoryPath;
/** Returns the path to the output directory for which the exception occurred. */
public PathFragment getDirectoryPath() {
return directoryPath;