blob: 5666e1ab8fc55b6aff2ce283030e19aa63982943 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
/** Utilities to help parse labels. */
final class LabelParser {
private LabelParser() {}
* Contains the parsed elements of a label string. The parts are validated (they don't contain
* invalid characters). See {@link #parse} for valid label patterns.
abstract static class Parts {
* The {@code @repo} or {@code @@canonical_repo} part of the string (sans any leading
* {@literal @}s); can be null if it doesn't have such a part (i.e. if it doesn't start with a
* {@literal @}).
abstract String repo();
* Whether the repo part is using the canonical repo syntax (two {@literal @}s) or not (one
* {@literal @}). If there is no repo part, this is false.
abstract boolean repoIsCanonical();
* Whether the package part of the string is prefixed by double-slash. This can only be false if
* the repo part is missing.
abstract boolean pkgIsAbsolute();
* The package part of the string (sans the leading double-slash, if present; also sans the
* final '...' segment, if present).
abstract String pkg();
/** Whether the package part of the string ends with a '...' segment. */
abstract boolean pkgEndsWithTripleDots();
/** The target part of the string (sans colon). */
abstract String target();
/** The original unparsed raw string. */
abstract String raw();
static Parts validateAndCreate(
@Nullable String repo,
boolean repoIsCanonical,
boolean pkgIsAbsolute,
String pkg,
boolean pkgEndsWithTripleDots,
String target,
String raw)
throws LabelSyntaxException {
validatePackageName(pkg, target);
return new AutoValue_LabelParser_Parts(
validateAndProcessTargetName(pkg, target, pkgEndsWithTripleDots),
* Parses a raw label string into parts. The logic can be summarized by the following table:
* <pre>{@code
* raw | repo | repoIs- | pkgIs- | pkg | pkgEndsWith- | target
* | | Canonical | Absolute | | TripleDots |
* ----------------------+--------+-----------+----------+-----------+--------------+-----------
* "foo/bar" | null | false | false | "" | false | "foo/bar"
* "..." | null | false | false | "" | true | ""
* "...:all" | null | false | false | "" | true | "all"
* "foo/..." | null | false | false | "foo" | true | ""
* "//foo/bar" | null | false | true | "foo/bar" | false | "bar"
* "//foo/..." | null | false | true | "foo" | true | ""
* "//foo/...:all" | null | false | true | "foo" | true | "all"
* "//foo/all" | null | false | true | "foo/all" | false | "all"
* "@repo" | "repo" | false | true | "" | false | "repo"
* "@@repo" | "repo" | true | true | "" | false | "repo"
* "@repo//foo/bar" | "repo" | false | true | "foo/bar" | false | "bar"
* "@@repo//foo/bar" | "repo" | true | true | "foo/bar" | false | "bar"
* ":quux" | null | false | false | "" | false | "quux"
* "foo/bar:quux" | null | false | false | "foo/bar" | false | "quux"
* "//foo/bar:quux" | null | false | true | "foo/bar" | false | "quux"
* "@repo//foo/bar:quux" | "repo" | false | true | "foo/bar" | false | "quux"
* }</pre>
static Parts parse(String rawLabel) throws LabelSyntaxException {
@Nullable final String repo;
final boolean repoIsCanonical = rawLabel.startsWith("@@");
final int startOfPackage;
final int doubleSlashIndex = rawLabel.indexOf("//");
final boolean pkgIsAbsolute;
if (rawLabel.startsWith("@")) {
if (doubleSlashIndex < 0) {
// Special case: the label "@foo" is synonymous with "@foo//:foo".
repo = rawLabel.substring(repoIsCanonical ? 2 : 1);
return validateAndCreate(
/* pkgIsAbsolute= */ true,
/* pkg= */ "",
/* pkgEndsWithTripleDots= */ false,
/* target= */ repo,
} else {
repo = rawLabel.substring(repoIsCanonical ? 2 : 1, doubleSlashIndex);
startOfPackage = doubleSlashIndex + 2;
pkgIsAbsolute = true;
} else {
// If the label begins with '//', it's an absolute label. Otherwise, treat it as relative
// (the command-line kind).
pkgIsAbsolute = doubleSlashIndex == 0;
startOfPackage = doubleSlashIndex == 0 ? 2 : 0;
repo = null;
final String pkg;
final String target;
final int colonIndex = rawLabel.indexOf(':', startOfPackage);
final String rawPkg =
rawLabel.substring(startOfPackage, colonIndex >= 0 ? colonIndex : rawLabel.length());
final boolean pkgEndsWithTripleDots = rawPkg.endsWith("/...") || rawPkg.equals("...");
if (colonIndex < 0 && pkgEndsWithTripleDots) {
// Special case: if the entire label ends in '...', the target name is empty.
pkg = stripTrailingTripleDots(rawPkg);
target = "";
} else if (colonIndex < 0 && !pkgIsAbsolute) {
// Special case: the label "foo/bar" is synonymous with ":foo/bar".
pkg = "";
target = rawLabel.substring(startOfPackage);
} else {
pkg = stripTrailingTripleDots(rawPkg);
if (colonIndex >= 0) {
target = rawLabel.substring(colonIndex + 1);
} else {
// Special case: the label "[@repo]//foo/bar" is synonymous with "[@repo]//foo/bar:bar".
// The target name is the last package segment (works even if `pkg` contains no slash)
target = pkg.substring(pkg.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
return validateAndCreate(
repo, repoIsCanonical, pkgIsAbsolute, pkg, pkgEndsWithTripleDots, target, rawLabel);
private static String stripTrailingTripleDots(String pkg) {
if (pkg.endsWith("/...")) {
return pkg.substring(0, pkg.length() - 4);
if (pkg.equals("...")) {
return "";
return pkg;
private static void validateRepoName(@Nullable String repo) throws LabelSyntaxException {
if (repo != null) {
private static void validatePackageName(String pkg, String target) throws LabelSyntaxException {
String pkgError = LabelValidator.validatePackageName(pkg);
if (pkgError != null) {
throw syntaxErrorf(
"invalid package name '%s': %s%s", pkg, pkgError, perhapsYouMeantMessage(pkg, target));
void checkPkgIsAbsolute() throws LabelSyntaxException {
if (!pkgIsAbsolute()) {
throw syntaxErrorf("invalid label '%s': absolute label must begin with '@' or '//'", raw());
void checkPkgDoesNotEndWithTripleDots() throws LabelSyntaxException {
if (pkgEndsWithTripleDots()) {
throw syntaxErrorf("invalid label '%s': package name cannot contain '...'", raw());
static LabelSyntaxException syntaxErrorf(String format, Object... args) {
return new LabelSyntaxException(
StringUtilities.sanitizeControlChars(String.format(format, args)));
private static String perhapsYouMeantMessage(String pkg, String target) {
return pkg.endsWith('/' + target) ? " (perhaps you meant \":" + target + "\"?)" : "";
static String validateAndProcessTargetName(
String pkg, String target, boolean pkgEndsWithTripleDots) throws LabelSyntaxException {
if (pkgEndsWithTripleDots && target.isEmpty()) {
// Allow empty target name if the package part ends in '...'.
return target;
String targetError = LabelValidator.validateTargetName(target);
if (targetError != null) {
throw syntaxErrorf(
"invalid target name '%s': %s%s",
target, targetError, perhapsYouMeantMessage(pkg, target));
// TODO(bazel-team): This should be an error, but we can't make it one for legacy reasons.
if (target.endsWith("/.")) {
return target.substring(0, target.length() - 2);
return target;