blob: 77520ae78a85455c9d613baf4be72bf07689c9b4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Tests sandboxing spawn strategy. These tests run Java targets, which require
# enough more analysis time that we want different settings for them. If
# possible, add new sandboxing tests to instead.
set -euo pipefail
# Load the test setup defined in the parent directory
CURRENT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
source "${CURRENT_DIR}/../" \
|| { echo " not found!" >&2; exit 1; }
function tear_down() {
bazel clean --expunge
bazel shutdown
rm -rf pkg
function do_succeed_when_executor_not_initialized_test() {
local extra_args=( "${@}" )
mkdir pkg
mkfifo pkg/BUILD
bazel build --spawn_strategy=sandboxed --nobuild "${@}" //pkg:all \
>"${TEST_log}" 2>&1 &
local pid="${!}"
echo "Waiting for Blaze to finish initializing all modules"
while ! grep "currently loading: pkg" "${TEST_log}"; do
sleep 1
echo "Interrupting Blaze before it gets to init the executor"
kill "${pid}"
echo "And now giving Blaze a chance to finalize all modules"
echo "unblock fifo" >pkg/BUILD
wait "${pid}" || true
expect_log "Build did NOT complete successfully"
# Disallow some common messages we might see during a crash.
expect_not_log "Internal error"
expect_not_log "stack trace"
expect_not_log "NullPointerException"
# Builds a target with the given strategy and ensures that the actions require
# params files to be written in the output base.
function build_with_params() {
local strategy="${1}"; shift
# Build a Java binary during this test because the Java rules work well with
# sandboxing and support workers.
mkdir pkg
cat >pkg/BUILD <<'EOF'
name = "java",
srcs = [""],
main_class = "pkg.Main",
cat >pkg/ <<'EOF'
package pkg;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {}
# ReannotatingJlink doesn't support workers.
bazel build \
--strategy=Javac="${strategy}" \
--strategy=JavaResourceJar="${strategy}" \
--strategy=ReannotatingJlink=sandboxed \
--strategy=CopyReannotatedJdk=sandboxed \
--sandbox_debug \
--min_param_file_size=100 \
"${@}" \
//pkg:java || fail "Build failed"
# Verifies that building a target that uses params files writes those params
# files to both the execroot and the sandbox.
function do_test_params_files() {
local strategy="${1}"; shift
local output_base
output_base="$(bazel info output_base)" || fail "Cannot get output base"
build_with_params "${strategy}" \
--build # Need a no-op flag to avoid set -u breakage on macOS.
find -L "${output_base}" -name "*params" >files.txt || true
grep -q "${output_base}/execroot" files.txt \
|| fail "Expected params files not found in execroot"
grep -q "${output_base}/sandbox" files.txt \
|| fail "Expected params files not found in sandbox tree"
# We expect "sandboxed" to use the system-specific sandbox instead of
# the processwrapper-sandbox (tested below). But if that's not the case,
# there is not much we can do here.
function test_params_files_default_sandbox() {
do_test_params_files sandboxed
function test_params_files_process_wrapper_sandbox() {
do_test_params_files processwrapper-sandbox
# Worker tests do not really belong in this file, but as we are exercising
# the same code path used for the sandbox regarding virtual input artifact
# materialization, we keep them here to reuse the testing logic.
function test_params_files_worker() {
local output_base
output_base="$(bazel info output_base)" || fail "Cannot get output base"
build_with_params worker \
--build # Need a no-op flag to avoid set -u breakage on macOS.
find -L "${output_base}" -name "*params" >files.txt || true
grep -q "${output_base}/execroot" files.txt \
|| fail "Expected params files not found in execroot"
run_suite "slow_sandboxing"