blob: b78ddbb87df3b2b97e7d0fe2c7cb48882af1c5f1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Read this before creating packages: -->
<!-- It is especially important to read the above link to understand additional requirements when publishing packages to the community feed aka dot org ( -->
<!-- Test your packages in a test environment: -->
This is a nuspec. It mostly adheres to Chocolatey uses a special version of NuGet.Core that allows us to do more than was initially possible. As such there are certain things to be aware of:
* the package xmlns schema url may cause issues with nuget.exe
* Any of the following elements can ONLY be used by choco tools - projectSourceUrl, docsUrl, mailingListUrl, bugTrackerUrl, packageSourceUrl, provides, conflicts, replaces
* nuget.exe can still install packages with those elements but they are ignored. Any authoring tools or commands will error on those elements
<!-- You can embed software files directly into packages, as long as you are not bound by distribution rights. -->
<!-- * If you are an organization making private packages, you probably have no issues here -->
<!-- * If you are releasing to the community feed, you need to consider distribution rights. -->
<package xmlns="">
<!-- This section is about this package, although id and version have ties back to the software -->
<!-- id is lowercase and if you want a good separator for words, use '-', not '.'. Dots are only acceptable as suffixes for certain types of packages, e.g. .install, .portable, .extension, .template -->
<!-- If the software is cross-platform, attempt to use the same id as the debian/rpm package(s) if possible. -->
<!-- version should MATCH as closely as possible with the underlying software -->
<!-- Is the version a prerelease of a version? -->
<!-- Note that unstable versions like 0.0.1 can be considered a released version, but it's possible that one can release a 0.0.1-beta before you release a 0.0.1 version. If the version number is final, that is considered a released version and not a prerelease. -->
<!-- <packageSourceUrl>Where is this Chocolatey package located (think GitHub)? packageSourceUrl is highly recommended for the community feed</packageSourceUrl>-->
<!-- owners is a poor name for maintainers of the package. It sticks around by this name for compatibility reasons. It basically means you. -->
<owners>Peter Mounce</owners>
<!-- ============================== -->
<!-- This section is about the software itself -->
<title>bazel (Install)</title>
<authors>The Bazel Authors</authors>
<!-- projectUrl is required for the community feed -->
<copyright>Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.</copyright>
<!-- If there is a license Url available, it is is required for the community feed -->
<tags>bazel build automation</tags>
<summary>Correct, reproducible, fast builds for everyone</summary>
<description>Build software of any size, quickly and reliably, just as engineers do at Google.
Bazel is Google's own build tool, now publicly available in Beta.
Bazel has built-in support for building both client and server software, including client applications for both Android and iOS platforms. It also provides an extensible framework that you can use to develop your own build rules.
## Package parameters
Supply like `--params="/option:'value' ..."` ([see docs for --params](
* `msys2Path` (optional, defaults to c:\tools\msys64) - override this if msys2 is installed elsewhere.
<!-- =============================== -->
<!-- Specifying dependencies and version ranges? -->
<dependency id="" version="__MINIMUM_VERSION__" />
<dependency id="" version="[__EXACT_VERSION__]" />
<dependency id="" version="[_MIN_VERSION_INCLUSIVE, MAX_VERSION_INCLUSIVE]" />
<dependency id="" version="[_MIN_VERSION_INCLUSIVE, MAX_VERSION_EXCLUSIVE)" />
<dependency id="" />
<dependency id="chocolatey-uninstall.extension" />
<dependency id="chocolatey-core.extension" version="1.0.7"/>
<dependency id="vcredist140" version="14.20.27508.1"/>
<!-- chocolatey-uninstall.extension - If supporting 0.9.9.x (or below) and including a chocolateyUninstall.ps1 file to uninstall an EXE/MSI, you probably want to include chocolatey-uninstall.extension as a dependency. Please verify whether you are using a helper function from that package. -->
<!--<provides>NOT YET IMPLEMENTED</provides>-->
<!--<conflicts>NOT YET IMPLEMENTED</conflicts>-->
<!--<replaces>NOT YET IMPLEMENTED</replaces>-->
<!-- this section controls what actually gets packaged into the Chocolatey package -->
<file src="tools\**" target="tools" />
<!--Building from Linux? You may need this instead: <file src="tools/**" target="tools" />-->