blob: e6e112238a675bc1ddde65c51cf89d1d6628523e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
* Represents a target pattern. Target patterns are a generalization of labels to include
* wildcards for finding all packages recursively beneath some root, and for finding all targets
* within a package.
* <p>Note that this class does not handle negative patterns ("-//foo/bar"); these must be handled
* one level up. In particular, the query language comes with built-in support for negative
* patterns.
* <p>In order to resolve target patterns, you need an implementation of {@link
* TargetPatternResolver}. This class is thread-safe if the corresponding instance is thread-safe.
* <p>See lib/blaze/commands/target-syntax.txt for details.
public abstract class TargetPattern implements Serializable {
private static final Splitter SLASH_SPLITTER = Splitter.on('/');
private static final Joiner SLASH_JOINER = Joiner.on('/');
private static final Parser DEFAULT_PARSER = new Parser(PathFragment.EMPTY_FRAGMENT);
private final Type type;
private final String originalPattern;
private final PathFragment offset;
* Returns a parser with no offset. Note that the Parser class is immutable, so this method may
* return the same instance on subsequent calls.
public static Parser defaultParser() {
private static String removeSuffix(String s, String suffix) {
if (s.endsWith(suffix)) {
return s.substring(0, s.length() - suffix.length());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s + ", " + suffix);
* Normalizes the given relative path by resolving {@code //}, {@code /./} and {@code x/../}
* pieces. Note that leading {@code ".."} segments are not removed, so the returned string can
* have leading {@code ".."} segments.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is absolute, i.e. starts with a @{code '/'}
static String normalize(String path) {
Iterator<String> it = SLASH_SPLITTER.split(path).iterator();
List<String> pieces = new ArrayList<>();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String piece =;
if (".".equals(piece) || piece.isEmpty()) {
if ("..".equals(piece)) {
if (pieces.isEmpty()) {
String predecessor = pieces.remove(pieces.size() - 1);
if ("..".equals(predecessor)) {
return SLASH_JOINER.join(pieces);
private TargetPattern(Type type, String originalPattern, PathFragment offset) {
// Don't allow inheritance outside this class.
this.type = type;
this.originalPattern = Preconditions.checkNotNull(originalPattern);
this.offset = Preconditions.checkNotNull(offset);
* Return the type of the pattern. Examples include "below directory" like "foo/..." and "single
* target" like "//x:y".
public Type getType() {
return type;
* Return the string that was parsed into this pattern.
public String getOriginalPattern() {
return originalPattern;
/** Returns the offset this target pattern was parsed with. */
public PathFragment getOffset() {
return offset;
* Evaluates the current target pattern, excluding targets under directories in both {@code
* ignoredSubdirectories} and {@code excludedSubdirectories}, and returns the result.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either {@code ignoredSubdirectories} or {@code
* excludedSubdirectories} is nonempty and this pattern does not have type {@code
public abstract <T, E extends Exception> void eval(
TargetPatternResolver<T> resolver,
ImmutableSet<PathFragment> ignoredSubdirectories,
ImmutableSet<PathFragment> excludedSubdirectories,
BatchCallback<T, E> callback,
Class<E> exceptionClass)
throws TargetParsingException, E, InterruptedException;
* Evaluates this {@link TargetPattern} synchronously, feeding the result to the given {@code
* callback}, and then returns an appropriate immediate {@link ListenableFuture}.
* <p>If the returned {@link ListenableFuture}'s {@link ListenableFuture#get} throws an {@link
* ExecutionException}, the cause will be an instance of either {@link TargetParsingException} or
* the given {@code exceptionClass}.
public final <T, E extends Exception> ListenableFuture<Void> evalAdaptedForAsync(
TargetPatternResolver<T> resolver,
ImmutableSet<PathFragment> ignoredSubdirectories,
ImmutableSet<PathFragment> excludedSubdirectories,
BatchCallback<T, E> callback,
Class<E> exceptionClass) {
try {
eval(resolver, ignoredSubdirectories, excludedSubdirectories, callback, exceptionClass);
return Futures.immediateFuture(null);
} catch (TargetParsingException e) {
return Futures.immediateFailedFuture(e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return Futures.immediateCancelledFuture();
} catch (Exception e) {
if (exceptionClass.isInstance(e)) {
return Futures.immediateFailedFuture(exceptionClass.cast(e));
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
* Returns a {@link ListenableFuture} representing the asynchronous evaluation of this {@link
* TargetPattern} that feeds the results to the given {@code callback}.
* <p>If the returned {@link ListenableFuture}'s {@link ListenableFuture#get} throws an {@link
* ExecutionException}, the cause will be an instance of either {@link TargetParsingException} or
* the given {@code exceptionClass}.
public <T, E extends Exception> ListenableFuture<Void> evalAsync(
TargetPatternResolver<T> resolver,
ImmutableSet<PathFragment> ignoredSubdirectories,
ImmutableSet<PathFragment> excludedSubdirectories,
BatchCallback<T, E> callback,
Class<E> exceptionClass,
ListeningExecutorService executor) {
return evalAdaptedForAsync(
resolver, ignoredSubdirectories, excludedSubdirectories, callback, exceptionClass);
* Returns {@code true} iff this pattern has type {@code Type.TARGETS_BELOW_DIRECTORY} and
* {@code directory} is contained by or equals this pattern's directory.
* <p>For example, returns {@code true} for {@code this = TargetPattern ("//...")} and
* {@code directory = "foo")}.
public abstract boolean containsAllTransitiveSubdirectoriesForTBD(PackageIdentifier directory);
/** A tristate return value for {@link #containsTBDForTBD}. */
public enum ContainsTBDForTBDResult {
* Evaluating this TBD pattern with a directory exclusion of the other TBD pattern's directory
* would result in exactly the same set of targets as evaluating the subtraction of the other
* TBD pattern from this one.
* A directory exclusion of the other TBD pattern's directory would be too broad because this
* TBD pattern is not "rules only" and the other one is, meaning that this TBD pattern
* potentially matches more targets underneath the directory in question than the other one
* does. Thus, a directory exclusion would incorrectly exclude non-rule targets.
* None of the above. Perhaps the other pattern isn't a TBD pattern or perhaps it's not
* contained by this pattern.
* Determines how, if it all, the evaluation of this TBD pattern with a directory exclusion of the
* given TBD {@code containedPattern}'s directory relates to the evaluation of the subtraction of
* the given {@code containedPattern} from this one.
public ContainsTBDForTBDResult containsTBDForTBD(TargetPattern containedPattern) {
if (containedPattern.getType() != Type.TARGETS_BELOW_DIRECTORY) {
return ContainsTBDForTBDResult.OTHER;
} else if (containsAllTransitiveSubdirectoriesForTBD(
containedPattern.getDirectoryForTargetsUnderDirectory())) {
return !getRulesOnly() && containedPattern.getRulesOnly()
} else {
return ContainsTBDForTBDResult.OTHER;
* For patterns of type {@link Type#TARGETS_BELOW_DIRECTORY}, returns a {@link PackageIdentifier}
* identifying the most specific containing directory of the patterns that could be matched by
* this pattern.
* <p>Note that we are using the {@link PackageIdentifier} type as a convenience; there may not
* actually be a package corresponding to this directory!
* <p>This returns a {@link PackageIdentifier} that identifies the referred-to directory. For
* example, for a {@link Type#TARGETS_BELOW_DIRECTORY} corresponding to "//foo/bar/...", this
* method returns a {@link PackageIdentifier} for "foo/bar".
public PackageIdentifier getDirectoryForTargetsUnderDirectory() {
throw new IllegalStateException();
* For patterns of type {@link Type#PATH_AS_TARGET}, returns the path in question.
* <p>The interpretation of this path, of course, depends on the existence of packages.
* See {@link InterpretPathAsTarget#eval}.
public String getPathForPathAsTarget() {
throw new IllegalStateException();
/** For patterns of type {@link Type#SINGLE_TARGET}, returns the target path. */
public String getSingleTargetPath() {
throw new IllegalStateException();
* For patterns of type {@link Type#SINGLE_TARGET} and {@link Type#TARGETS_IN_PACKAGE}, returns
* the {@link PackageIdentifier} corresponding to the package that would contain the target(s)
* matched by this {@link TargetPattern}.
public PackageIdentifier getDirectoryForTargetOrTargetsInPackage() {
throw new IllegalStateException();
/** Returns the repository name of the target pattern. */
public abstract RepositoryName getRepository();
* Returns {@code true} iff this pattern has type {@code Type.TARGETS_BELOW_DIRECTORY} or
* {@code Type.TARGETS_IN_PACKAGE} and the target pattern suffix specified it should match
* rules only.
public abstract boolean getRulesOnly();
private static final class SingleTarget extends TargetPattern {
private final String targetName;
private final PackageIdentifier directory;
private SingleTarget(
String targetName,
PackageIdentifier directory,
String originalPattern,
PathFragment offset) {
super(Type.SINGLE_TARGET, originalPattern, offset);
this.targetName = Preconditions.checkNotNull(targetName); = Preconditions.checkNotNull(directory);
public <T, E extends Exception> void eval(
TargetPatternResolver<T> resolver,
ImmutableSet<PathFragment> ignoredSubdirectories,
ImmutableSet<PathFragment> excludedSubdirectories,
BatchCallback<T, E> callback,
Class<E> exceptionClass)
throws TargetParsingException, E, InterruptedException {
public boolean containsAllTransitiveSubdirectoriesForTBD(PackageIdentifier directory) {
return false;
public PackageIdentifier getDirectoryForTargetOrTargetsInPackage() {
return directory;
public RepositoryName getRepository() {
return directory.getRepository();
public boolean getRulesOnly() {
return false;
public String getSingleTargetPath() {
return targetName;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof SingleTarget)) {
return false;
SingleTarget that = (SingleTarget) o;
return targetName.equals(that.targetName) && directory.equals(;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(getType(), targetName, directory);
private static final class InterpretPathAsTarget extends TargetPattern {
private final String path;
private InterpretPathAsTarget(String path, String originalPattern, PathFragment offset) {
super(Type.PATH_AS_TARGET, originalPattern, offset);
this.path = normalize(Preconditions.checkNotNull(path));
public <T, E extends Exception> void eval(
TargetPatternResolver<T> resolver,
ImmutableSet<PathFragment> ignoredSubdirectories,
ImmutableSet<PathFragment> excludedSubdirectories,
BatchCallback<T, E> callback,
Class<E> exceptionClass)
throws TargetParsingException, E, InterruptedException {
if (resolver.isPackage(PackageIdentifier.createInMainRepo(path))) {
// User has specified a package name. lookout for default target.
callback.process(resolver.getExplicitTarget(label("//" + path)).getTargets());
} else {
List<String> pieces = SLASH_SPLITTER.splitToList(path);
// Interprets the label as a file target. This loop stops as soon as the
// first BUILD file is found (i.e. longest prefix match).
for (int i = pieces.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
String packageName = SLASH_JOINER.join(pieces.subList(0, i));
if (resolver.isPackage(PackageIdentifier.createInMainRepo(packageName))) {
String targetName = SLASH_JOINER.join(pieces.subList(i, pieces.size()));
.getExplicitTarget(label("//" + packageName + ":" + targetName))
throw new TargetParsingException(
"couldn't determine target from filename '" + path + "'",
public boolean containsAllTransitiveSubdirectoriesForTBD(PackageIdentifier directory) {
return false;
public String getPathForPathAsTarget() {
return path;
public RepositoryName getRepository() {
// InterpretPathAsTarget is validated by PackageIdentifier.createInMainRepo,
// therefore it must belong to the main repository.
return RepositoryName.MAIN;
public boolean getRulesOnly() {
return false;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof InterpretPathAsTarget)) {
return false;
InterpretPathAsTarget that = (InterpretPathAsTarget) o;
return path.equals(that.path);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(getType(), path);
private static final class TargetsInPackage extends TargetPattern {
private final PackageIdentifier packageIdentifier;
private final String suffix;
private final boolean wasOriginallyAbsolute;
private final boolean rulesOnly;
private final boolean checkWildcardConflict;
private TargetsInPackage(
String originalPattern,
PathFragment offset,
PackageIdentifier packageIdentifier,
String suffix,
boolean wasOriginallyAbsolute,
boolean rulesOnly,
boolean checkWildcardConflict) {
super(Type.TARGETS_IN_PACKAGE, originalPattern, offset);
this.packageIdentifier = packageIdentifier;
this.suffix = Preconditions.checkNotNull(suffix);
this.wasOriginallyAbsolute = wasOriginallyAbsolute;
this.rulesOnly = rulesOnly;
this.checkWildcardConflict = checkWildcardConflict;
public <T, E extends Exception> void eval(
TargetPatternResolver<T> resolver,
ImmutableSet<PathFragment> ignoredSubdirectories,
ImmutableSet<PathFragment> excludedSubdirectories,
BatchCallback<T, E> callback,
Class<E> exceptionClass)
throws TargetParsingException, E, InterruptedException {
if (checkWildcardConflict) {
ResolvedTargets<T> targets = getWildcardConflict(resolver);
if (targets != null) {
resolver.getTargetsInPackage(getOriginalPattern(), packageIdentifier, rulesOnly));
public boolean containsAllTransitiveSubdirectoriesForTBD(PackageIdentifier directory) {
return false;
public PackageIdentifier getDirectoryForTargetOrTargetsInPackage() {
return packageIdentifier;
public RepositoryName getRepository() {
return packageIdentifier.getRepository();
public boolean getRulesOnly() {
return rulesOnly;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof TargetsInPackage)) {
return false;
TargetsInPackage that = (TargetsInPackage) o;
return wasOriginallyAbsolute == that.wasOriginallyAbsolute && rulesOnly == that.rulesOnly
&& checkWildcardConflict == that.checkWildcardConflict
&& getOriginalPattern().equals(that.getOriginalPattern())
&& packageIdentifier.equals(that.packageIdentifier) && suffix.equals(that.suffix);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(getType(), getOriginalPattern(), packageIdentifier, suffix,
wasOriginallyAbsolute, rulesOnly, checkWildcardConflict);
* There's a potential ambiguity if '//foo/bar:all' refers to an actual target. In this case, we
* use the target but print a warning.
* @return the Target corresponding to the given pattern, if the pattern is absolute and there
* is such a target. Otherwise, return null.
private <T> ResolvedTargets<T> getWildcardConflict(TargetPatternResolver<T> resolver)
throws InterruptedException {
if (!wasOriginallyAbsolute) {
return null;
T target;
Label label;
try {
label = Label.create(packageIdentifier, suffix);
target = resolver.getTargetOrNull(label);
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
return null;
if (target != null) {
resolver.warn(String.format("The target pattern '%s' is ambiguous: '%s' is " +
"both a wildcard, and the name of an existing %s; " +
"using the latter interpretation",
getOriginalPattern(), ":" + suffix,
try {
return resolver.getExplicitTarget(label);
} catch (TargetParsingException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"getTargetOrNull() returned non-null, so target should exist", e);
return null;
private static final class TargetsBelowDirectory extends TargetPattern {
private final PackageIdentifier directory;
private final boolean rulesOnly;
private TargetsBelowDirectory(
String originalPattern,
PathFragment offset,
PackageIdentifier directory,
boolean rulesOnly) {
super(Type.TARGETS_BELOW_DIRECTORY, originalPattern, offset);
Preconditions.checkArgument(!directory.getRepository().isDefault()); = Preconditions.checkNotNull(directory);
this.rulesOnly = rulesOnly;
public <T, E extends Exception> void eval(
TargetPatternResolver<T> resolver,
ImmutableSet<PathFragment> ignoredSubdirectories,
ImmutableSet<PathFragment> excludedSubdirectories,
BatchCallback<T, E> callback,
Class<E> exceptionClass)
throws TargetParsingException, E, InterruptedException {
public <T, E extends Exception> ListenableFuture<Void> evalAsync(
TargetPatternResolver<T> resolver,
ImmutableSet<PathFragment> ignoredSubdirectories,
ImmutableSet<PathFragment> excludedSubdirectories,
BatchCallback<T, E> callback,
Class<E> exceptionClass,
ListeningExecutorService executor) {
return resolver.findTargetsBeneathDirectoryAsync(
public boolean containsAllTransitiveSubdirectoriesForTBD(PackageIdentifier containedDirectory) {
// Note that merely checking to see if the directory startsWith the TargetsBelowDirectory's
// directory is insufficient. "food" begins with "foo", but "//foo/..." does not contain
// "//food/...".
return containedDirectory.getRepository().equals(directory.getRepository())
&& containedDirectory.getPackageFragment().startsWith(directory.getPackageFragment());
public PackageIdentifier getDirectoryForTargetsUnderDirectory() {
return directory;
public RepositoryName getRepository() {
return directory.getRepository();
public boolean getRulesOnly() {
return rulesOnly;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof TargetsBelowDirectory)) {
return false;
TargetsBelowDirectory that = (TargetsBelowDirectory) o;
return rulesOnly == that.rulesOnly && getOriginalPattern().equals(that.getOriginalPattern())
&& directory.equals(;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(getType(), getOriginalPattern(), directory, rulesOnly);
* Apply a renaming to the repository part of a pattern string, returning the renamed pattern
* string. This function only looks at the repository part of the pattern string, not the rest; so
* any syntactic errors will not be handled here, but simply remain. Similarly, if the repository
* part of the pattern is not syntactically valid, the renaming simply does not match and the
* string is returned unchanged.
public static String renameRepository(
String pattern, Map<RepositoryName, RepositoryName> renaming) {
if (!pattern.startsWith("@")) {
return pattern;
int pkgStart = pattern.indexOf("//");
if (pkgStart < 0) {
return pattern;
RepositoryName repository;
try {
repository = RepositoryName.create(pattern.substring(0, pkgStart));
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
return pattern;
RepositoryName newRepository = renaming.get(repository);
if (newRepository == null) {
// No renaming required
return pattern;
return newRepository.getName() + pattern.substring(pkgStart);
public static final class Parser {
// A valid pattern either starts with exactly 0 slashes (relative pattern) or exactly two
// slashes (absolute pattern).
private static final Pattern VALID_SLASH_PREFIX = Pattern.compile("(//)?([^/]|$)");
// TODO(bazel-team): Merge the Label functionality that requires similar constants into this
// class.
* The set of target-pattern suffixes which indicate wildcards over all <em>rules</em> in a
* single package.
private static final ImmutableList<String> ALL_RULES_IN_SUFFIXES = ImmutableList.of("all");
* The set of target-pattern suffixes which indicate wildcards over all <em>targets</em> in a
* single package.
private static final ImmutableList<String> ALL_TARGETS_IN_SUFFIXES =
ImmutableList.of("*", "all-targets");
private static final List<String> SUFFIXES;
static {
SUFFIXES = ImmutableList.<String>builder()
* Returns whether the given pattern is simple, i.e., not starting with '-' and using none of
* the target matching suffixes.
public static boolean isSimpleTargetPattern(String pattern) {
if (pattern.startsWith("-")) {
return false;
for (String suffix : SUFFIXES) {
if (pattern.endsWith(":" + suffix)) {
return false;
return true;
* Directory prefix to use when resolving relative labels (rather than absolute ones). For
* example, if the working directory is "<workspace root>/foo", then this should be "foo", which
* will make patterns such as "bar:bar" be resolved as "//foo/bar:bar". This makes the command
* line a bit more convenient to use.
private final PathFragment relativeDirectory;
/** Creates a new parser with the given offset for relative patterns. */
public Parser(PathFragment relativeDirectory) {
this.relativeDirectory = relativeDirectory;
* Parses the given pattern, and throws an exception if the pattern is invalid.
* @return a target pattern corresponding to the pattern parsed
* @throws TargetParsingException if the pattern is invalid
public TargetPattern parse(String pattern) throws TargetParsingException {
// The structure of this method is by cases, according to the usage string
// constant (see lib/blaze/commands/target-syntax.txt).
String originalPattern = pattern;
final boolean includesRepo = pattern.startsWith("@");
RepositoryName repository = null;
if (includesRepo) {
int pkgStart = pattern.indexOf("//");
if (pkgStart < 0) {
throw new TargetParsingException(
"Couldn't find package in target " + pattern, TargetPatterns.Code.PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND);
try {
repository = RepositoryName.create(pattern.substring(0, pkgStart));
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
throw new TargetParsingException(e.getMessage(), TargetPatterns.Code.LABEL_SYNTAX_ERROR);
pattern = pattern.substring(pkgStart);
if (!VALID_SLASH_PREFIX.matcher(pattern).lookingAt()) {
throw new TargetParsingException(
"not a valid absolute pattern (absolute target patterns "
+ "must start with exactly two slashes): '"
+ pattern
+ "'",
final boolean wasOriginallyAbsolute = pattern.startsWith("//");
// We now ensure the relativeDirectory is applied to relative patterns.
pattern = absolutize(pattern).substring(2);
if (pattern.isEmpty()) {
throw new TargetParsingException(
"the empty string is not a valid target",
int colonIndex = pattern.lastIndexOf(':');
String packagePart = colonIndex < 0 ? pattern : pattern.substring(0, colonIndex);
String targetPart = colonIndex < 0 ? "" : pattern.substring(colonIndex + 1);
if (packagePart.equals("...")) {
packagePart = "/..."; // special case this for easier parsing
if (packagePart.endsWith("/")) {
throw new TargetParsingException(
"The package part of '" + originalPattern + "' should not end in a slash",
if (repository == null) {
repository = RepositoryName.MAIN;
if (packagePart.endsWith("/...")) {
String realPackagePart = removeSuffix(packagePart, "/...");
PackageIdentifier packageIdentifier;
try {
packageIdentifier = PackageIdentifier.parse(
repository.getName() + "//" + realPackagePart);
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
throw new TargetParsingException(
"Invalid package name '" + realPackagePart + "': " + e.getMessage(),
if (targetPart.isEmpty() || ALL_RULES_IN_SUFFIXES.contains(targetPart)) {
return new TargetsBelowDirectory(
originalPattern, relativeDirectory, packageIdentifier, true);
} else if (ALL_TARGETS_IN_SUFFIXES.contains(targetPart)) {
return new TargetsBelowDirectory(
originalPattern, relativeDirectory, packageIdentifier, false);
if (ALL_RULES_IN_SUFFIXES.contains(targetPart)) {
PackageIdentifier packageIdentifier;
try {
packageIdentifier = PackageIdentifier.parse(repository.getName() + "//" + packagePart);
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
throw new TargetParsingException(
"Invalid package name '" + packagePart + "': " + e.getMessage(),
return new TargetsInPackage(originalPattern, relativeDirectory, packageIdentifier,
targetPart, wasOriginallyAbsolute, true, true);
if (ALL_TARGETS_IN_SUFFIXES.contains(targetPart)) {
PackageIdentifier packageIdentifier;
try {
packageIdentifier = PackageIdentifier.parse(repository.getName() + "//" + packagePart);
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
throw new TargetParsingException(
"Invalid package name '" + packagePart + "': " + e.getMessage(),
return new TargetsInPackage(originalPattern, relativeDirectory, packageIdentifier,
targetPart, wasOriginallyAbsolute, false, true);
if (includesRepo || wasOriginallyAbsolute || pattern.contains(":")) {
PackageIdentifier packageIdentifier;
String fullLabel = repository.getName() + "//" + pattern;
try {
PackageAndTarget packageAndTarget = LabelValidator.validateAbsoluteLabel(fullLabel);
packageIdentifier =
repository, PathFragment.create(packageAndTarget.getPackageName()));
} catch (BadLabelException e) {
String error = "invalid target format '" + originalPattern + "': " + e.getMessage();
throw new TargetParsingException(error, TargetPatterns.Code.TARGET_FORMAT_INVALID);
return new SingleTarget(fullLabel, packageIdentifier, originalPattern, relativeDirectory);
// This is a stripped-down version of interpretPathAsTarget that does no I/O. We have a basic
// relative path. e.g. "foo/bar/". The strictest correct check we can do here (without
// I/O) is just to ensure that there is *some* prefix that is a valid package-name. It's
// sufficient to test the first segment. This is really a rather weak check; perhaps we should
// just eliminate it.
int slashIndex = pattern.indexOf('/');
String packageName = pattern;
if (slashIndex > 0) {
packageName = pattern.substring(0, slashIndex);
try {
PackageIdentifier.parse("//" + packageName);
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
throw new TargetParsingException(
"Bad target pattern '" + originalPattern + "': " + e.getMessage(),
return new InterpretPathAsTarget(pattern, originalPattern, relativeDirectory);
* Parses a constant string TargetPattern, throwing IllegalStateException on invalid pattern.
public TargetPattern parseConstantUnchecked(@CompileTimeConstant String pattern) {
try {
return parse(pattern);
} catch (TargetParsingException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
* Absolutizes the target pattern to the offset. Patterns starting with "//" are absolute and
* not modified. Assumes the given pattern is not invalid wrt leading "/"s.
* <p>If the offset is "foo": absolutize(":bar") --> "//foo:bar" absolutize("bar") -->
* "//foo/bar" absolutize("//biz/bar") --> "//biz/bar" (absolute) absolutize("biz:bar") -->
* "//foo/biz:bar"
* @param pattern The target pattern to parse.
* @return the pattern, absolutized to the offset if approprate.
public String absolutize(String pattern) {
if (pattern.startsWith("//")) {
return pattern;
// PathFragment#getRelative doesn't work when the pattern starts with ":".
// "foo".getRelative(":all") would return "foo/:all", where we really want "foo:all".
return pattern.startsWith(":") || relativeDirectory.isEmpty()
? "//" + relativeDirectory.getPathString() + pattern
: "//" + relativeDirectory.getPathString() + "/" + pattern;
// Parse 'label' as a Label, mapping LabelSyntaxException into
// TargetParsingException.
private static Label label(String label) throws TargetParsingException {
try {
return Label.parseAbsolute(label, ImmutableMap.of());
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
throw new TargetParsingException(
"invalid target format: '"
+ StringUtilities.sanitizeControlChars(label)
+ "'; "
+ StringUtilities.sanitizeControlChars(e.getMessage()),
* The target pattern type (targets below package, in package, explicit target, etc.)
public enum Type {
/** A path interpreted as a target, eg "foo/bar/baz" */
/** An explicit target, eg "//foo:bar." */
/** Targets below a directory, eg "foo/...". */
/** Target in a package, eg "foo:all". */