blob: ea82f136e8605c7fd8baffd8afa26417c2e4c48b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
* Cache which tracks canonical invocations and matches keys to equivalent keys (after trimming).
* <p>This cache can be built independently of the massive build dependency that is build-base
* (SkyFunctions and BuildConfiguration and so on), and so it is - thus, it uses type parameters to
* speak more abstractly about what it cares about.
* <p>Consider a {@code <KeyT>} as a pair of {@code <DescriptorT>} and {@code <ConfigurationT>}. The
* descriptor describes what the key builds, while the configuration describes how to build it.
* <p>For example, a ConfiguredTargetKey is made up of a Label, which is its descriptor, and a
* BuildConfiguration, which is its configuration. An AspectKey is made up of a Label and a set of
* AspectDescriptors describing the aspect and the aspects it depends on, all of which are part of
* the AspectKey's descriptor, and also has a BuildConfiguration, which is its configuration.
* <p>A key always uses all of its descriptor, but it may only use part of its configuration. A Java
* configured target may have no use for Python configuration, for example. Thus, it would produce
* the same result to evaluate that target with a configuration which doesn't include Python data.
* Reducing the configuration to the subset configuration which only includes the bits the target
* actually needs is called trimming the configuration.
* <p>If this trimmed configuration is a subset of another configuration, then building whatever the
* descriptor refers to with that other configuration will produce the same result as the trimmed
* configuration, which is the same result as the configuration that the trimmed configuration was
* trimmed from.
* <p>This cache provides methods for matching keys which would evaluate to the same result because
* they have the same descriptor and trim to the same configuration, allowing callers to avoid doing
* work that has already been done. It also permits invalidating, revalidating, and removing these
* keys, as might happen during their lifecycle (if something they depend on has changed, etc.).
* <p>Internally, this cache is essentially a very sparse table. Each row, headed by a descriptor,
* describes the possible configurations of that descriptor. Columns, headed by a trimmed
* configuration, represent minimal configurations that descriptors can be invoked with. And a cell
* contains the key which corresponds to the canonical invocation of that descriptor with that
* configuration.
* <p>This class expects to be used in ways which are consistent with trimming. That is to say:
* <ul>
* <li>If the same key is put in the cache twice with different trimmed configurations, it must be
* invalidated between the two puts. Afterward, the original trimmed configuration is no
* longer valid for the rest of this build.
* <li>No trimmed configuration must be put in the cache which has equal values for every fragment
* it shares with another trimmed configuration already in the cache, unless the key
* associated with the other configuration has been invalidated. Afterward, the configuration
* which had previously been invalidated is no longer valid for the rest of this build.
* <li>Methods which read and add to the cache - {@link #get(KeyT)}, {@link #revalidate(KeyT)},
* and {@link #putIfAbsent(KeyT, ConfigurationT)} - may be used together in one phase of the
* build. Methods which remove from the cache - {@link #invalidate(KeyT)}, {@link
* #remove(KeyT)}, and {@link #clear()} - may be used together in another phase of the build.
* Calls to these groups of methods must never be interleaved.
* </ul>
* <p>If used as described above, this class is thread-safe.
public final class TrimmedConfigurationCache<KeyT, DescriptorT, ConfigurationT> {
// ======== Tuning parameters ==========
/** The initial capacity of the cache of descriptors. */
private static final int CACHE_INITIAL_SIZE = 100;
/** The table density for the cache of descriptors. */
private static final float CACHE_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.9f;
/** The number of threads expected to be writing to the descriptor cache at a time. */
private static final int CACHE_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = 16;
* The number of configurations to expect in a single descriptor - that is, the initial capacity
* of descriptors' maps.
* The table density for the {@link ConcurrentHashMap ConcurrentHashMaps} created for tracking
* configurations of each descriptor.
private static final float DESCRIPTOR_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.9f;
/** The number of threads expected to be writing to a single descriptor at a time. */
private static final int DESCRIPTOR_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = 1;
private final Function<KeyT, DescriptorT> descriptorExtractor;
private final Function<KeyT, ConfigurationT> configurationExtractor;
private final ConfigurationComparer<ConfigurationT> configurationComparer;
private volatile ConcurrentHashMap<
DescriptorT, ConcurrentHashMap<ConfigurationT, KeyAndState<KeyT>>>
* Constructs a new TrimmedConfigurationCache with the given methods of extracting descriptors and
* configurations from keys, and uses the given predicate to determine the relationship between
* two configurations.
* <p>{@code configurationComparer} should be consistent with equals - that is,
* {@code a.equals(b) == b.equals(a) ==, b).equals(Result.EQUAL)}
public TrimmedConfigurationCache(
Function<KeyT, DescriptorT> descriptorExtractor,
Function<KeyT, ConfigurationT> configurationExtractor,
ConfigurationComparer<ConfigurationT> configurationComparer) {
this.descriptorExtractor = descriptorExtractor;
this.configurationExtractor = configurationExtractor;
this.configurationComparer = configurationComparer;
this.descriptors = newCacheMap();
* Looks for a key with the same descriptor as the input key, which has a configuration that
* trimmed to a subset of the input key's.
* <p>Note that this is not referring to a <em>proper</em> subset; it's quite possible for a key
* to "trim" to a configuration equal to its configuration. That is, without anything being
* removed.
* <p>If such a key has been added to this cache, it is returned in a present {@link Optional}.
* Invoking this key will produce the same result as invoking the input key.
* <p>If no such key has been added to this cache, or if a key has been added to the cache and
* subsequently been the subject of an {@link #invalidate(KeyT)}, an absent Optional will be
* returned instead. No currently-valid key has trimmed to an equivalent configuration, and so the
* input key should be executed.
public Optional<KeyT> get(KeyT input) {
DescriptorT descriptor = getDescriptorFor(input);
ConcurrentHashMap<ConfigurationT, KeyAndState<KeyT>> trimmingsOfDescriptor =
if (trimmingsOfDescriptor == null) {
// There are no entries at all for this descriptor.
return Optional.empty();
ConfigurationT candidateConfiguration = getConfigurationFor(input);
for (Entry<ConfigurationT, KeyAndState<KeyT>> entry : trimmingsOfDescriptor.entrySet()) {
ConfigurationT trimmedConfig = entry.getKey();
KeyAndState<KeyT> canonicalKeyAndState = entry.getValue();
if (canSubstituteFor(candidateConfiguration, trimmedConfig, canonicalKeyAndState)) {
return Optional.of(canonicalKeyAndState.getKey());
return Optional.empty();
* Returns whether the given trimmed configuration and key are a suitable substitute for the
* candidate configuration.
private boolean canSubstituteFor(
ConfigurationT candidateConfiguration,
ConfigurationT trimmedConfiguration,
KeyAndState<KeyT> canonicalKeyAndState) {
return canonicalKeyAndState.getState().isKnownValid()
&& compareConfigurations(trimmedConfiguration, candidateConfiguration).isSubsetOrEqual();
* Attempts to record the given key as the canonical invocation for its descriptor and the
* passed-in trimmed configuration.
* <p>The trimmed configuration must be a subset of the input key's configuration. Otherwise,
* {@link IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown.
* <p>If another key matching this configuration is found, that key will be returned. That key
* represents the canonical invocation, which should produce the same result as the input key. It
* may have been previously invalidated, but will be considered revalidated at this point.
* <p>Otherwise, if the input key is the first to trim to this configuration, the input key is
* returned.
public KeyT putIfAbsent(KeyT canonicalKey, ConfigurationT trimmedConfiguration) {
ConfigurationT fullConfiguration = getConfigurationFor(canonicalKey);
compareConfigurations(trimmedConfiguration, fullConfiguration).isSubsetOrEqual());
ConcurrentHashMap<ConfigurationT, KeyAndState<KeyT>> trimmingsOfDescriptor =
descriptors.computeIfAbsent(getDescriptorFor(canonicalKey), unused -> newDescriptorMap());
KeyAndState<KeyT> currentMapping =
(configuration, currentValue) -> {
if (currentValue == null) {
return KeyAndState.create(canonicalKey);
} else {
return currentValue.asValidated();
boolean newlyAdded = currentMapping.getKey().equals(canonicalKey);
int failedRemoves;
do {
failedRemoves = 0;
for (Entry<ConfigurationT, KeyAndState<KeyT>> entry : trimmingsOfDescriptor.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().getState().equals(KeyAndState.State.POSSIBLY_INVALID)) {
// Remove invalidated keys where:
// * the same key evaluated to a different configuration than it does now
// * (for trimmed configurations not yet seen) the new trimmed configuration has equal
// values for every fragment it shares with the old configuration (including subsets
// or supersets).
// These are keys we know will not be revalidated as part of the current build.
// Although it also ensures that we don't remove the entry we just added, the check for
// invalidation is mainly to avoid wasting time checking entries that are still valid for
// the current build and therefore will not match either of these properties.
if (entry.getValue().getKey().equals(canonicalKey)
|| (newlyAdded
&& compareConfigurations(trimmedConfiguration, entry.getKey())
.hasEqualSharedFragments())) {
if (!trimmingsOfDescriptor.remove(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())) {
// It's possible that this entry was removed by another thread in the meantime.
failedRemoves += 1;
} while (failedRemoves > 0);
return currentMapping.getKey();
* Marks the given key as invalidated.
* <p>An invalidated key will not be returned from {@link #get(KeyT)}, as it cannot be proven that
* the key will still trim to the same configuration.
* <p>This invalidation is undone if the input key is passed to {@link #revalidate(KeyT)}, or if
* the configuration it originally trimmed to is passed to a call of {@link putIfAbsent(KeyT,
* ConfigurationT)}. This is true regardless of whether the key passed to putIfAbsent is the same
* as the input to this method.
* <p>If the key is not currently canonical for any descriptor/configuration pair, or if the key
* had previously been invalidated and not revalidated, this method has no effect.
public void invalidate(KeyT key) {
updateEntryWithRetries(key, KeyAndState::asInvalidated);
* Unmarks the given key as invalidated.
* <p>This undoes the effects of {@link #invalidate(KeyT)}, allowing the key to be returned from
* {@link #get(KeyT)} again.
* <p>If the key is not currently canonical for any descriptor/configuration pair, or if the key
* had not previously been invalidated or had since been revalidated, this method has no effect.
public void revalidate(KeyT key) {
updateEntryWithRetries(key, KeyAndState::asValidated);
* Completely removes the given key from the cache.
* <p>After this call, {@link #get(KeyT)} and {@link #putIfAbsent(KeyT, ConfigurationT)} will no
* longer return this key unless it is put back in the cache with putIfAbsent.
* <p>If the key is not currently canonical for any descriptor/configuration pair, this method has
* no effect.
public void remove(KeyT key) {
// Return null from the transformer to remove the key from the map.
updateEntryWithRetries(key, unused -> null);
DescriptorT descriptor = getDescriptorFor(key);
ConcurrentHashMap<ConfigurationT, KeyAndState<KeyT>> trimmingsOfDescriptor =
if (trimmingsOfDescriptor != null && trimmingsOfDescriptor.isEmpty()) {
descriptors.remove(descriptor, trimmingsOfDescriptor);
* Finds the entry in the cache where the given key is canonical and updates or removes it.
* <p>The transformation is applied transactionally; that is, if another change has happened since
* the value was first looked up, the new value is retrieved and the transformation is applied
* again. This repeats until there are no conflicts.
* <p>This method has no effect if this key is currently not canonical.
* @param transformation The transformation to apply to the given entry. The entry will be
* replaced with the value returned from invoking this on the original value. If it returns
* null, the entry will be removed instead. If it returns the same instance, nothing will be
* done to the entry.
private void updateEntryWithRetries(KeyT key, UnaryOperator<KeyAndState<KeyT>> transformation) {
while (!updateEntryIfNoConflicts(key, transformation)) {}
* Finds the entry in the cache where the given key is canonical and updates or removes it.
* <p>Only one attempt is made, and if there's a collision with another change, false is returned
* and the map is not changed.
* <p>This method succeeds (returns {@code true}) without doing anything if this key is currently
* not canonical.
* @param transformation The transformation to apply to the given entry. The entry will be
* replaced with the value returned from invoking this on the original value. If it returns
* null, the entry will be removed instead. If it returns the same instance, nothing will be
* done to the entry.
private boolean updateEntryIfNoConflicts(
KeyT key, UnaryOperator<KeyAndState<KeyT>> transformation) {
DescriptorT descriptor = getDescriptorFor(key);
ConcurrentHashMap<ConfigurationT, KeyAndState<KeyT>> trimmingsOfDescriptor =
if (trimmingsOfDescriptor == null) {
// There are no entries at all for this descriptor.
return true;
for (Entry<ConfigurationT, KeyAndState<KeyT>> entry : trimmingsOfDescriptor.entrySet()) {
KeyAndState<KeyT> currentValue = entry.getValue();
if (currentValue.getKey().equals(key)) {
KeyAndState<KeyT> newValue = transformation.apply(currentValue);
if (newValue == null) {
return trimmingsOfDescriptor.remove(entry.getKey(), currentValue);
} else if (newValue != currentValue) {
return trimmingsOfDescriptor.replace(entry.getKey(), currentValue, newValue);
} else {
// newValue == currentValue, there's nothing to do
return true;
// The key requested wasn't in the map, so there's nothing to do
return true;
* Removes all keys from this cache, resetting it to its empty state.
* <p>This is equivalent to calling {@link #remove(KeyT)} on every key which had ever been passed
* to {@link #putIfAbsent(KeyT, ConfigurationT)}.
public void clear() {
// Getting a brand new instance lets the old map be garbage collected, reducing its memory
// footprint from its previous expansions.
this.descriptors = newCacheMap();
/** Retrieves the descriptor by calling the descriptorExtractor. */
private DescriptorT getDescriptorFor(KeyT key) {
return descriptorExtractor.apply(key);
/** Retrieves the configuration by calling the configurationExtractor. */
private ConfigurationT getConfigurationFor(KeyT key) {
return configurationExtractor.apply(key);
* Checks whether the first configuration is equal to or a subset of the second by calling the
* configurationComparer.
private ConfigurationComparer.Result compareConfigurations(
ConfigurationT left, ConfigurationT right) {
return configurationComparer.apply(left, right);
/** Generates a new map suitable for storing the cache as a whole. */
private ConcurrentHashMap<DescriptorT, ConcurrentHashMap<ConfigurationT, KeyAndState<KeyT>>>
newCacheMap() {
/** Generates a new map suitable for storing the cache of configurations for a descriptor. */
private ConcurrentHashMap<ConfigurationT, KeyAndState<KeyT>> newDescriptorMap() {
return new ConcurrentHashMap<>(