blob: c3a2470a15d476e561c91a06abd698643c098890 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
/** Interface for a module with native rule and package helper functions. */
name = "native",
category = DocCategory.BUILTIN,
doc =
"A built-in module to support native rules and other package helper functions. "
+ "All native rules appear as functions in this module, e.g. "
+ "<code>native.cc_library</code>. "
+ "Note that the native module is only available in the loading phase "
+ "(i.e. for macros, not for rule implementations). Attributes will ignore "
+ "<code>None</code> values, and treat them as if the attribute was unset.<br>"
+ "The following functions are also available:")
public interface StarlarkNativeModuleApi extends StarlarkValue {
name = "glob",
doc =
"Glob returns a list of every file in the current package that:<ul>\n"
+ "<li>Matches at least one pattern in <code>include</code>.</li>\n"
+ "<li>Does not match any of the patterns in <code>exclude</code> "
+ "(default <code>[]</code>).</li></ul>\n"
+ "If the <code>exclude_directories</code> argument is enabled "
+ "(set to <code>1</code>), files of type directory will be omitted from the "
+ "results (default <code>1</code>).",
parameters = {
name = "include",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = String.class)},
defaultValue = "[]",
named = true,
doc = "The list of glob patterns to include."),
name = "exclude",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = String.class)},
defaultValue = "[]",
named = true,
doc = "The list of glob patterns to exclude."),
// TODO(bazel-team): accept booleans as well as integers? (and eventually migrate?)
name = "exclude_directories",
defaultValue = "1", // keep consistent with glob prefetching logic in PackageFactory
named = true,
doc = "A flag whether to exclude directories or not."),
name = "allow_empty",
defaultValue = "unbound",
named = true,
doc =
"Whether we allow glob patterns to match nothing. If `allow_empty` is False, each"
+ " individual include pattern must match something and also the final"
+ " result must be non-empty (after the matches of the `exclude` patterns are"
+ " excluded).")
useStarlarkThread = true)
Sequence<?> glob(
Sequence<?> include,
Sequence<?> exclude,
StarlarkInt excludeDirectories,
Object allowEmpty,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException;
name = "existing_rule",
doc =
"Returns a new mutable dict that describes the attributes of a rule instantiated in this "
+ "thread's package, or <code>None</code> if no rule instance of that name exists." //
+ "<p>The dict contains an entry for each attribute, except private ones, whose"
+ " names do not start with a letter. In addition, the dict contains entries for the"
+ " rule instance's <code>name</code> and <code>kind</code> (for example,"
+ " <code>'cc_binary'</code>)." //
+ "<p>The values of the dict represent attribute values as follows:" //
+ "<ul><li>Attributes of type str, int, and bool are represented as is.</li>" //
+ "<li>Labels are converted to strings of the form <code>':foo'</code> for targets"
+ " in the same package or <code>'//pkg:name'</code> for targets in a different"
+ " package.</li>" //
+ "<li>Lists are represented as tuples, and dicts are converted to new, mutable"
+ " dicts. Their elements are recursively converted in the same fashion.</li>" //
+ "<li><code>select</code> values are returned as is." //
+ "<li>Attributes for which no value was specified during rule instantiation and"
+ " whose default value is computed are excluded from the result. (Computed defaults"
+ " cannot be computed until the analysis phase.).</li>" //
+ "</ul>" //
+ "<p>If possible, avoid using this function. It makes BUILD files brittle and"
+ " order-dependent. Also, beware that it differs subtly from the two"
+ " other conversions of rule attribute values from internal form to Starlark: one"
+ " used by computed defaults, the other used by <code></code>.",
parameters = {@Param(name = "name", doc = "The name of the target.")},
useStarlarkThread = true)
Object existingRule(String name, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException;
name = "existing_rules",
doc =
"Returns a new mutable dict describing the rules so far instantiated in this thread's"
+ " package. Each dict entry maps the name of the rule instance to the result that"
+ " would be returned by <code>existing_rule(name)</code>.<p><i>Note: If possible,"
+ " avoid using this function. It makes BUILD files brittle and order-dependent, and"
+ " it may be expensive especially if called within a loop.</i>",
useStarlarkThread = true)
Dict<String, Dict<String, Object>> existingRules(StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException;
name = "package_group",
doc =
"This function defines a set of packages and assigns a label to the group. "
+ "The label can be referenced in <code>visibility</code> attributes.",
parameters = {
name = "name",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc = "The unique name for this rule."),
name = "packages",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = String.class),
defaultValue = "[]",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc = "A complete enumeration of packages in this group."),
name = "includes",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = String.class)},
defaultValue = "[]",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc = "Other package groups that are included in this one.")
useStarlarkThread = true)
NoneType packageGroup(
String name, Sequence<?> packages, Sequence<?> includes, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException;
name = "exports_files",
doc =
"Specifies a list of files belonging to this package that are exported to other "
+ "packages.",
parameters = {
name = "srcs",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = String.class)},
named = true,
doc = "The list of files to export."),
name = "visibility",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = Sequence.class),
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class),
defaultValue = "None",
named = true,
doc =
"A visibility declaration can to be specified. The files will be visible to the "
+ "targets specified. If no visibility is specified, the files will be visible "
+ "to every package."),
name = "licenses",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = String.class),
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class),
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
doc = "Licenses to be specified.")
useStarlarkThread = true)
NoneType exportsFiles(Sequence<?> srcs, Object visibility, Object licenses, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException;
name = "package_name",
doc =
"The name of the package being evaluated. "
+ "For example, in the BUILD file <code>some/package/BUILD</code>, its value "
+ "will be <code>some/package</code>. "
+ "If the BUILD file calls a function defined in a .bzl file, "
+ "<code>package_name()</code> will match the caller BUILD file package. "
+ "This function is equivalent to the deprecated variable <code>PACKAGE_NAME</code>.",
useStarlarkThread = true)
String packageName(StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException;
name = "repository_name",
doc =
"The name of the repository the rule or build extension is called from. "
+ "For example, in packages that are called into existence by the WORKSPACE stanza "
+ "<code>local_repository(name='local', path=...)</code> it will be set to "
+ "<code>@local</code>. In packages in the main repository, it will be set to "
+ "<code>@</code>. This function is equivalent to the deprecated variable "
+ "<code>REPOSITORY_NAME</code>.",
useStarlarkThread = true)
String repositoryName(StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException;