blob: b432ac0257572a16c5614144566e64d1a2698739 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static java.util.Comparator.comparing;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.jacoco.core.internal.analysis.Instruction;
import org.jacoco.core.internal.analysis.filter.IFilter;
import org.jacoco.core.internal.analysis.filter.IFilterContext;
import org.jacoco.core.internal.analysis.filter.IFilterOutput;
import org.jacoco.core.internal.flow.IFrame;
import org.jacoco.core.internal.flow.LabelInfo;
import org.jacoco.core.internal.flow.MethodProbesVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.Handle;
import org.objectweb.asm.Label;
import org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode;
* The mapper is a probes visitor that will cache control flow information as well as keeping track
* of the probes as the main driver generates the probe ids. Upon finishing the method it uses the
* information collected to generate the mapping information between probes and the instructions.
public class MethodProbesMapper extends MethodProbesVisitor implements IFilterOutput {
* The implementation roughly follows the same pattern of the Analyzer class of Jacoco.
* The mapper has a few states:
* - lineMappings: a mapping between line number and labels
* - a sequence of "instructions", where each instruction has one or more predecessors. The
* predecessor field has a sole purpose of propagating probe id. The 'merge' nodes in the CFG has
* no predecessors, since the branch stops at theses points.
* - The instructions each has states that keep track of the probes that are associated with the
* instruction.
* Initially the probe ids are assigned to the instructions that immediately precede the probe. At
* the end of visiting the methods, the probe ids are propagated through the predecessor chains.
// States
// These are state variables that needs to be updated in the visitor methods.
// The values usually changes as we traverse the byte code.
private Instruction lastInstruction = null;
private int currentLine = -1;
private List<Label> currentLabels = new ArrayList<>();
private AbstractInsnNode currentInstructionNode = null;
private Map<AbstractInsnNode, Instruction> instructionMap = new HashMap<>();
private int instructionNodeIndex = 0;
private Map<AbstractInsnNode, Integer> instructionNodeIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
// Filtering
private IFilter filter;
private IFilterContext filterContext;
private HashSet<AbstractInsnNode> ignored = new HashSet<>();
private Map<AbstractInsnNode, AbstractInsnNode> unioned = new HashMap<>();
private Map<AbstractInsnNode, Set<AbstractInsnNode>> branchReplacements = new HashMap<>();
// Result
private Map<Integer, BranchExp> lineToBranchExp = new TreeMap();
public Map<Integer, BranchExp> result() {
return lineToBranchExp;
// Intermediate results
// These values are built up during the visitor methods. They will be used to compute
// the final results.
private List<Instruction> instructions = new ArrayList<Instruction>();
private List<Jump> jumps = new ArrayList<>();
private Map<Integer, Instruction> probeToInsn = new TreeMap<>();
// A map which associates intructions with their coverage expressions.
private final Map<Instruction, CovExp> insnToCovExp = new HashMap();
// A map which associates a instruction to the branch index in its predecessor
// e.g., the instruction that follows a conditional jump instruction must exists in
// this map.
private final Map<Instruction, Integer> insnToIdx = new HashMap();
// Local cache
// These are maps corresponding to data structures available in JaCoCo in other form.
// We use local data structure to avoid need to change the JaCoCo internal code.
private Map<Instruction, Instruction> predecessors = new HashMap<>();
private Map<Label, Instruction> labelToInsn = new HashMap<>();
public MethodProbesMapper(IFilterContext filterContext, IFilter filter) {
this.filterContext = filterContext;
this.filter = filter;
public void accept(MethodNode methodNode, MethodVisitor methodVisitor) {
for (AbstractInsnNode i : methodNode.instructions) {
currentInstructionNode = i;
filter.filter(methodNode, filterContext, this);
/** Visitor method to append a new Instruction */
private void visitInsn() {
Instruction instruction = new Instruction(currentLine);
if (lastInstruction != null) {
lastInstruction.addBranch(instruction, 0); // the first branch from last instruction
predecessors.put(instruction, lastInstruction); // Update local cache
for (Label label : currentLabels) {
labelToInsn.put(label, instruction);
currentLabels.clear(); // Update states
lastInstruction = instruction;
instructionMap.put(currentInstructionNode, instruction);
instructionNodeIndexMap.put(currentInstructionNode, instructionNodeIndex);
// Plain visitors: called from adapter when no probe is needed
public void visitInsn(int opcode) {
public void visitIntInsn(int opcode, int operand) {
public void visitVarInsn(int opcode, int variable) {
public void visitTypeInsn(int opcode, String type) {
public void visitFieldInsn(int opcode, String owner, String name, String desc) {
public void visitMethodInsn(int opcode, String owner, String name, String desc, boolean itf) {
public void visitInvokeDynamicInsn(String name, String desc, Handle handle, Object... args) {
public void visitLdcInsn(Object cst) {
public void visitIincInsn(int var, int inc) {
public void visitMultiANewArrayInsn(String desc, int dims) {
// Methods that need to update the states
public void visitJumpInsn(int opcode, Label label) {
jumps.add(new Jump(lastInstruction, label, 1));
public void visitLabel(Label label) {
if (!LabelInfo.isSuccessor(label)) {
lastInstruction = null;
public void visitLineNumber(int line, Label start) {
currentLine = line;
/** Visit a switch instruction with no probes */
private void visitSwitchInsn(Label dflt, Label[] labels) {
// Handle default transition
int branch = 0;
jumps.add(new Jump(lastInstruction, dflt, branch));
// Handle other transitions
for (Label label : labels) {
if (!LabelInfo.isDone(label)) {
jumps.add(new Jump(lastInstruction, label, branch));
public void visitTableSwitchInsn(int min, int max, Label dflt, Label... labels) {
visitSwitchInsn(dflt, labels);
public void visitLookupSwitchInsn(Label dflt, int[] keys, Label[] labels) {
visitSwitchInsn(dflt, labels);
private void addProbe(int probeId) {
// We do not add probes to the flow graph, but we need to update
// the branch count of the predecessor of the probe
lastInstruction.addBranch(false, 0);
probeToInsn.put(probeId, lastInstruction);
// Probe visit methods
public void visitProbe(int probeId) {
// This function is only called when visiting a merge node which
// is a successor.
// It adds an probe point to the last instruction
assert (lastInstruction != null);
lastInstruction = null; // Merge point should have no predecessor.
public void visitJumpInsnWithProbe(int opcode, Label label, int probeId, IFrame frame) {
public void visitInsnWithProbe(int opcode, int probeId) {
public void visitTableSwitchInsnWithProbes(
int min, int max, Label dflt, Label[] labels, IFrame frame) {
visitSwitchInsnWithProbes(dflt, labels);
public void visitLookupSwitchInsnWithProbes(
Label dflt, int[] keys, Label[] labels, IFrame frame) {
visitSwitchInsnWithProbes(dflt, labels);
private void visitSwitchInsnWithProbes(Label dflt, Label[] labels) {
int branch = 0;
visitTargetWithProbe(dflt, branch);
for (Label l : labels) {
visitTargetWithProbe(l, branch);
private void visitTargetWithProbe(Label label, int branch) {
if (!LabelInfo.isDone(label)) {
int id = LabelInfo.getProbeId(label);
if (id == LabelInfo.NO_PROBE) {
jumps.add(new Jump(lastInstruction, label, branch));
} else {
// Note, in this case the instrumenter should insert intermediate labels
// for the probes. These probes will be added for the switch instruction.
// There is no direct jump between lastInstruction and the label either.
// If a CovExp of pred is ProbeExp, create a single-branch BranchExp and put it in the map.
// Also update the index of insn.
private BranchExp getPredBranchExp(Instruction predecessor) {
BranchExp result = null;
CovExp exp = insnToCovExp.get(predecessor);
if (exp instanceof ProbeExp) {
result = new BranchExp(exp); // Change ProbeExp to BranchExp
insnToCovExp.put(predecessor, result);
// This can only happen if the internal data of Jacoco is inconsistent:
// the instruction is the predecessor of more than one instructions,
// but its branch count is not > 1.
} else {
result = (BranchExp) exp;
return result;
// Update a branch predecessor and returns whether the BranchExp of the predecessor is new.
private boolean updateBranchPredecessor(Instruction predecessor, Instruction insn, CovExp exp) {
CovExp predExp = insnToCovExp.get(predecessor);
if (predExp == null) {
BranchExp branchExp = new BranchExp(exp);
insnToCovExp.put(predecessor, branchExp);
insnToIdx.put(insn, 0); // current insn is the first branch
return true;
BranchExp branchExp = getPredBranchExp(predecessor);
Integer branchIdx = insnToIdx.get(insn);
if (branchIdx == null) {
// Keep track of the instructions in the branches that are already added
branchIdx = branchExp.add(exp);
insnToIdx.put(insn, branchIdx);
// If the branch where the instruction is on is already added, no need to do anything as
// branchExp has a reference to exp already.
return false;
/** Finishing the method */
public void visitEnd() {
for (Jump jump : jumps) {
Instruction insn = labelToInsn.get(;
jump.source.addBranch(insn, jump.branch);
predecessors.put(insn, jump.source);
// Compute CovExp for every instruction.
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Instruction> entry : probeToInsn.entrySet()) {
int probeId = entry.getKey();
Instruction ins = entry.getValue();
Instruction insn = ins;
CovExp exp = new ProbeExp(probeId);
// Compute CovExp for the probed instruction.
CovExp existingExp = insnToCovExp.get(insn);
if (existingExp != null) {
// The instruction already has a branch, add the probeExp as
// a new branch.
if (existingExp instanceof BranchExp) {
BranchExp branchExp = (BranchExp) existingExp;
} else {
// This can only happen if the internal data is inconsistent.
// The instruction is a predecessor of another instruction and also
// has a probe, but the branch count is not > 1.
} else {
if (insn.getBranchCounter().getTotalCount() > 1) {
exp = new BranchExp(exp);
insnToCovExp.put(insn, exp);
Instruction predecessor = predecessors.get(insn);
while (predecessor != null) {
if (predecessor.getBranchCounter().getTotalCount() > 1) {
boolean isNewBranch = updateBranchPredecessor(predecessor, insn, exp);
if (!isNewBranch) {
// If the branch already exists, no need to visit predecessors any more.
} else {
// No branch at predecessor, use the same CovExp
insnToCovExp.put(predecessor, exp);
insn = predecessor;
exp = insnToCovExp.get(predecessor);
predecessor = predecessors.get(insn);
// Handle merged instructions
for (AbstractInsnNode node : unioned.keySet()) {
AbstractInsnNode rep = findRepresentative(node);
Instruction insn = instructionMap.get(node);
Instruction repInsn = instructionMap.get(rep);
BranchExp branch = BranchExp.ensureIsBranchExp(insnToCovExp.get(insn));
BranchExp repBranch = BranchExp.ensureIsBranchExp(insnToCovExp.get(repInsn));
insnToCovExp.put(repInsn,, branch));
// Handle branch replacements
for (Map.Entry<AbstractInsnNode, Set<AbstractInsnNode>> entry : branchReplacements.entrySet()) {
// The replacement set is not ordered deterministically and we require it to be so to be able
// to merge multiple coverage reports later on. We use the order in which we encountered
// nodes to determine the order of branches for the new BranchExp
ArrayList<AbstractInsnNode> replacements = new ArrayList<>(entry.getValue());
BranchExp newBranch = new BranchExp(new ArrayList<>());
// Merging of coverage reports down the line only makes sense now if replacements is iterated
// in a deterministic order, which is a false assumption.
for (AbstractInsnNode node : replacements) {
insnToCovExp.put(instructionMap.get(entry.getKey()), newBranch);
HashSet<Instruction> ignoredInstructions = new HashSet<>();
for (Map.Entry<AbstractInsnNode, Instruction> entry : instructionMap.entrySet()) {
if (ignored.contains(entry.getKey())) {
// Merge branches in the instructions on the same line
for (Instruction insn : instructions) {
if (ignoredInstructions.contains(insn)) {
if (insn.getBranchCounter().getTotalCount() > 1) {
CovExp insnExp = insnToCovExp.get(insn);
if (insnExp != null && (insnExp instanceof BranchExp)) {
BranchExp exp = (BranchExp) insnExp;
BranchExp lineExp = lineToBranchExp.get(insn.getLine());
if (lineExp == null) {
lineToBranchExp.put(insn.getLine(), exp);
} else {
lineToBranchExp.put(insn.getLine(), BranchExp.concatenate(lineExp, exp));
} else {
// If we reach here, the internal data of the mapping is inconsistent, either
// 1) An instruction has branches but we do not create BranchExp for it.
// 2) An instruction has branches but it does not have an associated CovExp.
/** IFilterOutput */
// Handle only ignore for now; most filters only use this.
public void ignore(AbstractInsnNode fromInclusive, AbstractInsnNode toInclusive) {
for (AbstractInsnNode n = fromInclusive; n != toInclusive; n = n.getNext()) {
public void merge(AbstractInsnNode i1, AbstractInsnNode i2) {
// Track nodes to be merged using a union-find algorithm.
i1 = findRepresentative(i1);
i2 = findRepresentative(i2);
if (i1 != i2) {
unioned.put(i1, i2);
public void replaceBranches(AbstractInsnNode source, Set<AbstractInsnNode> newTargets) {
branchReplacements.put(source, newTargets);
private AbstractInsnNode findRepresentative(AbstractInsnNode node) {
// The "find" part of union-find. Walk the chain of nodes to find the representative node
// (at the root), flattening the tree a little as we go.
AbstractInsnNode parent;
AbstractInsnNode grandParent;
while ((parent = unioned.get(node)) != null) {
if ((grandParent = unioned.get(parent)) != null) {
unioned.put(node, grandParent);
node = parent;
return node;
/** Jumps between instructions and labels */
class Jump {
public final Instruction source;
public final Label target;
public final int branch;
public Jump(Instruction i, Label l, int b) {
source = i;
target = l;
branch = b;