blob: e0bfeecd6f00337e26ac5116ad6f115f46ae3dfe [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.testing.CuboidInflater;
import javadesugar.testing.Cuboid;
/** Simulates application-level code that's subject to desugar. */
public final class CuboidCalculator {
public static long invokeConstructor(long width, long length, long height) {
Cuboid cuboid = new Cuboid(width, length, height);
// Simulated Android API.
CuboidInflater inflater = new CuboidInflater(cuboid);
return inflater.getVolume();
public static long invokeDerivedClassConstructorWithEmbeddedInstance(
long width, long length, long height) {
Cuboid cuboid = new Cuboid(width, length, height);
// Derived
MyCuboidInflater inflater = new MyCuboidInflater(cuboid);
return inflater.getVolume();
public static long invokeDerivedClassConstructorWithDimensions(
long width, long length, long height) {
// Derived
MyCuboidInflater inflater = new MyCuboidInflater(width, length, height);
return inflater.getVolume();
public static long invokeStaticMethod(
long width,
long length,
long height,
long widthMultiplier,
long lengthMultiplier,
long heightMultiplier) {
Cuboid cuboid = new Cuboid(width, length, height);
// Simulated Android API.
cuboid =
CuboidInflater.inflateStatic(cuboid, widthMultiplier, lengthMultiplier, heightMultiplier);
return cuboid.getVolume();
public static long invokeInstanceMethod(
long width,
long length,
long height,
long widthMultiplier,
long lengthMultiplier,
long heightMultiplier) {
CuboidInflater cuboidInflater = createCuboidInflater(width, length, height);
// Simulated Android API.
Cuboid cuboid =
cuboidInflater.inflateInstance(widthMultiplier, lengthMultiplier, heightMultiplier);
return cuboid.getVolume();
public static long invokeOverridableMethod(long width, long length, long height) {
Cuboid base = new Cuboid(width, length, height);
Cuboid other = new Cuboid(2 * width, 3 * length, 4 * height);
// Derived
CuboidInflater inflater = new MyCuboidInflater(base);
Cuboid combined = inflater.onCombine(10L, other);
return combined.getVolume();
private static CuboidInflater createCuboidInflater(long width, long length, long height) {
return new CuboidInflater(new Cuboid(width, length, height));
private CuboidCalculator() {}