blob: 225f9d02dd462a818a0a8b60634286f61832877d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Lint as: python2, python3
# pylint: disable=g-direct-third-party-import
# pylint: disable=g-bad-file-header
# Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Installs an Android application, possibly in an incremental way."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from concurrent import futures
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import posixpath
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import zipfile
# Do not edit this line. Copybara replaces it with PY2 migration helper.
from absl import app
from absl import flags
import six
flags.DEFINE_string("split_main_apk", None, "The main APK for split install")
flags.DEFINE_multi_string("split_apk", [], "Split APKs to install")
flags.DEFINE_string("dexmanifest", None, "The .dex manifest")
flags.DEFINE_multi_string("native_lib", None, "Native libraries to install")
flags.DEFINE_string("resource_apk", None, "The resource .apk")
"apk", None, "The app .apk. If not specified, "
"do incremental deployment")
flags.DEFINE_string("adb", None, "ADB to use")
flags.DEFINE_string("stub_datafile", None, "The stub data file")
flags.DEFINE_string("output_marker", None, "The output marker file")
flags.DEFINE_multi_string("extra_adb_arg", [], "Extra arguments to adb")
flags.DEFINE_string("execroot", ".", "The exec root")
2, "The number of instances of adb to use in parallel to "
"update files on the device",
"start", "no", ["no", "cold", "warm", "debug"],
"Whether/how to start the app after installing it. 'cold' "
"and 'warm' will both cause the app to be started, 'warm' "
"will start it with previously saved application state, "
"'debug' will wait for the debugger before a clean start.")
flags.DEFINE_boolean("start_app", False, "Deprecated, use 'start'.")
flags.DEFINE_string("user_home_dir", None, "Path to the user's home directory")
flags.DEFINE_string("flagfile", None,
"Path to a file to read additional flags from")
DEVICE_DIRECTORY = "/data/local/tmp/incrementaldeployment"
# Some devices support ABIs other than those reported by getprop. In this case,
# if the most specific ABI is not available in the .apk, we push the more
# general ones.
"armeabi-v7a": ["armeabi"],
"arm64-v8a": ["armeabi-v7a", "armeabi"]
class AdbError(Exception):
"""An exception class signaling an error in an adb invocation."""
def __init__(self, args, returncode, stdout, stderr):
self.args = args
self.returncode = returncode
self.stdout = stdout
self.stderr = stderr
details = "\n".join([
"adb command: %s" % args,
"return code: %s" % returncode,
"stdout: %s" % stdout,
"stderr: %s" % stderr,
super(AdbError, self).__init__(details)
class DeviceNotFoundError(Exception):
"""Raised when the device could not be found."""
class MultipleDevicesError(Exception):
"""Raised when > 1 device is attached and no device serial was given."""
def CheckError(s):
return"more than one (device and emulator|device|emulator)", s)
class DeviceUnauthorizedError(Exception):
"""Raised when the local machine is not authorized to the device."""
class TimestampException(Exception):
"""Raised when there is a problem with timestamp reading/writing."""
class OldSdkException(Exception):
"""Raised when the SDK on the target device is older than the app allows."""
class EnvvarError(Exception):
"""Raised when a required environment variable is not set."""
hostpath = os.path
targetpath = posixpath
class Adb(object):
"""A class to handle interaction with adb."""
def __init__(self, adb_path, temp_dir, adb_jobs, user_home_dir,
self._adb_path = adb_path
self._temp_dir = temp_dir
self._user_home_dir = user_home_dir
self._file_counter = 1
self._executor = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=adb_jobs)
self._extra_adb_args = extra_adb_args or []
def _Exec(self, adb_args):
"""Executes the given adb command + args."""
args = [self._adb_path] + self._extra_adb_args + adb_args
# TODO(ahumesky): Because multiple instances of adb are executed in
# parallel, these debug logging lines will get interleaved.
logging.debug("Executing: %s", " ".join(args))
# adb sometimes requires the user's home directory to access things in
# $HOME/.android (e.g. keys to authorize with the device). To avoid any
# potential problems with python picking up things in the user's home
# directory, HOME is not set in the environment around python and is instead
# passed explicitly as a flag.
env = {}
if self._user_home_dir:
env["HOME"] = self._user_home_dir
# On Windows, adb requires the SystemRoot environment variable.
if Adb._IsHostOsWindows():
value = os.getenv("SYSTEMROOT")
if not value:
raise EnvvarError(("The %SYSTEMROOT% environment variable must "
"be set or Adb won't work"))
env["SYSTEMROOT"] = value
adb = subprocess.Popen(
stdout, stderr = adb.communicate()
stdout = stdout.strip()
stderr = stderr.strip()
logging.debug("adb ret: %s", adb.returncode)
logging.debug("adb out: %s", stdout)
logging.debug("adb err: %s", stderr)
# Check these first so that the more specific error gets raised instead of
# the more generic AdbError.
stdout = six.ensure_str(stdout)
stderr = six.ensure_str(stderr)
if "device not found" in stderr:
raise DeviceNotFoundError()
elif "device unauthorized" in stderr:
raise DeviceUnauthorizedError()
elif MultipleDevicesError.CheckError(stderr):
# The error messages are from adb's transport.c, but something adds
# "error: " to the beginning, so take it off so that we don't end up
# printing "Error: error: ..."
raise MultipleDevicesError(re.sub("^error: ", "", stderr))
elif "INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK" in stdout:
raise OldSdkException()
if adb.returncode != 0:
raise AdbError(args, adb.returncode, stdout, stderr)
return adb.returncode, stdout, stderr, args
def _ExecParallel(self, adb_args):
return self._executor.submit(self._Exec, adb_args)
def _CreateLocalFile(self):
"""Returns a path to a temporary local file in the temp directory."""
local = hostpath.join(self._temp_dir, "adbfile_%d" % self._file_counter)
self._file_counter += 1
return local
def GetInstallTime(self, package):
"""Get the installation time of a package."""
_, stdout, _, _ = self._Shell("dumpsys package %s" % package)
match ="firstInstallTime=(.*)$", six.ensure_str(stdout),
if match:
return None
def GetAbi(self):
"""Returns the ABI the device supports."""
_, stdout, _, _ = self._Shell("getprop ro.product.cpu.abi")
return stdout
def Push(self, local, remote):
"""Invoke 'adb push' in parallel."""
return self._ExecParallel(["push", local, remote])
def PushString(self, contents, remote):
"""Push a given string to a given path on the device in parallel."""
local = self._CreateLocalFile()
with open(local, "wb") as f:
return self.Push(local, remote)
def Pull(self, remote):
"""Invoke 'adb pull'.
remote: The path to the remote file to pull.
The contents of a file or None if the file didn't exist.
local = self._CreateLocalFile()
self._Exec(["pull", remote, local])
with open(local, "rb") as f:
return six.ensure_str(, "utf-8")
except (AdbError, IOError):
return None
def InstallMultiple(self, apk, pkg=None):
"""Invoke 'adb install-multiple'."""
pkg_args = ["-p", pkg] if pkg else []
ret, stdout, stderr, args = self._Exec(
["install-multiple", "-r"] + pkg_args + [apk])
if "FAILED" in stdout or "FAILED" in stderr:
raise AdbError(args, ret, stdout, stderr)
def Install(self, apk):
"""Invoke 'adb install'."""
ret, stdout, stderr, args = self._Exec(["install", "-r", apk])
# adb install could fail with a message on stdout like this:
# pkg: /data/local/tmp/Gmail_dev_sharded_incremental.apk
# and yet it will still have a return code of 0. At least for the install
# command, it will print "Success" if it succeeded, so check for that in
# standard out instead of relying on the return code.
if "FAILED" in stdout or "FAILED" in stderr:
raise AdbError(args, ret, stdout, stderr)
def Uninstall(self, pkg):
"""Invoke 'adb uninstall'."""
self._Exec(["uninstall", pkg])
# No error checking. If this fails, we assume that the app was not installed
# in the first place.
def Delete(self, remote):
"""Delete the given file (or directory) on the device."""
def DeleteMultiple(self, remote_files):
"""Delete the given files (or directories) on the device."""
files_str = " ".join(remote_files)
if files_str:
self._Shell("rm -fr %s" % files_str)
def Mkdir(self, d):
"""Invokes mkdir with the specified directory on the device."""
self._Shell("mkdir -p %s" % d)
def StopApp(self, package):
"""Force stops the app with the given package."""
self._Shell("am force-stop %s" % package)
def StopAppAndSaveState(self, package):
"""Stops the app with the given package, saving state for the next run."""
# 'am kill' will only kill processes in the background, so we must make sure
# our process is in the background first. We accomplish this by bringing up
# the app switcher.
self._Shell("input keyevent KEYCODE_APP_SWITCH")
self._Shell("am kill %s" % package)
def StartApp(self, package, start_type):
"""Starts the app with the given package."""
if start_type == "debug":
self._Shell("am set-debug-app -w --persistent %s" % package)
self._Shell("am clear-debug-app %s" % package)
self._Shell("monkey -p %s -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1" % package)
def _Shell(self, cmd):
"""Invoke 'adb shell'."""
return self._Exec(["shell", cmd])
def _IsHostOsWindows():
return == "nt"
ManifestEntry = collections.namedtuple(
"ManifestEntry", ["input_file", "zippath", "installpath", "sha256"])
def ParseManifest(contents):
"""Parses a dexmanifest file.
contents: the contents of the manifest file to be parsed.
A dict of install path -> ManifestEntry.
result = {}
for l in contents.split("\n"):
entry = ManifestEntry(*(l.strip().split(" ")))
result[entry.installpath] = entry
return result
def GetAppPackage(stub_datafile):
"""Returns the app package specified in a stub data file."""
with open(stub_datafile, "rb") as f:
return six.ensure_str(f.readlines()[1], "utf-8").strip()
def UploadDexes(adb, execroot, app_dir, temp_dir, dexmanifest, full_install):
"""Uploads dexes to the device so that the state.
Does the minimum amount of work necessary to make the state of the device
consistent with what was built.
adb: the Adb instance representing the device to install to
execroot: the execroot
app_dir: the directory things should be installed under on the device
temp_dir: a local temporary directory
dexmanifest: contents of the dex manifest
full_install: whether to do a full install
# Fetch the manifest on the device
dex_dir = targetpath.join(app_dir, "dex")
old_manifest = None
if not full_install:"Fetching dex manifest from device...")
old_manifest_contents = adb.Pull(targetpath.join(dex_dir, "manifest"))
if old_manifest_contents:
old_manifest = ParseManifest(old_manifest_contents)
else:"Dex manifest not found on device")
if old_manifest is None:
# If the manifest is not found, maybe a previous installation attempt
# was interrupted. Wipe the slate clean. Do this also in case we do a full
# installation.
old_manifest = {}
adb.Delete(targetpath.join(dex_dir, "*"))
new_manifest = ParseManifest(dexmanifest)
dexes_to_delete = set(old_manifest) - set(new_manifest)
# Figure out which dexes to upload: those that are present in the new manifest
# but not in the old one and those whose checksum was changed
common_dexes = set(new_manifest).intersection(old_manifest)
dexes_to_upload = set(d for d in common_dexes
if new_manifest[d].sha256 != old_manifest[d].sha256)
dexes_to_upload.update(set(new_manifest) - set(old_manifest))
if not dexes_to_delete and not dexes_to_upload:
# If we have nothing to do, don't bother removing and rewriting the manifest"Application dexes up-to-date")
# Delete the manifest so that we know how to get back to a consistent state
# if we are interrupted.
adb.Delete(targetpath.join(dex_dir, "manifest"))
# Tuple of (local, remote) files to push to the device.
files_to_push = []
# Sort dexes to be uploaded by the zip file they are in so that we only need
# to open each zip only once.
dexzips_in_upload = set(new_manifest[d].input_file for d in dexes_to_upload
if new_manifest[d].zippath != "-")
for i, dexzip_name in enumerate(dexzips_in_upload):
zip_dexes = [
d for d in dexes_to_upload if new_manifest[d].input_file == dexzip_name]
dexzip_tempdir = hostpath.join(temp_dir, "dex", str(i))
with zipfile.ZipFile(hostpath.join(execroot, dexzip_name)) as dexzip:
for dex in zip_dexes:
zippath = new_manifest[dex].zippath
dexzip.extract(zippath, dexzip_tempdir)
files_to_push.append((hostpath.join(dexzip_tempdir, zippath),
targetpath.join(dex_dir, dex)))
# Now gather all the dexes that are not within a .zip file.
dexes_to_upload = set(
d for d in dexes_to_upload if new_manifest[d].zippath == "-")
for dex in dexes_to_upload:
files_to_push.append((new_manifest[dex].input_file, targetpath.join(
dex_dir, dex)))
num_files = len(dexes_to_delete) + len(files_to_push)"Updating %d dex%s...", num_files, "es" if num_files > 1 else "")
# Delete the dexes that are not in the new manifest
adb.DeleteMultiple(targetpath.join(dex_dir, dex) for dex in dexes_to_delete)
# Upload all the files.
upload_walltime_start = time.time()
fs = [adb.Push(local, remote) for local, remote in files_to_push]
done, not_done = futures.wait(fs, return_when=futures.FIRST_EXCEPTION)
upload_walltime = time.time() - upload_walltime_start
logging.debug("Dex upload walltime: %s seconds", upload_walltime)
# If there is anything in not_done, then some adb call failed and we
# can cancel the rest.
if not_done:
for f in not_done:
# If any adb call resulted in an exception, re-raise it.
for f in done:
# If no dex upload failed, upload the manifest. If any upload failed, the
# exception should have been re-raised above.
# Call result() to raise the exception if there was one.
adb.PushString(dexmanifest, targetpath.join(dex_dir, "manifest")).result()
def Checksum(filename):
"""Compute the SHA-256 checksum of a file."""
h = hashlib.sha256()
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
while True:
data =
if not data:
return h.hexdigest()
def UploadResources(adb, resource_apk, app_dir):
"""Uploads resources to the device.
adb: The Adb instance representing the device to install to.
resource_apk: Path to the resource apk.
app_dir: The directory things should be installed under on the device.
# Compute the checksum of the new resources file
new_checksum = Checksum(resource_apk)
# Fetch the checksum of the resources file on the device, if it exists
device_checksum_file = targetpath.join(app_dir, "resources_checksum")
old_checksum = adb.Pull(device_checksum_file)
if old_checksum == new_checksum:"Application resources up-to-date")
return"Updating application resources...")
# Remove the checksum file on the device so that if the transfer is
# interrupted, we know how to get the device back to a consistent state.
adb.Push(resource_apk, targetpath.join(app_dir, "resources.ap_")).result()
# Write the new checksum to the device.
adb.PushString(new_checksum, device_checksum_file).result()
def ConvertNativeLibs(args):
"""Converts the --native_libs command line argument to an arch -> libs map."""
native_libs = {}
if args is not None:
for native_lib in args:
abi, path = six.ensure_str(native_lib).split(":")
if abi not in native_libs:
native_libs[abi] = set()
return native_libs
def FindAbi(device_abi, app_abis):
"""Selects which ABI native libs should be installed for."""
if device_abi in app_abis:
return device_abi
if device_abi in COMPATIBLE_ABIS:
for abi in COMPATIBLE_ABIS[device_abi]:
if abi in app_abis:
logging.warn("App does not have native libs for ABI '%s'. Using ABI "
"'%s'.", device_abi, abi)
return abi
logging.warn("No native libs for device ABI '%s'. App has native libs for "
"ABIs: %s", device_abi, ", ".join(app_abis))
return None
def UploadNativeLibs(adb, native_lib_args, app_dir, full_install):
"""Uploads native libraries to the device."""
native_libs = ConvertNativeLibs(native_lib_args)
libs = set()
if native_libs:
abi = FindAbi(adb.GetAbi(), list(native_libs.keys()))
if abi:
libs = native_libs[abi]
basename_to_path = {}
install_checksums = {}
for lib in sorted(libs):
install_checksums[os.path.basename(lib)] = Checksum(lib)
basename_to_path[os.path.basename(lib)] = lib
device_manifest = None
if not full_install:
device_manifest = adb.Pull(
targetpath.join(app_dir, "native", "native_manifest"))
device_checksums = {}
if device_manifest is None:
# If we couldn't fetch the device manifest or if this is a non-incremental
# install, wipe the slate clean
adb.Delete(targetpath.join(app_dir, "native"))
# From Android 28 onwards, `adb push` creates directories with insufficient
# permissions, resulting in errors when pushing files. `adb shell mkdir`
# works correctly however, so we create the directory here.
# See for more information.
adb.Mkdir(targetpath.join(app_dir, "native"))
# Otherwise, parse the manifest. Note that this branch is also taken if the
# manifest is empty.
for manifest_line in device_manifest.split("\n"):
if manifest_line:
name, checksum = manifest_line.split(" ")
device_checksums[name] = checksum
libs_to_delete = set(device_checksums) - set(install_checksums)
libs_to_upload = set(install_checksums) - set(device_checksums)
common_libs = set(install_checksums).intersection(set(device_checksums))
libs_to_upload.update([l for l in common_libs
if install_checksums[l] != device_checksums[l]])
libs_to_push = [(basename_to_path[lib], targetpath.join(
app_dir, "native", lib)) for lib in libs_to_upload]
if not libs_to_delete and not libs_to_push and device_manifest is not None:"Native libs up-to-date")
num_files = len(libs_to_delete) + len(libs_to_push)"Updating %d native lib%s...",
num_files, "s" if num_files != 1 else "")
adb.Delete(targetpath.join(app_dir, "native", "native_manifest"))
if libs_to_delete:
[targetpath.join(app_dir, "native", lib) for lib in libs_to_delete])
upload_walltime_start = time.time()
fs = [adb.Push(local, remote) for local, remote in libs_to_push]
done, not_done = futures.wait(fs, return_when=futures.FIRST_EXCEPTION)
upload_walltime = time.time() - upload_walltime_start
logging.debug("Native library upload walltime: %s seconds", upload_walltime)
# If there is anything in not_done, then some adb call failed and we
# can cancel the rest.
if not_done:
for f in not_done:
# If any adb call resulted in an exception, re-raise it.
for f in done:
install_manifest = [
six.ensure_str(name) + " " + checksum
for name, checksum in install_checksums.items()
targetpath.join(app_dir, "native",
def VerifyInstallTimestamp(adb, app_package):
"""Verifies that the app is unchanged since the last mobile-install."""
expected_timestamp = adb.Pull(
targetpath.join(DEVICE_DIRECTORY, app_package, "install_timestamp"))
if not expected_timestamp:
raise TimestampException(
"Cannot verify last mobile install. At least one non-incremental "
"'mobile-install' must precede incremental installs")
actual_timestamp = adb.GetInstallTime(app_package)
if actual_timestamp is None:
raise TimestampException(
"Package '%s' is not installed on the device. At least one "
"non-incremental 'mobile-install' must precede incremental "
"installs." % app_package)
if actual_timestamp != expected_timestamp:
raise TimestampException("Installed app '%s' has an unexpected timestamp. "
"Did you last install the app in a way other than "
"'mobile-install'?" % app_package)
def SplitIncrementalInstall(adb, app_package, execroot, split_main_apk,
"""Does incremental installation using split packages."""
app_dir = targetpath.join(DEVICE_DIRECTORY, app_package)
device_manifest_path = targetpath.join(app_dir, "split_manifest")
device_manifest = adb.Pull(device_manifest_path)
expected_timestamp = adb.Pull(targetpath.join(app_dir, "install_timestamp"))
actual_timestamp = adb.GetInstallTime(app_package)
device_checksums = {}
if device_manifest is not None:
for manifest_line in device_manifest.split("\n"):
if manifest_line:
name, checksum = manifest_line.split(" ")
device_checksums[name] = checksum
install_checksums = {}
install_checksums["__MAIN__"] = Checksum(
hostpath.join(execroot, split_main_apk))
for apk in split_apks:
install_checksums[apk] = Checksum(hostpath.join(execroot, apk))
reinstall_main = False
if (device_manifest is None or actual_timestamp is None or
actual_timestamp != expected_timestamp or
install_checksums["__MAIN__"] != device_checksums["__MAIN__"] or
set(device_checksums.keys()) != set(install_checksums.keys())):
# The main app is not up to date or not present or something happened
# with the on-device manifest. Start from scratch. Notably, we cannot
# uninstall a split package, so if the set of packages changes, we also
# need to do a full reinstall.
reinstall_main = True
device_checksums = {}
apks_to_update = [
apk for apk in split_apks if
apk not in device_checksums or
device_checksums[apk] != install_checksums[apk]]
if not apks_to_update and not reinstall_main:
# Nothing to do
# Delete the device manifest so that if something goes wrong, we do a full
# reinstall next time
if reinstall_main:"Installing main APK...")
adb.InstallMultiple(targetpath.join(execroot, split_main_apk))
targetpath.join(app_dir, "install_timestamp")).result()"Reinstalling %s APKs...", len(apks_to_update))
for apk in apks_to_update:
adb.InstallMultiple(targetpath.join(execroot, apk), app_package)
install_manifest = [
six.ensure_str(name) + " " + checksum
for name, checksum in install_checksums.items()
targetpath.join(app_dir, "split_manifest")).result()
def IncrementalInstall(adb_path,
"""Performs an incremental install.
adb_path: Path to the adb executable.
execroot: Exec root.
stub_datafile: The stub datafile containing the app's package name.
output_marker: Path to the output marker file.
adb_jobs: The number of instances of adb to use in parallel.
start_type: A string describing whether/how to start the app after
installing it. Can be 'no', 'cold', or 'warm'.
dexmanifest: Path to the .dex manifest file.
apk: Path to the .apk file. May be None to perform an incremental install.
native_libs: Native libraries to install.
resource_apk: Path to the apk containing the app's resources.
split_main_apk: the split main .apk if split installation is desired.
split_apks: the list of split .apks to be installed.
user_home_dir: Path to the user's home directory.
extra_adb_args: Extra arguments that will always be passed to adb.
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
adb = Adb(adb_path, temp_dir, adb_jobs, user_home_dir, extra_adb_args)
app_package = GetAppPackage(hostpath.join(execroot, stub_datafile))
app_dir = targetpath.join(DEVICE_DIRECTORY, app_package)
if split_main_apk:
SplitIncrementalInstall(adb, app_package, execroot, split_main_apk,
if not apk:
VerifyInstallTimestamp(adb, app_package)
with open(hostpath.join(execroot, dexmanifest), "rb") as f:
dexmanifest = six.ensure_str(, "utf-8")
UploadDexes(adb, execroot, app_dir, temp_dir, dexmanifest, bool(apk))
# TODO(ahumesky): UploadDexes waits for all the dexes to be uploaded, and
# then UploadResources is called. We could instead enqueue everything
# onto the threadpool so that uploading resources happens sooner.
UploadResources(adb, hostpath.join(execroot, resource_apk), app_dir)
UploadNativeLibs(adb, native_libs, app_dir, bool(apk))
if apk:
apk_path = targetpath.join(execroot, apk)
future = adb.PushString(
targetpath.join(DEVICE_DIRECTORY, app_package, "install_timestamp"))
if start_type == "warm":
if start_type in ["cold", "warm", "debug"]:"Starting application %s", app_package)
adb.StartApp(app_package, start_type)
with open(output_marker, "wb") as _:
except DeviceNotFoundError:
sys.exit("Error: Device not found")
except DeviceUnauthorizedError:
sys.exit("Error: Device unauthorized. Please check the confirmation "
"dialog on your device.")
except MultipleDevicesError as e:
sys.exit("Error: " + str(e) + "\nTry specifying a device serial with "
"\"bazel mobile-install --adb_arg=-s --adb_arg=$ANDROID_SERIAL\"")
except OldSdkException as e:
sys.exit("Error: The device does not support the API level specified in "
"the application's manifest. Check minSdkVersion in "
except TimestampException as e:
sys.exit("Error:\n%s" % str(e))
except AdbError as e:
sys.exit("Error:\n%s" % str(e))
shutil.rmtree(temp_dir, True)
def main(unused_argv):
if FLAGS.verbosity == "1": # 'verbosity' flag is defined in absl.logging
level = logging.DEBUG
fmt = "%(levelname)-5s %(asctime)s %(module)s:%(lineno)3d] %(message)s"
level = logging.INFO
fmt = "%(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=level, format=fmt)
start_type = FLAGS.start
if FLAGS.start_app and start_type == "no":
start_type = "cold"
if __name__ == "__main__":
# process any additional flags in --flagfile
if FLAGS.flagfile:
with open(FLAGS.flagfile, "rb") as flagsfile:
FLAGS(sys.argv + [line.strip() for line in flagsfile.readlines()])