blob: 5f9d607ef17a80d961ca3953e1c2ee7a48b93842 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# An end-to-end test that Bazel's UI produces reasonable output.
# --- begin runfiles.bash initialization ---
set -euo pipefail
if [[ ! -d "${RUNFILES_DIR:-/dev/null}" && ! -f "${RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE:-/dev/null}" ]]; then
if [[ -f "$0.runfiles_manifest" ]]; then
export RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE="$0.runfiles_manifest"
elif [[ -f "$0.runfiles/MANIFEST" ]]; then
elif [[ -f "$0.runfiles/bazel_tools/tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash" ]]; then
export RUNFILES_DIR="$0.runfiles"
if [[ -f "${RUNFILES_DIR:-/dev/null}/bazel_tools/tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash" ]]; then
source "${RUNFILES_DIR}/bazel_tools/tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash"
elif [[ -f "${RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE:-/dev/null}" ]]; then
source "$(grep -m1 "^bazel_tools/tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash " \
"$RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE" | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)"
echo >&2 "ERROR: cannot find @bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles:runfiles.bash"
exit 1
# --- end runfiles.bash initialization ---
source "$(rlocation "io_bazel/src/test/shell/")" \
|| { echo " not found!" >&2; exit 1; }
case "$(uname -s | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])" in
declare -r is_windows=true
declare -r is_windows=false
if "$is_windows"; then
export MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL="*"
#### SETUP #############################################################
add_to_bazelrc "build --genrule_strategy=local"
add_to_bazelrc "test --test_strategy=standalone"
function set_up() {
if [[ -d pkg ]]; then
# All tests share these scratch packages. No need to recreate them if they
# already exist.
mkdir -p pkg
touch remote_file
cat > pkg/ <<EOF
exit 0
chmod 755 pkg/
cat > pkg/ <<EOF
sleep 3
exit 0
chmod 755 pkg/
cat > pkg/ <<EOF
exit 1
chmod 755 pkg/
cat > pkg/ <<EOF
`which echo` -n foo
sleep 1
`which echo` -n bar
exit 0
chmod 755 pkg/
cat > pkg/ <<EOF
echo Beginning \$1
for _ in \`seq 1 10240\`
do echo '1234567890'
echo Ending \$1
chmod 755 pkg/
cat > pkg/BUILD <<EOF
name = "true",
srcs = [""],
name = "slow",
srcs = [""],
name = "false",
srcs = [""],
name = "output",
srcs = [""],
name = "gentext",
outs = ["gentext.txt"],
cmd = "echo here be dragons > \"\$@\""
name = "withOutputA",
outs = ["a"],
tools = [""],
cmd = "\$(location A && touch \"\$@\"",
name = "withOutputB",
outs = ["b"],
tools = [""],
cmd = "\$(location B && touch \$@",
name = "outputlib",
data = [":withOutputA", ":withOutputB"],
name = "truedependingonoutput",
srcs = [""],
deps = [":outputlib"],
mkdir -p error
cat > error/BUILD <<'EOF'
name = "failwitherror",
outs = ["fail.txt"],
cmd = "echo Here is the error message; exit 1",
mkdir -p pkg/errorAfterWarning
cat > pkg/errorAfterWarning/BUILD <<'EOF'
RANGE = range(500)
[ genrule(
name = "true%s_c" % i,
outs = ["true%s.c" % i],
cmd = "echo Build Warning...; echo 'int main(int argc, char **argv) { return 0; }' > $@",
) for i in RANGE]
[ cc_binary(
name = "true_%s" % i,
srcs = ["true%s.c" % i],
) for i in RANGE]
name = "failing",
outs = ["failing.txt"],
srcs = ["true_%s" % i for i in RANGE],
cmd = "echo This is the error message; false",
chmod -w pkg/* # prevent accidental editing
# keep directories writable though, so that test clean up can work
chmod 755 error
chmod 755 pkg/errorAfterWarning
mkdir -p pkg/debugMessages
cat > pkg/debugMessages/rule.bzl <<'EOF'
def _impl(ctx):
print("static debug message")
ctx.actions.write(ctx.outputs.out, "Hello World")
withdebug = rule(
implementation = _impl,
attrs = {},
outputs = {"out" : "%{name}.txt"},
cat > pkg/debugMessages/BUILD <<'EOF'
load("//pkg/debugMessages:rule.bzl", "withdebug")
[ withdebug(name = "target%d" % (i,)) for i in range(50) ]
mkdir -p bzl
touch bzl/BUILD
cat > bzl/bzl.bzl <<'EOF'
x = invalidsyntax
mkdir -p pkgloadingerror
cat > pkgloadingerror/BUILD <<'EOF'
load("//bzl:bzl.bzl", "x")
mkdir -p fancyOutput
cat > fancyOutput/BUILD <<'EOF'
name = "withFancyOutput",
outs = ["out.txt"],
cmd = "echo $$'\\xF0\\x9F\\x8D\\x83'; echo Hello World > $@",
function create_pkg() {
local -r pkg=$1
mkdir -p $pkg
cat > $pkg/ <<EOF
exit 0
chmod 755 $pkg/
cat > $pkg/BUILD <<EOF
name = "true",
srcs = [""],
#### TESTS #############################################################
function test_basic_progress() {
bazel test --curses=yes --color=yes pkg:true 2>$TEST_log \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} test failed"
# some progress indicator is shown
expect_log '\[[0-9,]* / [0-9,]*\]'
# curses are used to delete at least one line
expect_log $'\x1b\[1A\x1b\[K'
# As precisely one target is specified, it should be reported during
# analysis phase.
expect_log 'Analy.*pkg:true'
function test_line_wrapping() {
local -r pkg=$FUNCNAME
create_pkg $pkg
bazel test --curses=yes --color=yes --terminal_columns=5 $pkg:true 2>$TEST_log || fail "bazel test failed"
# curses are used to delete at least one line
expect_log $'\x1b\[1A\x1b\[K'
# something is written in green
expect_log $'\x1b\[32m'
# lines are wrapped, hence at least one line should end with backslash
expect_log '\\'$'\r''$\|\\$'
function test_noshow_progress() {
bazel test --noshow_progress --curses=yes --color=yes \
pkg:true 2>$TEST_log || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} test failed"
# Info messages should still go through
expect_log 'Elapsed time'
# no progress indicator is shown
expect_not_log '\[[0-9,]* / [0-9,]*\]'
function test_basic_progress_no_curses() {
bazel test --curses=no --color=yes pkg:true 2>$TEST_log \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} test failed"
# some progress indicator is shown
expect_log '\[[0-9,]* / [0-9,]*\]'
# cursor is not moved up
expect_not_log $'\x1b\[1A'
# no line is deleted
expect_not_log $'\x1b\[K'
# but some green color is used
expect_log $'\x1b\[32m'
function test_no_curses_no_linebreak() {
bazel test --curses=no --color=yes --terminal_columns=9 \
pkg:true 2>$TEST_log || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} test failed"
# expect a long-ish status line
expect_log '\[[0-9,]* / [0-9,]*\]......'
function test_pass() {
bazel test --curses=yes --color=yes pkg:true >$TEST_log \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} test failed"
# PASS is written in green on the same line as the test target
expect_log 'pkg:true.*'$'\x1b\[32m''.*PASS'
function test_fail() {
bazel test --curses=yes --color=yes pkg:false >$TEST_log \
&& fail "expected failure"
# FAIL is written in red bold on the same line as the test target
expect_log 'pkg:false.*'$'\x1b\[31m\x1b\[1m''.*FAIL'
function test_timestamp() {
bazel test --show_timestamps pkg:true 2>$TEST_log \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} test failed"
# expect something that looks like HH:mm:ss
expect_log '[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]'
function test_info_spacing() {
# Verify that the output of "bazel info" is suitable for backtick escapes,
# in particular free carriage-return characters.
BAZEL_INFO_OUTPUT=XXX`bazel info workspace`XXX
echo "$BAZEL_INFO_OUTPUT" | grep -q 'XXX[^'$'\r'']*XXX' \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} info output spaced as $BAZEL_INFO_OUTPUT"
function test_query_spacing() {
# Verify that the output of "bazel query" is suitable for consumption by
# other tools, i.e., contains only result lines, separated only by newlines.
BAZEL_QUERY_OUTPUT=`bazel query 'deps(//pkg:true)'`
echo "$BAZEL_QUERY_OUTPUT" | grep -q -v '^[@/]' \
&& fail "bazel query output is >$BAZEL_QUERY_OUTPUT<" || true
if ! $is_windows; then
echo "$BAZEL_QUERY_OUTPUT" | grep -q $'\r' \
&& fail "bazel query output is >$BAZEL_QUERY_OUTPUT<" || true
function test_query_progress() {
# Verify that some form of progress is reported during bazel query
bazel query 'deps(//pkg:true)' 2> "${TEST_log}"
expect_log 'Loading:.*packages loaded'
function test_clean_nobuild {
bazel clean 2>$TEST_log \
|| fail "bazel shutdown failed"
expect_not_log "actions running"
expect_not_log "Building"
function test_clean_color_nobuild {
bazel clean --color=yes 2>$TEST_log \
|| fail "bazel shutdown failed"
expect_not_log "actions running"
expect_not_log "Building"
function test_help_nobuild {
bazel help 2>$TEST_log \
|| fail "bazel help failed"
expect_not_log "actions running"
expect_not_log "Building"
function test_help_color_nobuild {
bazel help --color=yes 2>$TEST_log \
|| fail "bazel help failed"
expect_not_log "actions running"
expect_not_log "Building"
function test_version_nobuild {
bazel version --curses=yes 2>$TEST_log \
|| fail "bazel version failed"
expect_not_log "action"
expect_not_log "Building"
function test_version_nobuild_announce_rc {
bazel version --curses=yes --announce_rc 2>$TEST_log \
|| fail "bazel version failed"
expect_not_log "action"
expect_not_log "Building"
function test_subcommand {
bazel clean || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} clean failed"
bazel build -s pkg:gentext 2>$TEST_log \
|| fail "bazel build failed"
expect_log "here be dragons"
function test_subcommand_notdefault {
bazel clean || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} clean failed"
bazel build pkg:gentext 2>$TEST_log \
|| fail "bazel build failed"
expect_not_log "dragons"
function test_loading_progress {
bazel clean || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} clean failed"
bazel test pkg:true 2>$TEST_log \
|| fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} test failed"
# some progress indicator is shown during loading
expect_log 'Loading.*[0-9,]* packages'
function test_failure_scrollback_buffer_curses {
bazel clean || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} clean failed"
bazel test --curses=yes --color=yes \
--nocache_test_results pkg:false pkg:slow 2>$TEST_log \
&& fail "expected failure"
# Some line starts with FAIL in red bold.
expect_log '^'$'\(.*\x1b\[K\)*\x1b\[31m\x1b\[1mFAIL:'
function test_terminal_title {
bazel test --curses=yes \
--progress_in_terminal_title pkg:true \
2>$TEST_log || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} test failed"
# The terminal title is changed
expect_log $'\x1b\]0;.*\x07'
function test_failure_scrollback_buffer {
bazel clean || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} clean failed"
bazel test --curses=no --color=yes \
--nocache_test_results pkg:false pkg:slow 2>$TEST_log \
&& fail "expected failure"
# Some line starts with FAIL in red bold.
expect_log '^'$'\x1b\[31m\x1b\[1mFAIL:'
function test_streamed {
bazel test --curses=yes --color=yes \
--nocache_test_results --test_output=streamed pkg:output >$TEST_log \
|| fail "expected success"
expect_log 'foobar'
function test_stdout_bundled {
# Verify that the error message is part of the error event
bazel build --experimental_ui_debug_all_events \
error:failwitherror > "${TEST_log}" 2>&1 \
&& fail "expected failure" || :
grep -A1 '^ERROR' "${TEST_log}" \
| grep -q "with STDOUT: Here is the error message" \
|| fail "Error message not bundled"
function test_experimental_ui_attempt_to_print_relative_paths_failing_action() {
# On the BazelCI Windows environment, `pwd` returns a string that uses a
# lowercase drive letter and unix-style path separators (e.g. '/c/') with
# a lowercase drive letter. But internally in Bazel, Path#toString
# unconditionally uses an uppercase drive letter (see
# WindowsOsPathPolicy#normalize). I want these tests to check for exact
# string contents (that's the entire goal of the flag being tested), but I
# don't want them to be brittle across different Windows enviromments, so
# I've disabled them for now.
# TODO(nharmata): Fix this.
[[ "$is_windows" == "true" ]] && return 0
bazel clean || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} clean failed"
bazel build --attempt_to_print_relative_paths=false \
error:failwitherror > "${TEST_log}" 2>&1 && fail "expected failure"
expect_log "^ERROR: $(pwd)/error/BUILD:1:8: Executing genrule //error:failwitherror failed: "
bazel build --attempt_to_print_relative_paths=true \
error:failwitherror > "${TEST_log}" 2>&1 && fail "expected failure"
expect_log "^ERROR: error/BUILD:1:8: Executing genrule //error:failwitherror failed: "
expect_not_log "$(pwd)/error/BUILD"
function test_experimental_ui_attempt_to_print_relative_paths_pkg_error() {
# See the note in the test case above for why this is disabled on Windows.
# TODO(nharmata): Fix this.
[[ "$is_windows" == "true" ]] && return 0
bazel clean || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} clean failed"
bazel build --attempt_to_print_relative_paths=false \
pkgloadingerror:all > "${TEST_log}" 2>&1 && fail "expected failure"
expect_log "^ERROR: $(pwd)/bzl/bzl.bzl:1:5: name 'invalidsyntax' is not defined"
bazel build --attempt_to_print_relative_paths=true \
pkgloadingerror:all > "${TEST_log}" 2>&1 && fail "expected failure"
expect_log "^ERROR: bzl/bzl.bzl:1:5: name 'invalidsyntax' is not defined"
expect_not_log "$(pwd)/bzl/bzl.bzl"
function test_fancy_symbol_encoding() {
bazel build //fancyOutput:withFancyOutput > "${TEST_log}" 2>&1 \
|| fail "expected success"
expect_log $'\xF0\x9F\x8D\x83'
function test_ui_events_filters() {
bazel clean || fail "${PRODUCT_NAME} clean failed"
bazel build pkgloadingerror:all > "${TEST_log}" 2>&1 && fail "expected failure"
expect_log "^ERROR: .*/bzl/bzl.bzl:1:5: name 'invalidsyntax' is not defined"
expect_log "^WARNING: Target pattern parsing failed."
expect_log "^INFO: Elapsed time"
bazel build --ui_event_filters=-error pkgloadingerror:all > "${TEST_log}" 2>&1 && fail "expected failure"
expect_not_log "^ERROR: .*bzl/bzl.bzl:1:5: name 'invalidsyntax' is not defined"
expect_log "^WARNING: Target pattern parsing failed."
expect_log "^INFO: Elapsed time"
bazel build --ui_event_filters=info pkgloadingerror:all > "${TEST_log}" 2>&1 && fail "expected failure"
expect_not_log "^ERROR: .*/bzl/bzl.bzl:1:5: name 'invalidsyntax' is not defined"
expect_not_log "^WARNING: Target pattern parsing failed."
expect_log "^INFO: Elapsed time"
bazel build --ui_event_filters= pkgloadingerror:all > "${TEST_log}" 2>&1 && fail "expected failure"
expect_not_log "^ERROR: .*/bzl/bzl.bzl:1:5: name 'invalidsyntax' is not defined"
expect_not_log "^WARNING: Target pattern parsing failed."
expect_not_log "^INFO: Elapsed time"
function test_max_stdouterr_bytes_capping_behavior() {
mkdir -p outs
cat >outs/BUILD <<'EOF'
name = "short-stdout",
outs = ["short-stdout.txt"],
cmd = "echo 'abc'; touch $@",
name = "short-stderr",
outs = ["short-stderr.txt"],
cmd = "echo 'abc' 1>&2; touch $@",
name = "long-stdout",
outs = ["long-stdout.txt"],
cmd = "echo 'long line of text'; touch $@",
name = "long-stderr",
outs = ["long-stderr.txt"],
cmd = "echo 'long line of text' 1>&2; touch $@",
name = "short-stdout-long-stderr",
outs = ["short-stdout-long-stderr.txt"],
cmd = "echo 'abc'; echo 'long line of text' 1>&2; touch $@",
name = "long-stdout-short-stderr",
outs = ["long-stdout-short-stderr.txt"],
cmd = "echo 'abc' 1>&2; echo 'long line of text'; touch $@",
for n in stdout stderr; do
bazel build --experimental_ui_max_stdouterr_bytes=5 "//outs:short-$n" \
>"${TEST_log}" 2>&1 || fail "build failed"
expect_log 'abc'
expect_not_log 'exceeds maximum size'
bazel build --experimental_ui_max_stdouterr_bytes=5 "//outs:long-$n" \
>"${TEST_log}" 2>&1 || fail "build failed"
expect_not_log 'long line of text'
expect_log 'exceeds maximum size'
bazel build --experimental_ui_max_stdouterr_bytes=5 \
//outs:short-stdout-long-stderr \
>"${TEST_log}" 2>&1 || fail "build failed"
expect_log 'abc'
expect_log 'stderr .*/actions/stderr-.* exceeds maximum size'
bazel build --experimental_ui_max_stdouterr_bytes=5 \
//outs:long-stdout-short-stderr \
>"${TEST_log}" 2>&1 || fail "build failed"
expect_log 'abc'
expect_log 'stdout .*/actions/stdout-.* exceeds maximum size'
function test_max_stdouterr_bytes_is_for_individual_outputs() {
mkdir -p outs
cat >>outs/BUILD <<'EOF'
name = "out-%d" % i,
outs = [("out-%d.txt") % i],
cmd = ("echo '>>>%d<<<'; touch $@") % i,
) for i in range(1000)]
# Set --experimental_ui_max_stdouterr_bytes to a low-enough number that
# tolerates a single stdout and run many concurrent jobs at once to ensure
# that this limit applies to individual outputs even if we are trying to read
# all files concurrently.
bazel build --experimental_ui_max_stdouterr_bytes=20 --jobs=200 //outs/... \
>"${TEST_log}" 2>&1 || fail "build failed"
for i in $(seq 0 999); do
expect_log ">>>${i}<<<"
function test_interleaved_errors_and_progress() {
# Background process necessary to interrupt Bazel doesn't go well on Windows.
[[ "$is_windows" == true ]] && return
mkdir -p foo
cat > foo/BUILD <<'EOF'
genrule(name = 'sleep', outs = ['sleep.out'], cmd = 'sleep 10000')
genrule(name = 'fail',
outs = ['fail.out'],
srcs = [''],
cmd = '$(location'
cat > foo/ <<'EOF'
echo "This
multiline error message
chmod +x foo/
bazel build -k //foo:all --curses=yes >& "$TEST_log" &
while ! grep -q "multiline error message" "$TEST_log" ; do
sleep 1
while ! grep -q '\[2 / 3\] Executing genrule //foo:sleep' "$TEST_log" ; do
sleep 1
kill -SIGINT "$pid"
wait "$pid" || exit_code="$?"
[[ "$exit_code" == 8 ]] || fail "Should have been interrupted: $exit_code"
tr -s <"$TEST_log" '\n' '@' |
grep -q 'Executing genrule //foo:fail failed:[^@]*@This@is@a@multiline error message@before@failure@\[2 / 3\] Executing genrule //foo:sleep;' \
|| fail "Unified genrule error message not found"
# Make sure server is still usable.
bazel info server_pid >& "$TEST_log" || fail "Couldn't use server"
function test_progress_bar_after_stderr() {
mkdir -p foo
cat > foo/BUILD <<'EOF'
genrule(name = 'fail', outs = ['fail.out'], cmd = 'false')
sh_test(name = 'foo', data = [':fail'], srcs = [''])
touch foo/
chmod +x foo/
# Build event file needed so UI considers build to continue after failure.
! bazel test --build_event_json_file=bep.json --curses=yes --color=yes \
//foo:foo &> "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected failure"
# Expect to see a failure message with an "erase line" control code prepended.
expect_log $'\e'"\[K"$'\e'"\[31m"$'\e'"\[1mFAILED:"$'\e'"\[0m Build did NOT complete successfully"
# We should not see a build failure message without an "erase line" to start.
# TODO(janakr): Fix the excessive printing of this failure message.
expect_log_n "^"$'\e'"\[31m"$'\e'"\[1mFAILED:"$'\e'"\[0m Build did NOT complete successfully" 4
run_suite "Integration tests for ${PRODUCT_NAME}'s UI"