blob: 2f09350c92d950abdb47d51475b54c932227d07c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2019 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Set path constants. These are relative to the Bazel source tree root.
$Icon = 'site\images\favicon.ico'
$ArtworkBig = 'scripts\packages\msi\dialog.bmp'
$ArtworkSmall = 'scripts\packages\msi\banner.bmp'
$Licence = 'scripts\packages\msi\license.rtf'
$Guids = 'scripts\packages\msi\guids.txt'
$Wxs = 'scripts\packages\msi\bazelmsi.wxs'
# Logs a message to stdout.
function Log-Info {
param (
$basename = $PSCommandPath.Substring($PSCommandPath.LastIndexOfAny('/\') + 1)
$time = (Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss')
Write-Host "INFO[$basename $time] $msg"
function Replace-Slashes {
param (
return $s.Replace('/', '\')
# Computes the release name from the 'BazelExe'.
# 'BazelExe' must already have been validated to match this regex.
# 'ReleaseName' is like "0.28.0rc5"
# 'Version' is the SemVer part of 'ReleaseName', e.g. "0.28.0"
function Compute-RelaseNameAndVersion {
param (
$rel = [regex]::Match($BazelExe, "bazel-([^-]+)-windows.*\.exe$").captures.groups[1].value
$ver = [regex]::Match($rel, "^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)(rc[0-9]+)?$").captures.groups[1].value
return $rel, $ver
# Generates a new GUID, prints it as uppercase.
# The WiX Toolkit expects uppercase GUIDs in the .wxs file.
function Generate-Guid {
return [guid]::NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper()
# Returns the UpgradeGuid for this release.
function Get-UpgradeGuid {
param (
$d = @{}
$result = $null
foreach ($line in Get-Content -Path $Guids) {
$line = $line.Split('#')[0]
if ($line) {
$k, $v = $line.Split(' ', 2)
# Ensure all version prefixes in the file are unique.
if ($d.ContainsKey($k)) {
throw "Duplicate relase prefix $k in $Guids"
else {
$d[$k] = $null
if (! $v) {
throw "Null key '$v' in line '$line'"
# Ensure all GUIDs in the file are unique. We can use the same
# hashtable because the value domains are distinct.
if ($d.ContainsKey($v)) {
throw "Duplicate GUID $v in $Guids"
else {
$d[$v] = $null
if (! $result -and $release_name.StartsWith($k)) {
$result = $v
# Do not return yet, so we check that all GUIDs are unique.
if ($result) {
return $result
else {
throw "UpgradeGuid for $release_name not found in $Guids"
# Returns the Bazel version (as a SemVer string) from the release name.
function Get-BazelVersion {
if ($ReleaseName -match "rc[0-9]+$") {
return $ReleaseName.Substring(0, $ReleaseName.LastIndexOf('rc'))
else {
return $ReleaseName
# Downloads and extracts the WiX Toolkit.
# Returns the path where the tools are (e.g. "candle.exe").
function Download-Wix {
# Use TLS1.2 for HTTPS (fixes an issue where later steps can't connect to
# See
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$wix_dir = $(New-Item -Path "${WorkDir}\_wix" -ItemType Directory -Force).FullName
$zip_file = "$wix_dir\"
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(
$actual_sha = (Get-FileHash -Path $zip_file -Algorithm SHA256).Hash.ToString()
$expected_sha = '37F0A533B0978A454EFB5DC3BD3598BECF9660AAF4287E55BF68CA6B527D051D'
if ($actual_sha -ne $expected_sha) {
throw "Bad checksum: SHA256 is $actual_sha, expected $expected_sha"
Expand-Archive -Path $zip_file -DestinationPath $wix_dir -Force
return $wix_dir
# Creates the .wixobj file using candle.exe (the "compiler").
function Run-Candle {
param (
$out = "${WorkDir}\bazelmsi.wixobj"
$output = & "${wix_root}\candle.exe" `
-nologo `
-arch x64 `
"-dBAZEL_EXE=$BazelExe" `
"-dICON=$Icon" `
"-dUPGRADE_GUID=$(Get-UpgradeGuid $ReleaseName)" `
"-dRELEASE_NAME=$ReleaseName" `
"-dVERSION=$(Get-BazelVersion)" `
"-dRANDOM_GUID_1=$(Generate-Guid)" `
"-dRANDOM_GUID_2=$(Generate-Guid)" `
-o $out `
if (! $?) {
throw $output
return $out
# Creates the .msi file using light.exe (the "linker").
function Run-Light {
param (
$output = & "${wix_root}\light.exe" `
-nologo `
-ext WixUIExtension `
'-cultures:en-us' `
"-dWixUILicenseRtf=$Licence" `
"-dWixUIDialogBmp=$ArtworkBig" `
"-dWixUIBannerBmp=$ArtworkSmall" `
-o $OutMsi `
if (! $?) {
throw $output
function Make-Msi {
param (
$ReleaseName, $Version = Compute-RelaseNameAndVersion $BazelExe
Log-Info 'Downloading WiX Toolkit'
$wix_root = Download-Wix
Log-Info 'Creating wixobj'
$wixobj = Run-Candle -wix_root $wix_root
Log-Info 'Creating msi'
Run-Light -wix_root $wix_root -wixobj $wixobj
Log-Info "Done: $OutMsi"