blob: dd73960bd1b5e7904671ab94e6d49cfea54eeeb5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Test sandboxing spawn strategy
set -euo pipefail
# Load the test setup defined in the parent directory
CURRENT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
source "${CURRENT_DIR}/../" \
|| { echo " not found!" >&2; exit 1; }
source "${CURRENT_DIR}/../" \
|| { echo " not found!" >&2; exit 1; }
source "${CURRENT_DIR}/" \
|| { echo " not found!" >&2; exit 1; }
readonly OUT_DIR="${TEST_TMPDIR}/out"
readonly OUT="${OUT_DIR}/outfile"
readonly ERR="${OUT_DIR}/errfile"
readonly SANDBOX_DIR="${OUT_DIR}/sandbox"
readonly MOUNT_TARGET_ROOT="${TEST_TMPDIR}/targets"
readonly CPU_TIME_SPENDER="${CURRENT_DIR}/../../../test/shell/integration/spend_cpu_time"
function set_up {
rm -rf $OUT_DIR
mkdir -p $SANDBOX_DIR
function test_basic_functionality() {
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -- /bin/echo hi there &> $TEST_log || fail
expect_log "hi there"
function test_execvp_error_message_contains_path() {
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -- /does/not/exist --hello world &> $TEST_log || code=$?
expect_log "\"execvp(/does/not/exist, 0x[[:alnum:]]*)\": No such file or directory"
function test_default_user_is_current_user() {
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -- /usr/bin/id &> $TEST_log || fail
local current_uid_number="$(id -u)"
# Expecting something like: uid=485038(ruperts) ...
expect_log "uid=${current_uid_number}("
function test_user_switched_to_root() {
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -R -- /usr/bin/id &> $TEST_log || fail
expect_log "uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)"
function test_user_switched_to_nobody() {
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -U -- /usr/bin/id &> $TEST_log || fail
expect_log "uid=[0-9]\+(nobody) gid=[0-9]\+(\(nobody\|nogroup\)) groups=[0-9]\+(\(nobody\|nogroup\))"
function test_exit_code() {
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -- /bin/bash -c "exit 71" &> $TEST_log || code=$?
assert_equals 71 "$code"
function test_signal_death() {
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -- /bin/bash -c 'kill -ABRT $$' &> $TEST_log || code=$?
assert_equals 134 "$code" # SIGNAL_BASE + SIGABRT = 128 + 6
function test_signal_catcher() {
# Run the sandbox with a child that catches SIGTERM and exits successfully,
# and a kill delay that ensures it gets the chance to see the signal.
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -t 30 -- /bin/bash -c \
'trap "exit 0" SIGINT SIGTERM SIGALRM; \
touch marker; \
sleep 10000' \
&> $TEST_log &
local sandbox_pid=$!
# Synchronize on the child having registered its signal handler.
until test -f "$SANDBOX_DIR/marker"; do sleep 1; done
# Send SIGTERM to the sandbox.
kill -SIGTERM "${sandbox_pid}"
# The sandbox should exit successfully: if the child says it succeeded, who
# are we to disagree?
wait "${sandbox_pid}"
function test_basic_timeout() {
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -T 3 -t 3 -- /bin/bash -c "echo before; sleep 1000; echo after" &> $TEST_log && fail
expect_log "^before$" ""
function test_timeout_exceeded_with_large_kill_delay() {
# Run the sandbox under a short timeout with a child that catches signals,
# waits while, then exits with a canned code. Use a kill delay that gives it a
# chance to do so.
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -T 2 -t 30 -- /bin/bash -c \
'trap "sleep 1; exit 17" SIGTERM; \
sleep 10000' \
&> $TEST_log || code=$?
# Assuming the trap command was run before the timeout, the "clean shutdown"
# code should have been allowed to run (returning 17). Otherwise it should
# have died immediately with SIGTERM.
local expected=( "17" "143" )
assert_one_of $expected "$code"
function test_timeout_and_kill_delay_exceeded() {
# Run the sandbox with a child that ignores SIGTERM, and with both a short
# timeout and a short kill delay.
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -T 2 -t 3 -- /bin/bash -c \
'trap "" SIGTERM; sleep 1000' &> $TEST_log || code=$?
# If the trap command was run before the timeout we should have seen SIGKILL
# (after the kill delay); otherwise SIGTERM should have taken out the child.
local expected=( "137" "143" )
assert_one_of $expected "$code"
function test_sigint_sends_sigterm() {
# Run the sandbox with a child whose SIGTERM handler exits with a canned error
# code.
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -T 100000 -i -- /bin/bash -c \
'trap "exit 17" SIGTERM; \
trap "echo should not get here" SIGINT SIGALRM; \
touch marker; \
sleep 10000' \
&> $TEST_log &
local sandbox_pid=$!
# Synchronize on the child having registered its signal handler.
until test -f "$SANDBOX_DIR/marker"; do sleep 1; done
# Send SIGINT to the sandbox.
kill -SIGINT "${sandbox_pid}"
# That should be converted to SIGTERM by the sandbox, causing the child's
# handler to run.
wait "${sandbox_pid}" || code=$?
assert_equals 137 "$code" # SIGNAL_BASE + SIGTERM = 128 + 9
function test_debug_logging() {
touch ${TEST_TMPDIR}/testfile
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -D -- /bin/true &> $TEST_log || code=$?
expect_log "child exited normally with code 0"
function test_mount_additional_paths_success() {
mkdir -p ${TEST_TMPDIR}/foo
mkdir -p ${TEST_TMPDIR}/bar
touch ${TEST_TMPDIR}/testfile
mkdir -p ${MOUNT_TARGET_ROOT}/foo
touch ${MOUNT_TARGET_ROOT}/sandboxed_testfile
touch /tmp/sandboxed_testfile
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -D \
-M ${TEST_TMPDIR}/bar \
-M ${TEST_TMPDIR}/testfile -m ${MOUNT_TARGET_ROOT}/sandboxed_testfile \
-- /bin/true &> $TEST_log || code=$?
# mount a directory to a customized path inside the sandbox
expect_log "bind mount: ${TEST_TMPDIR}/foo -> ${MOUNT_TARGET_ROOT}/foo\$"
# mount a directory to the same path inside the sanxbox
expect_log "bind mount: ${TEST_TMPDIR}/bar -> ${TEST_TMPDIR}/bar\$"
# mount a file to a customized path inside the sandbox
expect_log "bind mount: ${TEST_TMPDIR}/testfile -> ${MOUNT_TARGET_ROOT}/sandboxed_testfile\$"
expect_log "child exited normally with code 0"
rm -rf ${MOUNT_TARGET_ROOT}/foo
rm -rf ${MOUNT_TARGET_ROOT}/sandboxed_testfile
function test_mount_additional_paths_relative_path() {
touch ${TEST_TMPDIR}/testfile
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -D \
-M ${TEST_TMPDIR}/testfile -m tmp/sandboxed_testfile \
-- /bin/true &> $TEST_log || code=$?
# mount a directory to a customized path inside the sandbox
expect_log "The -m option must be used with absolute paths only.\$"
function test_mount_additional_paths_leading_m() {
mkdir -p ${TEST_TMPDIR}/foo
touch ${TEST_TMPDIR}/testfile
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -D \
-m /tmp/foo \
-M ${TEST_TMPDIR}/testfile -m /tmp/sandboxed_testfile \
-- /bin/true &> $TEST_log || code=$?
# mount a directory to a customized path inside the sandbox
expect_log "The -m option must be strictly preceded by an -M option.\$"
function test_mount_additional_paths_m_not_preceeded_by_M() {
mkdir -p ${TEST_TMPDIR}/foo
mkdir -p ${TEST_TMPDIR}/bar
touch ${TEST_TMPDIR}/testfile
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -D \
-M ${TEST_TMPDIR}/testfile -m /tmp/sandboxed_testfile \
-m /tmp/foo \
-M ${TEST_TMPDIR}/bar \
-- /bin/true &> $TEST_log || code=$?
# mount a directory to a customized path inside the sandbox
expect_log "The -m option must be strictly preceded by an -M option.\$"
function test_mount_additional_paths_other_flag_between_M_m_pair() {
mkdir -p ${TEST_TMPDIR}/bar
touch ${TEST_TMPDIR}/testfile
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS \
-M ${TEST_TMPDIR}/testfile -D -m /tmp/sandboxed_testfile \
-M ${TEST_TMPDIR}/bar \
-- /bin/true &> $TEST_log || code=$?
# mount a directory to a customized path inside the sandbox
expect_log "The -m option must be strictly preceded by an -M option.\$"
function test_mount_additional_paths_multiple_sources_mount_to_one_target() {
mkdir -p ${TEST_TMPDIR}/foo
mkdir -p ${TEST_TMPDIR}/bar
mkdir -p ${MOUNT_TARGET_ROOT}/foo
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -D \
-- /bin/true &> $TEST_log || code=$?
# mount a directory to a customized path inside the sandbox
expect_log "bind mount: ${TEST_TMPDIR}/foo -> ${MOUNT_TARGET_ROOT}/foo\$"
# mount a new source directory to the same target, which will overwrite the previous source path
expect_log "bind mount: ${TEST_TMPDIR}/bar -> ${MOUNT_TARGET_ROOT}/foo\$"
expect_log "child exited normally with code 0"
rm -rf ${MOUNT_TARGET_ROOT}/foo
function test_redirect_output() {
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -l $OUT -L $ERR -- /bin/bash -c "echo out; echo err >&2" &> $TEST_log || code=$?
assert_equals "out" "$(cat $OUT)"
assert_equals "err" "$(cat $ERR)"
function test_tmp_is_writable() {
# If /tmp is not writable on the host, it won't be inside the sandbox.
test -w /tmp || return 0
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -w /tmp -- /bin/bash -c "rm -f $(mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp)" \
&> $TEST_log || fail
function test_dev_shm_is_writable() {
# If /dev/shm is not writable on the host, it won't be inside the sandbox.
test -w /dev/shm || return 0
# /dev/shm is often a symlink to /run/shm, thus we use readlink to get the canonical path.
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -w "$(readlink -f /dev/shm)" -- /bin/bash -c "rm -f $(mktemp --tmpdir=/dev/shm)" \
&> $TEST_log || fail
function assert_linux_sandbox_exec_time() {
local user_time_low="$1"; shift
local user_time_high="$1"; shift
local sys_time_low="$1"; shift
local sys_time_high="$1"; shift
local local_tmp="$(mktemp -d "${OUT_DIR}/assert_linux_sandbox_exec_timeXXXX")"
local stdout_path="${local_tmp}/stdout"
local stderr_path="${local_tmp}/stderr"
local stats_out_path="${local_tmp}/statsfile"
local stats_out_decoded_path="${local_tmp}/statsfile.decoded"
local cpu_time_spender_sandbox_path="${SANDBOX_DIR}/spend_cpu_time"
# Sandboxed process will be terminated after 100 seconds if not already dead.
local code=0
"${linux_sandbox}" \
-T 100 \
-t 2 \
-l "${stdout_path}" \
-L "${stderr_path}" \
-S "${stats_out_path}" \
-- \
"${cpu_time_spender_sandbox_path}" "${user_time_low}" "${sys_time_low}" \
&> "${TEST_log}" || code="$?"
sed -e 's,^subprocess stdout: ,,' "${stdout_path}" >>"${TEST_log}"
sed -e 's,^subprocess stderr: ,,' "${stderr_path}" >>"${TEST_log}"
assert_equals 0 "${code}"
assert_execution_time_in_range \
"${user_time_low}" \
"${user_time_high}" \
"${sys_time_low}" \
"${sys_time_high}" \
function test_stats_high_user_time() {
assert_linux_sandbox_exec_time 10 19 0 9
function test_stats_high_system_time() {
assert_linux_sandbox_exec_time 0 9 10 19
function test_stats_high_user_time_and_high_system_time() {
assert_linux_sandbox_exec_time 10 25 10 25
function test_sigterm_is_forwarded_to_child() {
# Run the sandbox with a child that lets us know it saw SIGTERM and then exits
# gracefully. Use a kill delay that implies it will have a chance to see it.
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -t 30 -- /bin/bash -c \
'trap "exit 17" SIGTERM; \
touch marker; \
sleep 10000' \
&> $TEST_log &
local sandbox_pid=$!
# Synchronize on the child having registered its signal handler.
until test -f "$SANDBOX_DIR/marker"; do sleep 1; done
# Send SIGTERM to the sandbox, which should pass it on to the child.
kill -SIGTERM "${sandbox_pid}"
# The sandbox should soon exit with the child's exit code.
wait "${sandbox_pid}" || code=$?
assert_equals 17 "$code"
function test_child_ignores_sigterm_and_sigalrm() {
# Run the sandbox with a child that ignores SIGTERM (the polite request to
# shut down that we send below) and SIGALRM (which we use internally and which
# was previously erroneously forwarded to the child).
# Set a kill delay of 2 seconds.
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -t 2 -- /bin/bash -c \
'trap "" SIGTERM SIGALRM; touch marker; sleep 1000' &> $TEST_log &
local sandbox_pid=$!
# Synchronize on the child having registered its signal handler.
until test -f "$SANDBOX_DIR/marker"; do sleep 1; done
# Send SIGTERM to the sandbox to ask it nicely to shut down.
kill -SIGTERM "${sandbox_pid}"
# The sandbox should soon exit with a code that indicates it was due to
# SIGKILL, from exceeding the kill delay.
wait "${sandbox_pid}" || code=$?
assert_equals 137 "$code" # SIGNAL_BASE + SIGTERM = 128 + 9
function test_child_ignores_sigterm_and_sigalrm_no_kill_delay() {
# Run the sandbox with a child that ignores SIGTERM (the polite request to
# shut down that we send below) and SIGALRM (which we use internally and which
# was previously erroneously forwarded to the child).
# Unlike in the test above, don't enable a kill delay.
$linux_sandbox $SANDBOX_DEFAULT_OPTS -- /bin/bash -c \
'trap "" SIGTERM SIGALRM; touch marker; sleep 1000' &> $TEST_log &
local sandbox_pid=$!
# Synchronize on the child having registered its signal handler.
until test -f "$SANDBOX_DIR/marker"; do sleep 1; done
# Send SIGTERM to the sandbox to ask it nicely to shut down.
kill -SIGTERM "${sandbox_pid}"
# The sandbox should soon exit with a code that indicates it was due to
# SIGKILL, from exceeding the kill delay (of zero).
wait "${sandbox_pid}" || code=$?
assert_equals 137 "$code" # SIGNAL_BASE + SIGTERM = 128 + 9
# The test shouldn't fail if the environment doesn't support running it.
[[ "$(uname -s)" = Linux ]] || exit 0
check_sandbox_allowed || exit 0
run_suite "linux-sandbox"