blob: e334d39f6781698b060ae5d5e07575bb0e6839ba [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
Target pattern syntax
The BUILD file label syntax is used to specify a single target. Target
patterns generalize this syntax to sets of targets, and also support
working-directory-relative forms, recursion, subtraction and filtering.
Specifying a single target:
//foo/bar:wiz The single target '//foo/bar:wiz'.
foo/bar/wiz Equivalent to:
'//foo/bar/wiz:wiz' if foo/bar/wiz is a package,
'//foo/bar:wiz' if foo/bar is a package,
'//foo:bar/wiz' otherwise.
//foo/bar Equivalent to '//foo/bar:bar'.
Specifying all rules in a package:
//foo/bar:all Matches all rules in package 'foo/bar'.
Specifying all rules recursively beneath a package:
//foo/...:all Matches all rules in all packages beneath directory 'foo'.
//foo/... (ditto)
By default, directory symlinks are followed when performing this recursive traversal, except
those that point to under the output base (for example, the convenience symlinks that are created
in the root directory of the workspace) But we understand that your workspace may intentionally
contain directories with weird symlink structures that you don't want consumed. As such, if a
directory has a file named
then symlinks in that directory won't be followed when evaluating recursive
target patterns.
Working-directory relative forms: (assume cwd = 'workspace/foo')
Target patterns which do not begin with '//' are taken relative to
the working directory. Patterns which begin with '//' are always
...:all Equivalent to '//foo/...:all'.
... (ditto)
bar/...:all Equivalent to '//foo/bar/...:all'.
bar/... (ditto)
bar:wiz Equivalent to '//foo/bar:wiz'.
:foo Equivalent to '//foo:foo'.
bar Equivalent to '//foo/bar:bar'.
foo/bar Equivalent to '//foo/foo/bar:bar'.
bar:all Equivalent to '//foo/bar:all'.
:all Equivalent to '//foo:all'.
Summary of target wildcards:
:all, Match all rules in the specified packages.
:*, :all-targets Match all targets (rules and files) in the specified
packages, including .par and _deploy.jar files.
Subtractive patterns:
Target patterns may be preceded by '-', meaning they should be
subtracted from the set of targets accumulated by preceding
patterns. (Note that this means order matters.) For example:
% %{product} build -- foo/... -foo/contrib/...
builds everything in 'foo', except 'contrib'. In case a target not
under 'contrib' depends on something under 'contrib' though, in order to
build the former %{product} has to build the latter too. As usual, the '--' is
required to prevent '-f' from being interpreted as an option.
When running the test command, test suite expansion is applied to each target
pattern in sequence as the set of targets is evaluated. This means that
individual tests from a test suite can be excluded by a later target pattern.
It also means that an exclusion target pattern which matches a test suite will
exclude all tests which that test suite references. (Targets that would be
matched by the list of target patterns without any test suite expansion are
also built unless --build_tests_only is set.)