blob: 3a24ecfdb0b3ceed8fc0bb02415fea6300d46804 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Strings used to express requirements on action execution environments.
* <ol>
* If you are adding a new execution requirement, pay attention to the following:
* <li>If its name starts with one of the supported prefixes, then it can be also used as a tag on
* a target and will be propagated to the execution requirements, see for prefixes {@link
* <li>If this is a potentially conflicting execution requirements, e.g. you are adding a pair
* 'requires-x' and 'block-x', you MUST take care of a potential conflict in the Executor that
* is using new execution requirements. As an example, see {@link
* Spawns#requiresNetwork(, boolean)}.
* </ol>
public class ExecutionRequirements {
/** An execution requirement that can be split into a key and a value part using a regex. */
public abstract static class ParseableRequirement {
* Thrown when a {@link ParseableRequirement} feels responsible for a tag, but the {@link
* #validator()} method returns an error.
public static class ValidationException extends Exception {
private final String tagValue;
* Creates a new {@link ValidationException}.
* @param tagValue the erroneous value that was parsed from the tag.
* @param errorMsg an error message that tells the user what's wrong with the value.
public ValidationException(String tagValue, String errorMsg) {
this.tagValue = tagValue;
* Returns the erroneous value of the parsed tag.
* <p>Useful to put in error messages shown to the user.
public String getTagValue() {
return tagValue;
* Create a new parseable execution requirement definition.
* <p>If a tag doesn't match the detectionPattern, it will be ignored. If a tag matches the
* detectionPattern, but not the validationPattern, it is assumed that the value is somehow
* wrong (e.g. the user put a float or random string where we expected an integer).
* @param userFriendlyName a human readable name of the tag and its format, e.g. "cpu:<int>"
* @param detectionPattern a regex that will be used to detect whether a tag matches this
* execution requirement. It should have one capture group that grabs the value of the tag.
* This should be general enough to permit even wrong value types. Example: "cpu:(.+)".
* @param validator a Function that will be used to validate the value of the tag. It should
* return null if the value is fine to use or a human-friendly error message describing why
* the value is not valid.
static ParseableRequirement create(
String userFriendlyName, Pattern detectionPattern, Function<String, String> validator) {
return new AutoValue_ExecutionRequirements_ParseableRequirement(
userFriendlyName, detectionPattern, validator);
public abstract String userFriendlyName();
public abstract Pattern detectionPattern();
public abstract Function<String, String> validator();
* Returns the parsed value from a tag, if this {@link ParseableRequirement} detects that it is
* responsible for it, otherwise returns {@code null}.
* @throws ValidationException if the value parsed out of the tag doesn't pass the validator.
public String parseIfMatches(String tag) throws ValidationException {
Matcher matcher = detectionPattern().matcher(tag);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
return null;
String tagValue =;
String errorMsg = validator().apply(tagValue);
if (errorMsg != null) {
throw new ValidationException(tagValue, errorMsg);
return tagValue;
/** If specified, the timeout of this action in seconds. Must be decimal integer. */
public static final String TIMEOUT = "timeout";
/** If an action would not successfully run other than on Darwin. */
public static final String REQUIRES_DARWIN = "requires-darwin";
/** Whether we should disable prefetching of inputs before running a local action. */
public static final String DISABLE_LOCAL_PREFETCH = "disable-local-prefetch";
/** How many hardware threads an action requires for execution. */
public static final ParseableRequirement CPU =
s -> {
int value;
try {
value = Integer.parseInt(s);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return "can't be parsed as an integer";
// De-and-reserialize & compare to only allow canonical integer formats.
if (!Integer.toString(value).equals(s)) {
return "must be in canonical format (e.g. '4' instead of '+04')";
if (value < 1) {
return "can't be zero or negative";
return null;
/** How many extra resources an action requires for execution. */
public static final ParseableRequirement RESOURCES =
s -> {
int splitIndex = s.indexOf(":");
String resourceCount = s.substring(splitIndex + 1);
float value;
try {
value = Float.parseFloat(resourceCount);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return "can't be parsed as a float";
if (value < 0) {
return "can't be negative";
return null;
/** If an action supports running in persistent worker mode. */
public static final String SUPPORTS_WORKERS = "supports-workers";
public static final String SUPPORTS_MULTIPLEX_WORKERS = "supports-multiplex-workers";
/** Specify the type of worker protocol the worker uses. */
public static final String REQUIRES_WORKER_PROTOCOL = "requires-worker-protocol";
public static final String SUPPORTS_WORKER_CANCELLATION = "supports-worker-cancellation";
public static final String SUPPORTS_MULTIPLEX_SANDBOXING = "supports-multiplex-sandboxing";
/** Denotes what the type of worker protocol the worker uses. */
public enum WorkerProtocolFormat {
/** Override for the action's mnemonic to allow for better worker process reuse. */
public static final String WORKER_KEY_MNEMONIC = "worker-key-mnemonic";
public static final ImmutableMap<String, String> WORKER_MODE_ENABLED =
ImmutableMap.of(SUPPORTS_WORKERS, "1");
public static final ImmutableMap<String, String> WORKER_MULTIPLEX_MODE_ENABLED =
* Requires local execution without sandboxing for a spawn.
* <p>This tag is deprecated; use no-cache, no-remote, or no-sandbox instead.
public static final String LOCAL = "local";
* Disables local and remote caching for a spawn, but note that the local action cache may still
* apply.
* <p>This tag can also be set on an action, in which case it completely disables all caching for
* that action, but note that action-generated spawns may still be cached, unless they also carry
* this tag.
public static final String NO_CACHE = "no-cache";
/** Disables remote caching of a spawn. Note: does not disable remote execution */
public static final String NO_REMOTE_CACHE = "no-remote-cache";
/** Disables upload part of remote caching of a spawn. Note: does not disable remote execution */
public static final String NO_REMOTE_CACHE_UPLOAD = "no-remote-cache-upload";
/** Disables remote execution of a spawn. Note: does not disable remote caching */
public static final String NO_REMOTE_EXEC = "no-remote-exec";
/** Tag for Google internal use. Requires local execution with correct permissions. */
public static final String NO_TESTLOASD = "no-testloasd";
* Disables both remote execution and remote caching of a spawn. This is the equivalent of using
* no-remote-cache and no-remote-exec together.
public static final String NO_REMOTE = "no-remote";
/** Disables local execution of a spawn. */
public static final String NO_LOCAL = "no-local";
/** Disables local sandboxing of a spawn. */
public static final String LEGACY_NOSANDBOX = "nosandbox";
/** Disables local sandboxing of a spawn. */
public static final String NO_SANDBOX = "no-sandbox";
* Set for Xcode-related rules. Used for quality control to make sure that all Xcode-dependent
* rules propagate the necessary configurations. Begins with "supports" so as not to be filtered
* out for Bazel by {@code TargetUtils}.
public static final String REQUIREMENTS_SET = "supports-xcode-requirements-set";
* Enables networking for a spawn if possible (only if sandboxing is enabled and if the sandbox
* supports it).
public static final String REQUIRES_NETWORK = "requires-network";
* Disables networking for a spawn if possible (only if sandboxing is enabled and if the sandbox
* supports it).
public static final String BLOCK_NETWORK = "block-network";
* On linux, if sandboxing is enabled, ensures that a spawn is run with uid 0, i.e., root. Has no
* effect otherwise.
public static final String REQUIRES_FAKEROOT = "requires-fakeroot";
/** Suppress CLI reporting for this spawn - it's part of another action. */
public static final String DO_NOT_REPORT = "internal-do-not-report";
/** Use this to request eager fetching of a single remote output into local memory. */
public static final String REMOTE_EXECUTION_INLINE_OUTPUTS = "internal-inline-outputs";
* Request graceful termination of subprocesses on interrupt (that is, an initial {@code SIGTERM}
* followed by a {@code SIGKILL} after a grace period).
public static final String GRACEFUL_TERMINATION = "supports-graceful-termination";
/** Requires the execution service to support a given xcode version e.g. "xcode_version:1.0". */
public static final String REQUIRES_XCODE = "requires-xcode";
* Requires the execution service to support a "label" in addition to the xcode version. The user
* specifies the label as a hyphenated extension to their requested version. For example, if the
* user requests "--xcode_version=1.0-unstable", the action request will include
* "requires-xcode-label:unstable" and "requires-xcode:1.0".
public static final String REQUIRES_XCODE_LABEL = "requires-xcode-label";
/** Requires the execution service do NOT share caches across different workspace. */
public static final String DIFFERENTIATE_WORKSPACE_CACHE =