blob: f3f5e9432ef72a6473fe3e0c0771a9064c00f411 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
/** Timing, size, and memory statistics for a Spawn execution. */
public final class SpawnMetrics {
/** Indicates whether the metrics correspond to the remote, local or worker execution. */
public static enum ExecKind {
* Other kinds of execution (or when it's not clear whether something happened locally or
* remotely).
private final String name;
private ExecKind(String name) { = name;
public String toString() {
return name;
/** Any non important stats < than 10% will not be shown in the summary. */
private static final double STATS_SHOW_THRESHOLD = 0.10;
public static SpawnMetrics forLocalExecution(Duration wallTime) {
return Builder.forLocalExec().setTotalTime(wallTime).setExecutionWallTime(wallTime).build();
private final ExecKind execKind;
private final Duration totalTime;
private final Duration parseTime;
private final Duration fetchTime;
private final Duration queueTime;
private final Duration uploadTime;
private final Duration setupTime;
private final Duration executionWallTime;
private final Duration processOutputsTime;
private final Duration networkTime;
private final Map<Integer, Duration> retryTime;
private final long inputBytes;
private final long inputFiles;
private final long memoryEstimateBytes;
private final long inputBytesLimit;
private final long inputFilesLimit;
private final long outputBytesLimit;
private final long outputFilesLimit;
private final long memoryBytesLimit;
private final Duration timeLimit;
private SpawnMetrics(Builder builder) {
this.execKind = builder.execKind;
this.totalTime = builder.totalTime;
this.parseTime = builder.parseTime;
this.networkTime = builder.networkTime;
this.fetchTime = builder.fetchTime;
this.queueTime = builder.queueTime;
this.setupTime = builder.setupTime;
this.uploadTime = builder.uploadTime;
this.executionWallTime = builder.executionWallTime;
this.retryTime = builder.retryTime;
this.processOutputsTime = builder.processOutputsTime;
this.inputBytes = builder.inputBytes;
this.inputFiles = builder.inputFiles;
this.memoryEstimateBytes = builder.memoryEstimateBytes;
this.inputBytesLimit = builder.inputBytesLimit;
this.inputFilesLimit = builder.inputFilesLimit;
this.outputBytesLimit = builder.outputBytesLimit;
this.outputFilesLimit = builder.outputFilesLimit;
this.memoryBytesLimit = builder.memoryBytesLimit;
this.timeLimit = builder.timeLimit;
/** The kind of execution the metrics refer to (remote/local/worker). */
public ExecKind execKind() {
return execKind;
/** Returns true if {@link #totalTime()} is zero. */
public boolean isEmpty() {
return totalTime.isZero();
* Total (measured locally) wall time spent running a spawn. This should be at least as large as
* all the other times summed together.
public Duration totalTime() {
return totalTime;
* Total time spent getting on network. This includes time getting network-side errors and the
* time of the round-trip, found by taking the difference of wall time here and the server time
* reported by the RPC. This is 0 for locally executed spawns.
public Duration networkTime() {
return networkTime;
/** Total time waiting in queues. Includes queue time for any failed attempts. */
public Duration queueTime() {
return queueTime;
/** The time spent transferring files to the backends. This is 0 for locally executed spawns. */
public Duration uploadTime() {
return uploadTime;
* The time required to setup the environment in which the spawn is run. This may be 0 for locally
* executed spawns, or may include time to setup a sandbox or other environment. Does not include
* failed attempts.
public Duration setupTime() {
return setupTime;
/** Time spent running the subprocess. */
public Duration executionWallTime() {
return executionWallTime;
* The time taken to convert the spawn into a network request, e.g., collecting runfiles, and
* digests for all input files.
public Duration parseTime() {
return parseTime;
/** Total time spent fetching remote outputs. */
public Duration fetchTime() {
return fetchTime;
/** Time spent in previous failed attempts. Does not include queue time. */
public Duration retryTime() {
return retryTime.values().stream().reduce(Duration.ZERO, Duration::plus);
/** Time spent in previous failed attempts, keyed by error code. Does not include queue time. */
public Map<Integer, Duration> retryTimeByError() {
return retryTime;
/** Time spend by the execution framework on processing outputs. */
public Duration processOutputsTime() {
return processOutputsTime;
/** Any time that is not measured by a more specific component, out of {@code totalTime()}. */
public Duration otherTime() {
return totalTime
/** Total size in bytes of inputs or 0 if unavailable. */
public long inputBytes() {
return inputBytes;
/** Total number of input files or 0 if unavailable. */
public long inputFiles() {
return inputFiles;
/** Estimated memory usage or 0 if unavailable. */
public long memoryEstimate() {
return memoryEstimateBytes;
/** Limit of total size in bytes of inputs or 0 if unavailable. */
public long inputBytesLimit() {
return inputBytesLimit;
/** Limit of total number of input files or 0 if unavailable. */
public long inputFilesLimit() {
return inputFilesLimit;
/** Limit of total size in bytes of outputs or 0 if unavailable. */
public long outputBytesLimit() {
return outputBytesLimit;
/** Limit of total number of output files or 0 if unavailable. */
public long outputFilesLimit() {
return outputFilesLimit;
/** Memory limit or 0 if unavailable. */
public long memoryLimit() {
return memoryBytesLimit;
/** Time limit or 0 if unavailable. */
public Duration timeLimit() {
return timeLimit;
* Generates a String representation of the stats.
* @param total total time used to compute the percentages
* @param summary whether to exclude input file count and sizes, and memory estimates
public String toString(Duration total, boolean summary) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(prettyPercentage(totalTime, total));
sb.append(" of the time): [");
List<String> stats = new ArrayList<>(8);
addStatToString(stats, "parse", !summary, parseTime, total);
addStatToString(stats, "queue", true, queueTime, total);
addStatToString(stats, "network", !summary, networkTime, total);
addStatToString(stats, "upload", !summary, uploadTime, total);
addStatToString(stats, "setup", true, setupTime, total);
addStatToString(stats, "process", true, executionWallTime, total);
addStatToString(stats, "fetch", !summary, fetchTime, total);
addStatToString(stats, "retry", !summary, retryTime(), total);
addStatToString(stats, "processOutputs", !summary, processOutputsTime, total);
addStatToString(stats, "other", !summary, otherTime(), total);
if (!summary) {
stats.add("input files: " + inputFiles);
stats.add("input bytes: " + inputBytes);
stats.add("memory bytes: " + memoryEstimateBytes);
stats.add("input files limit: " + inputFilesLimit);
stats.add("input bytes limit: " + inputBytesLimit);
stats.add("output files limit: " + outputFilesLimit);
stats.add("output bytes limit: " + outputBytesLimit);
stats.add("memory limit: " + memoryBytesLimit);
stats.add("time limit: " + timeLimit.getSeconds() + " seconds");
Joiner.on(", ").appendTo(sb, stats);
return sb.toString();
* Add to {@code strings} the string representation of {@code name} component. If {@code
* forceShow} is set to false it will only show if it is above certain threshold.
private static void addStatToString(
List<String> strings, String name, boolean forceShow, Duration time, Duration totalTime) {
if (forceShow || isAboveThreshold(time, totalTime)) {
strings.add(name + ": " + prettyPercentage(time, totalTime));
private static boolean isAboveThreshold(Duration time, Duration totalTime) {
return totalTime.toMillis() > 0
&& (((float) time.toMillis() / totalTime.toMillis()) >= STATS_SHOW_THRESHOLD);
* Converts relative duration to the percentage string.
* @return formatted percentage string or "N/A" if result is undefined
private static String prettyPercentage(Duration duration, Duration total) {
// Duration.toMillis() != 0 does not imply !Duration.isZero() (due to truncation).
if (total.toMillis() == 0) {
// Return "not available" string if total is 0 and result is undefined.
return "N/A";
return String.format(Locale.US, "%.2f%%", duration.toMillis() * 100.0 / total.toMillis());
/** Builder class for SpawnMetrics. */
public static class Builder {
private ExecKind execKind = null;
private Duration totalTime = Duration.ZERO;
private Duration parseTime = Duration.ZERO;
private Duration networkTime = Duration.ZERO;
private Duration fetchTime = Duration.ZERO;
private Duration queueTime = Duration.ZERO;
private Duration setupTime = Duration.ZERO;
private Duration uploadTime = Duration.ZERO;
private Duration executionWallTime = Duration.ZERO;
private Duration processOutputsTime = Duration.ZERO;
private Map<Integer, Duration> retryTime = new HashMap<>();
private long inputBytes = 0;
private long inputFiles = 0;
private long memoryEstimateBytes = 0;
private long inputBytesLimit = 0;
private long inputFilesLimit = 0;
private long outputBytesLimit = 0;
private long outputFilesLimit = 0;
private long memoryBytesLimit = 0;
private Duration timeLimit = Duration.ZERO;
public static Builder forLocalExec() {
return forExec(ExecKind.LOCAL);
public static Builder forRemoteExec() {
return forExec(ExecKind.REMOTE);
public static Builder forWorkerExec() {
return forExec(ExecKind.WORKER);
public static Builder forOtherExec() {
return forExec(ExecKind.OTHER);
public static Builder forExec(ExecKind kind) {
return new Builder().setExecKind(kind);
// Make the constructor private to force users to set the ExecKind by using one of the factory
// methods.
private Builder() {}
public SpawnMetrics build() {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(execKind, "ExecKind must be explicitly set using `setExecKind`");
// TODO(ulfjack): Add consistency checks here?
return new SpawnMetrics(this);
public Builder setExecKind(ExecKind execKind) {
this.execKind = execKind;
return this;
public Builder setTotalTime(Duration totalTime) {
this.totalTime = totalTime;
return this;
public Builder setParseTime(Duration parseTime) {
this.parseTime = parseTime;
return this;
public Builder setNetworkTime(Duration networkTime) {
this.networkTime = networkTime;
return this;
public Builder setFetchTime(Duration fetchTime) {
this.fetchTime = fetchTime;
return this;
public Builder setQueueTime(Duration queueTime) {
this.queueTime = queueTime;
return this;
public Builder setSetupTime(Duration setupTime) {
this.setupTime = setupTime;
return this;
public Builder addSetupTime(Duration setupTime) {
this.setupTime =;
return this;
public Builder setUploadTime(Duration uploadTime) {
this.uploadTime = uploadTime;
return this;
public Builder setExecutionWallTime(Duration executionWallTime) {
this.executionWallTime = executionWallTime;
return this;
public Builder addRetryTime(int errorCode, Duration retryTime) {
Duration d = this.retryTime.getOrDefault(errorCode, Duration.ZERO);
return this;
public Builder setRetryTime(Map<Integer, Duration> retryTime) {
this.retryTime = new HashMap<>(retryTime);
return this;
public Builder setProcessOutputsTime(Duration processOutputsTime) {
this.processOutputsTime = processOutputsTime;
return this;
public Builder setInputBytes(long inputBytes) {
this.inputBytes = inputBytes;
return this;
public Builder setInputFiles(long inputFiles) {
this.inputFiles = inputFiles;
return this;
public Builder setMemoryEstimateBytes(long memoryEstimateBytes) {
this.memoryEstimateBytes = memoryEstimateBytes;
return this;
public Builder setInputBytesLimit(long inputBytesLimit) {
this.inputBytesLimit = inputBytesLimit;
return this;
public Builder setInputFilesLimit(long inputFilesLimit) {
this.inputFilesLimit = inputFilesLimit;
return this;
public Builder setOutputBytesLimit(long outputBytesLimit) {
this.outputBytesLimit = outputBytesLimit;
return this;
public Builder setOutputFilesLimit(long outputFilesLimit) {
this.outputFilesLimit = outputFilesLimit;
return this;
public Builder setMemoryBytesLimit(long memoryBytesLimit) {
this.memoryBytesLimit = memoryBytesLimit;
return this;
public Builder setTimeLimit(Duration timeLimit) {
this.timeLimit = timeLimit;
return this;
public Builder addDurations(SpawnMetrics metric) {
totalTime =;
parseTime =;
networkTime =;
fetchTime =;
queueTime =;
uploadTime =;
setupTime =;
executionWallTime =;
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Duration> entry : metric.retryTime.entrySet()) {
addRetryTime(entry.getKey().intValue(), entry.getValue());
processOutputsTime =;
return this;
public Builder addNonDurations(SpawnMetrics metric) {
inputFiles += metric.inputFiles();
inputBytes += metric.inputBytes();
memoryEstimateBytes += metric.memoryEstimate();
inputFilesLimit += metric.inputFilesLimit();
inputBytesLimit += metric.inputBytesLimit();
outputFilesLimit += metric.outputFilesLimit();
outputBytesLimit += metric.outputBytesLimit();
memoryBytesLimit += metric.memoryLimit();
timeLimit =;
return this;
public Builder maxNonDurations(SpawnMetrics metric) {
inputFiles = Long.max(inputFiles, metric.inputFiles());
inputBytes = Long.max(inputBytes, metric.inputBytes());
memoryEstimateBytes = Long.max(memoryEstimateBytes, metric.memoryEstimate());
inputFilesLimit = Long.max(inputFilesLimit, metric.inputFilesLimit());
inputBytesLimit = Long.max(inputBytesLimit, metric.inputBytesLimit());
outputFilesLimit = Long.max(outputFilesLimit, metric.outputFilesLimit());
outputBytesLimit = Long.max(outputBytesLimit, metric.outputBytesLimit());
memoryBytesLimit = Long.max(memoryBytesLimit, metric.memoryLimit());
timeLimit =
Duration.ofSeconds(Long.max(timeLimit.getSeconds(), metric.timeLimit().getSeconds()));
return this;