blob: cf54a4123705745376f6593ded7d93a2d3906cee [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
/** Utilites related to C++ support. */
name = "cc_common",
doc = "Utilities for C++ compilation, linking, and command line generation.")
public interface BazelCcModuleApi<
StarlarkActionFactoryT extends StarlarkActionFactoryApi,
FileT extends FileApi,
FdoContextT extends FdoContextApi<?>,
ConstraintValueT extends ConstraintValueInfoApi,
StarlarkRuleContextT extends StarlarkRuleContextApi<ConstraintValueT>,
CcToolchainProviderT extends CcToolchainProviderApi<FeatureConfigurationT, ?, FdoContextT>,
FeatureConfigurationT extends FeatureConfigurationApi,
CompilationContextT extends CcCompilationContextApi<FileT>,
CompilationOutputsT extends CcCompilationOutputsApi<FileT>,
LinkingOutputsT extends CcLinkingOutputsApi<FileT, LtoBackendArtifactsT>,
LtoBackendArtifactsT extends LtoBackendArtifactsApi<FileT>,
LinkerInputT extends LinkerInputApi<LibraryToLinkT, LtoBackendArtifactsT, FileT>,
LibraryToLinkT extends LibraryToLinkApi<FileT, LtoBackendArtifactsT>,
LinkingContextT extends CcLinkingContextApi<FileT>,
CcToolchainVariablesT extends CcToolchainVariablesApi,
CcToolchainConfigInfoT extends CcToolchainConfigInfoApi,
DebugContextT extends CcDebugInfoContextApi,
CppModuleMapT extends CppModuleMapApi<FileT>>
extends CcModuleApi<
CppModuleMapT> {
name = "compile",
doc =
"Should be used for C++ compilation. Returns tuple of "
+ "(<code>CompilationContext</code>, <code>CcCompilationOutputs</code>).",
useStarlarkThread = true,
parameters = {
name = "actions",
positional = false,
named = true,
doc = "<code>actions</code> object."),
name = "feature_configuration",
doc = "<code>feature_configuration</code> to be queried.",
positional = false,
named = true),
name = "cc_toolchain",
doc = "<code>CcToolchainInfo</code> provider to be used.",
positional = false,
named = true),
name = "srcs",
doc = "The list of source files to be compiled.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "public_hdrs",
doc =
"List of headers needed for compilation of srcs and may be included by dependent "
+ "rules transitively.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "private_hdrs",
doc =
"List of headers needed for compilation of srcs and NOT to be included by"
+ " dependent rules.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "textual_hdrs",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = FileApi.class),
@ParamType(type = Depset.class)
documented = false,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "additional_exported_hdrs",
positional = false,
named = true,
documented = false,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = String.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "includes",
doc =
"Search paths for header files referenced both by angle bracket and quotes. "
+ "Usually passed with -I. Propagated to dependents transitively.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "loose_includes",
documented = false,
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "unbound",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)}),
name = "quote_includes",
doc =
"Search paths for header files referenced by quotes, "
+ "e.g. #include \"foo/bar/header.h\". They can be either relative to the exec "
+ "root or absolute. Usually passed with -iquote. Propagated to dependents "
+ "transitively.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "system_includes",
doc =
"Search paths for header files referenced by angle brackets, e.g. #include"
+ " &lt;foo/bar/header.h&gt;. They can be either relative to the exec root or"
+ " absolute. Usually passed with -isystem. Propagated to dependents "
+ "transitively.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "framework_includes",
doc =
"Search paths for header files from Apple frameworks. They can be either relative "
+ "to the exec root or absolute. Usually passed with -F. Propagated to "
+ "dependents transitively.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "defines",
doc =
"Set of defines needed to compile this target. Each define is a string. Propagated"
+ " to dependents transitively.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "local_defines",
doc =
"Set of defines needed to compile this target. Each define is a string. Not"
+ " propagated to dependents transitively.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "include_prefix",
doc =
"The prefix to add to the paths of the headers of this rule. When set, the "
+ "headers in the hdrs attribute of this rule are accessible at is the "
+ "value of this attribute prepended to their repository-relative path. "
+ "The prefix in the strip_include_prefix attribute is removed before this "
+ "prefix is added.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "''"),
name = "strip_include_prefix",
doc =
"The prefix to strip from the paths of the headers of this rule. When set, the"
+ " headers in the hdrs attribute of this rule are accessible at their path"
+ " with this prefix cut off. If it's a relative path, it's taken as a"
+ " package-relative one. If it's an absolute one, it's understood as a"
+ " repository-relative path. The prefix in the include_prefix attribute is"
+ " added after this prefix is stripped.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "''"),
name = "user_compile_flags",
doc = "Additional list of compilation options.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "compilation_contexts",
doc = "Headers from dependencies used for compilation.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "implementation_compilation_contexts",
documented = false,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "unbound",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = CcCompilationContextApi.class),
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class)
named = true),
name = "name",
doc =
"This is used for naming the output artifacts of actions created by this "
+ "method. See also the `main_output` arg.",
positional = false,
named = true),
name = "disallow_pic_outputs",
doc = "Whether PIC outputs should be created.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "False"),
name = "disallow_nopic_outputs",
doc = "Whether NOPIC outputs should be created.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "False"),
name = "additional_inputs",
doc = "List of additional files needed for compilation of srcs",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "module_map",
positional = false,
documented = false,
defaultValue = "unbound",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = CppModuleMapApi.class),
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class)
named = true),
name = "additional_module_maps",
positional = false,
documented = false,
defaultValue = "unbound",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = CppModuleMapApi.class)},
named = true),
name = "propagate_module_map_to_compile_action",
positional = false,
named = true,
documented = false,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Boolean.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "do_not_generate_module_map",
positional = false,
named = true,
documented = false,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Boolean.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "code_coverage_enabled",
positional = false,
named = true,
documented = false,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Boolean.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "hdrs_checking_mode",
positional = false,
named = true,
documented = false,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = String.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "variables_extension",
positional = false,
named = true,
documented = false,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Dict.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "language",
positional = false,
named = true,
documented = false,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = String.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "purpose",
documented = false,
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "grep_includes",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = FileApi.class),
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class),
name = "copts_filter",
documented = false,
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "separate_module_headers",
documented = false,
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "non_compilation_additional_inputs",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = Artifact.class)},
documented = false,
defaultValue = "unbound"),
Tuple compile(
StarlarkActionFactoryT starlarkActionFactoryApi,
FeatureConfigurationT starlarkFeatureConfiguration,
CcToolchainProviderT starlarkCcToolchainProvider,
Sequence<?> sources, // <FileT> or Tuple<FileT,Label> expected
Sequence<?> publicHeaders, // <FileT> or Tuple<FileT,Label> expected
Sequence<?> privateHeaders, // <FileT> or Tuple<FileT,Label> expected
Object textualHeaders,
Object additionalExportedHeaders,
Sequence<?> includes, // <String> expected
Object starlarkLooseIncludes,
Sequence<?> quoteIncludes, // <String> expected
Sequence<?> systemIncludes, // <String> expected
Sequence<?> frameworkIncludes, // <String> expected
Sequence<?> defines, // <String> expected
Sequence<?> localDefines, // <String> expected
String includePrefix,
String stripIncludePrefix,
Sequence<?> userCompileFlags, // <String> expected
Sequence<?> ccCompilationContexts, // <CompilationContextT> expected
Object implementationCcCompilationContexts,
String name,
boolean disallowPicOutputs,
boolean disallowNopicOutputs,
Sequence<?> additionalInputs, // <FileT> expected
Object moduleMap,
Object additionalModuleMaps,
Object propagateModuleMapToCompileAction,
Object doNotGenerateModuleMap,
Object codeCoverageEnabled,
Object hdrsCheckingMode,
Object variablesExtension,
Object language,
Object purpose,
Object grepIncludes,
Object coptsFilter,
Object separateModuleHeaders,
Object nonCompilationAdditionalInputs,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException;
name = "link",
doc = "Should be used for C++ transitive linking.",
useStarlarkThread = true,
parameters = {
name = "actions",
positional = false,
named = true,
doc = "<code>actions</code> object."),
name = "feature_configuration",
doc = "<code>feature_configuration</code> to be queried.",
positional = false,
named = true),
name = "cc_toolchain",
doc = "<code>CcToolchainInfo</code> provider to be used.",
positional = false,
named = true),
name = "compilation_outputs",
doc = "Compilation outputs containing object files to link.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = CcCompilationOutputsApi.class),
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class)
name = "user_link_flags",
doc = "Additional list of linker options.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "linking_contexts",
doc =
"Linking contexts from dependencies to be linked into the linking context "
+ "generated by this rule.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "name",
doc =
"This is used for naming the output artifacts of actions created by this "
+ "method.",
positional = false,
named = true),
name = "language",
doc = "Only C++ supported for now. Do not use this parameter.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "'c++'"),
name = "output_type",
doc = "Can be either 'executable' or 'dynamic_library'.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "'executable'"),
name = "link_deps_statically",
doc = " True to link dependencies statically, False dynamically.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "True"),
name = "stamp",
doc =
"Whether to include build information in the linked executable, if output_type is "
+ "'executable'. If 1, build information is always included. If 0 (the "
+ "default build information is always excluded. If -1, uses the default "
+ "behavior, which may be overridden by the --[no]stamp flag. This should be "
+ "unset (or set to 0) when generating the executable output for test rules.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "0"),
name = "additional_inputs",
doc = "For additional inputs to the linking action, e.g.: linking scripts.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = Sequence.class),
@ParamType(type = Depset.class),
name = "grep_includes",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = FileApi.class),
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class),
name = "link_artifact_name_suffix",
positional = false,
named = true,
documented = false,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = String.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "never_link",
positional = false,
named = true,
documented = false,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Boolean.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "always_link",
positional = false,
named = true,
documented = false,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Boolean.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "test_only_target",
positional = false,
named = true,
documented = false,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Boolean.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "variables_extension",
positional = false,
named = true,
documented = false,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Dict.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "native_deps",
positional = false,
named = true,
documented = false,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Boolean.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "whole_archive",
positional = false,
named = true,
documented = false,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Boolean.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "additional_linkstamp_defines",
positional = false,
named = true,
documented = false,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = String.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "only_for_dynamic_libs",
positional = false,
named = true,
documented = false,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Boolean.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "main_output",
doc =
"Name of the main output artifact that will be produced by the linker. "
+ "Only set this if the default name generation does not match you needs "
+ "For output_type=executable, this is the final executable filename. "
+ "For output_type=dynamic_library, this is the shared library filename. "
+ "If not specified, then one will be computed based on `name` and "
+ "`output_type`",
positional = false,
named = true,
documented = false,
defaultValue = "unbound",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = FileApi.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)}),
name = "additional_outputs",
doc = "For additional outputs to the linking action, e.g.: map files.",
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "use_test_only_flags",
documented = false,
positional = false,
named = true,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Boolean.class)},
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "pdb_file",
documented = false,
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "unbound"),
name = "win_def_file",
documented = false,
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "unbound"),
LinkingOutputsT link(
StarlarkActionFactoryT starlarkActionFactoryApi,
FeatureConfigurationT starlarkFeatureConfiguration,
CcToolchainProviderT starlarkCcToolchainProvider,
Object compilationOutputs,
Sequence<?> userLinkFlags, // <String> expected
Sequence<?> linkingContexts, // <LinkingContextT> expected
String name,
String language,
String outputType,
boolean linkDepsStatically,
StarlarkInt stamp,
Object additionalInputs, // <FileT> expected
Object grepIncludes,
Object linkArtifactNameSuffix,
Object neverLink,
Object alwaysLink,
Object testOnlyTarget,
Object variablesExtension,
Object nativeDeps,
Object wholeArchive,
Object additionalLinkstampDefines,
Object onlyForDynamicLibs,
Object mainOutput,
Object linkerOutputs,
Object useTestOnlyFlags,
Object pdbFile,
Object winDefFile,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws InterruptedException, EvalException;
name = "create_compilation_outputs",
doc = "Create compilation outputs object.",
useStarlarkThread = true,
parameters = {
name = "objects",
doc = "List of object files.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = Depset.class),
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class),
name = "pic_objects",
doc = "List of pic object files.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = Depset.class),
@ParamType(type = NoneType.class),
name = "lto_compilation_context",
documented = false,
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "unbound"),
CompilationOutputsT createCompilationOutputsFromStarlark(
Object objectsObject,
Object picObjectsObject,
Object ltoCopmilationContextObject,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException;
name = "merge_compilation_outputs",
doc = "Merge compilation outputs.",
parameters = {
@Param(name = "compilation_outputs", positional = false, named = true, defaultValue = "[]"),
CompilationOutputsT mergeCcCompilationOutputsFromStarlark(
Sequence<?> compilationOutputs) // <CompilationOutputsT> expected
throws EvalException;