blob: 615feac57a776c1fd3999a2ae21444493516b43f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Runs module selection. This step of module resolution reads the output of {@link Discovery} and
* applies the Minimal Version Selection algorithm to it, removing unselected modules from the
* dependency graph and rewriting dependencies to point to the selected versions. It also returns an
* un-pruned version of the dep graph for inspection purpose.
* <p>Essentially, what needs to happen is:
* <ul>
* <li>In the most basic case, only one version of each module is selected (ie. remains in the dep
* graph). The selected version is simply the highest among all existing versions in the dep
* graph. In other words, each module name forms a "selection group". If foo@1.5 is selected,
* then any other foo@X is removed from the dep graph, and any module depending on foo@X will
* depend on foo@1.5 instead.
* <li>As an extension of the above, we also remove any module that becomes unreachable from the
* root module because of the removal of some other module.
* <li>If, however, versions of the same module but with different compatibility levels exist in
* the dep graph, then one version is selected for each compatibility level (ie. we split the
* selection groups by compatibility level). In the end, though, still only one version can
* remain in the dep graph after the removal of unselected and unreachable modules.
* <li>Things get more complicated with multiple-version overrides. If module foo has a
* multiple-version override which allows versions [1.3, 1.5, 2.0] (using the major version as
* the compatibility level), then we further split the selection groups by the target allowed
* version (keep in mind that versions are upgraded to the nearest higher-or-equal allowed
* version at the same compatibility level). If, for example, some module depends on foo@1.0,
* then it'll depend on foo@1.3 post-selection instead (and foo@1.0 will be removed). If any
* of foo@1.7, foo@2.2, or foo@3.0 exist in the dependency graph before selection, they must
* be removed before the end of selection (by becoming unreachable, for example), otherwise
* it'll be an error since they're not allowed by the override (these versions are in
* selection groups that have no valid target allowed version).
* </ul>
final class Selection {
private Selection() {}
* The result of the selection process, containing both the pruned and the un-pruned dependency
* graphs.
abstract static class SelectionResult {
/* TODO(andreisolo): Also load the modules overridden by {@code single_version_override} or
NonRegistryOverride if we need to detect changes in the dependency graph caused by them.
/** Final dep graph sorted in BFS iteration order, with unused modules removed. */
abstract ImmutableMap<ModuleKey, Module> getResolvedDepGraph();
* Un-pruned dep graph, with updated dep keys, and additionally containing the unused modules
* which were initially discovered (and their MODULE.bazel files loaded). Does not contain
* modules overridden by {@code single_version_override} or {@link NonRegistryOverride}, only by
* {@code multiple_version_override}.
abstract ImmutableMap<ModuleKey, Module> getUnprunedDepGraph();
static SelectionResult create(
ImmutableMap<ModuleKey, Module> resolvedDepGraph,
ImmutableMap<ModuleKey, Module> unprunedDepGraph) {
return new AutoValue_Selection_SelectionResult(resolvedDepGraph, unprunedDepGraph);
/** During selection, a version is selected for each distinct "selection group". */
abstract static class SelectionGroup {
static SelectionGroup create(
String moduleName, int compatibilityLevel, Version targetAllowedVersion) {
return new AutoValue_Selection_SelectionGroup(
moduleName, compatibilityLevel, targetAllowedVersion);
abstract String getModuleName();
abstract int getCompatibilityLevel();
/** This is only used for modules with multiple-version overrides. */
abstract Version getTargetAllowedVersion();
abstract static class ModuleNameAndCompatibilityLevel {
static ModuleNameAndCompatibilityLevel create(String moduleName, int compatibilityLevel) {
return new AutoValue_Selection_ModuleNameAndCompatibilityLevel(
moduleName, compatibilityLevel);
abstract String getModuleName();
abstract int getCompatibilityLevel();
* Computes a mapping from (moduleName, compatibilityLevel) to the set of allowed versions. This
* is only performed for modules with multiple-version overrides.
private static ImmutableMap<ModuleNameAndCompatibilityLevel, ImmutableSortedSet<Version>>
ImmutableMap<String, ModuleOverride> overrides, ImmutableMap<ModuleKey, Module> depGraph)
throws ExternalDepsException {
Map<ModuleNameAndCompatibilityLevel, ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<Version>> allowedVersionSets =
new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, ModuleOverride> overrideEntry : overrides.entrySet()) {
String moduleName = overrideEntry.getKey();
ModuleOverride override = overrideEntry.getValue();
if (!(override instanceof MultipleVersionOverride)) {
ImmutableList<Version> allowedVersions = ((MultipleVersionOverride) override).getVersions();
for (Version allowedVersion : allowedVersions) {
Module allowedVersionModule = depGraph.get(ModuleKey.create(moduleName, allowedVersion));
if (allowedVersionModule == null) {
throw ExternalDepsException.withMessage(
"multiple_version_override for module %s contains version %s, but it doesn't"
+ " exist in the dependency graph",
ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<Version> allowedVersionSet =
moduleName, allowedVersionModule.getCompatibilityLevel()),
// Remember that the empty version compares greater than any other version, so we
// can use it as a sentinel value.
k -> ImmutableSortedSet.<Version>naturalOrder().add(Version.EMPTY));
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(
Maps.transformValues(allowedVersionSets, ImmutableSortedSet.Builder::build));
* Computes the {@link SelectionGroup} for the given module. If the module has a multiple-version
* override (which would be reflected in the allowedVersionSets), information in there will be
* used to compute its targetAllowedVersion.
private static SelectionGroup computeSelectionGroup(
Module module,
ImmutableMap<ModuleNameAndCompatibilityLevel, ImmutableSortedSet<Version>>
allowedVersionSets) {
ImmutableSortedSet<Version> allowedVersionSet =
module.getName(), module.getCompatibilityLevel()));
if (allowedVersionSet == null) {
// This means that this module has no multiple-version override.
return SelectionGroup.create(module.getName(), module.getCompatibilityLevel(), Version.EMPTY);
return SelectionGroup.create(
// We use the `ceiling` method here to quickly locate the lowest allowed version that's
// still no lower than this module's version.
// If this module's version is higher than any allowed version (in which case EMPTY is
// returned), it should result in an error. We don't immediately throw here because it might
// still become unreferenced later.
/** Runs module selection (aka version resolution). Returns a {@link SelectionResult}. */
public static SelectionResult run(
ImmutableMap<ModuleKey, Module> depGraph, ImmutableMap<String, ModuleOverride> overrides)
throws ExternalDepsException {
// For any multiple-version overrides, build a mapping from (moduleName, compatibilityLevel) to
// the set of allowed versions.
ImmutableMap<ModuleNameAndCompatibilityLevel, ImmutableSortedSet<Version>> allowedVersionSets =
computeAllowedVersionSets(overrides, depGraph);
// For each module in the dep graph, pre-compute its selection group. For most modules this is
// simply its (moduleName, compatibilityLevel) tuple; for modules with multiple-version
// overrides, it additionally includes the targetAllowedVersion, which denotes the version to
// "snap" to during selection.
ImmutableMap<ModuleKey, SelectionGroup> selectionGroups =
depGraph, module -> computeSelectionGroup(module, allowedVersionSets)));
// Figure out the version to select for every selection group.
Map<SelectionGroup, Version> selectedVersions = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<ModuleKey, SelectionGroup> entry : selectionGroups.entrySet()) {
ModuleKey key = entry.getKey();
SelectionGroup selectionGroup = entry.getValue();
selectedVersions.merge(selectionGroup, key.getVersion(), Comparators::max);
// Build a new dep graph where deps with unselected versions are removed.
ImmutableMap.Builder<ModuleKey, Module> newDepGraphBuilder = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>();
// Also keep a version of the full dep graph with updated deps.
ImmutableMap.Builder<ModuleKey, Module> unprunedDepGraphBuilder = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>();
for (Module module : depGraph.values()) {
// Rewrite deps to point to the selected version.
ModuleKey key = module.getKey();
Module updatedModule =
depKey ->
depKey.getName(), selectedVersions.get(selectionGroups.get(depKey))));
// Add all updated modules to the un-pruned dep graph.
unprunedDepGraphBuilder.put(key, updatedModule);
// Remove any dep whose version isn't selected from the resolved graph.
Version selectedVersion = selectedVersions.get(selectionGroups.get(module.getKey()));
if (module.getKey().getVersion().equals(selectedVersion)) {
newDepGraphBuilder.put(key, updatedModule);
ImmutableMap<ModuleKey, Module> newDepGraph = newDepGraphBuilder.buildOrThrow();
ImmutableMap<ModuleKey, Module> unprunedDepGraph = unprunedDepGraphBuilder.buildOrThrow();
// Further, removes unreferenced modules from the graph. We can find out which modules are
// referenced by collecting deps transitively from the root.
// We can also take this opportunity to check that none of the remaining modules conflict with
// each other (e.g. same module name but different compatibility levels, or not satisfying
// multiple_version_override).
ImmutableMap<ModuleKey, Module> prunedDepGraph =
new DepGraphWalker(newDepGraph, overrides, selectionGroups).walk();
// Return the result containing both the pruned and un-pruned dep graphs
return SelectionResult.create(prunedDepGraph, unprunedDepGraph);
* Walks the dependency graph from the root node, collecting any reachable nodes through deps into
* a new dep graph and checking that nothing conflicts.
static class DepGraphWalker {
private static final Joiner JOINER = Joiner.on(", ");
private final ImmutableMap<ModuleKey, Module> oldDepGraph;
private final ImmutableMap<String, ModuleOverride> overrides;
private final ImmutableMap<ModuleKey, SelectionGroup> selectionGroups;
private final HashMap<String, ExistingModule> moduleByName;
ImmutableMap<ModuleKey, Module> oldDepGraph,
ImmutableMap<String, ModuleOverride> overrides,
ImmutableMap<ModuleKey, SelectionGroup> selectionGroups) {
this.oldDepGraph = oldDepGraph;
this.overrides = overrides;
this.selectionGroups = selectionGroups;
this.moduleByName = new HashMap<>();
* Walks the old dep graph and builds a new dep graph containing only deps reachable from the
* root module. The returned map has a guaranteed breadth-first iteration order.
ImmutableMap<ModuleKey, Module> walk() throws ExternalDepsException {
ImmutableMap.Builder<ModuleKey, Module> newDepGraph = ImmutableMap.builder();
Set<ModuleKey> known = new HashSet<>();
Queue<ModuleKeyAndDependent> toVisit = new ArrayDeque<>();
toVisit.add(ModuleKeyAndDependent.create(ModuleKey.ROOT, null));
while (!toVisit.isEmpty()) {
ModuleKeyAndDependent moduleKeyAndDependent = toVisit.remove();
ModuleKey key = moduleKeyAndDependent.getModuleKey();
Module module = oldDepGraph.get(key);
visit(key, module, moduleKeyAndDependent.getDependent());
for (ModuleKey depKey : module.getDeps().values()) {
if (known.add(depKey)) {
toVisit.add(ModuleKeyAndDependent.create(depKey, key));
newDepGraph.put(key, module);
return newDepGraph.buildOrThrow();
void visit(ModuleKey key, Module module, @Nullable ModuleKey from)
throws ExternalDepsException {
ModuleOverride override = overrides.get(key.getName());
if (override instanceof MultipleVersionOverride) {
if (selectionGroups.get(key).getTargetAllowedVersion().isEmpty()) {
// This module has no target allowed version, which means that there's no allowed version
// higher than its version at the same compatibility level.
from != null, "the root module cannot have a multiple version override");
throw ExternalDepsException.withMessage(
"%s depends on %s which is not allowed by the multiple_version_override on %s,"
+ " which allows only [%s]",
JOINER.join(((MultipleVersionOverride) override).getVersions()));
} else {
ExistingModule existingModuleWithSameName =
module.getName(), ExistingModule.create(key, module.getCompatibilityLevel(), from));
if (existingModuleWithSameName != null) {
// This has to mean that a module with the same name but a different compatibility level
// was also selected.
from != null && existingModuleWithSameName.getDependent() != null,
"the root module cannot possibly exist more than once in the dep graph");
throw ExternalDepsException.withMessage(
"%s depends on %s with compatibility level %d, but %s depends on %s with"
+ " compatibility level %d which is different",
// Make sure that we don't have `module` depending on the same dependency version twice.
HashMap<ModuleKey, String> depKeyToRepoName = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, ModuleKey> depEntry : module.getDeps().entrySet()) {
String repoName = depEntry.getKey();
ModuleKey depKey = depEntry.getValue();
String previousRepoName = depKeyToRepoName.put(depKey, repoName);
if (previousRepoName != null) {
throw ExternalDepsException.withMessage(
"%s depends on %s at least twice (with repo names %s and %s). Consider adding a"
+ " multiple_version_override if you want to depend on multiple versions of"
+ " %s simultaneously",
abstract static class ModuleKeyAndDependent {
abstract ModuleKey getModuleKey();
abstract ModuleKey getDependent();
static ModuleKeyAndDependent create(ModuleKey moduleKey, @Nullable ModuleKey dependent) {
return new AutoValue_Selection_DepGraphWalker_ModuleKeyAndDependent(moduleKey, dependent);
abstract static class ExistingModule {
abstract ModuleKey getModuleKey();
abstract int getCompatibilityLevel();
abstract ModuleKey getDependent();
static ExistingModule create(
ModuleKey moduleKey, int compatibilityLevel, ModuleKey dependent) {
return new AutoValue_Selection_DepGraphWalker_ExistingModule(
moduleKey, compatibilityLevel, dependent);