blob: 12beed03f0a2dc44a8925ecea7e7fd5a4b39ace2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
/** An interface for visiting android data for writing. */
public interface AndroidDataWritingVisitor extends Flushable {
/** Copies the AndroidManifest to the destination directory. */
Path copyManifest(Path sourceManifest) throws IOException;
* Copies the source asset to the relative destination path.
* @param source The source file to copy.
* @param relativeDestinationPath The relative destination path to write the asset to.
* @throws IOException if there are errors during copying.
void copyAsset(Path source, String relativeDestinationPath) throws IOException;
* Copies the source resource to the relative destination path.
* @param source The source file to copy.
* @param relativeDestinationPath The relative destination path to write the resource to.
* @throws MergingException for errors during copying.
void copyResource(Path source, String relativeDestinationPath) throws MergingException;
* Adds the provided attribute to the root <resources> tag.
* @param fqn The fully qualified name of the attribute indicating both the name of the attribute
* and which qualified values.xml file to be associated with.
* @param name The simple name of the attribute given as {@code [prefix:]name}.
* @param value The value of the attribute.
void defineAttribute(FullyQualifiedName fqn, String name, String value);
* Adds the namespaces associated with a {@link FullyQualifiedName}.
* <p>An xml namespace consists of a prefix and a uri. They are common declared on the root
* &lt;resources&gt; tag of each resource. The namespaces collected here will be merged together,
* with the last uri added taking precedence over the prefix key.
void defineNamespacesFor(FullyQualifiedName fqn, Namespaces namespaces);
* Provides a fluent interface to generate an xml resource for the values directory.
* <p>Example usage: <code>
* writer.define(key)
* .derivedFrom(source)
* .startTag(tagName)
* .named(key)
* .closeTag()
* .write(stringValue)
* .endTag()
* .save();
* </code>
// Check return value will ensure that the value is finished being written.
ValueResourceDefinitionMetadata define(FullyQualifiedName fqn);
/** Represents the xml values resource meta data. */
interface ValueResourceDefinitionMetadata {
ValuesResourceDefinition derivedFrom(DataSource source);
/** Fluent interface to define the xml value for a {@link FullyQualifiedName}. */
interface ValuesResourceDefinition {
/** Starts an xml tag with a prefix and localName. */
StartTag startTag(String prefix, String localName);
/** Starts an xml tag with a localName. */
StartTag startTag(String localName);
/** Starts an xml tag with a QName. */
StartTag startTag(QName name);
/** Starts an xml tag with the name "item" */
StartTag startItemTag();
* Takes another values xml resource and writes it as a child tag here.
* <p>This allows xml elements from other {@link XmlResourceValue} to be moved in the stream.
* Currently, this is only necessary for {@link StyleableXmlResourceValue} which can have {@link
* AttrXmlResourceValue} defined as child elements (yet, they are merged and treated as
* independent resources.)
* @param fqn The {@link FullyQualifiedName} of the {@link XmlResourceValue} to be adopted. This
* resource doesn't have to be defined for the adopt invocation, but it must exist when
* {@link AndroidDataWritingVisitor#flush()} is called.
* @return The current definition.
ValuesResourceDefinition adopt(FullyQualifiedName fqn);
/** Adds a string as xml characters to the definition. */
ValuesResourceDefinition addCharactersOf(String characters);
/** Ends the last {@link StartTag}. */
ValuesResourceDefinition endTag();
/** Saves and validates the xml resource definition. */
void save();
/** Represents the start of opening tag of a resource xml. */
interface StartTag {
/** Adds name="{@link FullyQualifiedName}#name()" attribute. */
StartTag named(FullyQualifiedName key);
/** Adds "name" attribute to the {@link StartTag}. */
StartTag named(String key);
/** Adds all the {@link Entry} as key="value" to the {@link StartTag}. */
StartTag addAttributesFrom(Iterable<Map.Entry<String, String>> entries);
/** Starts an attribute of prefix:name. */
Attribute attribute(String prefix, String name);
/** Starts an attribute of name. */
Attribute attribute(String string);
/** Indicates the next attribute will only be written if the value is not null. */
Optional optional();
/** Closes the {@link StartTag} as ">" */
ValuesResourceDefinition closeTag();
/** Closes the {@link StartTag} as "/>", indicating it is a unary xml element. */
ValuesResourceDefinition closeUnaryTag();
/** Adjective for an optional attribute. */
interface Optional {
/** Starts an attribute of prefix:name. */
Attribute attribute(String prefix, String name);
/** Starts an attribute of name. */
Attribute attribute(String string);
/** Represents an xml attribute of a start tag. */
interface Attribute {
/** Sets the attribute value. */
StartTag setTo(String value);
/** Sets the attribute value to {@linkplain FullyQualifiedName#name()}. */
StartTag setTo(FullyQualifiedName fqn);
/** Start the process of setting an attribute value from an iterable of strings. * */
ValueJoiner setFrom(Iterable<String> values);
/** Represents the concatenation step of turning an {@link Iterable} into a string. */
interface ValueJoiner {
StartTag joinedBy(String separator);