blob: a32b9efc7e59d894dc275ace1e6eecae64333be8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Options affecting the execution phase of a build.
* These options are interpreted by the BuildTool to choose an Executor to
* be used for the build.
* Note: from the user's point of view, the characteristic function of this
* set of options is indistinguishable from that of the BuildRequestOptions:
* they are all per-request. The difference is only apparent in the
* implementation: these options are used only by the lib.exec machinery, which
* affects how C++ and Java compilation occur. (The BuildRequestOptions
* contain a mixture of "semantic" options affecting the choice of targets to
* build, and "non-semantic" options affecting the lib.actions machinery.)
* Ideally, the user would be unaware of the difference. For now, the usage
* strings are identical modulo "part 1", "part 2".
public class ExecutionOptions extends OptionsBase {
public static final ExecutionOptions DEFAULTS = Options.getDefaults(ExecutionOptions.class);
name = "spawn_strategy",
defaultValue = "",
converter = CommaSeparatedNonEmptyOptionListConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.EXECUTION_STRATEGY,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.EXECUTION},
help =
"Specify how spawn actions are executed by default. Accepts a comma-separated list of"
+ " strategies from highest to lowest priority. For each action Bazel picks the"
+ " strategy with the highest priority that can execute the action. The default"
+ " value is \"remote,worker,sandboxed,local\". See"
+ " for details.")
public List<String> spawnStrategy;
name = "genrule_strategy",
defaultValue = "",
converter = CommaSeparatedNonEmptyOptionListConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.EXECUTION_STRATEGY,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.EXECUTION},
help =
"Specify how to execute genrules. This flag will be phased out. Instead, use "
+ "--spawn_strategy=<value> to control all actions or --strategy=Genrule=<value> "
+ "to control genrules only.")
public List<String> genruleStrategy;
name = "strategy",
allowMultiple = true,
converter = Converters.StringToStringListConverter.class,
defaultValue = "null",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.EXECUTION_STRATEGY,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.EXECUTION},
help =
"Specify how to distribute compilation of other spawn actions. Accepts a comma-separated"
+ " list of strategies from highest to lowest priority. For each action Bazel picks"
+ " the strategy with the highest priority that can execute the action. The default"
+ " value is \"remote,worker,sandboxed,local\". This flag overrides the values set"
+ " by --spawn_strategy (and --genrule_strategy if used with mnemonic Genrule). See"
+ " for details.")
public List<Map.Entry<String, List<String>>> strategy;
name = "strategy_regexp",
allowMultiple = true,
converter = RegexFilterAssignmentConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.EXECUTION_STRATEGY,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.EXECUTION},
defaultValue = "null",
help =
"Override which spawn strategy should be used to execute spawn actions that have "
+ "descriptions matching a certain regex_filter. See --per_file_copt for details on"
+ "regex_filter matching. "
+ "The first regex_filter that matches the description is used. "
+ "This option overrides other flags for specifying strategy. "
+ "Example: --strategy_regexp=//foo.*\\.cc,-//foo/bar=local means to run actions "
+ "using local strategy if their descriptions match //foo.*.cc but not //foo/bar. "
+ "Example: --strategy_regexp='Compiling.*/bar=local "
+ " --strategy_regexp=Compiling=sandboxed will run 'Compiling //foo/bar/baz' with "
+ "the 'local' strategy, but reversing the order would run it with 'sandboxed'. ")
public List<Map.Entry<RegexFilter, List<String>>> strategyByRegexp;
name = "materialize_param_files",
defaultValue = "false",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.LOGGING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.EXECUTION},
help =
"Writes intermediate parameter files to output tree even when using "
+ "remote action execution. Useful when debugging actions. "
+ "This is implied by --subcommands and --verbose_failures.")
public boolean materializeParamFiles;
name = "experimental_materialize_param_files_directly",
defaultValue = "false",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.LOGGING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.EXECUTION},
help = "If materializing param files, do so with direct writes to disk.")
public boolean materializeParamFilesDirectly;
public boolean shouldMaterializeParamFiles() {
// Implied by --subcommands and --verbose_failures
return materializeParamFiles
|| showSubcommands != ActionExecutionContext.ShowSubcommands.FALSE
|| verboseFailures;
name = "verbose_failures",
defaultValue = "false",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.LOGGING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.TERMINAL_OUTPUT},
help = "If a command fails, print out the full command line.")
public boolean verboseFailures;
name = "subcommands",
abbrev = 's',
defaultValue = "false",
converter = ShowSubcommandsConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.LOGGING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.TERMINAL_OUTPUT},
help =
"Display the subcommands executed during a build. Related flags:"
+ " --execution_log_json_file, --execution_log_binary_file (for logging subcommands"
+ " to a file in a tool-friendly format).")
public ShowSubcommands showSubcommands;
name = "check_up_to_date",
defaultValue = "false",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.EXECUTION_STRATEGY,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.EXECUTION},
help =
"Don't perform the build, just check if it is up-to-date. If all targets are "
+ "up-to-date, the build completes successfully. If any step needs to be executed "
+ "an error is reported and the build fails.")
public boolean checkUpToDate;
name = "check_tests_up_to_date",
defaultValue = "false",
implicitRequirements = {"--check_up_to_date"},
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.TESTING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.EXECUTION},
help =
"Don't run tests, just check if they are up-to-date. If all tests results are "
+ "up-to-date, the testing completes successfully. If any test needs to be built or "
+ "executed, an error is reported and the testing fails. This option implies "
+ "--check_up_to_date behavior.")
public boolean testCheckUpToDate;
name = "test_strategy",
defaultValue = "",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.TESTING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.EXECUTION},
help = "Specifies which strategy to use when running tests.")
public String testStrategy;
name = "test_keep_going",
defaultValue = "true",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.TESTING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.EXECUTION},
help =
"When disabled, any non-passing test will cause the entire build to stop. By default "
+ "all tests are run, even if some do not pass.")
public boolean testKeepGoing;
name = "flaky_test_attempts",
allowMultiple = true,
defaultValue = "default",
converter = TestAttemptsConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.TESTING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.EXECUTION},
help =
"Each test will be retried up to the specified number of times in case of any test"
+ " failure. Tests that required more than one attempt to pass are marked as 'FLAKY'"
+ " in the test summary. Normally the value specified is just an integer or the"
+ " string 'default'. If an integer, then all tests will be run up to N times. If"
+ " 'default', then only a single test attempt will be made for regular tests and"
+ " three for tests marked explicitly as flaky by their rule (flaky=1 attribute)."
+ " Alternate syntax: regex_filter@flaky_test_attempts. Where flaky_test_attempts is"
+ " as above and regex_filter stands for a list of include and exclude regular"
+ " expression patterns (Also see --runs_per_test). Example:"
+ " --flaky_test_attempts=//foo/.*,-//foo/bar/.*@3 deflakes all tests in //foo/"
+ " except those under foo/bar three times. This option can be passed multiple"
+ " times. The most recently passed argument that matches takes precedence. If"
+ " nothing matches, behavior is as if 'default' above.")
public List<PerLabelOptions> testAttempts;
name = "test_tmpdir",
defaultValue = "null",
converter = OptionsUtils.PathFragmentConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.TESTING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help = "Specifies the base temporary directory for 'bazel test' to use.")
public PathFragment testTmpDir;
name = "test_output",
defaultValue = "summary",
converter = TestOutputFormat.Converter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.LOGGING,
effectTags = {
help =
"Specifies desired output mode. Valid values are 'summary' to output only test status "
+ "summary, 'errors' to also print test logs for failed tests, 'all' to print logs "
+ "for all tests and 'streamed' to output logs for all tests in real time "
+ "(this will force tests to be executed locally one at a time regardless of "
+ "--test_strategy value).")
public TestOutputFormat testOutput;
name = "max_test_output_bytes",
defaultValue = "-1",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.LOGGING,
effectTags = {
help =
"Specifies maximum per-test-log size that can be emitted when --test_output is 'errors' "
+ "or 'all'. Useful for avoiding overwhelming the output with excessively noisy test "
+ "output. The test header is included in the log size. Negative values imply no "
+ "limit. Output is all or nothing.")
public int maxTestOutputBytes;
name = "test_summary",
defaultValue = "short",
converter = TestSummaryFormat.Converter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.LOGGING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.TERMINAL_OUTPUT},
help =
"Specifies the desired format of the test summary. Valid values are 'short' to print"
+ " information only about tests executed, 'terse', to print information only about"
+ " unsuccessful tests that were run, 'detailed' to print detailed information about"
+ " failed test cases, 'testcase' to print summary in test case resolution, do not"
+ " print detailed information about failed test cases and 'none' to omit the"
+ " summary.")
public TestSummaryFormat testSummary;
name = "resource_autosense",
defaultValue = "false",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNDOCUMENTED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help = "This flag has no effect, and is deprecated")
public boolean useResourceAutoSense;
name = "local_cpu_resources",
defaultValue = "HOST_CPUS",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help =
"Explicitly set the total number of local CPU cores available to Bazel to spend on build"
+ " actions executed locally. Takes an integer, or \"HOST_CPUS\", optionally followed"
+ " by [-|*]<float> (eg. HOST_CPUS*.5 to use half the available CPU cores).By"
+ " default, (\"HOST_CPUS\"), Bazel will query system configuration to estimate"
+ " the number of CPU cores available.",
converter = CpuResourceConverter.class)
public float localCpuResources;
name = "local_ram_resources",
defaultValue = "HOST_RAM*.67",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help =
"Explicitly set the total amount of local host RAM (in MB) available to Bazel to spend on"
+ " build actions executed locally. Takes an integer, or \"HOST_RAM\", optionally"
+ " followed by [-|*]<float> (eg. HOST_RAM*.5 to use half the available RAM). By"
+ " default, (\"HOST_RAM*.67\"), Bazel will query system configuration to estimate"
+ " the amount of RAM available and will use 67% of it.",
converter = RamResourceConverter.class)
public float localRamResources;
name = "local_extra_resources",
defaultValue = "null",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
allowMultiple = true,
help =
"Set the number of extra resources available to Bazel. "
+ "Takes in a string-float pair. Can be used multiple times to specify multiple "
+ "types of extra resources. Bazel will limit concurrently running actions "
+ "based on the available extra resources and the extra resources required. "
+ "Tests can declare the amount of extra resources they need "
+ "by using a tag of the \"resources:<resoucename>:<amount>\" format. "
+ "Available CPU, RAM and resources cannot be set with this flag.",
converter = Converters.StringToFloatAssignmentConverter.class)
public List<Map.Entry<String, Float>> localExtraResources;
name = "local_test_jobs",
defaultValue = "auto",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.TESTING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.EXECUTION},
help =
"The max number of local test jobs to run concurrently. "
+ "Takes "
+ ResourceConverter.FLAG_SYNTAX
+ ". 0 means local resources will limit the number of local test jobs to run "
+ "concurrently instead. Setting this greater than the value for --jobs "
+ "is ineffectual.",
converter = LocalTestJobsConverter.class)
public int localTestJobs;
public boolean usingLocalTestJobs() {
return localTestJobs != 0;
name = "experimental_prioritize_local_actions",
defaultValue = "true",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.EXECUTION},
help =
"If set, actions that can only run locally are given first chance at acquiring resources,"
+ " dynamically run workers get second chance, and dynamically-run standalone actions"
+ " come last.")
public boolean prioritizeLocalActions;
name = "debug_print_action_contexts",
defaultValue = "false",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNDOCUMENTED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help = "Print the contents of the SpawnActionContext and ContextProviders maps.")
public boolean debugPrintActionContexts;
name = "cache_computed_file_digests",
defaultValue = "50000",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNDOCUMENTED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help =
"If greater than 0, configures Bazel to cache file digests in memory based on their "
+ "metadata instead of recomputing the digests from disk every time they are needed. "
+ "Setting this to 0 ensures correctness because not all file changes can be noted "
+ "from file metadata. When not 0, the number indicates the size of the cache as the "
+ "number of file digests to be cached.")
public long cacheSizeForComputedFileDigests;
name = "experimental_enable_critical_path_profiling",
defaultValue = "true",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNDOCUMENTED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help =
"If set (the default), critical path profiling is enabled for the execution phase. "
+ "This has a slight overhead in RAM and CPU, and may prevent Bazel from making certain"
+ " aggressive RAM optimizations in some cases."
public boolean enableCriticalPathProfiling;
name = "experimental_stats_summary",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNDOCUMENTED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.TERMINAL_OUTPUT},
defaultValue = "false",
help = "Enable a modernized summary of the build stats."
public boolean statsSummary;
name = "experimental_execution_log_file",
defaultValue = "null",
category = "verbosity",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
converter = OptionsUtils.PathFragmentConverter.class,
help =
"Log the executed spawns into this file as delimited Spawn protos, according to "
+ "src/main/protobuf/spawn.proto. This file is written in order of the execution "
+ "of the Spawns. Related flags:"
+ " --execution_log_binary_file (ordered binary protobuf format),"
+ " --execution_log_json_file (ordered text json format),"
+ " --subcommands (for displaying subcommands in terminal output).")
public PathFragment executionLogFile;
name = "execution_log_binary_file",
defaultValue = "null",
category = "verbosity",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
converter = OptionsUtils.PathFragmentConverter.class,
help =
"Log the executed spawns into this file as delimited Spawn protos, according to"
+ " src/main/protobuf/spawn.proto. The log is first written unordered and is then,"
+ " at the end of the invocation, sorted in a stable order (can be CPU and memory"
+ " intensive). Related flags:"
+ " --execution_log_json_file (ordered text json format),"
+ " --experimental_execution_log_file (unordered binary protobuf format),"
+ " --subcommands (for displaying subcommands in terminal output).")
public PathFragment executionLogBinaryFile;
name = "experimental_execution_log_spawn_metrics",
defaultValue = "false",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help = "Include spawn metrics in the executed spawns log.")
public boolean executionLogSpawnMetrics;
name = "execution_log_json_file",
defaultValue = "null",
category = "verbosity",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
converter = OptionsUtils.PathFragmentConverter.class,
help =
"Log the executed spawns into this file as json representation of the delimited Spawn"
+ " protos, according to src/main/protobuf/spawn.proto. The log is first written"
+ " unordered and is then, at the end of the invocation, sorted in a stable order"
+ " (can be CPU and memory intensive). Related flags:"
+ " Related flags: --execution_log_binary_file (ordered binary protobuf format),"
+ " --experimental_execution_log_file (unordered binary protobuf format),"
+ " --subcommands (for displaying subcommands in terminal output).")
public PathFragment executionLogJsonFile;
name = "execution_log_sort",
defaultValue = "true",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNCATEGORIZED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.UNKNOWN},
help =
"Whether to sort the execution log. Set to false to improve memory"
+ " performance, at the cost of producing the log in nondeterministic"
+ " order.")
public boolean executionLogSort;
name = "experimental_split_xml_generation",
defaultValue = "true",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.EXECUTION_STRATEGY,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.EXECUTION},
help =
"If this flag is set, and a test action does not generate a test.xml file, then "
+ "Bazel uses a separate action to generate a dummy test.xml file containing the "
+ "test log. Otherwise, Bazel generates a test.xml as part of the test action.")
public boolean splitXmlGeneration;
name = "experimental_remote_cache_eviction_retries",
defaultValue = "0",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.REMOTE,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.EXECUTION},
help =
"The maximum number of attempts to retry if the build encountered remote cache eviction"
+ " error. A non-zero value will implicitly set"
+ " --incompatible_remote_use_new_exit_code_for_lost_inputs to true.")
public int remoteRetryOnCacheEviction;
/** An enum for specifying different formats of test output. */
public enum TestOutputFormat {
SUMMARY, // Provide summary output only.
ERRORS, // Print output from failed tests to the stderr after the test failure.
ALL, // Print output from all tests to the stderr after the test completion.
STREAMED; // Stream output for each test.
/** Converts to {@link TestOutputFormat}. */
public static class Converter extends EnumConverter<TestOutputFormat> {
public Converter() {
super(TestOutputFormat.class, "test output");
/** An enum for specifying different formatting styles of test summaries. */
public enum TestSummaryFormat {
SHORT, // Print information only about tests.
TERSE, // Like "SHORT", but even shorter: Do not print PASSED and NO STATUS tests.
DETAILED, // Print information only about failed test cases.
NONE, // Do not print summary.
TESTCASE; // Print summary in test case resolution, do not print detailed information about
// failed test cases.
/** Converts to {@link TestSummaryFormat}. */
public static class Converter extends EnumConverter<TestSummaryFormat> {
public Converter() {
super(TestSummaryFormat.class, "test summary");
/** Converter for the --flaky_test_attempts option. */
public static class TestAttemptsConverter extends PerLabelOptions.PerLabelOptionsConverter {
private static final int MIN_VALUE = 1;
private static final int MAX_VALUE = 10;
private void validateInput(String input) throws OptionsParsingException {
if ("default".equals(input)) {
} else {
Integer value = Integer.parseInt(input);
if (value < MIN_VALUE) {
throw new OptionsParsingException("'" + input + "' should be >= " + MIN_VALUE);
} else if (value < MIN_VALUE || value > MAX_VALUE) {
throw new OptionsParsingException("'" + input + "' should be <= " + MAX_VALUE);
public PerLabelOptions convert(String input) throws OptionsParsingException {
try {
return parseAsInteger(input);
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
return parseAsRegex(input);
private PerLabelOptions parseAsInteger(String input)
throws NumberFormatException, OptionsParsingException {
RegexFilter catchAll =
new RegexFilter(Collections.singletonList(".*"), Collections.<String>emptyList());
return new PerLabelOptions(catchAll, Collections.singletonList(input));
private PerLabelOptions parseAsRegex(String input) throws OptionsParsingException {
PerLabelOptions testRegexps = super.convert(input);
if (testRegexps.getOptions().size() != 1) {
throw new OptionsParsingException("'" + input + "' has multiple runs for a single pattern");
String runsPerTest = Iterables.getOnlyElement(testRegexps.getOptions());
try {
// Run this in order to catch errors.
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new OptionsParsingException("'" + input + "' has a non-numeric value", e);
return testRegexps;
public String getTypeDescription() {
return "a positive integer, the string \"default\", or test_regex@attempts. "
+ "This flag may be passed more than once";
/** Converter for --local_test_jobs, which takes {@value FLAG_SYNTAX} */
public static class LocalTestJobsConverter extends ResourceConverter {
public LocalTestJobsConverter() throws OptionsParsingException {
super(/* autoSupplier= */ () -> 0, /* minValue= */ 0, /* maxValue= */ Integer.MAX_VALUE);
/** Converter for --subcommands */
public static class ShowSubcommandsConverter extends BoolOrEnumConverter<ShowSubcommands> {
public ShowSubcommandsConverter() {
ShowSubcommands.class, "subcommand option", ShowSubcommands.TRUE, ShowSubcommands.FALSE);