blob: 01450ddf3c381ed96f0d71f041d95737127f271e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* AttributeContainer holds all attribute values of a rule. In addition, for each one, it records
* whether it is 'explicit', that is, provided by the function call that instantiated the rule, as
* opposed to the default value, or a value computed from other attributes.
* <p>This class provides the lowest-level access to attribute information. The public interface for
* attribute access is the rule itself. For a higher level abstraction use {@link AttributeMap}
* instead.
abstract class AttributeContainer {
* Returns true iff the value of the specified attribute is explicitly set in the BUILD file. In
* addition, this method returns false if the rule has no attribute with the given index.
abstract boolean isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified(int attrIndex);
* Returns the value of the attribute with index attrIndex. Returns null if the attribute is not
* set in the container.
abstract Object getAttributeValue(int attrIndex);
* Returns attribute values as tracked by this instance. The indices of attribute values in the
* returned list are not guaranteed to be consistent with the other methods of this class. If this
* is important, which is generally the case, avoid this method.
abstract List<Object> getRawAttributeValues();
* Updates the value of the attribute.
* @param attrIndex the index of attribute whose value to update. Assumed to be valid index.
* @param value the value to set
* @param explicit was this explicitly set in the BUILD file.
abstract void setAttributeValue(int attrIndex, Object value, boolean explicit);
/** Returns a frozen AttributeContainer with the same attributes, and a compact representation. */
abstract AttributeContainer freeze();
/** Returns an AttributeContainer for holding attributes of the given rule class. */
static AttributeContainer newMutableInstance(RuleClass ruleClass) {
int attrCount = ruleClass.getAttributeCount();
Preconditions.checkArgument(attrCount < 254);
return new Mutable(attrCount);
/** An AttributeContainer to which attributes may be added. */
static final class Mutable extends AttributeContainer {
// Sparsely populated array of values, indexed by Attribute.index.
final Object[] values;
final BitSet explicitAttrs = new BitSet();
Mutable(int maxAttrCount) {
values = new Object[maxAttrCount];
public boolean isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified(int attrIndex) {
return (attrIndex >= 0) && explicitAttrs.get(attrIndex);
* Returns the value of the attribute with index attrIndex. Returns null if the attribute is not
* yet been set.
Object getAttributeValue(int attrIndex) {
return values[attrIndex];
* Updates the value of the attribute.
* @param attrIndex the index of the attribute whose value to update.
* @param value the value to set
* @param explicit was this explicitly set in the BUILD file.
void setAttributeValue(int attrIndex, Object value, boolean explicit) {
if (attrIndex < 0 || attrIndex >= values.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"attribute with index " + attrIndex + " is not valid for rule");
if (!explicit && explicitAttrs.get(attrIndex)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"attribute with index " + attrIndex + " already explicitly set");
values[attrIndex] = value;
if (explicit) {
public AttributeContainer freeze() {
if (values.length < 126) {
return new Small(values, explicitAttrs);
} else {
return new Large(values, explicitAttrs);
List<Object> getRawAttributeValues() {
// Mutable copy since ImmutableList doesn't support null.
return Lists.newArrayList(values);
/** Frozen AttributeContainer based on compact array with indirect indexing. */
private abstract static class Frozen extends AttributeContainer {
final void setAttributeValue(int attrIndex, Object value, boolean explicit) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Readonly implementations do not support setAttributeValue");
final AttributeContainer freeze() {
return this;
private static final byte[] EMPTY_STATE = {};
private static final Object[] EMPTY_VALUES = {};
/** Returns number of non-null values. */
private static int nonNullCount(Object[] attrValues) {
// Pre-allocate longer array.
int numSet = 0;
for (Object val : attrValues) {
if (val != null) {
return numSet;
/** Returns index into state array for attrIndex, or -1 if not found */
private static int getStateIndex(byte[] state, int start, int attrIndex, int mask) {
// Binary search, treating values as unsigned bytes.
int lo = start;
int hi = state.length - 1;
while (hi >= lo) {
int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
int midAttrIndex = state[mid] & mask;
if (midAttrIndex == attrIndex) {
return mid;
} else if (midAttrIndex < attrIndex) {
lo = mid + 1;
} else {
hi = mid - 1;
return -1;
* A frozen implementation of AttributeContainer which supports RuleClasses with up to 126
* attributes.
static final class Small extends Frozen {
private final int maxAttrCount;
// Conceptually an AttributeContainer is an unordered set of triples
// (attribute, value, explicit).
// - attribute is represented internally as its index attrIndex.
// cheaply convertible to name and Attribute classes via RuleClass.
// - value is an opaque object, stored in the values array
// - explicit is a boolean which tracks if the attribute was
// explicitly set in the BUILD file.
// Attribute values stored in attrIndex order.
private final Object[] values;
// The 'value' and 'explicit' components are encoded in the same byte.
// Since this class only supports ruleClass with < 126 attributes,
// state[i] encodes the the 'value' index in the 7 lower bits and 'explicit' in the top bit.
// This is the common case.
private final byte[] state;
// Useful Terminology for reading the code.
// - attrIndex: an integer associated with a legal attribute of the ruleClass.
// RuleClass owns the mapping between attribute, its name, and attributeIndex.
// - stateIndex: an index into the state[] array.
// - valueIndex: an index into the attributeValues array.
* Creates a container for a rule of the given rule class. Assumes attrIndex < 126 always.
* @param attrValues values for all attributes, null values are considered unset.
* @param explicitAttrs holds explicit bit for each attribute index
private Small(Object[] attrValues, BitSet explicitAttrs) {
maxAttrCount = attrValues.length;
int numSet = nonNullCount(attrValues);
if (numSet == 0) {
this.values = EMPTY_VALUES;
this.state = EMPTY_STATE;
values = new Object[numSet];
state = new byte[numSet];
int index = 0;
int attrIndex = -1;
for (Object attrValue : attrValues) {
if (attrValue == null) {
byte stateValue = (byte) (0x7f & attrIndex);
if (explicitAttrs.get(attrIndex)) {
stateValue = (byte) (stateValue | 0x80);
state[index] = stateValue;
values[index] = attrValue;
index += 1;
* Returns true iff the value of the specified attribute is explicitly set in the BUILD file. In
* addition, this method return false if the rule has no attribute with the given name.
boolean isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified(int attrIndex) {
if (attrIndex < 0) {
return false;
int stateIndex = getStateIndex(state, 0, attrIndex, 0x7f);
return stateIndex >= 0 && (state[stateIndex] & 0x80) != 0;
Object getAttributeValue(int attrIndex) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(attrIndex >= 0);
if (attrIndex >= maxAttrCount) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
"Maximum valid attrIndex is " + (maxAttrCount - 1) + ". Given " + attrIndex);
int stateIndex = getStateIndex(state, 0, attrIndex, 0x7f);
return stateIndex < 0 ? null : values[stateIndex];
List<Object> getRawAttributeValues() {
// Mutable copy since ImmutableList doesn't support null.
return Lists.newArrayList(values);
* A frozen implementation of AttributeContainer which supports RuleClasses with up to 254
* attributes.
static final class Large extends Frozen {
private final int maxAttrCount;
// Conceptually an AttributeContainer is an unordered set of triples
// (attribute, value, explicit).
// - attribute is represented internally as its index attrIndex.
// cheaply convertible to name and Attribute classes via RuleClass.
// - value is an opaque object, stored in the values array
// - explicit is a boolean which tracks if the attribute was
// explicitly set in the BUILD file.
// Attribute values stored in attrIndex order.
private final Object[] values;
// P = ceil(ruleClass.attributeCount()/8)
// The first P bytes store the explicit bits, while the remaining bytes store attrIndex.
// NOTE: We could potentially shave off a few bytes by using P=ceil(values.length/8)
// But
// - it leads to higher CPU cost
// - actual memory savings may not be much since memory is allocated in blocks of 8 bytes and
// the savings is at most 8 bytes.
// - this implementation is used only if ruleClass supports > 126 attributes (very rare).
private final byte[] state;
// Useful Terminology for reading the code.
// - attrIndex: an integer associated with a legal attribute of the ruleClass.
// RuleClass owns the mapping between attribute, its name, and attributeIndex.
// - stateIndex: an index into the state[] array.
// - valueIndex: an index into the attributeValues array.
private static int prefixSize(int attrCount) {
// ceil(max attributes / 8)
return (attrCount + 7) >> 3;
/** Set the specified bit in the byte array. Assumes bitIndex is a valid index. */
private static void setBit(byte[] bits, int bitIndex) {
int idx = (bitIndex + 1);
int explicitByte = bits[idx >> 3];
byte mask = (byte) (1 << (idx & 0x07));
bits[idx >> 3] = (byte) (explicitByte | mask);
/** Get the specified bit in the byte array. Assumes bitIndex is a valid index. */
private static boolean getBit(byte[] bits, int bitIndex) {
int idx = (bitIndex + 1);
int explicitByte = bits[idx >> 3];
int mask = (byte) (1 << (idx & 0x07));
return (explicitByte & mask) != 0;
* Creates a container for a rule of the given rule class. Assumes maxAttrCount < 254
* @param attrValues values for all attributes, null values are considered unset.
* @param explicitAttrs holds explicit bit for each attribute index
private Large(Object[] attrValues, BitSet explicitAttrs) {
this.maxAttrCount = attrValues.length;
int numSet = nonNullCount(attrValues);
if (numSet == 0) {
this.values = EMPTY_VALUES;
this.state = EMPTY_STATE;
int p = prefixSize(maxAttrCount);
values = new Object[numSet];
state = new byte[p + numSet];
int index = 0;
int attrIndex = -1;
for (Object attrValue : attrValues) {
if (attrValue == null) {
if (explicitAttrs.get(attrIndex)) {
setBit(state, attrIndex);
state[index + p] = (byte) attrIndex;
values[index] = attrValue;
index += 1;
* Returns true iff the value of the specified attribute is explicitly set in the BUILD file. In
* addition, this method return false if the rule has no attribute with the given name.
boolean isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified(int attrIndex) {
return (attrIndex >= 0) && getBit(state, attrIndex);
Object getAttributeValue(int attrIndex) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(attrIndex >= 0);
if (state.length == 0) {
return null;
if (attrIndex >= maxAttrCount) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
"Maximum valid attrIndex is " + (maxAttrCount - 1) + ". Given " + attrIndex);
int p = prefixSize(maxAttrCount);
int stateIndex = getStateIndex(state, p, attrIndex, 0xff);
return stateIndex < 0 ? null : values[stateIndex - p];
List<Object> getRawAttributeValues() {
// Mutable copy since ImmutableList doesn't support null.
return Lists.newArrayList(values);