blob: 3f931af585d28a0f5ceba73f8d22143e8ec59685 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.RandomAccess;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Root of Type symbol hierarchy for values in the build language.
* <p>Type symbols are primarily used for their <code>convert</code> method, which is a kind of cast
* operator enabling conversion from untyped (Object) references to values in the build language, to
* typed references.
* <p>For example, this code type-converts a value <code>x</code> returned by the evaluator, to a
* list of strings:
* <pre>
* Object x = expr.eval(env);
* List&lt;String&gt; s = Type.STRING_LIST.convert(x);
* </pre>
* <p>We frequently get requests to create a new kind of attribute type whenever a use case doesn't
* seem to fit into one of the existing types. This is almost always a bad idea. The most complex
* type we currently have is probably STRING_LIST_DICT or maybe LABEL_KEYED_STRING_DICT. But no
* matter what you support, someone will always want to add another layer of structure. It's even
* been suggested to allow JSON or arbitrary Starlark values in attributes.
* <p>Adding a new type has implications for many different systems. The whole of the loading phase
* needs to know about the type -- how to serialize it, how to format it for `bazel query`, how to
* traverse label dependencies embedded within it. Then you need to think about how to represent
* attribute values of that type in Starlark within a rule implementation function, and come up with
* a good name for that type in the Starlark `attr` module. All of the tooling for formatting,
* linting, and analyzing BUILD files may need to be updated.
* <p>It's usually possible to accomplish the end goal without making the target attribute grammar
* more expressive. If it's not, that may be a sign that attributes are not the right mechanism to
* use, and perhaps instead you should use opaque string identifiers, or labels to sub-targets with
* more structure (think toolchains, platforms, config_setting).
* <p>Any new attribute type should be general-purpose and meet a high bar of usefulness (unlikely
* since we seem to be doing fine so far without it), and not overly complicate BUILD files or rule
* implementation functions.
// TODO(adonovan): update documentation here and elsewhere to use the term
// "rule attribute values" or "valid attribute types" where appropriate,
// and not "value in the build language", which is a much broader set of
// possible Starlark values. Also link to the canonical set of valid attribute
// types, both Starlark and native.
public abstract class Type<T> {
Type() {}
* Converts a legal Starlark value x into an Java value of type T.
* <p>x must be directly convertible to this type. This therefore disqualifies "selector
* expressions" of the form "{ config1: 'value1_of_orig_type', config2: 'value2_of_orig_type; }"
* (which support configurable attributes). To handle those expressions, see {@link
* @param x The Starlark value to convert.
* @param what An object whose toString method returns a description of the purpose of x.
* Typically it is the name of a function parameter or struct field. The method is called only
* in case of error.
* @param labelConverter the converter to use to convert label literals to Label objects; must be
* non-null if parsing non-canonical label strings is required
* @throws ConversionException if there was a problem performing the type conversion
* @throws NullPointerException if x is null.
public abstract T convert(Object x, Object what, @Nullable LabelConverter labelConverter)
throws ConversionException;
// TODO(bazel-team): Check external calls (e.g. in PackageFactory), verify they always want
// this over selectableConvert.
* Equivalent to {@link #convert(Object, Object, LabelConverter)} where the label is {@code null}.
* Useful for converting values to types that do not involve the type {@code LABEL}.
public final T convert(Object x, Object what) throws ConversionException {
return convert(x, what, null);
* Like {@link #convert(Object, Object, LabelConverter)}, but converts Starlark {@code None} to
* given {@code defaultValue}.
public final T convertOptional(
Object x, String what, @Nullable LabelConverter labelConverter, T defaultValue)
throws ConversionException {
if (Starlark.isNullOrNone(x)) {
return defaultValue;
return convert(x, what, labelConverter);
* Like {@link #convert(Object, Object, LabelConverter)}, but converts Starlark {@code None} to
* java {@code null}.
public final T convertOptional(Object x, String what, @Nullable LabelConverter labelConverter)
throws ConversionException {
return convertOptional(x, what, labelConverter, null);
* Like {@link #convert(Object, Object)}, but converts Starlark {@code NONE} to java {@code null}.
public final T convertOptional(Object x, String what) throws ConversionException {
return convertOptional(x, what, null);
public abstract T cast(Object value);
public abstract String toString();
* Returns the default value for this type; may return null iff no default is defined for this
* type.
public abstract T getDefaultValue();
* Function accepting a (potentially null) {@link Label} and a (potentially null) {@link
* Attribute} provided as context. Used by {@link #visitLabels}.
public interface LabelVisitor {
void visit(@Nullable Label label, @Nullable Attribute context);
* Invokes {@code visitor.visit(label, context)} for each {@link Label} {@code label} associated
* with {@code value}, an instance of this {@link Type}.
* <p>This is used to support reliable label visitation in {@link
*}. To preserve that
* reliability, every type should faithfully define its own instance of this method. In other
* words, be careful about defining default instances in base types that get auto-inherited by
* their children. Keep all definitions as explicit as possible.
public abstract void visitLabels(LabelVisitor visitor, T value, @Nullable Attribute context);
/** Classifications of labels by their usage. */
public enum LabelClass {
/** Used for types which are not labels. */
/** Used for types which use labels to declare a dependency. */
* Used for types which use labels to reference another target but do not declare a dependency,
* in cases where doing so would cause a dependency cycle.
* Used for types which declare a dependency, but the dependency should not be configured. Used
* when the label is used only in the loading phase. e.g. genquery.scope
/** Used for types which use labels to declare an output path. */
* Used for types which contain Fileset entries, which contain labels but do not produce normal
* dependencies.
/** Returns the class of labels contained by this type, if any. */
public LabelClass getLabelClass() {
return LabelClass.NONE;
* Implementation of concatenation for this type, as if by {@code elements[0] + ... +
* elements[n-1]}) for scalars or lists, or {@code elements[0] | ... | elements[n-1]} for dicts.
* Returns null to indicate concatenation isn't supported.
* <p>This method exists to support deferred additions {@code select + T} for catenable types T
* such as string, int, list, and deferred unions {@code select | T} for map types T.
public T concat(Iterable<T> elements) {
return null;
* Converts an initialized Type object into a tag set representation. This operation is only valid
* for certain sub-Types which are guaranteed to be properly initialized.
* @param value the actual value
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the concrete type does not support tag conversion or
* if a convertible type has no initialized value.
public Set<String> toTagSet(Object value, String name) {
String msg = "Attribute " + name + " does not support tag conversion.";
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(msg);
/** The type of a Starlark integer in the signed 32-bit range. */
@SerializationConstant public static final Type<StarlarkInt> INTEGER = new IntegerType();
/** The type of a string. */
@SerializationConstant public static final Type<String> STRING = new StringType();
/** The type of a boolean. */
@SerializationConstant public static final Type<Boolean> BOOLEAN = new BooleanType();
/** The type of a list of not-yet-typed objects. */
@SerializationConstant public static final ObjectListType OBJECT_LIST = new ObjectListType();
/** The type of a list of strings. */
@SerializationConstant public static final ListType<String> STRING_LIST = ListType.create(STRING);
/** The type of a list of signed 32-bit Starlark integer values. */
public static final ListType<StarlarkInt> INTEGER_LIST = ListType.create(INTEGER);
/** The type of a dictionary of {@linkplain #STRING strings}. */
public static final DictType<String, String> STRING_DICT = DictType.create(STRING, STRING);
/** The type of a dictionary of {@linkplain #STRING_LIST label lists}. */
public static final DictType<String, List<String>> STRING_LIST_DICT =
DictType.create(STRING, STRING_LIST);
* For ListType objects, returns the type of the elements of the list; for all other types,
* returns null. (This non-obvious implementation strategy is necessitated by the wildcard capture
* rules of the Java type system, which disallow conversion from Type{List{ELEM}} to
* Type{List{?}}.)
public Type<?> getListElementType() {
return null;
* ConversionException is thrown when a type conversion fails; it contains an explanatory error
* message.
public static class ConversionException extends EvalException {
private static String message(Type<?> type, Object value, @Nullable Object what) {
Printer printer = new Printer();
printer.append("expected value of type '").append(type.toString()).append("'");
if (what != null) {
printer.append(" for ").append(what.toString());
printer.append(", but got ");
printer.append(" (").append(Starlark.type(value)).append(")");
return printer.toString();
/** Contructs a conversion error. Throws NullPointerException if value is null. */
ConversionException(Type<?> type, Object value, @Nullable Object what) {
super(message(type, Preconditions.checkNotNull(value), what));
public ConversionException(String message) {
* *
* Subclasses *
* *
private static final class ObjectType extends Type<Object> {
public Object cast(Object value) {
return value;
public String getDefaultValue() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("ObjectType has no default value");
public void visitLabels(LabelVisitor visitor, Object value, @Nullable Attribute context) {}
public String toString() {
return "object";
public Object convert(Object x, Object what, LabelConverter labelConverter) {
return Preconditions.checkNotNull(x);
// A Starlark integer in the signed 32-bit range (like Java int).
private static final class IntegerType extends Type<StarlarkInt> {
public StarlarkInt cast(Object value) {
// This cast will fail if passed a java.lang.Integer,
// as it is not a legal Starlark value. Use StarlarkInt.
return (StarlarkInt) value;
public StarlarkInt getDefaultValue() {
return StarlarkInt.of(0);
public void visitLabels(LabelVisitor visitor, StarlarkInt value, @Nullable Attribute context) {}
public String toString() {
return "int";
public StarlarkInt convert(Object x, Object what, LabelConverter labelConverter)
throws ConversionException {
if (x instanceof StarlarkInt) {
StarlarkInt i = (StarlarkInt) x;
try {
i.toIntUnchecked(); // assert signed 32-bit
} catch (
IllegalArgumentException ex) {
String prefix = what != null ? ("for " + what + ", ") : "";
throw new ConversionException(
String.format("%sgot %s, want value in signed 32-bit range", prefix, i));
return i;
if (x instanceof Integer) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Integer is not a legal Starlark value");
throw new ConversionException(this, x, what);
public StarlarkInt concat(Iterable<StarlarkInt> elements) {
StarlarkInt sum = StarlarkInt.of(0);
for (StarlarkInt elem : elements) {
sum = StarlarkInt.add(sum, elem);
// Perform narrowing conversion to ensure that the result
// remains in the signed 32-bit range. This means that
// s=select(0x7fffffff); s+s may yield a negative result.
return StarlarkInt.of(sum.truncateToInt());
private static final class BooleanType extends Type<Boolean> {
public Boolean cast(Object value) {
return (Boolean) value;
public Boolean getDefaultValue() {
return false;
public void visitLabels(LabelVisitor visitor, Boolean value, @Nullable Attribute context) {}
public String toString() {
return "boolean";
// Conversion to boolean must also tolerate integers of 0 and 1 only.
public Boolean convert(Object x, Object what, LabelConverter labelConverter)
throws ConversionException {
if (x instanceof Boolean) {
return (Boolean) x;
int xAsInteger = INTEGER.convert(x, what, labelConverter).toIntUnchecked();
if (xAsInteger == 0) {
return false;
} else if (xAsInteger == 1) {
return true;
throw new ConversionException("boolean is not one of [0, 1]");
/** Booleans attributes are converted to tags based on their names. */
public Set<String> toTagSet(Object value, String name) {
if (value == null) {
String msg = "Illegal tag conversion from null on Attribute " + name + ".";
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
String tag = (Boolean) value ? name : "no" + name;
return ImmutableSet.of(tag);
private static final class StringType extends Type<String> {
public String cast(Object value) {
return (String) value;
public String getDefaultValue() {
return "";
public void visitLabels(LabelVisitor visitor, String value, @Nullable Attribute context) {}
public String toString() {
return "string";
public String convert(Object x, Object what, LabelConverter labelConverter)
throws ConversionException {
if (!(x instanceof String)) {
throw new ConversionException(this, x, what);
return StringCanonicalizer.intern((String) x);
public String concat(Iterable<String> elements) {
return Joiner.on("").join(elements);
/** A String is representable as a set containing its value. */
public Set<String> toTagSet(Object value, String name) {
if (value == null) {
String msg = "Illegal tag conversion from null on Attribute " + name + ".";
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
return ImmutableSet.of((String) value);
/** A type to support dictionary attributes. */
public static class DictType<KeyT, ValueT> extends Type<Map<KeyT, ValueT>> {
private final Type<KeyT> keyType;
private final Type<ValueT> valueType;
private final Map<KeyT, ValueT> empty = ImmutableMap.of();
private final LabelClass labelClass;
public final void visitLabels(
LabelVisitor visitor, Map<KeyT, ValueT> value, @Nullable Attribute context) {
if (labelClass != LabelClass.NONE) {
for (Map.Entry<KeyT, ValueT> entry : value.entrySet()) {
keyType.visitLabels(visitor, entry.getKey(), context);
valueType.visitLabels(visitor, entry.getValue(), context);
public static <KEY, VALUE> DictType<KEY, VALUE> create(
Type<KEY> keyType, Type<VALUE> valueType) {
LabelClass keyLabelClass = keyType.getLabelClass();
LabelClass valueLabelClass = valueType.getLabelClass();
keyLabelClass == LabelClass.NONE
|| valueLabelClass == LabelClass.NONE
|| keyLabelClass == valueLabelClass,
"A DictType's keys and values must be the same class of label if both contain labels, "
+ "but the key type %s contains %s labels, while "
+ "the value type %s contains %s labels.",
LabelClass labelClass = (keyLabelClass != LabelClass.NONE) ? keyLabelClass : valueLabelClass;
return new DictType<>(keyType, valueType, labelClass);
DictType(Type<KeyT> keyType, Type<ValueT> valueType, LabelClass labelClass) {
this.keyType = keyType;
this.valueType = valueType;
this.labelClass = labelClass;
public Type<KeyT> getKeyType() {
return keyType;
public Type<ValueT> getValueType() {
return valueType;
public LabelClass getLabelClass() {
return labelClass;
public Map<KeyT, ValueT> cast(Object value) {
return (Map<KeyT, ValueT>) value;
public String toString() {
return "dict(" + keyType + ", " + valueType + ")";
public Map<KeyT, ValueT> convert(Object x, Object what, LabelConverter labelConverter)
throws ConversionException {
if (!(x instanceof Map)) {
throw new ConversionException(this, x, what);
Map<?, ?> o = (Map<?, ?>) x;
// It's possible that #convert() calls transform non-equal keys into equal ones so we can't
// just use ImmutableMap.Builder() here (that throws on collisions).
LinkedHashMap<KeyT, ValueT> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<?, ?> elem : o.entrySet()) {
keyType.convert(elem.getKey(), "dict key element", labelConverter),
valueType.convert(elem.getValue(), "dict value element", labelConverter));
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(result);
public Map<KeyT, ValueT> concat(Iterable<Map<KeyT, ValueT>> iterable) {
Dict.Builder<KeyT, ValueT> output = new Dict.Builder<>();
for (Map<KeyT, ValueT> map : iterable) {
return output.buildImmutable();
public Map<KeyT, ValueT> getDefaultValue() {
return empty;
/** A type for lists of a given element type */
public static class ListType<ElemT> extends Type<List<ElemT>> {
private final Type<ElemT> elemType;
private final List<ElemT> empty = ImmutableList.of();
public static <ELEM> ListType<ELEM> create(Type<ELEM> elemType) {
return new ListType<>(elemType);
private ListType(Type<ElemT> elemType) {
this.elemType = elemType;
public final List<ElemT> cast(Object value) {
return (List<ElemT>) value;
public Type<ElemT> getListElementType() {
return elemType;
public LabelClass getLabelClass() {
return elemType.getLabelClass();
public List<ElemT> getDefaultValue() {
return empty;
public final void visitLabels(
LabelVisitor visitor, List<ElemT> value, @Nullable Attribute context) {
if (elemType.getLabelClass() == LabelClass.NONE) {
// Hot code path. Optimize for lists with O(1) access to avoid iterator garbage.
if (value instanceof RandomAccess) {
for (int i = 0; i < value.size(); i++) {
elemType.visitLabels(visitor, value.get(i), context);
} else {
for (ElemT elem : value) {
elemType.visitLabels(visitor, elem, context);
public String toString() {
return "list(" + elemType + ")";
public List<ElemT> convert(Object x, Object what, LabelConverter labelConverter)
throws ConversionException {
Iterable<?> iterable;
if (x instanceof Iterable) {
iterable = (Iterable<?>) x;
} else if (x instanceof Depset) {
iterable = ((Depset) x).toList();
} else {
throw new ConversionException(this, x, what);
int index = 0;
List<ElemT> result = new ArrayList<>(Iterables.size(iterable));
ListConversionContext conversionContext = new ListConversionContext(what);
for (Object elem : iterable) {
ElemT converted = elemType.convert(elem, conversionContext, labelConverter);
if (converted != null) {
} else {
// shouldn't happen but it does, rarely
String message =
"Converting a list with a null element: "
+ "element "
+ index
+ " of "
+ what
+ " in "
+ labelConverter;
LoggingUtil.logToRemote(Level.WARNING, message,
new ConversionException(message));
return result;
public List<ElemT> concat(Iterable<List<ElemT>> elements) {
ImmutableList.Builder<ElemT> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
for (List<ElemT> list : elements) {
* A list is representable as a tag set as the contents of itself expressed as Strings. So a
* {@code List<String>} is effectively converted to a {@code Set<String>}.
public Set<String> toTagSet(Object items, String name) {
if (items == null) {
String msg = "Illegal tag conversion from null on Attribute" + name + ".";
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
Set<String> tags = new LinkedHashSet<>();
List<ElemT> itemsAsListofElem = (List<ElemT>) items;
for (ElemT element : itemsAsListofElem) {
return tags;
* Provides a {@link #toString()} description of the context of the value in a list being
* converted. This is preferred over a raw string to avoid uselessly constructing strings which
* are never used. This class is mutable (the index is updated).
private static class ListConversionContext {
private final Object what;
private int index = 0;
ListConversionContext(Object what) {
this.what = what;
void update(int index) {
this.index = index;
public String toString() {
return "element " + index + " of " + what;
/** Type for lists of arbitrary objects */
public static class ObjectListType extends ListType<Object> {
private static final Type<Object> elemType = new ObjectType();
private ObjectListType() {
public List<Object> convert(Object x, Object what, LabelConverter labelConverter)
throws ConversionException {
// TODO(adonovan): converge on Starlark.toIterable.
if (x instanceof Sequence) {
return ((Sequence<Object>) x).getImmutableList();
} else if (x instanceof List) {
return (List<Object>) x;
} else if (x instanceof Iterable) {
return ImmutableList.copyOf((Iterable<?>) x);
} else {
throw new ConversionException(this, x, what);