blob: a095d8cd45b54c78c7315c9740b3241ab7b4068b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
* Rule definition for the genrule rule, intended to be inherited by specific GenRule
* implementations. Implementations will need to include any needed additional dependencies, such
* as a setup script target.
public class GenRuleBaseRule implements RuleDefinition {
public RuleClass build(
RuleClass.Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment env) {
return builder
/* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(genrule).ATTRIBUTE(srcs) -->
A list of inputs for this rule, such as source files to process.
<em>This attributes is not suitable to list tools executed by the <code>cmd</code>; use
the <a href="${link}"><code>tools</code></a> attribute for them instead.
The build system ensures these prerequisites are built before running the genrule
command; they are built using the same configuration as the original build request. The
names of the files of these prerequisites are available to the command as a
space-separated list in <code>$(SRCS)</code>; alternatively the path of an individual
<code>srcs</code> target <code>//x:y</code> can be obtained using <code>$(location
//x:y)</code>, or using <code>$&lt;</code> provided it's the only entry in
attr("srcs", LABEL_LIST)
/* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(genrule).ATTRIBUTE(tools) -->
A list of <i>tool</i> dependencies for this rule. See the definition of
<a href="${link build-ref#deps}">dependencies</a> for more information. <br/>
The build system ensures these prerequisites are built before running the genrule command;
they are built using the <a href='${link guide#configurations}'><i>host</i>
configuration</a>, since these tools are executed as part of the build. The path of an
individual <code>tools</code> target <code>//x:y</code> can be obtained using
<code>$(location //x:y)</code>.
Any <code>*_binary</code> or tool to be executed by <code>cmd</code> must appear in this
list, not in <code>srcs</code>, to ensure they are built in the correct configuration.
attr("tools", LABEL_LIST)
/* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(genrule).ATTRIBUTE(exec_tools) -->
A list of <i>tool</i> dependencies for this rule. This behaves exactly like the
<a href=""><code>tools</code></a> attribute, except that these dependencies
will be configured for the rule's execution platform instead of the host configuration.
This means that dependencies in <code>exec_tools</code> are not subject to the same
limitations as dependencies in <code>tools</code>. In particular, they are not required to
use the host configuration for their own transitive dependencies. See
<a href=""><code>tools</code></a> for further details.
The Blaze team is migrating all uses of <code>tools</code> to use <code>exec_tools</code>
semantics. Users are encouraged to prefer <code>exec_tools</code> to <code>tools</code>
where this does not cause any issues. After the functional migration is complete, we may
rename <code>exec_tools</code> to <code>tools</code>. You will receive a deprecation
warning and migration instructions before this happens.
attr("exec_tools", LABEL_LIST)
/* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(genrule).ATTRIBUTE(outs) -->
A list of files generated by this rule.
Output files must not cross package boundaries.
Output filenames are interpreted as relative to the package.
If the <code>executable</code> flag is set, <code>outs</code> must contain exactly one
The genrule command is expected to create each output file at a predetermined location.
The location is available in <code>cmd</code> using <a
href="${link make-variables#predefined_genrule_variables}">genrule-specific "Make"
variables</a> (<code>$@</code>, <code>$(OUTS)</code>, <code>$(@D)</code> or <code>
$(RULEDIR)</code>) or using <a href="${link make-variables#predefined_label_variables}">
<code>$(location)</code></a> substitution.
.add(attr("outs", OUTPUT_LIST).mandatory())
/* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(genrule).ATTRIBUTE(cmd) -->
The command to run.
Subject to <a href="${link make-variables#predefined_label_variables}"><code>$(location)
</code></a> and <a href="${link make-variables}">"Make" variable</a> substitution.
First <a href="${link make-variables#predefined_label_variables}"><code>$(location)
</code></a> substitution is applied, replacing all occurrences of <code>$(location <i>
label</i>)</code> and of <code>$(locations <i>label</i>)</code> (and similar
constructions using related variables <code>execpath</code>, <code>execpaths</code>,
<code>rootpath</code> and <code>rootpaths</code>).
Next, <a href="${link make-variables}">"Make" variables</a> are expanded. Note that
predefined variables <code>$(JAVA)</code>, <code>$(JAVAC)</code> and
<code>$(JAVABASE)</code> expand under the <i>host</i> configuration, so Java invocations
that run as part of a build step can correctly load shared libraries and other
Finally, the resulting command is executed using the Bash shell. If its exit code is
non-zero the command is considered to have failed.
This is the fallback of <code>cmd_bash</code>, <code>cmd_ps</code> and <code>cmd_bat</code>,
if none of them are applicable.
If the command line length exceeds the platform limit (64K on Linux/macOS, 8K on Windows),
then genrule will write the command to a script and execute that script to work around. This
applies to all cmd attributes (<code>cmd</code>, <code>cmd_bash</code>, <code>cmd_ps</code>,
.add(attr("cmd", STRING))
/* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(genrule).ATTRIBUTE(cmd_bash) -->
The Bash command to run.
<p> This attribute has higher priority than <code>cmd</code>. The command is expanded and
runs in the exact same way as the <code>cmd</code> attribute.
.add(attr("cmd_bash", STRING))
/* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(genrule).ATTRIBUTE(cmd_bat) -->
The Batch command to run on Windows.
<p> This attribute has higher priority than <code>cmd</code> and <code>cmd_bash</code>.
The command runs in the similar way as the <code>cmd</code> attribute, with the
following differences:
This attribute only applies on Windows.
The command runs with <code>cmd.exe /c</code> with the following default arguments:
<code>/S</code> - strip first and last quotes and execute everything else as is.
<code>/E:ON</code> - enable extended command set.
<code>/V:ON</code> - enable delayed variable expansion
<code>/D</code> - ignore AutoRun registry entries.
After <a href="${link make-variables#predefined_label_variables}">$(location)</a> and
<a href="${link make-variables}">"Make" variable</a> substitution, the paths will be
expanded to Windows style paths (with backslash).
.add(attr("cmd_bat", STRING))
/* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(genrule).ATTRIBUTE(cmd_ps) -->
The Powershell command to run on Windows.
<p> This attribute has higher priority than <code>cmd</code>, <code>cmd_bash</code> and
<code>cmd_bat</code>. The command runs in the similar way as the <code>cmd</code>
attribute, with the following differences:
This attribute only applies on Windows.
The command runs with <code>powershell.exe /c</code>.
<p> To make Powershell easier to use and less error-prone, we run the following
commands to set up the environment before executing Powershell command in genrule.
<code>Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser RemoteSigned</code> - allow running
unsigned scripts.
<code>$errorActionPreference='Stop'</code> - In case there are multiple commands
separated by <code>;</code>, the action exits immediately if a Powershell CmdLet fails,
but this does <strong>NOT</strong> work for external command.
<code>$PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Encoding'] = 'utf8'</code> - change the default
encoding from utf-16 to utf-8.
.add(attr("cmd_ps", STRING))
/* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(genrule).ATTRIBUTE(output_to_bindir) -->
If set to True, this option causes output files to be written into the <code>bin</code>
directory instead of the <code>genfiles</code> directory.
// TODO(bazel-team): find a location to document genfiles/binfiles, link to them from here.
attr("output_to_bindir", BOOLEAN)
"policy decision: no reason for this to depend on the configuration"))
/* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(genrule).ATTRIBUTE(local) -->
If set to True, this option forces this <code>genrule</code> to run using the "local"
strategy, which means no remote execution, no sandboxing, no persistent workers.
This is equivalent to providing 'local' as a tag (<code>tags=["local"]</code>).
.add(attr("local", BOOLEAN).value(false))
/* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(genrule).ATTRIBUTE(message) -->
A progress message.
A progress message that will be printed as this build step is executed. By default, the
message is "Generating <i>output</i>" (or something equally bland) but you may provide a
more specific one. Use this attribute instead of <code>echo</code> or other print
statements in your <code>cmd</code> command, as this allows the build tool to control
whether such progress messages are printed or not.
.add(attr("message", STRING))
/*<!-- #BLAZE_RULE(genrule).ATTRIBUTE(output_licenses) -->
See <a href="${link common-definitions#binary.output_licenses}"><code>common attributes
.add(attr("output_licenses", LICENSE))
/* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE(genrule).ATTRIBUTE(executable) -->
Declare output to be executable.
Setting this flag to True means the output is an executable file and can be run using the
<code>run</code> command. The genrule must produce exactly one output in this case.
If this attribute is set, <code>run</code> will try executing the file regardless of
its content.
<p>Declaring data dependencies for the generated executable is not supported.</p>
attr("executable", BOOLEAN)
"Used in computed default for $is_executable, which is itself non-configurable"
+ " (and thus expects its dependencies to be non-configurable), because"
+ " $is_executable is called from RunCommand.isExecutable, which has no"
+ " configuration context"))
attr("$is_executable", BOOLEAN)
.nonconfigurable("Called from RunCommand.isExecutable, which takes a Target")
new Attribute.ComputedDefault() {
public Object getDefault(AttributeMap rule) {
return (rule.get("outs", BuildType.OUTPUT_LIST).size() == 1)
&& rule.get("executable", BOOLEAN);
// This is a misfeature, so don't document it. We would like to get rid of it, but that
// would require a cleanup of existing rules.
.add(attr("heuristic_label_expansion", BOOLEAN).value(false))
public RuleDefinition.Metadata getMetadata() {
return RuleDefinition.Metadata.builder()