blob: 011eebc6a42e6aa21b854f2ea31ecdcbc50742fc [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Test wrapper implementation for Windows.
// Design:
#include "tools/test/windows/tw.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h> // INT_MAX
#include <lmcons.h> // UNLEN
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "src/main/cpp/util/file_platform.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/path_platform.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/strings.h"
#include "src/main/native/windows/file.h"
#include "src/main/native/windows/process.h"
#include "src/main/native/windows/util.h"
#include "third_party/ijar/common.h"
#include "third_party/ijar/platform_utils.h"
#include "third_party/ijar/zip.h"
#include "tools/cpp/runfiles/runfiles.h"
namespace bazel {
namespace tools {
namespace test_wrapper {
namespace {
class Defer {
explicit Defer(std::function<void()> f) : f_(f) {}
~Defer() { f_(); }
void DoNow() {
f_ = kEmpty;
std::function<void()> f_;
static const std::function<void()> kEmpty;
const std::function<void()> Defer::kEmpty = []() {};
// Streams data from an input to two outputs.
// Inspired by tee(1) in the GNU coreutils.
class TeeImpl : Tee {
// Creates a background thread to stream data from `input` to the two outputs.
// The thread terminates when ReadFile fails on the input (e.g. the input is
// the reading end of a pipe and the writing end is closed) or when WriteFile
// fails on one of the outputs (e.g. the same output handle is closed
// elsewhere).
static bool Create(bazel::windows::AutoHandle* input,
bazel::windows::AutoHandle* output1,
bazel::windows::AutoHandle* output2,
std::unique_ptr<Tee>* result);
static DWORD WINAPI ThreadFunc(LPVOID lpParam);
TeeImpl(bazel::windows::AutoHandle* input,
bazel::windows::AutoHandle* output1,
bazel::windows::AutoHandle* output2)
: input_(input), output1_(output1), output2_(output2) {}
TeeImpl(const TeeImpl&) = delete;
TeeImpl& operator=(const TeeImpl&) = delete;
bool MainFunc() const;
bazel::windows::AutoHandle input_;
bazel::windows::AutoHandle output1_;
bazel::windows::AutoHandle output2_;
// Buffered input stream (based on a Windows HANDLE) with peek-ahead support.
// This class uses two consecutive "pages" where it buffers data from the
// underlying HANDLE (wrapped in an AutoHandle). Both pages are always loaded
// with data until there's no more data to read.
// The "active" page is the one where the read cursor is pointing. The other
// page is the next one to be read once the client moves the read cursor beyond
// the end of the active page.
// The client advances the read cursor with Advance(). When the cursor reaches
// the end of the active page, the other page becomes the active one (whose data
// is already buffered), and the old active page is loaded with new data from
// the underlying file.
class IFStreamImpl : IFStream {
// Creates a new IFStream.
// If successful, then takes ownership of the HANDLE in 'handle', and returns
// a new IFStream pointer. Otherwise leaves 'handle' alone and returns
// nullptr.
static IFStream* Create(HANDLE handle, DWORD page_size = 0x100000 /* 1 MB */);
int Get() override;
DWORD Peek(DWORD n, uint8_t* out) const override;
HANDLE handle_;
const std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> pages_;
const DWORD page_size_;
DWORD pos_, end_, next_size_;
IFStreamImpl(HANDLE handle, std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>&& pages, DWORD n,
DWORD page_size)
: handle_(handle),
end_(n < page_size ? n : page_size),
next_size_(n < page_size
? 0
: (n < page_size * 2 ? n - page_size : page_size)) {}
// A lightweight path abstraction that stores a Unicode Windows path.
// The class allows extracting the underlying path as a (immutable) string so
// it's easy to pass the path to WinAPI functions, but the class does not allow
// mutating the unterlying path so it's safe to pass around Path objects.
class Path {
Path() {}
Path(const Path& other) : path_(other.path_) {}
Path(Path&& other) : path_(std::move(other.path_)) {}
Path& operator=(const Path& other) = default;
const std::wstring& Get() const { return path_; }
bool Set(const std::wstring& path);
// Makes this path absolute.
// Returns true if the path was changed (i.e. was not absolute before).
// Returns false and has no effect if this path was empty or already absolute.
bool Absolutize(const Path& cwd);
Path Dirname() const;
std::wstring path_;
struct UndeclaredOutputs {
Path root;
Path zip;
Path manifest;
Path annotations;
Path annotations_dir;
struct Duration {
static constexpr int kMax = INT_MAX;
int seconds;
bool FromString(const wchar_t* str);
enum class MainType { kTestWrapperMain, kXmlWriterMain };
enum class DeleteAfterwards { kEnabled, kDisabled };
void WriteStdout(const std::string& s) {
DWORD written;
WriteFile(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), s.c_str(), s.size(), &written,
void LogError(const int line) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "ERROR(" << __FILE__ << ":" << line << ")" << std::endl;
void LogError(const int line, const std::string& msg) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "ERROR(" << __FILE__ << ":" << line << ") " << msg << std::endl;
void LogError(const int line, const std::wstring& msg) {
std::string acp_msg;
if (blaze_util::WcsToAcp(msg, &acp_msg)) {
LogError(line, acp_msg);
void LogErrorWithValue(const int line, const std::string& msg, DWORD value) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "value: " << value << " (0x";
ss.setf(std::ios_base::hex, std::ios_base::basefield);
ss << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << value << "): ";
ss.setf(std::ios_base::dec, std::ios_base::basefield);
ss << msg;
LogError(line, ss.str());
void LogErrorWithValue(const int line, const std::wstring& msg, DWORD value) {
std::string acp_msg;
if (blaze_util::WcsToAcp(msg, &acp_msg)) {
LogErrorWithValue(line, acp_msg, value);
void LogErrorWithArg(const int line, const std::string& msg,
const std::string& arg) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << msg << " (arg: " << arg << ")";
LogError(line, ss.str());
void LogErrorWithArg(const int line, const std::string& msg,
const std::wstring& arg) {
std::string acp_arg;
if (blaze_util::WcsToAcp(arg, &acp_arg)) {
LogErrorWithArg(line, msg, acp_arg);
void LogErrorWithArg2(const int line, const std::string& msg,
const std::string& arg1, const std::string& arg2) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << msg << " (arg1: " << arg1 << ", arg2: " << arg2 << ")";
LogError(line, ss.str());
void LogErrorWithArg2(const int line, const std::string& msg,
const std::wstring& arg1, const std::wstring& arg2) {
std::string acp_arg1, acp_arg2;
if (blaze_util::WcsToAcp(arg1, &acp_arg1) &&
blaze_util::WcsToAcp(arg2, &acp_arg2)) {
LogErrorWithArg2(line, msg, acp_arg1, acp_arg2);
void LogErrorWithArgAndValue(const int line, const std::string& msg,
const std::string& arg, DWORD value) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "value: " << value << " (0x";
ss.setf(std::ios_base::hex, std::ios_base::basefield);
ss << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << value << "), arg: ";
ss.setf(std::ios_base::dec, std::ios_base::basefield);
ss << arg << ": " << msg;
LogError(line, ss.str());
void LogErrorWithArgAndValue(const int line, const std::string& msg,
const std::wstring& arg, DWORD value) {
std::string acp_arg;
if (blaze_util::WcsToAcp(arg, &acp_arg)) {
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(line, msg, acp_arg, value);
std::wstring AddUncPrefixMaybe(const Path& p) {
return bazel::windows::AddUncPrefixMaybe(p.Get());
std::wstring RemoveUncPrefixMaybe(const Path& p) {
return bazel::windows::RemoveUncPrefixMaybe(p.Get());
inline bool CreateDirectories(const Path& path) {
blaze_util::MakeDirectoriesW(AddUncPrefixMaybe(path), 0777);
return true;
inline bool ToInt(const wchar_t* s, int* result) {
return std::swscanf(s, L"%d", result) == 1;
bool WcsToAcp(const std::wstring& wcs, std::string* acp) {
uint32_t err;
if (!blaze_util::WcsToAcp(wcs, acp, &err)) {
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "Failed to convert string", wcs, err);
return false;
return true;
// Converts a Windows-style path to a mixed (Unix-Windows) style.
// The path is mixed-style because it is a Windows path (begins with a drive
// letter) but uses forward slashes as directory separators.
// We must export envvars as mixed style path because some tools confuse the
// backslashes in Windows paths for Unix-style escape characters.
std::wstring AsMixedPath(const std::wstring& path) {
std::wstring value = path;
std::replace(value.begin(), value.end(), L'\\', L'/');
return value;
bool IsReadableFile(const Path& p) {
CreateFileW(AddUncPrefixMaybe(p).c_str(), GENERIC_READ,
return false;
return true;
// Gets an environment variable's value.
// Returns:
// - true, if the envvar is defined and successfully fetched, or it's empty or
// undefined
// - false, if some error occurred
bool GetEnv(const wchar_t* name, std::wstring* result) {
static constexpr size_t kSmallBuf = MAX_PATH;
WCHAR value[kSmallBuf];
DWORD size = GetEnvironmentVariableW(name, value, kSmallBuf);
DWORD err = GetLastError();
if (size == 0 && err == ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND) {
return true;
} else if (0 < size && size < kSmallBuf) {
*result = value;
return true;
} else if (size >= kSmallBuf) {
std::unique_ptr<WCHAR[]> value_big(new WCHAR[size]);
GetEnvironmentVariableW(name, value_big.get(), size);
*result = value_big.get();
return true;
} else {
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "Failed to read envvar", name, err);
return false;
// Gets an environment variable's value as a Path.
// Returns:
// - true, if the envvar is defined and successfully fetched, or it's empty or
// undefined
// - false, if some error occurred
bool GetPathEnv(const wchar_t* name, Path* result) {
std::wstring value;
if (!GetEnv(name, &value)) {
LogError(__LINE__, name);
return false;
return result->Set(value);
// Gets an environment variable's value as integer and as the original string.
// Returns:
// - true, if the envvar is defined and successfully fetched, or it's empty or
// undefined (in that case 'as_int' will be 0 and 'as_wstr' empty)
// - false, if ToInt cannot parse the string to an int, or some error occurred
bool GetIntEnv(const wchar_t* name, std::wstring* as_wstr, int* as_int) {
*as_int = 0;
if (!GetEnv(name, as_wstr) ||
(!as_wstr->empty() && !ToInt(as_wstr->c_str(), as_int))) {
LogError(__LINE__, name);
return false;
return true;
bool SetEnv(const wchar_t* name, const std::wstring& value) {
if (SetEnvironmentVariableW(name, value.c_str()) != 0) {
return true;
} else {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "Failed to set envvar", name, err);
return false;
bool SetPathEnv(const wchar_t* name, const Path& path) {
return SetEnv(name, AsMixedPath(path.Get()));
bool UnsetEnv(const wchar_t* name) {
if (SetEnvironmentVariableW(name, nullptr) != 0) {
return true;
} else {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "Failed to unset envvar", name, err);
return false;
bool AddCurrentDirectoryToPATH() {
std::wstring path;
return GetEnv(L"PATH", &path) && SetEnv(L"PATH", L".;" + path);
bool GetCwd(Path* result) {
static constexpr size_t kSmallBuf = MAX_PATH;
WCHAR value[kSmallBuf];
DWORD size = GetCurrentDirectoryW(kSmallBuf, value);
DWORD err = GetLastError();
if (size > 0 && size < kSmallBuf) {
return result->Set(value);
} else if (size >= kSmallBuf) {
std::unique_ptr<WCHAR[]> value_big(new WCHAR[size]);
GetCurrentDirectoryW(size, value_big.get());
return result->Set(value_big.get());
} else {
LogErrorWithValue(__LINE__, "Failed to get current directory", err);
return false;
bool ChdirToRunfiles(const Path& abs_exec_root, const Path& abs_test_srcdir) {
Path dir = abs_test_srcdir;
std::wstring preserve_cwd;
if (!GetEnv(L"RUNTEST_PRESERVE_CWD", &preserve_cwd)) {
return false;
if (preserve_cwd.empty()) {
std::wstring workspace;
if (!GetEnv(L"TEST_WORKSPACE", &workspace)) {
return false;
if (!workspace.empty()) {
Path joined;
if (!joined.Set(dir.Get() + L"\\" + workspace)) {
LogErrorWithArg2(__LINE__, "Could not join paths", dir.Get(),
return false;
dir = joined;
} else {
dir = abs_exec_root;
// Non-sandboxed commands run in the exec_root, where they have access to the
// entire source tree. By chdir'ing to the runfiles root, tests only have
// direct access to their runfiles tree (if it exists), i.e. to their declared
// dependencies.
std::wstring coverage_dir;
if (!GetEnv(L"COVERAGE_DIR", &coverage_dir) || coverage_dir.empty()) {
if (!SetCurrentDirectoryW(dir.Get().c_str())) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "Could not chdir", dir.Get(), err);
return false;
return true;
// Set USER as required by the Bazel Test Encyclopedia.
bool ExportUserName() {
std::wstring value;
if (!GetEnv(L"USER", &value)) {
return false;
if (!value.empty()) {
// Respect the value passed by Bazel via --test_env.
return true;
WCHAR buffer[UNLEN + 1];
DWORD len = UNLEN + 1;
if (GetUserNameW(buffer, &len) == 0) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithValue(__LINE__, "Failed to query user name", err);
return false;
return SetEnv(L"USER", buffer);
// Gets a path envvar, and re-exports it as an absolute path.
// Returns:
// - true, if the envvar was defined, and was already absolute or was
// successfully absolutized and re-exported
// - false, if the envvar was undefined or empty, or it could not be absolutized
// or re-exported
bool ExportAbsolutePathEnv(const wchar_t* envvar, const Path& cwd,
Path* result) {
if (!GetPathEnv(envvar, result)) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to get envvar", envvar);
return false;
if (result->Get().empty()) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Envvar was empty", envvar);
return false;
if (result->Absolutize(cwd) && !SetPathEnv(envvar, *result)) {
LogErrorWithArg2(__LINE__, "Failed to set absolutized envvar", envvar,
return false;
return true;
// Set TEST_SRCDIR as required by the Bazel Test Encyclopedia.
bool ExportSrcPath(const Path& cwd, Path* result) {
if (!ExportAbsolutePathEnv(L"TEST_SRCDIR", cwd, result)) {
LogError(__LINE__, "Failed to export TEST_SRCDIR");
return false;
return true;
// Set TEST_TMPDIR as required by the Bazel Test Encyclopedia.
bool ExportTmpPath(const Path& cwd, Path* result) {
if (!ExportAbsolutePathEnv(L"TEST_TMPDIR", cwd, result)) {
LogError(__LINE__, "Failed to export TEST_TMPDIR");
return false;
// Create the test temp directory, which may not exist on the remote host when
// doing a remote build.
return CreateDirectories(*result);
// Set HOME as required by the Bazel Test Encyclopedia.
bool ExportHome(const Path& test_tmpdir) {
Path home;
if (!GetPathEnv(L"HOME", &home)) {
return false;
if (blaze_util::IsAbsolute(home.Get())) {
// Respect the user-defined HOME in case they set passed it with
// --test_env=HOME or --test_env=HOME=C:\\foo
return true;
} else {
// Set TEST_TMPDIR as required by the Bazel Test Encyclopedia.
return SetPathEnv(L"HOME", test_tmpdir);
bool ExportRunfiles(const Path& cwd, const Path& test_srcdir) {
Path runfiles_dir;
if (!GetPathEnv(L"RUNFILES_DIR", &runfiles_dir) ||
(runfiles_dir.Absolutize(cwd) &&
!SetPathEnv(L"RUNFILES_DIR", runfiles_dir))) {
return false;
// TODO(ulfjack): Standardize on RUNFILES_DIR and remove the
Path java_rf, py_rf;
if (!GetPathEnv(L"JAVA_RUNFILES", &java_rf) ||
(java_rf.Absolutize(cwd) && !SetPathEnv(L"JAVA_RUNFILES", java_rf)) ||
!GetPathEnv(L"PYTHON_RUNFILES", &py_rf) ||
(py_rf.Absolutize(cwd) && !SetPathEnv(L"PYTHON_RUNFILES", py_rf))) {
return false;
std::wstring mf_only_str;
int mf_only_value = 0;
if (!GetIntEnv(L"RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY", &mf_only_str, &mf_only_value)) {
return false;
if (mf_only_value == 1) {
// If RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY is set to 1 then test programs should use the
// manifest file to find their runfiles.
Path runfiles_mf;
if (!runfiles_mf.Set(test_srcdir.Get() + L"\\MANIFEST") ||
(IsReadableFile(runfiles_mf) &&
!SetPathEnv(L"RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE", runfiles_mf))) {
return false;
return true;
bool ExportShardStatusFile(const Path& cwd) {
Path status_file;
if (!GetPathEnv(L"TEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE", &status_file) ||
(!status_file.Get().empty() && status_file.Absolutize(cwd) &&
!SetPathEnv(L"TEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE", status_file))) {
return false;
return status_file.Get().empty() ||
// The test shard status file is only set for sharded tests.
bool ExportGtestVariables(const Path& test_tmpdir) {
// # Tell googletest about Bazel sharding.
std::wstring total_shards_str;
int total_shards_value = 0;
if (!GetIntEnv(L"TEST_TOTAL_SHARDS", &total_shards_str,
&total_shards_value)) {
return false;
if (total_shards_value > 0) {
std::wstring shard_index;
std::wstring shard_status_file;
if (!GetEnv(L"TEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE", &shard_status_file) ||
!GetEnv(L"TEST_SHARD_INDEX", &shard_index) ||
!SetEnv(L"GTEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE", shard_status_file) ||
!SetEnv(L"GTEST_SHARD_INDEX", shard_index) ||
!SetEnv(L"GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS", total_shards_str)) {
return false;
return SetPathEnv(L"GTEST_TMP_DIR", test_tmpdir);
bool ExportMiscEnvvars(const Path& cwd) {
for (const wchar_t* name :
Path value;
if (!GetPathEnv(name, &value) ||
(value.Absolutize(cwd) && !SetPathEnv(name, value))) {
return false;
return true;
bool _GetFileListRelativeTo(const std::wstring& unc_root,
const std::wstring& subdir, int depth_limit,
std::vector<FileInfo>* result) {
const std::wstring full_subdir =
unc_root + (subdir.empty() ? L"" : (L"\\" + subdir)) + L"\\*";
HANDLE handle = FindFirstFileW(full_subdir.c_str(), &info);
if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
if (err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
// No files found, nothing to do.
return true;
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "Failed to list directory contents",
full_subdir, err);
return false;
Defer close_handle([handle]() { FindClose(handle); });
static const std::wstring kDot(1, L'.');
static const std::wstring kDotDot(2, L'.');
std::vector<std::wstring> subdirectories;
while (true) {
if (kDot != info.cFileName && kDotDot != info.cFileName) {
std::wstring rel_path =
subdir.empty() ? info.cFileName : (subdir + L"\\" + info.cFileName);
if (info.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
if (depth_limit != 0) {
// depth_limit is negative ==> unlimited depth
// depth_limit is zero ==> do not recurse further
// depth_limit is positive ==> recurse further
} else {
if (info.nFileSizeHigh > 0 || info.nFileSizeLow > INT_MAX) {
// devtools_ijar::Stat::total_size is declared as `int`, so the file
// size limit is INT_MAX. Additionally we limit the files to be below
// 4 GiB, not only because int is typically 4 bytes long, but also
// because such huge files are unreasonably large as an undeclared
// output.
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "File is too large to archive",
rel_path, 0);
return false;
// File size is already validated to be
// smaller than min(INT_MAX, 4 GiB)
if (FindNextFileW(handle, &info) == 0) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
if (err == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) {
"Failed to get next element in directory",
unc_root + L"\\" + subdir, err);
return false;
if (depth_limit != 0) {
// depth_limit is negative ==> unlimited depth
// depth_limit is zero ==> do not recurse further
// depth_limit is positive ==> recurse further
for (const auto& s : subdirectories) {
if (!_GetFileListRelativeTo(
unc_root, s, depth_limit > 0 ? depth_limit - 1 : depth_limit,
result)) {
return false;
return true;
bool GetFileListRelativeTo(const Path& root, std::vector<FileInfo>* result,
int depth_limit = -1) {
if (!blaze_util::IsAbsolute(root.Get())) {
LogError(__LINE__, "Root should be absolute");
return false;
return _GetFileListRelativeTo(AddUncPrefixMaybe(root), std::wstring(),
depth_limit, result);
bool ToZipEntryPaths(const Path& root, const std::vector<FileInfo>& files,
ZipEntryPaths* result) {
std::string acp_root;
if (!WcsToAcp(AsMixedPath(RemoveUncPrefixMaybe(root)), &acp_root)) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to convert path", root.Get());
return false;
// Convert all UTF-16 paths to ANSI paths.
std::vector<std::string> acp_file_list;
for (const auto& e : files) {
std::string acp_path;
if (!WcsToAcp(AsMixedPath(e.RelativePath()), &acp_path)) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to convert path", e.RelativePath());
return false;
if (e.IsDirectory()) {
acp_path += "/";
result->Create(acp_root, acp_file_list);
return true;
bool CreateZipBuilder(const Path& zip, const ZipEntryPaths& entry_paths,
std::unique_ptr<devtools_ijar::ZipBuilder>* result) {
const devtools_ijar::u8 estimated_size =
if (estimated_size == 0) {
LogError(__LINE__, "Failed to estimate zip size");
return false;
std::string acp_zip;
if (!WcsToAcp(zip.Get(), &acp_zip)) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to convert path", zip.Get());
return false;
devtools_ijar::ZipBuilder::Create(acp_zip.c_str(), estimated_size));
if (result->get() == nullptr) {
LogErrorWithValue(__LINE__, "Failed to create zip builder", errno);
return false;
return true;
bool OpenFileForWriting(const Path& path, bazel::windows::AutoHandle* result) {
HANDLE h = CreateFileW(AddUncPrefixMaybe(path).c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE,
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "Failed to open file", path.Get(), err);
return false;
*result = h;
return true;
bool OpenExistingFileForRead(const Path& abs_path,
bazel::windows::AutoHandle* result) {
CreateFileW(AddUncPrefixMaybe(abs_path).c_str(), GENERIC_READ,
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "Failed to open file", abs_path.Get(),
return false;
*result = h;
return true;
bool CreateEmptyFile(const Path& path) {
bazel::windows::AutoHandle handle;
return OpenFileForWriting(path, &handle);
bool ReadFromFile(HANDLE handle, uint8_t* dest, DWORD max_read) {
if (max_read == 0) {
return true;
DWORD total_read = 0;
DWORD read = 0;
do {
if (!ReadFile(handle, dest + total_read, max_read - total_read, &read,
nullptr)) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithValue(__LINE__, "Failed to read file", err);
return false;
total_read += read;
} while (read > 0 && total_read < max_read);
return true;
bool WriteToFile(HANDLE output, const void* buffer, const size_t size) {
// Write `size` many bytes to the output file.
DWORD total_written = 0;
while (total_written < size) {
DWORD written;
if (!WriteFile(output, static_cast<const uint8_t*>(buffer) + total_written,
size - total_written, &written, nullptr)) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithValue(__LINE__, "Failed to write file", err);
return false;
total_written += written;
return true;
bool AppendFileTo(const Path& file, const size_t total_size, HANDLE output) {
bazel::windows::AutoHandle input;
if (!OpenExistingFileForRead(file, &input)) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to open file for reading", file.Get());
return false;
const size_t buf_size = std::min<size_t>(total_size, /* 10 MB */ 10000000);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buffer(new uint8_t[buf_size]);
while (true) {
// Read at most `buf_size` many bytes from the input file.
DWORD read = 0;
if (!ReadFile(input, buffer.get(), buf_size, &read, nullptr)) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "Failed to read file", file.Get(), err);
return false;
if (read == 0) {
// Reached end of input file.
return true;
if (!WriteToFile(output, buffer.get(), read)) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to write contents from file",
return false;
return true;
// Returns the MIME type of the file name.
// If the MIME type is unknown or an error occurs, the method returns
// "application/octet-stream".
std::string GetMimeType(const std::string& filename) {
static constexpr char* kDefaultMimeType = "application/octet-stream";
std::string::size_type pos = filename.find_last_of('.');
if (pos == std::string::npos) {
return kDefaultMimeType;
char data[1000];
DWORD data_size = 1000 * sizeof(char);
if (RegGetValueA(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, filename.c_str() + pos, "Content Type",
RRF_RT_REG_SZ, nullptr, data, &data_size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return data;
// The file extension is unknown, or it does not have a "Content Type" value,
// or the value is too long. We don't care; just return the default.
return kDefaultMimeType;
bool CreateUndeclaredOutputsManifestContent(const std::vector<FileInfo>& files,
std::string* result) {
std::stringstream stm;
for (const auto& e : files) {
if (!e.IsDirectory()) {
// For each file, write a tab-separated line to the manifest with name
// (relative to TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_DIR), size, and mime type.
// Example:
// foo.txt<TAB>9<TAB>text/plain
// bar/baz<TAB>2944<TAB>application/octet-stream
std::string acp_path;
if (!WcsToAcp(AsMixedPath(e.RelativePath()), &acp_path)) {
return false;
stm << acp_path << "\t" << e.Size() << "\t" << GetMimeType(acp_path)
<< "\n";
*result = stm.str();
return true;
bool CreateUndeclaredOutputsManifest(const std::vector<FileInfo>& files,
const Path& output) {
std::string content;
if (!CreateUndeclaredOutputsManifestContent(files, &content)) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to create manifest content for file",
return false;
bazel::windows::AutoHandle handle;
if (!OpenFileForWriting(output, &handle)) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to open file for writing", output.Get());
return false;
if (!WriteToFile(handle, content.c_str(), content.size())) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to write file", output.Get());
return false;
return true;
bool ExportXmlPath(const Path& cwd, Path* test_outerr, Path* xml_log) {
if (!GetPathEnv(L"XML_OUTPUT_FILE", xml_log)) {
return false;
if (!test_outerr->Set(xml_log->Get() + L".log")) {
return false;
std::wstring unix_result = AsMixedPath(xml_log->Get());
return SetEnv(L"XML_OUTPUT_FILE", unix_result) &&
// TODO(ulfjack): Update Gunit to accept XML_OUTPUT_FILE and drop the
// GUNIT_OUTPUT env variable.
SetEnv(L"GUNIT_OUTPUT", L"xml:" + unix_result) &&
CreateDirectories(xml_log->Dirname()) && CreateEmptyFile(*test_outerr);
devtools_ijar::u4 GetZipAttr(const FileInfo& info) {
// We use these hard-coded Unix permission masks because they are:
// - stable, so the zip file is deterministic
// - useful, because stat_to_zipattr expects a mode_t
static constexpr mode_t kDirectoryMode = 040750; // drwxr-x--- (directory)
static constexpr mode_t kFileMode = 0100640; // -rw-r----- (regular file)
devtools_ijar::Stat file_stat;
file_stat.total_size = info.Size();
file_stat.is_directory = info.IsDirectory();
file_stat.file_mode = info.IsDirectory() ? kDirectoryMode : kFileMode;
return devtools_ijar::stat_to_zipattr(file_stat);
bool GetZipEntryPtr(devtools_ijar::ZipBuilder* zip_builder,
const char* entry_name, const devtools_ijar::u4 attr,
devtools_ijar::u1** result) {
*result = zip_builder->NewFile(entry_name, attr);
if (*result == nullptr) {
LogErrorWithArg2(__LINE__, "Failed to add new zip entry for file",
entry_name, zip_builder->GetError());
return false;
return true;
bool CreateZip(const Path& root, const std::vector<FileInfo>& files,
const Path& abs_zip) {
bool restore_oem_api = false;
if (!AreFileApisANSI()) {
// devtools_ijar::ZipBuilder uses the ANSI file APIs so we must set the
// active code page to ANSI.
restore_oem_api = true;
Defer restore_file_apis([restore_oem_api]() {
if (restore_oem_api) {
ZipEntryPaths zip_entry_paths;
if (!ToZipEntryPaths(root, files, &zip_entry_paths)) {
LogError(__LINE__, "Failed to create zip entry paths");
return false;
std::unique_ptr<devtools_ijar::ZipBuilder> zip_builder;
if (!CreateZipBuilder(abs_zip, zip_entry_paths, &zip_builder)) {
LogError(__LINE__, "Failed to create zip builder");
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) {
bazel::windows::AutoHandle handle;
Path path;
if (!path.Set(root.Get() + L"\\" + files[i].RelativePath()) ||
(!files[i].IsDirectory() && !OpenExistingFileForRead(path, &handle))) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to open file for reading", path.Get());
return false;
devtools_ijar::u1* dest;
if (!GetZipEntryPtr(zip_builder.get(), zip_entry_paths.EntryPathPtrs()[i],
GetZipAttr(files[i]), &dest) ||
(!files[i].IsDirectory() &&
!ReadFromFile(handle, dest, files[i].Size()))) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to dump file into zip", path.Get());
return false;
if (zip_builder->FinishFile(files[i].Size(), /* compress */ false,
/* compute_crc */ true) == -1) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to finish writing file to zip",
return false;
if (zip_builder->Finish() == -1) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to add file to zip",
return false;
return true;
bool GetAndUnexportUndeclaredOutputsEnvvars(const Path& cwd,
UndeclaredOutputs* result) {
// The test may only see TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_DIR and
// TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_ANNOTATIONS_DIR, so keep those but unexport others.
if (!GetPathEnv(L"TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_ZIP", &(result->zip)) ||
!GetPathEnv(L"TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_MANIFEST", &(result->manifest)) ||
&(result->annotations)) ||
!GetPathEnv(L"TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_DIR", &(result->root)) ||
&(result->annotations_dir))) {
return false;
return SetPathEnv(L"TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_DIR", result->root) &&
result->annotations_dir) &&
CreateDirectories(result->root) &&
bool PrintTestLogStartMarker() {
std::wstring test_target;
std::string acp_test_target;
if (!GetEnv(L"TEST_TARGET", &test_target) ||
!WcsToAcp(test_target, &acp_test_target)) {
return false;
std::stringstream ss;
if (test_target.empty()) {
// According to the Bazel Test Encyclopedia, setting TEST_TARGET is
// optional.
ss << "Executing tests from unknown target\n";
} else {
ss << "Executing tests from " << acp_test_target << "\n";
// This header marks where --test_output=streamed will start being printed.
ss << "---------------------------------------------------------------------"
return true;
inline bool GetWorkspaceName(std::wstring* result) {
return GetEnv(L"TEST_WORKSPACE", result) && !result->empty();
inline void ComputeRunfilePath(const std::wstring& test_workspace,
std::wstring* s) {
if (s->size() >= 2 && (*s)[0] == L'.' && (*s)[1] == L'/') {
s->erase(0, 2);
// Runfiles paths of external tests start with "../".
if (s->find(L"../") == 0) {
s->erase(0, 3);
} else {
*s = test_workspace + L"/" + *s;
bool FindTestBinary(const Path& argv0, const Path& cwd, std::wstring test_path,
const Path& abs_test_srcdir, Path* result) {
if (!blaze_util::IsAbsolute(test_path)) {
std::string argv0_acp;
if (!WcsToAcp(argv0.Get(), &argv0_acp)) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to convert path", argv0.Get());
return false;
std::string error;
std::unique_ptr<bazel::tools::cpp::runfiles::Runfiles> runfiles(
bazel::tools::cpp::runfiles::Runfiles::Create(argv0_acp, &error));
if (runfiles == nullptr) {
LogError(__LINE__, "Failed to load runfiles");
return false;
std::wstring workspace;
if (!GetEnv(L"TEST_WORKSPACE", &workspace) || workspace.empty()) {
LogError(__LINE__, "Failed to read %TEST_WORKSPACE%");
return false;
ComputeRunfilePath(workspace, &test_path);
Path test_bin_in_runfiles;
if (!test_bin_in_runfiles.Set(abs_test_srcdir.Get() + L"\\" + test_path)) {
LogErrorWithArg2(__LINE__, "Could not join paths", abs_test_srcdir.Get(),
return false;
std::wstring mf_only_str;
int mf_only_value = 0;
if (!GetIntEnv(L"RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY", &mf_only_str, &mf_only_value)) {
return false;
// If runfiles is enabled on Windows, we use the test binary in the runfiles
// tree, which is consistent with the behavior on Linux and macOS.
// Otherwise, we use Rlocation function to find the actual test binary
// location.
if (mf_only_value != 1 && IsReadableFile(test_bin_in_runfiles)) {
test_path = test_bin_in_runfiles.Get();
} else {
std::string utf8_test_path;
uint32_t err;
if (!blaze_util::WcsToUtf8(test_path, &utf8_test_path, &err)) {
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "Failed to convert string to UTF-8",
test_path, err);
return false;
std::string rloc = runfiles->Rlocation(utf8_test_path);
if (!blaze_util::Utf8ToWcs(rloc, &test_path, &err)) {
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "Failed to convert string",
utf8_test_path, err);
if (!result->Set(test_path)) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to set path", test_path);
return false;
return true;
bool CreateCommandLine(const Path& path, const std::wstring& args,
std::unique_ptr<WCHAR[]>* result) {
// kMaxCmdline value: see lpCommandLine parameter of CreateProcessW.
static constexpr size_t kMaxCmdline = 32767;
if (path.Get().size() + args.size() > kMaxCmdline) {
LogErrorWithValue(__LINE__, L"Command is too long",
path.Get().size() + args.size());
return false;
// Add an extra character for the final null-terminator.
result->reset(new WCHAR[path.Get().size() + args.size() + 1]);
wcsncpy(result->get(), path.Get().c_str(), path.Get().size());
wcsncpy(result->get() + path.Get().size(), args.c_str(), args.size() + 1);
return true;
bool StartSubprocess(const Path& path, const std::wstring& args,
const Path& outerr, std::unique_ptr<Tee>* tee,
LARGE_INTEGER* start_time,
bazel::windows::WaitableProcess* process) {
SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES inheritable_handle_sa = {sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES),
nullptr, TRUE};
// Create a pipe to stream the output of the subprocess to this process.
// The subprocess inherits two copies of the writing end (one for stdout, one
// for stderr). This process closes its copies of the handles.
// This process keeps the reading end and streams data from the pipe to the
// test log and to stdout.
HANDLE pipe_read_h, pipe_write_h;
if (!CreatePipe(&pipe_read_h, &pipe_write_h, &inheritable_handle_sa, 0)) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithValue(__LINE__, "CreatePipe", err);
return false;
bazel::windows::AutoHandle pipe_read(pipe_read_h), pipe_write(pipe_write_h);
// Duplicate the write end of the pipe.
// The original will be connected to the stdout of the process, the duplicate
// to stderr.
HANDLE pipe_write_dup_h;
if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), pipe_write, GetCurrentProcess(),
&pipe_write_dup_h, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithValue(__LINE__, "DuplicateHandle", err);
return false;
bazel::windows::AutoHandle pipe_write_dup(pipe_write_dup_h);
// Open a readonly handle to NUL. The subprocess inherits this handle that's
// connected to its stdin.
bazel::windows::AutoHandle devnull_read(CreateFileW(
&inheritable_handle_sa, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr));
if (devnull_read == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithValue(__LINE__, "CreateFileW", err);
return false;
// Open a handle to the test log file. The "tee" thread will write everything
// into it that the subprocess writes to the pipe.
bazel::windows::AutoHandle test_outerr;
if (!OpenFileForWriting(outerr, &test_outerr)) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to open file for writing", outerr.Get());
return false;
// Duplicate stdout's handle, and pass it to the tee thread, who will own it
// and close it in the end.
HANDLE stdout_dup_h;
if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),
GetCurrentProcess(), &stdout_dup_h, 0, FALSE,
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithValue(__LINE__, "DuplicateHandle", err);
return false;
bazel::windows::AutoHandle stdout_dup(stdout_dup_h);
// Create the tee thread, and transfer ownerships of the `pipe_read`,
// `test_outerr`, and `stdout_dup` handles.
if (!TeeImpl::Create(&pipe_read, &test_outerr, &stdout_dup, tee)) {
return false;
std::wstring werror;
if (!process->Create(path.Get(), args, nullptr, L"", devnull_read, pipe_write,
pipe_write_dup, start_time, &werror)) {
LogError(__LINE__, werror);
return false;
return true;
bool ArchiveUndeclaredOutputs(const UndeclaredOutputs& undecl) {
if (undecl.root.Get().empty() || {
// TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_DIR was undefined, so there's nothing to archive,
// or TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_ZIP was undefined as
// --nozip_undeclared_test_outputs was specified.
return true;
std::vector<FileInfo> files;
return GetFileListRelativeTo(undecl.root, &files) &&
(files.empty() ||
(CreateZip(undecl.root, files, &&
CreateUndeclaredOutputsManifest(files, undecl.manifest)));
// Creates the Undeclared Outputs Annotations file.
// This file is a concatenation of every *.part file directly under
// `undecl_annot_dir`. The file is written to `output`.
bool CreateUndeclaredOutputsAnnotations(const Path& undecl_annot_dir,
const Path& output) {
if (undecl_annot_dir.Get().empty()) {
// The directory's environment variable
// (TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_ANNOTATIONS_DIR) was probably undefined, nothing
// to do.
return true;
std::vector<FileInfo> files;
if (!GetFileListRelativeTo(undecl_annot_dir, &files, 0)) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to get directory contents",
return false;
// There are no *.part files under `undecl_annot_dir`, nothing to do.
if (files.empty()) {
return true;
bazel::windows::AutoHandle handle;
if (!OpenFileForWriting(output, &handle)) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to open file for writing", output.Get());
return false;
for (const auto& e : files) {
if (!e.IsDirectory() &&
e.RelativePath().rfind(L".part") == e.RelativePath().size() - 5) {
// Only consume "*.part" files.
Path path;
if (!path.Set(undecl_annot_dir.Get() + L"\\" + e.RelativePath()) ||
!AppendFileTo(path, e.Size(), handle)) {
LogErrorWithArg2(__LINE__, "Failed to append file to another",
path.Get(), output.Get());
return false;
return true;
bool ParseArgs(int argc, wchar_t** argv, Path* out_argv0,
std::wstring* out_test_path_arg, std::wstring* out_args) {
if (!out_argv0->Set(argv[0])) {
return false;
if (argc < 1) {
LogError(__LINE__, "Usage: $0 <test_path> [test_args...]");
return false;
*out_test_path_arg = argv[0];
std::wstringstream stm;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
stm << L' ' << bazel::windows::WindowsEscapeArg(argv[i]);
*out_args = stm.str();
return true;
bool ParseXmlWriterArgs(int argc, wchar_t** argv, const Path& cwd,
Path* out_test_log, Path* out_xml_log,
Duration* out_duration, int* out_exit_code) {
if (argc < 5) {
"Usage: $0 <test_output_path> <xml_log_path>"
" <duration_in_seconds> <exit_code>");
return false;
if (!out_test_log->Set(argv[1]) || out_test_log->Get().empty()) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to parse test log path argument",
return false;
if (!out_xml_log->Set(argv[2]) || out_xml_log->Get().empty()) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to parse XML log path argument", argv[2]);
return false;
if (!out_duration->FromString(argv[3])) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to parse test duration argument",
return false;
if (!ToInt(argv[4], out_exit_code)) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to parse exit code argument", argv[4]);
return false;
return true;
bool TeeImpl::Create(bazel::windows::AutoHandle* input,
bazel::windows::AutoHandle* output1,
bazel::windows::AutoHandle* output2,
std::unique_ptr<Tee>* result) {
std::unique_ptr<TeeImpl> tee(new TeeImpl(input, output1, output2));
bazel::windows::AutoHandle thread(
CreateThread(nullptr, 0, ThreadFunc, tee.get(), 0, nullptr));
if (!thread.IsValid()) {
return false;
return true;
DWORD WINAPI TeeImpl::ThreadFunc(LPVOID lpParam) {
return reinterpret_cast<TeeImpl*>(lpParam)->MainFunc() ? 0 : 1;
bool TeeImpl::MainFunc() const {
static constexpr size_t kBufferSize = 0x10000;
DWORD read;
uint8_t content[kBufferSize];
while (ReadFile(input_, content, kBufferSize, &read, nullptr)) {
DWORD written;
if (read > 0 && (!WriteFile(output1_, content, read, &written, nullptr) ||
!WriteFile(output2_, content, read, &written, nullptr))) {
return false;
return true;
int RunSubprocess(const Path& test_path, const std::wstring& args,
const Path& test_outerr, Duration* test_duration) {
std::unique_ptr<Tee> tee;
bazel::windows::WaitableProcess process;
LARGE_INTEGER start, end, freq;
if (!StartSubprocess(test_path, args, test_outerr, &tee, &start, &process)) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to start test process", test_path.Get());
return 1;
std::wstring werror;
int wait_res = process.WaitFor(-1, &end, &werror);
if (wait_res != bazel::windows::WaitableProcess::kWaitSuccess) {
LogErrorWithValue(__LINE__, werror, wait_res);
return 1;
int result = process.GetExitCode(&werror);
if (!werror.empty()) {
LogError(__LINE__, werror);
return 1;
end.QuadPart -= start.QuadPart;
decltype(LARGE_INTEGER::QuadPart) seconds;
// Compute the number of seconds the test ran for.
seconds = end.QuadPart / freq.QuadPart;
// Check the remainder: if it's at least 0.5 seconds, round up.
if ((end.QuadPart - seconds * freq.QuadPart) * 2 >= freq.QuadPart) {
seconds += 1;
test_duration->seconds =
(seconds > Duration::kMax) ? Duration::kMax : seconds;
return result;
// Replace invalid XML characters and locate invalid CDATA sequences.
// The legal Unicode code points and ranges are U+0009, U+000A, U+000D,
// U+0020..U+D7FF, U+E000..U+FFFD, and U+10000..U+10FFFF.
// Assuming the input is UTF-8 encoded, that translates to the following
// regexps:
// [\x9\xa\xd\x20-\x7f] <--- (9,A,D,20-7F)
// [\xc0-\xdf][\x80-\xbf] <--- (0080-07FF)
// [\xe0-\xec][\x80-\xbf][\x80-\xbf] <--- (0800-CFFF)
// [\xed][\x80-\x9f][\x80-\xbf] <--- (D000-D7FF)
// [\xee][\x80-\xbf][\x80-\xbf] <--- (E000-EFFF)
// [\xef][\x80-\xbe][\x80-\xbf] <--- (F000-FFEF)
// [\xef][\xbf][\x80-\xbd] <--- (FFF0-FFFD)
// [\xf0-\xf7][\x80-\xbf][\x80-\xbf][\x80-\xbf] <--- (010000-10FFFF)
// (See
// Every octet-sequence matching one of these regexps will be left alone, all
// other octet-sequences will be replaced by '?' characters.
bool CdataEscape(IFStream* in, std::basic_ostream<char>* out) {
int c0 = in->Get();
uint8_t p[3];
for (; c0 < 256; c0 = in->Get()) {
if (c0 == ']' && in->Peek(2, p) == 2 && p[0] == ']' && p[1] == '>') {
*out << "]]>]]<![CDATA[>";
if (!out->good()) {
return false;
} else if (c0 == 0x9 || c0 == 0xA || c0 == 0xD ||
(c0 >= 0x20 && c0 <= 0x7F)) {
// Matched legal single-octet sequence.
*out << (char)c0;
if (!out->good()) {
return false;
} else if (c0 >= 0xC0 && c0 <= 0xDF && in->Peek(1, p) == 1 &&
p[0] >= 0x80 && p[0] <= 0xBF) {
// Matched legal double-octet sequence. Skip the next octet.
*out << (char)c0 << (char)p[0];
if (!out->good()) {
return false;
} else if (in->Peek(2, p) == 2 &&
((c0 >= 0xE0 && c0 <= 0xEC && p[0] >= 0x80 && p[0] <= 0xBF &&
p[1] >= 0x80 && p[1] <= 0xBF) ||
(c0 == 0xED && p[0] >= 0x80 && p[0] <= 0x9F && p[1] >= 0x80 &&
p[1] <= 0xBF) ||
(c0 == 0xEE && p[0] >= 0x80 && p[0] <= 0xBF && p[1] >= 0x80 &&
p[1] <= 0xBF) ||
(c0 == 0xEF && p[0] >= 0x80 && p[0] <= 0xBE && p[1] >= 0x80 &&
p[1] <= 0xBF) ||
(c0 == 0xEF && p[0] == 0xBF && p[1] >= 0x80 && p[1] <= 0xBD))) {
// Matched legal triple-octet sequence. Skip the next two octets.
*out << (char)c0 << (char)p[0] << (char)p[1];
if (!out->good()) {
return false;
} else if (in->Peek(3, p) == 3 && c0 >= 0xF0 && c0 <= 0xF7 &&
p[0] >= 0x80 && p[0] <= 0xBF && p[1] >= 0x80 && p[1] <= 0xBF &&
p[2] >= 0x80 && p[2] <= 0xBF) {
// Matched legal quadruple-octet sequence. Skip the next three octets.
*out << (char)c0 << (char)p[0] << (char)p[1] << (char)p[2];
if (!out->good()) {
return false;
} else {
// Illegal octet; replace.
*out << (char)'?';
if (!out->good()) {
return false;
return c0 == IFStream::kIFStreamErrorEOF;
bool GetTestName(std::wstring* result) {
if (!GetEnv(L"TEST_BINARY", result) || result->empty()) {
LogError(__LINE__, L"Failed to get test name");
return false;
if (result->size() >= 2 && (*result)[0] == '.' && (*result)[1] == '/') {
result->erase(0, 2);
} else if (result->size() >= 3 && (*result)[0] == '.' &&
(*result)[1] == '.' && (*result)[2] == '/') {
result->erase(0, 3);
// Ensure that test shards have unique names in the xml output, by including
// the shard index in the test name.
std::wstring total_shards_str;
int total_shards = 0, shard_index = 0;
if (!GetIntEnv(L"TEST_TOTAL_SHARDS", &total_shards_str, &total_shards)) {
return false;
if (total_shards > 0) {
std::wstring shard_index_str;
if (!GetIntEnv(L"TEST_SHARD_INDEX", &shard_index_str, &shard_index) ||
shard_index_str.empty()) {
return false;
std::wstringstream stm;
stm << *result << L"_shard_" << (shard_index + 1) << L"/"
<< total_shards_str;
*result = stm.str();
return true;
std::string CreateErrorTag(int exit_code) {
if (exit_code != 0) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "<error message=\"exited with error code " << exit_code
<< "\"></error>";
return ss.str();
} else {
return std::string();
bool ShouldCreateXml(const Path& xml_log, const MainType main_type,
bool* result) {
*result = true;
// If running from the xml generator binary, we should always create the xml
// file.
if (main_type == MainType::kXmlWriterMain) {
return true;
DWORD attr = GetFileAttributesW(AddUncPrefixMaybe(xml_log).c_str());
// The XML file already exists, maybe the test framework wrote it.
// Leave the file alone.
*result = false;
return true;
std::wstring split_xml_generation;
if (!GetEnv(L"EXPERIMENTAL_SPLIT_XML_GENERATION", &split_xml_generation)) {
return false;
if (split_xml_generation == L"1") {
// Bazel generates the test xml as a separate action, so we don't have to
// create it.
*result = false;
return true;
bool CreateXmlLog(const Path& output, const Path& test_outerr,
const Duration duration, const int exit_code,
const DeleteAfterwards delete_afterwards,
const MainType main_type) {
bool should_create_xml;
if (!ShouldCreateXml(output, main_type, &should_create_xml)) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to decide if XML log is needed",
return false;
if (!should_create_xml) {
return true;
Defer delete_test_outerr([test_outerr, delete_afterwards]() {
// Delete the test's outerr file after we have the XML file.
// We don't care if this succeeds or not, because the outerr file is not a
// declared output.
if (delete_afterwards == DeleteAfterwards::kEnabled) {
std::wstring test_name;
int errors = (exit_code == 0) ? 0 : 1;
std::string error_msg = CreateErrorTag(exit_code);
if (!GetTestName(&test_name)) {
return false;
std::string acp_test_name;
if (!WcsToAcp(test_name, &acp_test_name)) {
LogError(__LINE__, test_name.c_str());
return false;
bazel::windows::AutoHandle test_log;
if (!OpenExistingFileForRead(test_outerr, &test_log)) {
LogError(__LINE__, test_outerr.Get().c_str());
return false;
std::unique_ptr<IFStream> istm(IFStreamImpl::Create(test_log));
if (istm == nullptr) {
LogError(__LINE__, test_outerr.Get().c_str());
return false;
std::ofstream ostm(
std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::trunc);
if (!ostm.is_open() || !ostm.good()) {
LogError(__LINE__, output.Get().c_str());
return false;
// Create XML file stub.
ostm << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
"<testsuite name=\""
<< acp_test_name << "\" tests=\"1\" failures=\"0\" errors=\"" << errors
<< "\">\n"
"<testcase name=\""
<< acp_test_name << "\" status=\"run\" duration=\"" << duration.seconds
<< "\" time=\"" << duration.seconds << "\">" << error_msg
<< "</testcase>\n"
if (!ostm.good()) {
LogError(__LINE__, output.Get().c_str());
return false;
// Encode test log to make it embeddable in CDATA.
if (!CdataEscape(istm.get(), &ostm)) {
LogError(__LINE__, output.Get().c_str());
return false;
// Append CDATA end and closing tags.
ostm << "]]></system-out>\n</testsuite>\n</testsuites>\n";
if (!ostm.good()) {
LogError(__LINE__, output.Get().c_str());
return false;
return true;
bool Duration::FromString(const wchar_t* str) {
int result;
if (!ToInt(str, &result)) {
LogErrorWithArg(__LINE__, "Failed to parse int from string", str);
return false;
this->seconds = result;
return true;
bool Path::Set(const std::wstring& path) {
std::wstring result;
std::string error;
if (!blaze_util::AsWindowsPath(path, &result, &error)) {
LogError(__LINE__, error);
return false;
path_ = result;
return true;
bool Path::Absolutize(const Path& cwd) {
if (!path_.empty() && !blaze_util::IsAbsolute(path_)) {
// Both paths are normalized, but this->path_ may begin with ".."s so we
// must normalize after joining.
// We wouldn't need full normalization, just normlize at the joined edges,
// but let's keep the code simple and normalize fully. (AsWindowsPath in
// Set normalizes.)
return Set(cwd.path_ + L"\\" + path_);
} else {
return false;
Path Path::Dirname() const {
Path result;
result.path_ = blaze_util::SplitPathW(path_).first;
return result;
IFStream* IFStreamImpl::Create(HANDLE handle, DWORD page_size) {
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> data(new uint8_t[page_size * 2]);
DWORD read;
if (!ReadFile(handle, data.get(), page_size * 2, &read, nullptr)) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
if (err == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) {
read = 0;
} else {
LogErrorWithValue(__LINE__, "Failed to read from file", err);
return nullptr;
return new IFStreamImpl(handle, std::move(data), read, page_size);
int IFStreamImpl::Get() {
if (pos_ == end_) {
return kIFStreamErrorEOF;
int result = pages_[pos_];
if (pos_ + 1 < end_) {
return result;
// Overwrite the *active* page: we are about to move off of it.
DWORD offs = (pos_ < page_size_) ? 0 : page_size_;
DWORD read;
if (!ReadFile(handle_, pages_.get() + offs, page_size_, &read, nullptr)) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
if (err == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) {
// The stream is reading from a pipe, and there's no more data.
} else {
LogErrorWithValue(__LINE__, "Failed to read from file", err);
return kIFStreamErrorIO;
pos_ = (pos_ < page_size_) ? page_size_ : 0;
end_ = pos_ + next_size_;
next_size_ = read;
return result;
DWORD IFStreamImpl::Peek(DWORD n, uint8_t* out) const {
if (pos_ == end_) {
return 0;
DWORD n1 = end_ - pos_;
if (n1 > n) {
n1 = n; // all 'n' bytes are on the current page
memcpy(out, pages_.get() + pos_, n1);
if (n1 == n) {
return n;
DWORD offs = (pos_ < page_size_) ? page_size_ : 0;
DWORD n2 = n - n1; // how much is left to read
if (n2 > next_size_) {
n2 = next_size_; // read no more than the other page's size
memcpy(out + n1, pages_.get() + offs, n2);
return n1 + n2;
} // namespace
void ZipEntryPaths::Create(const std::string& root,
const std::vector<std::string>& relative_paths) {
size_ = relative_paths.size();
size_t total_size = 0;
for (const auto& e : relative_paths) {
// Increase total size for absolute paths by <root> + "/" + <path> +
// null-terminator.
total_size += root.size() + 1 + e.size() + 1;
// Store all absolute paths in one continuous char array.
abs_paths_.reset(new char[total_size]);
// Store pointers in two arrays. The pointers point into `abs_path`.
// We'll pass these paths to devtools_ijar::ZipBuilder::EstimateSize that
// expects an array of char pointers. The last element must be NULL, so
// allocate one extra pointer.
abs_path_ptrs_.reset(new char*[relative_paths.size() + 1]);
entry_path_ptrs_.reset(new char*[relative_paths.size() + 1]);
char* p = abs_paths_.get();
// Create all full paths (root + '/' + relative_paths[i] + '\0').
// If `root` is "c:/foo", then store the following:
// - Store each absolute path consecutively in `abs_paths_` (via `p`).
// Store paths with forward slashes and not backslashes, because we use them
// as zip entry paths, as well as paths we open with CreateFileA (which can
// convert these paths internally to Windows-style).
// Example: "c:/foo/bar.txt\0c:/foo/sub/baz.txt\0"
// - Store pointers in `abs_path_ptrs_`, pointing to the start of each
// string inside `abs_paths_`.
// Example: "c:/foo/bar.txt\0c:/foo/sub/baz.txt\0"
// ^ here ^ here
// - Store pointers in `entry_path_ptrs_`, pointing to the start of each
// zip entry path inside `abs_paths_`, which is the part of each path
// that's relative to `root`.
// Example: "c:/foo/bar.txt\0c:/foo/sub/baz.txt\0"
// ^ here ^ here
// - Because the ZipBuilder requires that the file paths and zip entry paths
// are null-terminated arrays, we insert an extra null at their ends.
for (size_t i = 0; i < relative_paths.size(); ++i) {
abs_path_ptrs_.get()[i] = p;
strncpy(p, root.c_str(), root.size());
p += root.size();
*p++ = '/';
entry_path_ptrs_.get()[i] = p;
strncpy(p, relative_paths[i].c_str(), relative_paths[i].size() + 1);
p += relative_paths[i].size() + 1;
abs_path_ptrs_.get()[relative_paths.size()] = nullptr;
entry_path_ptrs_.get()[relative_paths.size()] = nullptr;
int TestWrapperMain(int argc, wchar_t** argv) {
Path argv0;
std::wstring test_path_arg;
Path test_path, exec_root, srcdir, tmpdir, test_outerr, xml_log;
UndeclaredOutputs undecl;
std::wstring args;
if (!AddCurrentDirectoryToPATH() ||
!ParseArgs(argc, argv, &argv0, &test_path_arg, &args) ||
!PrintTestLogStartMarker() || !GetCwd(&exec_root) || !ExportUserName() ||
!ExportSrcPath(exec_root, &srcdir) ||
!FindTestBinary(argv0, exec_root, test_path_arg, srcdir, &test_path) ||
!ChdirToRunfiles(exec_root, srcdir) ||
!ExportTmpPath(exec_root, &tmpdir) || !ExportHome(tmpdir) ||
!ExportRunfiles(exec_root, srcdir) || !ExportShardStatusFile(exec_root) ||
!ExportGtestVariables(tmpdir) || !ExportMiscEnvvars(exec_root) ||
!ExportXmlPath(exec_root, &test_outerr, &xml_log) ||
!GetAndUnexportUndeclaredOutputsEnvvars(exec_root, &undecl)) {
return 1;
Duration test_duration;
int result = RunSubprocess(test_path, args, test_outerr, &test_duration);
if (!CreateXmlLog(xml_log, test_outerr, test_duration, result,
DeleteAfterwards::kEnabled, MainType::kTestWrapperMain) ||
!ArchiveUndeclaredOutputs(undecl) ||
undecl.annotations)) {
return 1;
return result;
int XmlWriterMain(int argc, wchar_t** argv) {
Path cwd, test_outerr, test_xml_log;
Duration duration;
int exit_code = 0;
if (!GetCwd(&cwd) ||
!ParseXmlWriterArgs(argc, argv, cwd, &test_outerr, &test_xml_log,
&duration, &exit_code) ||
!CreateXmlLog(test_xml_log, test_outerr, duration, exit_code,
DeleteAfterwards::kDisabled, MainType::kXmlWriterMain)) {
return 1;
return 0;
namespace testing {
bool TestOnly_GetEnv(const wchar_t* name, std::wstring* result) {
return GetEnv(name, result);
bool TestOnly_GetFileListRelativeTo(const std::wstring& abs_root,
std::vector<FileInfo>* result,
int depth_limit) {
Path root;
return blaze_util::IsAbsolute(abs_root) && root.Set(abs_root) &&
GetFileListRelativeTo(root, result, depth_limit);
bool TestOnly_ToZipEntryPaths(const std::wstring& abs_root,
const std::vector<FileInfo>& files,
ZipEntryPaths* result) {
Path root;
return blaze_util::IsAbsolute(abs_root) && root.Set(abs_root) &&
ToZipEntryPaths(root, files, result);
bool TestOnly_CreateZip(const std::wstring& abs_root,
const std::vector<FileInfo>& files,
const std::wstring& abs_zip) {
Path root, zip;
return blaze_util::IsAbsolute(abs_root) && root.Set(abs_root) &&
blaze_util::IsAbsolute(abs_zip) && zip.Set(abs_zip) &&
CreateZip(root, files, zip);
std::string TestOnly_GetMimeType(const std::string& filename) {
return GetMimeType(filename);
bool TestOnly_CreateUndeclaredOutputsManifest(
const std::vector<FileInfo>& files, std::string* result) {
return CreateUndeclaredOutputsManifestContent(files, result);
bool TestOnly_CreateUndeclaredOutputsAnnotations(
const std::wstring& abs_root, const std::wstring& abs_output) {
Path root, output;
return blaze_util::IsAbsolute(abs_root) && root.Set(abs_root) &&
blaze_util::IsAbsolute(abs_output) && output.Set(abs_output) &&
CreateUndeclaredOutputsAnnotations(root, output);
bool TestOnly_AsMixedPath(const std::wstring& path, std::string* result) {
Path p;
return p.Set(path) && WcsToAcp(AsMixedPath(RemoveUncPrefixMaybe(p)), result);
bool TestOnly_CreateTee(bazel::windows::AutoHandle* input,
bazel::windows::AutoHandle* output1,
bazel::windows::AutoHandle* output2,
std::unique_ptr<Tee>* result) {
return TeeImpl::Create(input, output1, output2, result);
bool TestOnly_CdataEncode(IFStream* in_stm, std::basic_ostream<char>* out_stm) {
return CdataEscape(in_stm, out_stm);
IFStream* TestOnly_CreateIFStream(HANDLE handle, DWORD page_size) {
return IFStreamImpl::Create(handle, page_size);
} // namespace testing
} // namespace test_wrapper
} // namespace tools
} // namespace bazel