blob: 9ee89e4dcb10a5881365450c7286b62c0016f6ec [file] [log] [blame]
<p><code>String; optional; <a href="#configurable-attributes">nonconfigurable</a></code></p>
An explanatory warning message associated with this target.
Typically this is used to notify users that a target has become obsolete,
or has become superseded by another rule, is private to a package, or is
perhaps considered harmful for some reason. It is a good idea to include
some reference (like a webpage, a bug number or example migration CLs) so
that one can easily find out what changes are required to avoid the message.
If there is a new target that can be used as a drop in replacement, it is a
good idea to just migrate all users of the old target.
This attribute has no effect on the way things are built, but it
may affect a build tool's diagnostic output. The build tool issues a
warning when a rule with a <code>deprecation</code> attribute is
depended upon by a target in another package.
Intra-package dependencies are exempt from this warning, so that,
for example, building the tests of a deprecated rule does not
encounter a warning.
If a deprecated target depends on another deprecated target, no warning
message is issued.
Once people have stopped using it, the target can be removed.