blob: 55a155b4b47538ac870597b9c70f20ef9455329c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// bootstrap and client code for Blaze server.
// Responsible for:
// - extracting the Python, C++ and Java components.
// - starting the server or finding the existing one.
// - client options parsing.
// - passing the argv array, and printing the out/err streams.
// - signal handling.
// - exiting with the right error/WTERMSIG code.
// - debugger + profiler support.
// - mutual exclusion between batch invocations.
#include "src/main/cpp/blaze.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <grpc/grpc.h>
#include <grpc/support/log.h>
#include <grpcpp/channel.h>
#include <grpcpp/client_context.h>
#include <grpcpp/create_channel.h>
#include <grpcpp/security/credentials.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono> // NOLINT (gRPC requires this)
#include <cinttypes>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex> // NOLINT
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <thread> // NOLINT
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#if !defined(_WIN32)
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "src/main/cpp/archive_utils.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/blaze_util.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/blaze_util_platform.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/option_processor.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/server_process_info.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/startup_options.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/bazel_log_handler.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/errors.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/exit_code.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/file.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/logging.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/numbers.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/path.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/path_platform.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/port.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/strings.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/workspace_layout.h"
#include "src/main/protobuf/command_server.grpc.pb.h"
using blaze_util::GetLastErrorString;
#if !defined(_WIN32)
extern char **environ;
namespace blaze {
using command_server::CommandServer;
using std::map;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
// The following is a treatise on how the interaction between the client and the
// server works.
// First, the client unconditionally acquires an flock() lock on
// $OUTPUT_BASE/lock then verifies if it has already extracted itself by
// checking if the directory it extracts itself to (install base + a checksum)
// is present. If not, then it does the extraction. Care is taken that this
// process is atomic so that Blazen in multiple output bases do not clash.
// Then the client tries to connect to the currently executing server and kills
// it if at least one of the following conditions is true:
// - The server is of the wrong version (as determined by the
// $OUTPUT_BASE/install symlink)
// - The server has different startup options than the client wants
// - The client wants to run the command in batch mode
// Then, if needed, the client adjusts the install link to indicate which
// version of the server it is running.
// In batch mode, the client then simply executes the server while taking care
// that the output base lock is kept until it finishes.
// If in server mode, the client starts up a server if needed then sends the
// command to the client and streams back stdout and stderr. The output base
// lock is released after the command is sent to the server (the server
// implements its own locking mechanism).
// Synchronization between the client and the server is a little precarious
// because the client needs to know the PID of the server and it is not
// available using a Java API and we don't have JNI on Windows at the moment,
// so the server can't just communicate this over the communication channel.
// Thus, a PID file is used, but care needs to be taken that the contents of
// this PID file are right.
// Upon server startup, the PID file is written before the client spawns the
// server. Thus, when the client can connect, it can be certain that the PID
// file is up to date.
// Upon server shutdown, the PID file is deleted using a server shutdown hook.
// However, this happens *after* the server stopped listening, so it's possible
// that a client has already started up a server and written a new PID file.
// In order to avoid this, when the client starts up a new server, it reads the
// contents of the PID file and kills the process indicated in it (it could do
// with a bit more care, since PIDs can be reused, but for now, we just believe
// the PID file)
// Some more interesting scenarios:
// - The server receives a kill signal and it does not have a chance to delete
// the PID file: the client cannot connect, reads the PID file, kills the
// process indicated in it and starts up a new server.
// - The server stopped accepting connections but hasn't quit yet and a new
// client comes around: the new client will kill the server based on the
// PID file before a new server is started up.
// Alternative implementations:
// - Don't deal with PIDs at all. This would make it impossible for the client
// to deliver a SIGKILL to the server after three SIGINTs. It would only be
// possible with gRPC anyway.
// - Have the server check that the PID file contains the correct things
// before deleting them: there is a window of time between checking the file
// and deleting it in which a new server can overwrite the PID file. The
// output base lock cannot be acquired, either, because when starting up a
// new server, the client already holds it.
// - Delete the PID file before stopping to accept connections: then a client
// could come about after deleting the PID file but before stopping accepting
// connections. It would also not be resilient against a dead server that
// left a PID file around.
// The reason for a blaze server restart.
// Keep in sync with logging.proto.
enum RestartReason {
// String string representation of RestartReason.
static const char *ReasonString(RestartReason reason) {
switch (reason) {
return "no_restart";
return "no_daemon";
return "new_version";
return "new_options";
return "pid_file_but_no_server";
return "server_vanished";
return "server_unresponsive";
<< "unknown RestartReason (" << reason << ").";
// Cannot actually reach this, but it makes the compiler happy.
return "unknown";
struct DurationMillis {
const uint64_t millis;
DurationMillis() : millis(kUnknownDuration) {}
DurationMillis(const uint64_t ms) : millis(ms) {}
bool IsKnown() const { return millis == kUnknownDuration; }
// Value representing that a timing event never occurred or is unknown.
static constexpr uint64_t kUnknownDuration = 0;
// Encapsulates miscellaneous information reported to the server for logging and
// profiling purposes.
struct LoggingInfo {
explicit LoggingInfo(const string &binary_path_,
const uint64_t start_time_ms_)
: binary_path(binary_path_),
restart_reason(NO_RESTART) {}
void SetRestartReasonIfNotSet(const RestartReason restart_reason_) {
if (restart_reason == NO_RESTART) {
restart_reason = restart_reason_;
// Path of this binary.
const string binary_path;
// The time in ms the binary started up, measured from approximately the time
// that "main" was called.
const uint64_t start_time_ms;
// The reason the server was restarted.
RestartReason restart_reason;
class BlazeServer final {
explicit BlazeServer(const StartupOptions &startup_options);
// Acquire a lock for the server running in this output base. Returns the
// number of milliseconds spent waiting for the lock.
uint64_t AcquireLock();
// Whether there is an active connection to a server.
bool Connected() const { return client_.get(); }
// Connect to the server. Returns if the connection was successful. Only
// call this when this object is in disconnected state. If it returns true,
// this object will be in connected state.
bool Connect();
// Send the command line to the server and forward whatever it says to stdout
// and stderr. Returns the desired exit code. Only call this when the server
// is in connected state.
unsigned int Communicate(
const std::string &command, const std::vector<std::string> &command_args,
const std::string &invocation_policy,
const std::vector<RcStartupFlag> &original_startup_options,
const LoggingInfo &logging_info,
const DurationMillis client_startup_duration,
const DurationMillis extract_data_duration,
const DurationMillis command_wait_duration_ms);
// Disconnects and kills an existing server. Only call this when this object
// is in connected state.
void KillRunningServer();
// Cancel the currently running command. If there is no command currently
// running, the result is unspecified. When called, this object must be in
// connected state.
void Cancel();
// Returns information about the actual server process and its configuration.
const ServerProcessInfo &ProcessInfo() const { return process_info_; }
BlazeLock blaze_lock_;
std::unique_ptr<CommandServer::Stub> client_;
std::string request_cookie_;
std::string response_cookie_;
std::string command_id_;
// protects command_id_ . Although we always set it before making the cancel
// thread do something with it, the mutex is still useful because it provides
// a memory fence.
std::mutex cancel_thread_mutex_;
// Pipe that the main thread sends actions to and the cancel thread receives
// actions from.
std::unique_ptr<blaze_util::IPipe> pipe_;
bool TryConnect(CommandServer::Stub *client);
void CancelThread();
void SendAction(CancelThreadAction action);
void SendCancelMessage();
ServerProcessInfo process_info_;
const int connect_timeout_secs_;
const bool batch_;
const bool block_for_lock_;
const bool preemptible_;
const blaze_util::Path output_base_;
// Global Variables
static BlazeServer *blaze_server;
// TODO(laszlocsomor) 2016-11-24: release the `blaze_server` object. Currently
// nothing deletes it. Be careful that some functions may call exit(2) or
// _exit(2) (attributed with ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN) meaning we have to delete the
// objects before those.
uint64_t BlazeServer::AcquireLock() {
return blaze::AcquireLock(output_base_, batch_, block_for_lock_,
// Logic
static map<string, EnvVarValue> PrepareEnvironmentForJvm();
// Escapes colons by replacing them with '_C' and underscores by replacing them
// with '_U'. E.g. "name:foo_bar" becomes "name_Cfoo_Ubar"
static string EscapeForOptionSource(const string &input) {
string result = input;
blaze_util::Replace("_", "_U", &result);
blaze_util::Replace(":", "_C", &result);
return result;
// Returns the JVM command argument array.
static vector<string> GetServerExeArgs(const blaze_util::Path &jvm_path,
const string &server_jar_path,
const vector<string> &archive_contents,
const string &install_md5,
const WorkspaceLayout &workspace_layout,
const string &workspace,
const StartupOptions &startup_options) {
vector<string> result;
// e.g. A Blaze server process running in ~/src/build_root (where there's a
// ~/src/build_root/WORKSPACE file) will appear in ps(1) as "blaze(src)".
result.push_back(startup_options.GetLowercaseProductName() + "(" +
workspace_layout.GetPrettyWorkspaceName(workspace) + ")");
// uses reflection to access
// private fields in java.lang.String. The Bazel server requires Java 11, so
// this option is known to be supported.
vector<string> user_options = startup_options.host_jvm_args;
// Add JVM arguments particular to building blaze64 and particular JVM
// versions.
string error;
blaze_exit_code::ExitCode jvm_args_exit_code =
&result, user_options, &error);
if (jvm_args_exit_code != blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS) {
BAZEL_DIE(jvm_args_exit_code) << error;
// We put all directories on java.library.path that contain .so/.dll files.
set<string> java_library_paths;
std::stringstream java_library_path;
java_library_path << "-Djava.library.path=";
blaze_util::Path real_install_dir =
for (const auto &it : archive_contents) {
if (IsSharedLibrary(it)) {
string libpath(real_install_dir.GetRelative(blaze_util::Dirname(it))
// Only add the library path if it's not added yet.
if (java_library_paths.insert(libpath).second) {
if (java_library_paths.size() > 1) {
java_library_path << kListSeparator;
java_library_path << libpath;
// Force use of latin1 for file names.
// Force into the root locale to ensure consistent behavior of string
// operations across machines (e.g. in the tr_TR locale, capital ASCII 'I'
// turns into a special Unicode 'i' when converted to lower case).
if (startup_options.host_jvm_debug) {
<< "Running host JVM under debugger (listening on TCP port 5005).";
// Start JVM so that it listens for a connection from a
// JDWP-compliant debugger:
result.insert(result.end(), user_options.begin(), user_options.end());
startup_options.AddJVMArgumentSuffix(real_install_dir, server_jar_path,
// JVM arguments are complete. Now pass in Blaze startup options.
// Note that we always use the --flag=ARG form (instead of the --flag ARG one)
// so that BlazeRuntime#splitStartupOptions has an easy job.
// TODO(b/152047869): Test that whatever the list constructed after this line
// is actually a list of parseable startup options.
if (!startup_options.batch) {
result.push_back("--max_idle_secs=" +
if (startup_options.shutdown_on_low_sys_mem) {
} else {
} else {
// --batch must come first in the arguments to Java main() because
// the code expects it to be at args[0] if it's been set.
if (startup_options.command_port != 0) {
result.push_back("--command_port=" +
result.push_back("--connect_timeout_secs=" +
result.push_back("--output_user_root=" +
result.push_back("--install_base=" +
result.push_back("--install_md5=" + install_md5);
result.push_back("--output_base=" +
result.push_back("--workspace_directory=" +
if (startup_options.autodetect_server_javabase) {
result.push_back("--default_system_javabase=" + GetSystemJavabase());
if (!startup_options.server_jvm_out.IsEmpty()) {
result.push_back("--server_jvm_out=" +
if (!startup_options.failure_detail_out.IsEmpty()) {
"--failure_detail_out=" +
if (startup_options.expand_configs_in_place) {
} else {
if (!startup_options.digest_function.empty()) {
// Only include this if a value is requested - we rely on the empty case
// being "null" to set the programmatic default in the server.
result.push_back("--digest_function=" + startup_options.digest_function);
if (!startup_options.unix_digest_hash_attribute_name.empty()) {
result.push_back("--unix_digest_hash_attribute_name=" +
if (startup_options.idle_server_tasks) {
} else {
if (startup_options.write_command_log) {
} else {
if (startup_options.watchfs) {
} else {
if (startup_options.fatal_event_bus_exceptions) {
} else {
if (startup_options.windows_enable_symlinks) {
} else {
// We use this syntax so that the logic in AreStartupOptionsDifferent() that
// decides whether the server needs killing is simpler. This is parsed by the
// Java code where --noclient_debug and --client_debug=false are equivalent.
// Note that --client_debug false (separated by space) won't work either,
// because the logic in AreStartupOptionsDifferent() assumes that every
// argument is in the --arg=value form.
if (startup_options.client_debug) {
} else {
// These flags are passed to the java process only for Blaze reporting
// purposes; the real interpretation of the jvm flags occurs when we set up
// the java command line.
if (!startup_options.GetExplicitServerJavabase().IsEmpty()) {
"--server_javabase=" +
if (startup_options.host_jvm_debug) {
if (!startup_options.host_jvm_profile.empty()) {
result.push_back("--host_jvm_profile=" + startup_options.host_jvm_profile);
if (!startup_options.host_jvm_args.empty()) {
for (const auto &arg : startup_options.host_jvm_args) {
result.push_back("--host_jvm_args=" + arg);
// Pass in invocation policy as a startup argument for batch mode only.
if (startup_options.batch && !startup_options.invocation_policy.empty()) {
result.push_back("--invocation_policy=" +
result.push_back("--product_name=" + startup_options.product_name);
// The option sources are transmitted in the following format:
// --option_sources=option1:source1:option2:source2:...
string option_sources = "--option_sources=";
bool first = true;
for (const auto &it : startup_options.option_sources) {
if (!first) {
option_sources += ":";
first = false;
option_sources += EscapeForOptionSource(it.first) + ":" +
return result;
// Add common command options for logging to the given argument array.
static void AddLoggingArgs(const LoggingInfo &logging_info,
const DurationMillis client_startup_duration,
const DurationMillis extract_data_duration,
const DurationMillis command_wait_duration_ms,
vector<string> *args) {
// The time in ms the launcher spends before sending the request to the blaze
// server.
args->push_back("--startup_time=" +
// The time in ms a command had to wait on a busy Blaze server process.
// This is part of startup_time.
if (command_wait_duration_ms.IsKnown()) {
args->push_back("--command_wait_time=" +
// The time in ms spent on extracting the new blaze version.
// This is part of startup_time.
if (extract_data_duration.IsKnown()) {
args->push_back("--extract_data_time=" +
if (logging_info.restart_reason != NO_RESTART) {
args->push_back(string("--restart_reason=") +
args->push_back(string("--binary_path=") + logging_info.binary_path);
// Join the elements of the specified array with NUL's (\0's), akin to the
// format of /proc/$PID/cmdline.
static string GetArgumentString(const vector<string> &argument_array) {
string result;
blaze_util::JoinStrings(argument_array, '\0', &result);
return result;
static void EnsureServerDir(const blaze_util::Path &server_dir) {
// The server dir has the connection info - don't allow access by other users.
if (!blaze_util::MakeDirectories(server_dir, 0700)) {
<< "server directory '" << server_dir.AsPrintablePath()
<< "' could not be created: " << GetLastErrorString();
// Do a chdir into the workspace, and die if it fails.
static const void GoToWorkspace(const WorkspaceLayout &workspace_layout,
const string &workspace) {
if (workspace_layout.InWorkspace(workspace) &&
!blaze_util::ChangeDirectory(workspace)) {
<< "changing directory into " << workspace
<< " failed: " << GetLastErrorString();
static const bool IsServerMode(const string &command) {
return "exec-server" == command;
// Replace this process with the blaze server. Does not exit.
static void RunServerMode(
const blaze_util::Path &server_exe, const vector<string> &server_exe_args,
const blaze_util::Path &server_dir, const WorkspaceLayout &workspace_layout,
const string &workspace, const OptionProcessor &option_processor,
const StartupOptions &startup_options, BlazeServer *server) {
if (startup_options.batch) {
<< "exec-server command is not compatible with --batch";
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "Running in server mode.";
if (server->Connected()) {
<< "exec-server failed, please shut down existing server pid="
<< server->ProcessInfo().server_pid_ << " and retry.";
GoToWorkspace(workspace_layout, workspace);
WithEnvVars env_obj(PrepareEnvironmentForJvm());
ExecuteServerJvm(server_exe, server_exe_args);
// Replace this process with blaze in standalone/batch mode.
// The batch mode blaze process handles the command and exits.
static void RunBatchMode(
const blaze_util::Path &server_exe, const vector<string> &server_exe_args,
const WorkspaceLayout &workspace_layout, const string &workspace,
const OptionProcessor &option_processor,
const StartupOptions &startup_options, LoggingInfo *logging_info,
const DurationMillis extract_data_duration,
const DurationMillis command_wait_duration_ms, BlazeServer *server) {
if (server->Connected()) {
const DurationMillis client_startup_duration(GetMillisecondsMonotonic() -
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "Starting " << startup_options.product_name
<< " in batch mode.";
const string command = option_processor.GetCommand();
const vector<string> command_arguments =
if (!command_arguments.empty() && command == "shutdown") {
string product = startup_options.GetLowercaseProductName();
<< "Running command \"shutdown\" in batch mode. Batch mode is "
"triggered\nwhen not running "
<< startup_options.product_name
<< " within a workspace. If you intend to shutdown an\nexisting "
<< startup_options.product_name << " server, run \"" << product
<< " shutdown\" from the directory where\nit was started.";
vector<string> jvm_args_vector = server_exe_args;
if (!command.empty()) {
AddLoggingArgs(*logging_info, client_startup_duration,
extract_data_duration, command_wait_duration_ms,
jvm_args_vector.insert(jvm_args_vector.end(), command_arguments.begin(),
GoToWorkspace(workspace_layout, workspace);
WithEnvVars env_obj(PrepareEnvironmentForJvm());
ExecuteServerJvm(server_exe, jvm_args_vector);
static void WriteFileToStderrOrDie(const blaze_util::Path &path) {
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
FILE *fp = _wfopen(path.AsNativePath().c_str(), L"r");
FILE *fp = fopen(path.AsNativePath().c_str(), "r");
if (fp == nullptr) {
<< "opening " << path.AsPrintablePath()
<< " failed: " << GetLastErrorString();
char buffer[255];
int num_read;
while ((num_read = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof buffer, fp)) > 0) {
if (ferror(fp)) {
<< "failed to read from '" << path.AsPrintablePath()
<< "': " << GetLastErrorString();
fwrite(buffer, 1, num_read, stderr);
// After connecting to the Blaze server, return its PID, or -1 if there was an
// error.
static int GetServerPid(const blaze_util::Path &server_dir) {
// Note: there is no race here on startup since the server creates
// the pid file strictly before it binds the socket.
blaze_util::Path pid_file = server_dir.GetRelative(kServerPidFile);
string bufstr;
int result;
if (!blaze_util::ReadFile(pid_file, &bufstr, 32) ||
!blaze_util::safe_strto32(bufstr, &result)) {
return -1;
return result;
// Connect to the server process or exit if it doesn't work out.
static void ConnectOrDie(const OptionProcessor &option_processor,
const StartupOptions &startup_options,
const int server_pid,
BlazeServerStartup *server_startup,
BlazeServer *server) {
// Give the server two minutes to start up. That's enough to connect with a
// debugger.
const auto start_time = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
const auto try_until_time =
start_time +
// Print an update at most once every 10 seconds if we are still trying to
// connect.
const auto min_message_interval = std::chrono::seconds(10);
auto last_message_time = start_time;
while (std::chrono::system_clock::now() < try_until_time) {
const auto attempt_time = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
const auto next_attempt_time =
attempt_time + std::chrono::milliseconds(100);
if (server->Connect()) {
if (attempt_time >= (last_message_time + min_message_interval)) {
auto elapsed_time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(
attempt_time - start_time);
BAZEL_LOG(USER) << "... still trying to connect to local "
<< startup_options.product_name << " server ("
<< server_pid << ") after " << elapsed_time.count()
<< " seconds ...";
last_message_time = attempt_time;
if (!server_startup->IsStillAlive()) {
if (server->ProcessInfo().jvm_log_file_append_) {
// Don't dump the log if we were appending - the user should know where
// to find it, and who knows how much content they may have accumulated.
<< "Server crashed during startup. See "
<< server->ProcessInfo().jvm_log_file_.AsPrintablePath();
} else {
<< "Server crashed during startup. Now printing "
<< server->ProcessInfo().jvm_log_file_.AsPrintablePath();
<< "couldn't connect to server (" << server_pid << ") after "
<< startup_options.local_startup_timeout_secs << " seconds.";
// Ensures that any server previously associated with `server_dir` is no longer
// running.
static void EnsurePreviousServerProcessTerminated(
const blaze_util::Path &server_dir, const StartupOptions &startup_options,
LoggingInfo *logging_info) {
int server_pid = GetServerPid(server_dir);
if (server_pid > 0) {
if (VerifyServerProcess(server_pid, startup_options.output_base)) {
if (KillServerProcess(server_pid, startup_options.output_base)) {
BAZEL_LOG(USER) << "Killed non-responsive server process (pid="
<< server_pid << ")";
} else {
} else {
// Starts up a new server and connects to it. Exits if it didn't work out.
static void StartServerAndConnect(
const blaze_util::Path &server_exe, const vector<string> &server_exe_args,
const blaze_util::Path &server_dir, const WorkspaceLayout &workspace_layout,
const string &workspace, const OptionProcessor &option_processor,
const StartupOptions &startup_options, LoggingInfo *logging_info,
BlazeServer *server) {
// Delete the old command_port file if it already exists. Otherwise we might
// run into the race condition that we read the old command_port file before
// the new server has written the new file and we try to connect to the old
// port, run into a timeout and try again.
// Really make sure there's no other server running in this output base (even
// an unresponsive one), as that could cause major problems.
EnsurePreviousServerProcessTerminated(server_dir, startup_options,
// cmdline file is used to validate the server running in this server_dir.
// There's no server running now so we're safe to unconditionally write this.
// Do this here instead of in the daemon so the user can see if it fails.
GoToWorkspace(workspace_layout, workspace);
BAZEL_LOG(USER) << "Starting local " << startup_options.product_name
<< " server and connecting to it...";
BlazeServerStartup *server_startup;
const int server_pid = ExecuteDaemon(
server_exe, server_exe_args, PrepareEnvironmentForJvm(),
server->ProcessInfo().jvm_log_file_append_, startup_options.install_base,
server_dir, startup_options, &server_startup);
ConnectOrDie(option_processor, startup_options, server_pid, server_startup,
delete server_startup;
static void BlessFiles(const string &embedded_binaries) {
blaze_util::Path embedded_binaries_(embedded_binaries);
// Set the timestamps of the extracted files to the future and make sure (or
// at least as sure as we can...) that the files we have written are actually
// on the disk.
vector<string> extracted_files;
// Walks the temporary directory recursively and collects full file paths.
blaze_util::GetAllFilesUnder(embedded_binaries, &extracted_files);
std::unique_ptr<blaze_util::IFileMtime> mtime(blaze_util::CreateFileMtime());
set<blaze_util::Path> synced_directories;
for (const auto &f : extracted_files) {
blaze_util::Path it(f);
// Set the time to a distantly futuristic value so we can observe tampering.
// Note that keeping a static, deterministic timestamp, such as the default
// timestamp set by unzip (1970-01-01) and using that to detect tampering is
// not enough, because we also need the timestamp to change between Bazel
// releases so that the metadata cache knows that the files may have
// changed. This is essential for the correctness of actions that use
// embedded binaries as artifacts.
if (!mtime->SetToDistantFuture(it)) {
string err = GetLastErrorString();
<< "failed to set timestamp on '" << it.AsPrintablePath()
<< "': " << err;
blaze_util::Path directory = it.GetParent();
// Now walk up until embedded_binaries and sync every directory in between.
// synced_directories is used to avoid syncing the same directory twice.
// The !directory.empty() and !blaze_util::IsRootDirectory(directory)
// conditions are not strictly needed, but it makes this loop more robust,
// because otherwise, if due to some glitch, directory was not under
// embedded_binaries, it would get into an infinite loop.
while (directory != embedded_binaries_ && !directory.IsEmpty() &&
!blaze_util::IsRootDirectory(directory) &&
synced_directories.insert(directory).second) {
directory = directory.GetParent();
// Installs Blaze by extracting the embedded data files, iff necessary.
// The MD5-named install_base directory on disk is trusted; we assume
// no-one has modified the extracted files beneath this directory once
// it is in place. Concurrency during extraction is handled by
// extracting in a tmp dir and then renaming it into place where it
// becomes visible atomically at the new path.
static DurationMillis ExtractData(const string &self_path,
const vector<string> &archive_contents,
const string &expected_install_md5,
const StartupOptions &startup_options,
LoggingInfo *logging_info) {
const string &install_base = startup_options.install_base;
// If the install dir doesn't exist, create it, if it does, we know it's good.
if (!blaze_util::PathExists(install_base)) {
uint64_t st = GetMillisecondsMonotonic();
// Work in a temp dir to avoid races.
string tmp_install = blaze_util::CreateTempDir(install_base + ".tmp.");
ExtractArchiveOrDie(self_path, startup_options.product_name,
expected_install_md5, tmp_install);
uint64_t et = GetMillisecondsMonotonic();
const DurationMillis extract_data_duration(et - st);
// Now rename the completed installation to its final name.
int attempts = 0;
while (attempts < 120) {
int result = blaze_util::RenameDirectory(tmp_install, install_base);
if (result == blaze_util::kRenameDirectorySuccess ||
result == blaze_util::kRenameDirectoryFailureNotEmpty) {
// If renaming fails because the directory already exists and is not
// empty, then we assume another good installation snuck in before us.
} else {
// Otherwise the install directory may still be scanned by the antivirus
// (in case we're running on Windows) so we need to wait for that to
// finish and try renaming again.
BAZEL_LOG(USER) << "install base directory '" << tmp_install
<< "' could not be renamed into place after "
<< attempts << " second(s), trying again\r";
// Give up renaming after 120 failed attempts / 2 minutes.
if (attempts == 120) {
<< "install base directory '" << tmp_install
<< "' could not be renamed into place: " << GetLastErrorString();
return extract_data_duration;
} else {
// This would be detected implicitly below, but checking explicitly lets
// us give a better error message.
if (!blaze_util::IsDirectory(install_base)) {
<< "install base directory '" << install_base
<< "' could not be created. It exists but is not a directory.";
blaze_util::Path install_dir(install_base);
// Check that all files are present and have timestamps from BlessFiles().
std::unique_ptr<blaze_util::IFileMtime> mtime(
for (const auto &it : archive_contents) {
blaze_util::Path path = install_dir.GetRelative(it);
if (!mtime->IsUntampered(path)) {
<< "corrupt installation: file '" << path.AsPrintablePath()
<< "' is missing or modified. Please remove '" << install_base
<< "' and try again.";
// Also check that the installed files claim to match this binary.
// We check this afterward because the above diagnostic is better
// for a missing install_base_key file.
blaze_util::Path key_path = install_dir.GetRelative("install_base_key");
string on_disk_key;
if (!blaze_util::ReadFile(key_path, &on_disk_key)) {
<< "cannot read '" << key_path.AsPrintablePath()
<< "': " << GetLastErrorString();
if (on_disk_key != expected_install_md5) {
<< "The install_base directory '" << install_base
<< "' contains a different " << startup_options.product_name
<< " version (found " << on_disk_key << " but this binary is "
<< expected_install_md5
<< "). Remove it or specify a different --install_base.";
return DurationMillis();
static bool IsVolatileArg(const string &arg) {
// TODO(ccalvarin) when --batch is gone and the startup_options field in the
// gRPC message is always set, there is no reason for client options that are
// not used at server startup to be part of the startup command line. The
// server command line difference logic can be simplified then.
static const std::set<string> volatile_startup_options = {
"--option_sources=", "--max_idle_secs=", "--connect_timeout_secs=",
"--local_startup_timeout_secs=", "--client_debug=", "--preemptible=",
// Internally, -XX:HeapDumpPath is set automatically via the user's TMPDIR
// environment variable. Since that can change based on the shell, we
// tolerate changes to it. Note that an explicit setting of
// -XX:HeapDumpPath via --host_jvm_args *will* trigger a restart.
// Split arg based on the first "=" if one exists in arg.
const string::size_type eq_pos = arg.find_first_of('=');
const string stripped_arg =
(eq_pos == string::npos) ? arg : arg.substr(0, eq_pos + 1);
return volatile_startup_options.count(stripped_arg);
// Returns true if the server needs to be restarted to accommodate changes
// between the two argument lists.
static bool AreStartupOptionsDifferent(
const vector<string> &running_server_args,
const vector<string> &requested_args) {
// We need not worry about one side missing an argument and the other side
// having the default value, since this command line is the canonical one for
// this version of Bazel: either the default value is listed explicitly or it
// is not, but this has nothing to do with the user's command line: it is
// defined by GetServerExeArgs(). Same applies for argument ordering.
bool options_different = false;
if (running_server_args.size() != requested_args.size()) {
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "The new command line has a different length from the "
"running server's.";
options_different = true;
// Facts and implications:
// (a) We already verified (with EnsureCorrectRunningVersion) that the old and
// new server versions are the same. Therefore we know that
// 'running_server_args' and 'requested_args' follow the same ordering for
// flags, the same logic of deduplicating vs. not deduplicating flags, the
// same format of canonicalizing flags, etc.
// (b) Some startup flags may come from user bazelrc files.
// (c) Because of (b), the ordering of flags doesn't matter, because if the
// user flips two "startup" lines in their bazelrc, that doesn't change
// the effective set of startup flags.
// (d) Because of (b), some flags may have repeated values (e.g
// --host_jvm_args="foo" twice) so we cannot simply use two sets and take
// the set difference, but must consider the occurrences of each flag.
std::unordered_multiset<string> old_args, new_args;
for (const string &a : running_server_args) {
if (!IsVolatileArg(a)) {
for (const string &a : requested_args) {
if (!IsVolatileArg(a)) {
auto it = old_args.find(a);
if (it != old_args.end()) {
old_args.erase(it); // remove one instance
} else {
if (!old_args.empty()) {
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "Args from the running server that are not "
"included in the current request:";
for (const string &a : old_args) {
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << " " << a;
if (!new_args.empty()) {
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "Args from the current request that were not "
"included when creating the server:";
for (const string &a : new_args) {
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << " " << a;
return options_different || !old_args.empty() || !new_args.empty();
// Kills the running Blaze server, if any, if the startup options do not match.
// Returns true if the server has been killed.
static bool KillRunningServerIfDifferentStartupOptions(
const StartupOptions &startup_options,
const vector<string> &server_exe_args, LoggingInfo *logging_info,
BlazeServer *server) {
if (!server->Connected()) {
return false;
blaze_util::Path cmdline_path =
string old_joined_arguments;
// No, /proc/$PID/cmdline does not work, because it is limited to 4K. Even
// worse, its behavior differs slightly between kernels (in some, when longer
// command lines are truncated, the last 4 bytes are replaced with
// "..." + NUL.
blaze_util::ReadFile(cmdline_path, &old_joined_arguments);
vector<string> old_arguments = blaze_util::Split(old_joined_arguments, '\0');
// These strings contain null-separated command line arguments. If they are
// the same, the server can stay alive, otherwise, it needs shuffle off this
// mortal coil.
if (AreStartupOptionsDifferent(old_arguments, server_exe_args)) {
logging_info->restart_reason = NEW_OPTIONS;
BAZEL_LOG(WARNING) << "Running " << startup_options.product_name
<< " server needs to be killed, because the startup "
"options are different.";
return true;
return false;
// Kills the old running server if it is not the same version as us,
// dealing with various combinations of installation scheme
// (installation symlink and older MD5_MANIFEST contents).
// This function requires that the installation be complete, and the
// server lock acquired.
static void EnsureCorrectRunningVersion(const StartupOptions &startup_options,
LoggingInfo *logging_info,
BlazeServer *server) {
// Read the previous installation's semaphore symlink in output_base. If the
// target dirs don't match, or if the symlink was not present, then kill any
// running servers. Lastly, symlink to our installation so others know which
// installation is running.
const blaze_util::Path installation_path =
string prev_installation;
bool ok =
blaze_util::ReadDirectorySymlink(installation_path, &prev_installation);
if (!ok || !blaze_util::CompareAbsolutePaths(prev_installation,
startup_options.install_base)) {
if (server->Connected()) {
<< "Killing running server because it is using another version of "
<< startup_options.product_name;
logging_info->restart_reason = NEW_VERSION;
if (!SymlinkDirectories(startup_options.install_base, installation_path)) {
string err = GetLastErrorString();
<< "failed to create installation symlink '"
<< installation_path.AsPrintablePath() << "': " << err;
// Update the mtime of the install base so that cleanup tools can
// find install bases that haven't been used for a long time
std::unique_ptr<blaze_util::IFileMtime> mtime(
// Ignore permissions errors (i.e. if the install base is not writable):
if (!mtime->SetToNowIfPossible(
blaze_util::Path(startup_options.install_base))) {
string err = GetLastErrorString();
<< "failed to set timestamp on '" << startup_options.install_base
<< "': " << err;
static void CancelServer() { blaze_server->Cancel(); }
// Runs the launcher in client/server mode. Ensures that there's indeed a
// running server, then forwards the user's command to the server and the
// server's response back to the user. Does not return - exits via exit or
// signal.
static ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void RunClientServerMode(
const blaze_util::Path &server_exe, const vector<string> &server_exe_args,
const blaze_util::Path &server_dir, const WorkspaceLayout &workspace_layout,
const string &workspace, const OptionProcessor &option_processor,
const StartupOptions &startup_options, LoggingInfo *logging_info,
const DurationMillis extract_data_duration,
const DurationMillis command_wait_duration_ms, BlazeServer *server) {
while (true) {
if (!server->Connected()) {
StartServerAndConnect(server_exe, server_exe_args, server_dir,
workspace_layout, workspace, option_processor,
startup_options, logging_info, server);
// Check for the case when the workspace directory deleted and then gets
// recreated while the server is running.
std::unique_ptr<blaze_util::Path> server_cwd =
// If server_cwd is nullptr, GetProcessCWD failed. This notably occurs when
// running under Docker because then readlink(/proc/[pid]/cwd) returns
// Docker issue #6687 ( fixed
// this, but one still needs the --cap-add SYS_PTRACE command line flag, at
// least according to the discussion on Docker issue #6800
// (, and even then, it's a
// non-default Docker flag. Given that this occurs only in very weird
// cases, it's better to assume that everything is alright if we can't get
// the cwd.
if (server_cwd != nullptr &&
(*server_cwd != blaze_util::Path(workspace) || // changed
server_cwd->Contains(" (deleted)"))) { // deleted.
// There's a distant possibility that the two paths look the same yet are
// actually different because the two processes have different mount
// tables.
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "Server's cwd moved or deleted ("
<< server_cwd->AsPrintablePath() << ").";
} else {
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "Connected (server pid="
<< server->ProcessInfo().server_pid_ << ").";
// Wall clock time since process startup.
const DurationMillis client_startup_duration =
(GetMillisecondsMonotonic() - logging_info->start_time_ms);
&server->ProcessInfo(), CancelServer);
option_processor.GetCommand(), option_processor.GetCommandArguments(),
startup_options.original_startup_options_, *logging_info,
client_startup_duration, extract_data_duration,
// Parse the options.
static void ParseOptionsOrDie(const string &cwd, const string &workspace,
OptionProcessor &option_processor, int argc,
const char *const *argv) {
std::string error;
std::vector<std::string> args(argv, argv + argc);
const blaze_exit_code::ExitCode parse_exit_code =
option_processor.ParseOptions(args, workspace, cwd, &error);
if (parse_exit_code != blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS) {
BAZEL_DIE(parse_exit_code) << error;
static string GetCanonicalCwd() {
string result = blaze_util::MakeCanonical(blaze_util::GetCwd().c_str());
if (result.empty()) {
<< "blaze_util::MakeCanonical('" << blaze_util::GetCwd()
<< "') failed: " << GetLastErrorString();
return result;
// Updates the parsed startup options and global config to fill in defaults.
static void UpdateConfiguration(const string &install_md5,
const string &workspace, const bool server_mode,
StartupOptions *startup_options) {
// The default install_base is <output_user_root>/install/<md5(blaze)>
// but if an install_base is specified on the command line, we use that as
// the base instead.
if (startup_options->install_base.empty()) {
if (server_mode) {
<< "exec-server requires --install_base";
string install_user_root =
blaze_util::JoinPath(startup_options->output_user_root, "install");
startup_options->install_base =
blaze_util::JoinPath(install_user_root, install_md5);
if (startup_options->output_base.IsEmpty()) {
if (server_mode) {
<< "exec-server requires --output_base";
startup_options->output_base = blaze_util::Path(
blaze::GetHashedBaseDir(startup_options->output_user_root, workspace));
if (!blaze_util::PathExists(startup_options->output_base)) {
if (!blaze_util::MakeDirectories(startup_options->output_base, 0777)) {
string err = GetLastErrorString();
<< "Output base directory '"
<< startup_options->output_base.AsPrintablePath()
<< "' could not be created: " << err;
} else {
if (!blaze_util::IsDirectory(startup_options->output_base)) {
<< "Output base directory '"
<< startup_options->output_base.AsPrintablePath()
<< "' could not be created. It exists but is not a directory.";
if (!blaze_util::CanAccessDirectory(startup_options->output_base)) {
<< "Output base directory '"
<< startup_options->output_base.AsPrintablePath()
<< "' must be readable and writable.";
startup_options->output_base = startup_options->output_base.Canonicalize();
if (startup_options->output_base.IsEmpty()) {
string err = GetLastErrorString();
<< "blaze_util::MakeCanonical('"
<< startup_options->output_base.AsPrintablePath()
<< "') failed: " << err;
if (startup_options->failure_detail_out.IsEmpty()) {
startup_options->failure_detail_out =
// Prepares the environment to be suitable to start a JVM.
// Changes made to the environment in this function *will not* be part
// of '--client_env'.
static map<string, EnvVarValue> PrepareEnvironmentForJvm() {
map<string, EnvVarValue> result;
// Make sure all existing environment variables appear as part of the
// resulting map unless they are overridden below by UNSET values.
// Even though the map we return is intended to represent a "delta" of
// environment variables to modify the current process, we may actually use
// such map to configure a process from scratch (via interfaces like execvpe
// or posix_spawn), so we need to inherit any untouched variables.
for (char **entry = environ; *entry != nullptr; entry++) {
const std::string var_value = *entry;
std::string::size_type equals = var_value.find('=');
if (equals == std::string::npos) {
// Ignore possibly-bad environment. We don't control what we see in this
// global variable, so it could be invalid.
const std::string var = var_value.substr(0, equals);
const std::string value = var_value.substr(equals + 1);
result[var] = EnvVarValue(EnvVarAction::SET, value);
if (blaze::ExistsEnv("LD_ASSUME_KERNEL")) {
// Fix for bug: if ulimit -s and LD_ASSUME_KERNEL are both
// specified, the JVM fails to create threads. See thread_stack_regtest.
// This is also provoked by LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/debug,
// or anything else that causes the JVM to use LinuxThreads.
BAZEL_LOG(WARNING) << "ignoring LD_ASSUME_KERNEL in environment.";
result["LD_ASSUME_KERNEL"] = EnvVarValue(EnvVarAction::UNSET, "");
if (blaze::ExistsEnv("LD_PRELOAD")) {
BAZEL_LOG(WARNING) << "ignoring LD_PRELOAD in environment.";
result["LD_PRELOAD"] = EnvVarValue(EnvVarAction::UNSET, "");
if (blaze::ExistsEnv("_JAVA_OPTIONS")) {
// This would override --host_jvm_args
BAZEL_LOG(WARNING) << "ignoring _JAVA_OPTIONS in environment.";
result["_JAVA_OPTIONS"] = EnvVarValue(EnvVarAction::UNSET, "");
// TODO(bazel-team): We've also seen a failure during loading (creating
// threads?) when ulimit -Hs 8192. Characterize that and check for it here.
// Make the JVM use ISO-8859-1 for parsing its command line because "blaze
// run" doesn't handle non-ASCII command line arguments. This is apparently
// the most reliable way to select the platform default encoding.
// On Linux, only do this if the locale is available to avoid the JVM
// falling back to ASCII-only mode.
const char *want_locale = "en_US.ISO-8859-1";
bool override_locale = true;
#ifndef _WIN32
locale_t iso_locale = newlocale(LC_CTYPE_MASK, want_locale, (locale_t)0);
if (iso_locale == 0) {
// ISO-8859-1 locale not available, use whatever the user has defined.
override_locale = false;
} else {
if (override_locale) {
result["LANG"] = EnvVarValue(EnvVarAction::SET, want_locale);
result["LANGUAGE"] = EnvVarValue(EnvVarAction::SET, want_locale);
result["LC_ALL"] = EnvVarValue(EnvVarAction::SET, want_locale);
result["LC_CTYPE"] = EnvVarValue(EnvVarAction::SET, want_locale);
return result;
static string CheckAndGetBinaryPath(const string &cwd, const string &argv0) {
if (blaze_util::IsAbsolute(argv0)) {
return argv0;
} else {
string abs_path = blaze_util::JoinPath(cwd, argv0);
string resolved_path = blaze_util::MakeCanonical(abs_path.c_str());
if (!resolved_path.empty()) {
return resolved_path;
} else {
// This happens during our integration tests, but thats okay, as we won't
// log the invocation anyway.
return abs_path;
static int GetExitCodeForAbruptExit(const blaze_util::Path &output_base) {
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "Looking for a custom exit-code.";
blaze_util::Path filename =
std::string content;
if (!blaze_util::ReadFile(filename, &content)) {
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "Unable to read the custom exit-code file. "
<< "Exiting with an INTERNAL_ERROR.";
return blaze_exit_code::INTERNAL_ERROR;
if (!blaze_util::UnlinkPath(filename)) {
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "Unable to delete the custom exit-code file. "
<< "Exiting with an INTERNAL_ERROR.";
return blaze_exit_code::INTERNAL_ERROR;
int custom_exit_code;
if (!blaze_util::safe_strto32(content, &custom_exit_code)) {
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "Content of custom exit-code file not an int: "
<< content << "Exiting with an INTERNAL_ERROR.";
return blaze_exit_code::INTERNAL_ERROR;
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "Read exit code " << custom_exit_code
<< " from custom exit-code file. Exiting accordingly.";
return custom_exit_code;
void PrintBazelLeaf() {
// Bazel's basil leaf and B-shaped logo at initial release, back in 2015. The
// new heart shaped logo was unveiled in 2017:
const string leaf =
".: \n"
"+: `:` \n"
"o: -o:` \n"
"o: `:+/-.` \n"
"o: `./oo+:-.`` \n"
"o: ``-/+soo//-` \n"
"oo. ..:+osso:-` \n"
"oo. `.`` `-:+sss+.` \n"
"oo. `://:.` `-+sys:` \n"
"oo. .://:.` `:oys:` \n"
"oo+ .:+o/:` `:syo- \n"
"ooo -/oo+: `:ss- \n"
"ooo `:oso-. -ys- \n"
"ooo: `:sss+. :ss \n"
".oo/ .osss- :s/ \n"
".oo+. `:sss+- oo. \n"
" :oo/` -osss- -s- \n"
" `+oo/ .osss+. `s- `...:/://::::- \n"
" `+oo/` .ossso. :- `-/+oosos+sssssss- \n"
" `:+o+.` -ossso` `` `:ossssssssssssssso. \n"
" `:+oo:.` :ssss+` .ossssssssssssssooo/ \n"
" `:/+++/-.`` +ssss: +sssssssssssoooooo+` \n"
" `-:++o+/:::```` -oooos` .osssoooooooooooooo- \n"
" ...-::::::---``ooooo- /oooo//ooooooooooo- \n"
" `ooooo+`/oo//ooooooooooo+. \n"
" /ooooo+oo/:oooooooooo/:. \n"
" .ooooooo-.//+oooo//-. \n"
" .oooooo- ```` \n"
" .ooooo/` \n"
" `+/+oo+ \n"
" `++++++ `.--//////////:..`` \n"
" `+++++/`-:+++++++++++++++++//:.` \n"
" `++++++/++++++++++++++++++++++//-. \n"
" .++++++++++++/::.......-://+++++//:` \n"
" /+++++++++/--` `.-////////.` \n"
" /+++++++/-` `-///////- \n"
" `///////:` `-//////- \n"
" -//////- .//////. \n"
" -/////- ://///: \n"
" `//////. `////::.\n"
" ./////:` `/:::::.\n"
" .//////. `::::::.\n"
" `::////. `:::::- \n"
" -::::::` `::::::- \n"
" `:::::::` `-::::::` \n"
" `:::::::. `-::::::. \n"
" `:::::::-. ``-:-::::-. \n"
" `.:::::::--`` ``.--::-::--` \n"
" .-::::::::---.....---::::----.` \n"
" ``.-::::::::::::-::--------` \n"
" `.----------------..` \n"
" ```.........``` \n";
printf("%s\n", leaf.c_str());
void PrintVersionInfo(const string &self_path, const string &product_name) {
string build_label;
ExtractBuildLabel(self_path, &build_label);
printf("%s %s\n", product_name.c_str(), build_label.c_str());
static void RunLauncher(const string &self_path,
const vector<string> &archive_contents,
const string &install_md5,
const StartupOptions &startup_options,
const OptionProcessor &option_processor,
const WorkspaceLayout &workspace_layout,
const string &workspace, LoggingInfo *logging_info) {
blaze_server = new BlazeServer(startup_options);
const DurationMillis command_wait_duration_ms(blaze_server->AcquireLock());
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "Acquired the client lock, waited "
<< command_wait_duration_ms.millis << " milliseconds";
const DurationMillis extract_data_duration = ExtractData(
self_path, archive_contents, install_md5, startup_options, logging_info);
if (!startup_options.batch && "shutdown" == option_processor.GetCommand() &&
!blaze_server->Connected()) {
// TODO(b/134525510): Connected() can return false when the server process
// is alive but unresponsive, so bailing early here might not always be the
// right thing to do.
EnsureCorrectRunningVersion(startup_options, logging_info, blaze_server);
const blaze_util::Path jvm_path = startup_options.GetJvm();
const string server_jar_path = GetServerJarPath(archive_contents);
const blaze_util::Path server_exe =
startup_options.GetExe(jvm_path, server_jar_path);
vector<string> server_exe_args =
GetServerExeArgs(jvm_path, server_jar_path, archive_contents, install_md5,
workspace_layout, workspace, startup_options);
#if defined(__OpenBSD__)
// When spawning the server's JVM process, we normally set argv[0] to
// "bazel(workspace)". On OpenBSD, doing so causes the JVM process to fail
// during startup; fails to find a shared library that exists in
// /usr/local/jdk-1.8.0/jre/lib/amd64. Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH does not help,
// but setting argv[0] to the JVM binary's path
// (/usr/local/jdk-1.8.0/bin/java) allows the JVM process to run. The JVM
// process apparently tries to compute a path to where the shared libraries
// should be, via a relative path from the JVM executable's path -- but
// OpenBSD does not provide a way for a process to determine a path to its
// own executable, and so the JVM falls back to searching the PATH for
// argv[0], which of course fails when argv[0] looks like "bazel(workspace)".
// TODO(aldersondrive): This hack is unnecessary on FreeBSD, but the relevant
// OpenJDK code doesn't seem to include anything FreeBSD-specific.
// Investigate why and possibly remove this.
server_exe_args[0] = server_exe.AsNativePath();
if (KillRunningServerIfDifferentStartupOptions(
startup_options, server_exe_args, logging_info, blaze_server) &&
"shutdown" == option_processor.GetCommand()) {
const blaze_util::Path server_dir =
if (IsServerMode(option_processor.GetCommand())) {
RunServerMode(server_exe, server_exe_args, server_dir, workspace_layout,
workspace, option_processor, startup_options, blaze_server);
} else if (startup_options.batch) {
RunBatchMode(server_exe, server_exe_args, workspace_layout, workspace,
option_processor, startup_options, logging_info,
extract_data_duration, command_wait_duration_ms, blaze_server);
} else {
RunClientServerMode(server_exe, server_exe_args, server_dir,
workspace_layout, workspace, option_processor,
startup_options, logging_info, extract_data_duration,
command_wait_duration_ms, blaze_server);
int Main(int argc, const char *const *argv, WorkspaceLayout *workspace_layout,
OptionProcessor *option_processor, uint64_t start_time) {
// Logging must be set first to assure no log statements are missed.
std::unique_ptr<blaze_util::BazelLogHandler> default_handler(
new blaze_util::BazelLogHandler());
const string self_path = GetSelfPath(argv[0]);
if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "leaf") == 0) {
return blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS;
if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0) {
PrintVersionInfo(self_path, option_processor->GetLowercaseProductName());
return blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS;
string cwd = GetCanonicalCwd();
LoggingInfo logging_info(CheckAndGetBinaryPath(cwd, argv[0]), start_time);
if (argc == 1 && blaze::WarnIfStartedFromDesktop()) {
// Only check and warn for from-desktop start if there were no args.
// In this case the user probably clicked Bazel's icon (as opposed to either
// starting it from a terminal, or as a subprocess with args, or on Windows
// from a ".lnk" file with some args).
return blaze_exit_code::LOCAL_ENVIRONMENTAL_ERROR;
// Best-effort operation to raise the resource limits from soft to hard. We
// do this early during the main program instead of just before execing the
// Blaze server binary, because it's easier (for testing purposes) and because
// the Blaze client also benefits from this (e.g. during installation).
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
// Must be done before command line parsing.
// ParseOptionsOrDie already populate --client_env, so detect bash before it
// happens.
#endif // if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
const string workspace = workspace_layout->GetWorkspace(cwd);
ParseOptionsOrDie(cwd, workspace, *option_processor, argc, argv);
StartupOptions *startup_options = option_processor->GetParsedStartupOptions();
// If client_debug was false, this is ignored, so it's accurate.
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "Debug logging requested, sending all client log "
"statements to stderr";
if (startup_options->unlimit_coredumps) {
// Only start a server when in a workspace because otherwise we won't do more
// than emit a help message.
if (!workspace_layout->InWorkspace(workspace)) {
startup_options->batch = true;
BAZEL_LOG(WARNING) << "Invoking " << startup_options->product_name
<< " in batch mode since it is not invoked from within"
<< " a workspace (below a directory having a WORKSPACE"
<< " file).";
vector<string> archive_contents;
string install_md5;
DetermineArchiveContents(self_path, &archive_contents, &install_md5);
UpdateConfiguration(install_md5, workspace,
RunLauncher(self_path, archive_contents, install_md5, *startup_options,
*option_processor, *workspace_layout, workspace, &logging_info);
return 0;
static void null_grpc_log_function(gpr_log_func_args *args) {}
// There might be a mismatch between std::string and the string type returned
// from protos. This function is the safe way to compare such strings.
template <typename StringTypeA, typename StringTypeB>
static bool ProtoStringEqual(const StringTypeA &cookieA,
const StringTypeB &cookieB) {
// use strncmp insted of strcmp to deal with null bytes in the cookie.
auto cookie_length = cookieA.size();
if (cookie_length != cookieB.size()) {
return false;
return memcmp(cookieA.c_str(), cookieB.c_str(), cookie_length) == 0;
BlazeServer::BlazeServer(const StartupOptions &startup_options)
: process_info_(startup_options.output_base,
output_base_(startup_options.output_base) {
if (!startup_options.client_debug) {
if (!pipe_) {
<< "Couldn't create pipe: " << GetLastErrorString();
bool BlazeServer::TryConnect(CommandServer::Stub *client) {
grpc::ClientContext context;
context.set_deadline(std::chrono::system_clock::now() +
command_server::PingRequest request;
command_server::PingResponse response;
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "Trying to connect to server (timeout: "
<< connect_timeout_secs_ << " secs)...";
grpc::Status status = client->Ping(&context, request, &response);
if (!status.ok() || !ProtoStringEqual(response.cookie(), response_cookie_)) {
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "Connection to server failed: (" << status.error_code()
<< ") " << status.error_message().c_str() << "\n";
return false;
return true;
bool BlazeServer::Connect() {
blaze_util::Path server_dir = output_base_.GetRelative("server");
command_server::ServerInfo server_info;
std::string bytes;
if (!blaze_util::ReadFile(server_dir.GetRelative("server_info.rawproto"),
&bytes) ||
!server_info.ParseFromString(bytes)) {
return false;
const std::string port = server_info.address();
const std::string ipv4_prefix = "";
const std::string ipv6_prefix_1 = "[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:";
const std::string ipv6_prefix_2 = "[::1]:";
// Make sure that we are being directed to localhost
if (, ipv4_prefix.size(), ipv4_prefix) &&, ipv6_prefix_1.size(), ipv6_prefix_1) &&, ipv6_prefix_2.size(), ipv6_prefix_2)) {
return false;
request_cookie_ = server_info.request_cookie();
response_cookie_ = server_info.response_cookie();
const pid_t server_pid =;
if (server_pid < 0) {
return false;
if (!VerifyServerProcess(server_pid, output_base_)) {
return false;
grpc::ChannelArguments channel_args;
// Bazel client and server always run on the same machine and communicate
// locally over gRPC; so we want to ignore any configured proxies when setting
// up a gRPC channel to the server.
channel_args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_ENABLE_HTTP_PROXY, 0);
std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> channel(grpc::CreateCustomChannel(
port, grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials(), channel_args));
std::unique_ptr<CommandServer::Stub> client(CommandServer::NewStub(channel));
if (!TryConnect(client.get())) {
return false;
this->client_ = std::move(client);
process_info_.server_pid_ = server_pid;
return true;
// Cancellation works as follows:
// When the user presses Ctrl-C, a SIGINT is delivered to the client, which is
// translated into a BlazeServer::Cancel() call. Since it's not a good idea to
// do significant work in signal handlers, all it does is write a byte to an
// unnamed pipe.
// This unnamed pipe is used to communicate with the cancel thread. Whenever
// something interesting happens, a byte is written into it, which is read by
// the cancel thread. These commands are available:
// - NOP
// - JOIN. The cancel thread needs to be terminated.
// - CANCEL. If the command ID is already available, a cancel request is sent.
// - COMMAND_ID_RECEIVED. The client learned the command ID from the server.
// If there is a pending cancellation request, it is acted upon.
// The only data the cancellation thread shares with the main thread is the
// file descriptor for receiving commands and command_id_, the latter of which
// is protected by a mutex, which mainly serves as a memory fence.
// The cancellation thread is joined at the end of the execution of the command.
// The main thread wakes it up just so that it can finish (using the JOIN
// action)
// It's conceivable that the server is busy and thus it cannot service the
// cancellation request. In that case, we simply ignore the failure and the both
// the server and the client go on as if nothing had happened (except that this
// Ctrl-C still counts as a SIGINT, three of which result in a SIGKILL being
// delivered to the server)
void BlazeServer::CancelThread() {
bool running = true;
bool cancel = false;
bool command_id_received = false;
while (running) {
char buf;
int error;
int bytes_read = pipe_->Receive(&buf, 1, &error);
if (bytes_read < 0 && error == blaze_util::IPipe::INTERRUPTED) {
} else if (bytes_read != 1) {
<< "Cannot communicate with cancel thread: " << GetLastErrorString();
switch (buf) {
case CancelThreadAction::NOTHING:
case CancelThreadAction::JOIN:
running = false;
case CancelThreadAction::COMMAND_ID_RECEIVED:
command_id_received = true;
if (cancel) {
cancel = false;
case CancelThreadAction::CANCEL:
if (command_id_received) {
} else {
cancel = true;
void BlazeServer::SendCancelMessage() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(cancel_thread_mutex_);
command_server::CancelRequest request;
grpc::ClientContext context;
context.set_deadline(std::chrono::system_clock::now() +
command_server::CancelResponse response;
// There isn't a lot we can do if this request fails
grpc::Status status = client_->Cancel(&context, request, &response);
if (!status.ok()) {
BAZEL_LOG(USER) << "\nCould not interrupt server: (" << status.error_code()
<< ") " << status.error_message().c_str() << "\n";
// This will wait indefinitely until the server shuts down
void BlazeServer::KillRunningServer() {
std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientContext> context(new grpc::ClientContext);
command_server::RunRequest request;
command_server::RunResponse response;
request.set_client_description("pid=" + blaze::GetProcessIdAsString() +
" (for shutdown)");
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "Shutting running server with RPC request";
std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientReader<command_server::RunResponse>> reader(
client_->Run(context.get(), request));
// TODO(b/111179585): Swallowing these responses loses potential messages from
// the server, which may be useful in understanding why a shutdown failed.
// However, we don't want to spam the user in case the shutdown works
// perfectly fine, so we discard the information. For --noblock_for_lock, this
// means that we don't output the PID of the competing client, which isn't
// great. We could either store the stderr_output returned by the server and
// output it in the case of a failed shutdown, or we could add a
// special-cased field in RunResponse for this purpose.
while (reader->Read(&response)) {
grpc::Status status = reader->Finish();
context.reset(); // necessary for destroying client_ below to be effective
if (status.ok()) {
// Check the final message from the server to see if it exited because
// another command holds the client lock.
if (response.finished()) {
if (response.exit_code() == blaze_exit_code::LOCK_HELD_NOBLOCK_FOR_LOCK) {
<< "Exiting because the lock is held and --noblock_for_lock was "
// If for any reason the shutdown request failed to initiate a termination,
// this is a bug. Yes, this means the server won't be forced to shut down,
// which might be the preferred behavior, but it will help identify the bug.
// Eagerly disconnect to let the server stop promptly. Otherwise it may
// See http://b/143860035.
// Wait for the server process to terminate (if we know the server PID).
// If it does not terminate itself gracefully within 1m, terminate it.
if (process_info_.server_pid_ > 0 &&
!AwaitServerProcessTermination(process_info_.server_pid_, output_base_,
kPostShutdownGracePeriodSeconds)) {
if (!status.ok()) {
<< "Shutdown request failed, server still alive: (error code: "
<< status.error_code() << ", error message: '"
<< status.error_message() << "', log file: '"
<< process_info_.jvm_log_file_.AsPrintablePath() << "')";
KillServerProcess(process_info_.server_pid_, output_base_);
unsigned int BlazeServer::Communicate(
const string &command, const vector<string> &command_args,
const string &invocation_policy,
const vector<RcStartupFlag> &original_startup_options,
const LoggingInfo &logging_info,
const DurationMillis client_startup_duration,
const DurationMillis extract_data_duration,
const DurationMillis command_wait_duration_ms) {
assert(process_info_.server_pid_ > 0);
vector<string> arg_vector;
if (!command.empty()) {
AddLoggingArgs(logging_info, client_startup_duration, extract_data_duration,
command_wait_duration_ms, &arg_vector);
arg_vector.insert(arg_vector.end(), command_args.begin(), command_args.end());
command_server::RunRequest request;
request.set_client_description("pid=" + blaze::GetProcessIdAsString());
for (const string &arg : arg_vector) {
if (!invocation_policy.empty()) {
for (const auto &startup_option : original_startup_options) {
command_server::StartupOption *proto_option_field =
std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientContext> context(new grpc::ClientContext);
command_server::RunResponse response;
std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientReader<command_server::RunResponse>> reader(
client_->Run(context.get(), request));
// Release the server lock because the gRPC handles concurrent clients just
// fine. Note that this may result in two "waiting for other client" messages
// (one during server startup and one emitted by the server)
<< "Releasing client lock, let the server manage concurrent requests.";
std::thread cancel_thread(&BlazeServer::CancelThread, this);
bool command_id_set = false;
bool pipe_broken = false;
command_server::RunResponse final_response;
bool finished = false;
bool finished_warning_emitted = false;
while (reader->Read(&response)) {
if (finished && !finished_warning_emitted) {
BAZEL_LOG(USER) << "\nServer returned messages after reporting exit code";
finished_warning_emitted = true;
if (!ProtoStringEqual(response.cookie(), response_cookie_)) {
BAZEL_LOG(USER) << "\nServer response cookie invalid, exiting";
return blaze_exit_code::INTERNAL_ERROR;
const char *broken_pipe_name = nullptr;
if (response.finished()) {
final_response = response;
finished = true;
if (!response.standard_output().empty()) {
size_t size = response.standard_output().size();
if (blaze_util::WriteToStdOutErr(response.standard_output().c_str(), size,
/* to_stdout */ true) ==
blaze_util::WriteResult::BROKEN_PIPE) {
broken_pipe_name = "standard output";
if (!response.standard_error().empty()) {
size_t size = response.standard_error().size();
if (blaze_util::WriteToStdOutErr(response.standard_error().c_str(), size,
/* to_stdout */ false) ==
blaze_util::WriteResult::BROKEN_PIPE) {
broken_pipe_name = "standard error";
if (broken_pipe_name != nullptr && !pipe_broken) {
pipe_broken = true;
BAZEL_LOG(USER) << "\nCannot write to " << broken_pipe_name
<< "; exiting...\n";
if (!command_id_set && !response.command_id().empty()) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(cancel_thread_mutex_);
command_id_ = response.command_id();
command_id_set = true;
grpc::Status status = reader->Finish();
context.reset(); // necessary for destroying client_ below to be effective
// If the server claims it is shutting down (eg the command was "shutdown"),
// wait for it to exit.
if (final_response.termination_expected()) {
// Eagerly disconnect to let the server stop promptly. Otherwise it may
// See http://b/143860035.
if (!AwaitServerProcessTermination(process_info_.server_pid_, output_base_,
kPostShutdownGracePeriodSeconds)) {
KillServerProcess(process_info_.server_pid_, output_base_);
if (!status.ok()) {
BAZEL_LOG(USER) << "\nServer terminated abruptly (error code: "
<< status.error_code() << ", error message: '"
<< status.error_message() << "', log file: '"
<< process_info_.jvm_log_file_.AsPrintablePath() << "')\n";
return GetExitCodeForAbruptExit(output_base_);
} else if (!finished) {
<< "\nServer finished RPC without an explicit exit code (log file: '"
<< process_info_.jvm_log_file_.AsPrintablePath() << "')\n";
return GetExitCodeForAbruptExit(output_base_);
} else if (final_response.has_exec_request()) {
const command_server::ExecRequest &request = final_response.exec_request();
if (request.argv_size() < 1) {
<< "\nServer requested exec() but did not pass a binary to execute\n";
return blaze_exit_code::INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Clear environment variables before setting the requested ones so that
// users can still explicitly override the clearing.
for (const auto &variable_name : request.environment_variable_to_clear()) {
vector<string> argv(request.argv().begin(), request.argv().end());
for (const auto &variable : request.environment_variable()) {
SetEnv(, variable.value());
if (!blaze_util::ChangeDirectory(request.working_directory())) {
<< "changing directory into " << request.working_directory()
<< " failed: " << GetLastErrorString();
// Execute the requested program, but before doing so, flush everything
// we still have to say.
ExecuteRunRequest(blaze_util::Path(request.argv(0)), argv);
if (final_response.has_failure_detail()) {
BAZEL_LOG(INFO) << "failure_detail: "
<< final_response.failure_detail().DebugString();
// We'll exit with exit code SIGPIPE on Unixes due to PropagateSignalOnExit()
return pipe_broken ? blaze_exit_code::LOCAL_ENVIRONMENTAL_ERROR
: final_response.exit_code();
void BlazeServer::SendAction(CancelThreadAction action) {
char msg = action;
if (!pipe_->Send(&msg, 1)) {
"\nCould not interrupt server (cannot write to client pipe)\n\n");
void BlazeServer::Cancel() {
} // namespace blaze