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<!-- Generated with Stardoc: -->
<a name="#my_rule"></a>
## my_rule
my_rule(<a href="#my_rule-name">name</a>, <a href="#my_rule-deps">deps</a>, <a href="#my_rule-extra_arguments">extra_arguments</a>, <a href="#my_rule-out">out</a>, <a href="#my_rule-src">src</a>, <a href="#my_rule-tool">tool</a>)
This rule exercises some of the build API.
### Attributes
<table class="params-table">
<col class="col-param" />
<col class="col-description" />
<tr id="my_rule-name">
<a href="">Name</a>; required
A unique name for this target.
<tr id="my_rule-deps">
<a href="">List of labels</a>; optional
A list of dependencies.
The dependencies of this attribute must provide: MyInfo
<tr id="my_rule-extra_arguments">
List of strings; optional
<tr id="my_rule-out">
<a href="">Label</a>; required
The output file.
<tr id="my_rule-src">
<a href="">Label</a>; optional
The source file.
<tr id="my_rule-tool">
<a href="">Label</a>; optional
The location of the tool to use.
<a name="#MyInfo"></a>
## MyInfo
MyInfo(<a href="#MyInfo-foo">foo</a>, <a href="#MyInfo-bar">bar</a>)
### Fields
<table class="params-table">
<col class="col-param" />
<col class="col-description" />
<tr id="MyInfo-foo">
<p>Something foo-related.</p>
<tr id="MyInfo-bar">
<p>Something bar-related.</p>
<a name="#exercise_the_api"></a>
## exercise_the_api
<a name="#my_rule_impl"></a>
## my_rule_impl
my_rule_impl(<a href="#my_rule_impl-ctx">ctx</a>)
### Parameters
<table class="params-table">
<col class="col-param" />
<col class="col-description" />
<tr id="my_rule_impl-ctx">