blob: 8ed380c65b69910262c773f6b47c0390dcfa34d8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
<!-- Generated with Stardoc: -->
<a name="#allowlisted_dep_rule"></a>
## allowlisted_dep_rule
allowlisted_dep_rule(<a href="#allowlisted_dep_rule-name">name</a>, <a href="#allowlisted_dep_rule-first">first</a>, <a href="#allowlisted_dep_rule-second">second</a>)
This is the dep rule. It does stuff.
### Attributes
<table class="params-table">
<col class="col-param" />
<col class="col-description" />
<tr id="allowlisted_dep_rule-name">
<a href="">Name</a>; required
A unique name for this target.
<tr id="allowlisted_dep_rule-first">
<a href="">Label</a>; required
dep's my_rule doc string
<tr id="allowlisted_dep_rule-second">
<a href="">Dictionary: String -> String</a>; required
<a name="#my_rule"></a>
## my_rule
my_rule(<a href="#my_rule-name">name</a>, <a href="#my_rule-first">first</a>, <a href="#my_rule-second">second</a>)
This is my rule. It does stuff.
### Attributes
<table class="params-table">
<col class="col-param" />
<col class="col-description" />
<tr id="my_rule-name">
<a href="">Name</a>; required
A unique name for this target.
<tr id="my_rule-first">
<a href="">Label</a>; required
first my_rule doc string
<tr id="my_rule-second">
<a href="">Dictionary: String -> String</a>; required